Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife

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Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife Page 13

by Mary Goldberger

  “Unfortunately, although I’ve enjoyed meeting you Delilah,” Jassi complimented reaching out to shake her hand.

  Delilah scrunched up her nose before shaking her head and pulled Jassi into a hug that Jassi returned full heartedly.

  “Thank you,” Jassi whispered, and Delilah didn’t say a word knowing what the young woman was saying.

  “Jassi,” Waren called quietly. “We need to go pack, honey.”

  Jassi broke away from Delilah nodding her head at Waren allowing him to usher her out of the living room and up the stairs to their room where they each took a shower and changed before they started packing.

  Waren teased her the entire time they packed and when they were done, he looked around the room before saying, “We have been here for three days and yet you’ve only slept in the bed once and without me.”

  Jassi laughed sliding on a denim jacket teasing him. “Maybe when reach home, you’ll let me sleep in your bed.”

  Waren’s eyes lit up with agreement as he told her in a low passion filled voice. “If that’s an offer, then I’m more than willing to accept it.”

  Jassi’s mouth dropped open in astonishment but she giggled before telling him. “We shall see.”

  Waren liked the sound of that and he showed her by pulling her close kissing her without restraint.

  A knock on the door separated them, but Waren didn’t let go as he called out ‘yes’ smiling down at Jassi.

  “Waren,” came Pricilla’s soft voice before she opened the door, “can I speak with you for a moment?”

  Waren sighed putting his forehead against Jassi’s watching her eyes grow dim but she uttered quietly, “See what she wants, Waren.”

  She gave him a light kiss before she eased out of his arms and grabbing both their bags, Jassi headed for the door where Pricilla stood.

  “So trusting,” Pricilla replied in an absent tone. “Are you not worried that we will do something when you leave?”

  Jassi stopped and stared at her before saying with sincerity. “Waren may be my husband, but we all know under what circumstances so I can’t begrudge him if he wants some time alone with the woman who his heart may still yearn for and I won’t because he deserves better than that.”

  Jassi turned for the door before she stopped adding quietly. “And to answer your question, I trust him. Waren won’t dishonor himself or me, and even more you by doing that. He will divorce me first before anything else.”

  After saying her piece, Jassi continued out the door unaware of the look on her husband’s face neither did she see the triumphant on Pricilla’s.

  Waren stared after his wife before he smiled turning to Pricilla. “What did you want to talk with me about, Pricilla? We have to get going soon.”

  Pricilla nibbled on her lip before she said slowly, “I hope that you are not getting too attached to Jassi that you don’t plan on divorcing at the end of the month. I’ve heard some rumors about Jassi’s family. They seemed to hope that you fall in love with her so you don’t want to get a divorce. If that’s true, then Jassi probably was in on it the entire time.”

  Waren’s eyes went hard speaking in a low voice. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  Pricilla sighed before walking over and reaching out putting a comforting hand on his arm. “I’m only trying to warn you that they may have set the whole thing up so that they can live off you and your family.”

  Jassi was in the living room saying ‘goodbye’ to Delilah and Craig when Waren joined them his face a hard mask, and he wouldn’t look at Jassi, which confused her.

  Once in the car and on the way home, Jassi hesitantly asked, “Is something wrong, Waren?”

  Waren glanced over at her seeing the bewildered look in her eyes at his strange behavior and something told him he couldn’t believe what Pricilla told him.

  He forced himself to push it aside before telling her with a strain smile. “It’s nothing, sweetheart, only I would like to have a few more days with you before we go back to work.”

  Jassi didn’t quite believe him thinking that he hadn’t wanted to leave Pricilla. She almost told him that he could’ve given Pricilla a lift dropping Jassi off before spending the evening with her, but for the first time in her life, she was selfish and wanted Waren to herself at least for the next two weeks before their marriage would officially be over and he could ask for a divorce.

  Thinking about it, Jassi stared out the front window watching the scenery go by each of them lost in their own thoughts.

  Back at Waren’s apartment, Jassi unpacked their clothes while Waren called the office only to have to go in.

  “Do you think you will be home for dinner,” Jassi asked watching him slide on the suit jacket that went with the suit he changed into with ease.

  Waren hesitated briefly before he shook his head going over to kiss her lightly on the forehead. “I’ll just pick something up on the way home.”

  Jassi nodded her head giving him a brief smile before walking him to the door and once he was gone, she allowed the tears that she had been holding back to fall.

  For the rest of the week, there was a tension between Jassi and Waren until finally Jassi had enough and decided to move back to the family home.

  Waren came home to find Jassi in the bedroom almost packed and he stopped in the doorway.

  “What are you doing,” he asked his tone stiff and angry.

  Jassi didn’t even look up from folding the clothe when she answered. “I’m moving back to your father’s for the time being.”

  She closed the case and zipped it up lifting it off the bed only for it to be snatched from her hand and thrown to the floor.

  Waren grabbed her by the arms and yanked her up on her toes as he snarled, “What game are you playing with me?”

  Jassi was confused by the question but answered him honestly. “I’m not playing any game, Waren, but there is so much tension in this apartment that neither of us is comfortable. This is your home so the one that should leave is me.”

  Waren stared down at the woman he held in a tight grip and he was lost falling into her eyes seeing his own confusion, and bewilderment, echoed there.

  He moaned closing his eyes tightly before he spun around and fell back on the bed holding her tightly to his body.

  “I’ve missed your laughter this last week,” he admitted opening his eyes to stare up at her. “I don’t know why I haven’t tried to breach the wall we erected between us since our return from Craig and Delilah’s, and yet…”

  “You missed Pricilla,” Jassi finished for him bracing her arms on the bed. She shifted her weight so she could lift one hand to trace the frown lines on his forehead continuing. “I know it must be hard for you to be married when you love someone else.”

  Waren dropped his head back against the bed hearing her words and Jassi frowned down at him.

  “Waren, I do understand,” Jassi tried to tell him and Waren shook his head once before he rolled them over so he was hovering over her.

  “No, Jassi, you don’t,” he uttered a second before his lips came down roughly on hers and Jassi opened her mouth in shock only for it to be snatched away by his passionate kiss.

  He continued kissing her until they both needed some air and he broke off the kiss breathing heavily resting against her.

  “A week,” Jassi muttered her eyes dazed and unfocused before she lifted her arms slowly putting them around his neck and making a decision that would cause her heartache in the future. “Show me what it means to be a real woman, Waren, as my husband.”

  Waren pulled back at her words but he couldn’t see a lie or deceit in her face, and he groaned unable to deny such a request as he went back down for another kiss only for Jassi to meet him halfway.

  Jassi didn’t think about anything else except Waren’s kiss and when his hand began to travel over her, she didn’t stop him and even allowed her own to discover him.

  Outside, the sun began to go down but neither one was aware of the nig
ht coming upon them nor did they care for this night was just for them.

  Later that evening, Waren carried in a plate of cookies that Jassi had picked up earlier that day and she smiled with a blush as she sat up in bed tucking the sheet around her.

  Waren laughed walking over to the bed and leaning down to kiss her before handing her the plate and then crawling back in beside her.

  They snacked on the cookies while making small talk and once done, Waren relaxed against the bed pulling Jassi down onto his chest running a hand through her hair.

  “Ever since you moved in,” he suddenly revealed, “I’ve enjoyed coming home.”

  Jassi tilted her head back to look at him before she smiled. “I’m glad that you’ve liked my presence in your home, and I must admit I like having someone to come home to myself. It’s nice to hear ‘I’m home’ when you come through the door.”

  Waren chuckled his chest vibrating from the sound and Jassi laid her head on it loving the feel of it against her.

  “We should get some sleep,” Waren suggested running a hand down her back.

  “We should,” Jassi agreed lightly kissing his chest and she giggled when Waren turned her over with a wicked look on his face.

  “But I’m not tired yet,” he told her with roguish grin and Jassi’s giggle was cut off just as Waren reached over turning the lamp off that she had turned on not so long ago. “I will be gentle…”

  Jassi lifted her hands and lowered his head to her. “Waren, just kiss me.”

  Waren’s bark of laughter was cut off when he lowered his head and did just as his wife ordered, he kissed her without restraint and all the emotion he was feeling which she met equally.

  The next morning, Waren called Mrs. Chester to cancel any appointments he had and Jassi called to ask a friend to switch shifts with her for that evening.

  Both people were surprised by the requests so immediately agreed while Waren and Jassi went off to spend the day together.

  It was a day that neither would forget as they went to an amusement park in the next county eating cotton candy and riding roller coasters. In general, they acted like teenagers and yet neither cared how others were viewing them while they joked and laughed.

  That night, Waren took her out for a lovely meal and even though it wasn’t an expensive meal, they each had a good time listening to the music that the restaurant played and swapping stories about their life.

  Waren learned from Jassi’s stories that she had been happy when she lived with her mother and father until her mother suddenly walked out on them although from what Jassi said, Waren believed she had a good idea why her mother left.

  He had learned at Delilah and Craig’s house about her parents dying in a car crash, but Jassi admitted that her father had hired a PI to find her mother and while coming home, they were probably arguing which caused her dad not to see the light change or the oncoming truck.

  Soon after the funeral, she went to live with her grandmother, aunt and cousins, and she stopped there but Waren saw the way her eyes shadowed and the tightening of her lips.

  He reached out a hand covering her own before he told her about his childhood and Jassi’s mouth turned up at the corners listening to the antics he and his brother got into.

  “A playboy, huh,” Jassi teased when he made a mention about the girls he dated in high school.

  “My brother was worse,” Waren protested, but Jassi laughed shaking her head at him as she finished her dessert.

  Waren studied his wife with smiling eyes and he was about to suggest something when his name was called.


  He looked up only to mentally scowl seeing the woman who walked over to them and he sent Jassi a grimacing look, which confused her for a second until the woman arrived at the table and made herself comfortable with a challenging look at Jassi.

  “For old, intimate friends,” she cooed slanting Waren another gaze.

  “Of course,” Jassi replied taking a sip of her drink before putting it back down on the table. “I have no problems with him coincidentally running into intimate friends because after all, I’m the one going home with him.”

  “Really,” the woman stated smugly tossing her hair over her shoulder. “How sure can you be about that?”

  “Oh pretty sure,” Jassi responded confidently leaning forward on the table. “After all, I’m his wife and this is our anniversary.”

  Waren couldn’t hold back his smile at his wife’s quick wit while the woman in question mouth dropped open in stunned surprise before turning to him.

  “Waren, tell me it isn’t true,” she pouted reaching out to grab his hand.

  Waren avoided it by reaching for Jassi’s hand resting on the table. “Oh, it is so let me introduce you officially to my wife, Jassi Glenson.”

  The woman looked like a fish with her mouth opening and closing like it did before she stammered out a ‘hello’ and then made a hasty retreat.

  Jassi and Waren kept a straight face until they were in the car heading home when Jassi started laughing so hard that she fell back against the seat.

  “I didn’t know that you had it in you, Mrs. Glenson,” Waren told her giving her a stern look that was ruined by his own laughter.

  Jassi winked at him watching as he drove them home, and she smiled softly her body humming with passion and something else…something she didn’t want to put a name to just yet.

  Once reaching home, Waren didn’t wait after locking the door to pick Jassi up and carrying her to the bedroom where they enjoyed the rest of their evening.

  The week flew by fast with each making as much time for each other with their busy schedules and Waren worried as the week ended knowing that there were only two days left until their one-year anniversary.

  Pricilla had already called to remind him about what they discussed the last time they saw each other although she called him frequently in the last two weeks.

  Waren made a decision that same day after getting off the phone with Pricilla.

  He packed his briefcase and headed out of his office where he told Mrs. Chester that he was going home to spend the evening with his wife getting her glow of approval before waving him away.

  He smiled when he let himself in the house about to call out ‘I’m home’ when the phone rung and he picked up the phone in the hall about to put it back down when he heard Jassi answer it from the bedroom.

  “Jassi,” the older voice said her tone soft and caring, and Waren felt uneasiness that he couldn’t deny which stopped him from hanging up the phone.

  “Grandma,” Jassi said her tone guarded causing Waren to frown.

  “I hear that you and Waren have grown quite close in these last few months,” Dylan stated in a charming voice.

  “We have,” Jassi confirmed unsure of where this conversation was going.

  “That’s good,” Dylan said with a smile. “So you two don’t need to get a divorce, and…”

  Jassi frowned sitting down on the edge of the bed stating slowly. “No, if Waren doesn’t want to get one.”

  “Good, good,” Dylan repeated.

  There was a brief moment of silence and Waren’s hand tightened on the receiver not liking what he thought was going to happen next.

  “Then you don’t mind helping us out,” Dylan suddenly asked, and Jassi felt as if her heart clenched in her chest.

  “What,” Jassi whispered. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s simple,” she heard her aunt say loudly hinting that their speakerphone was on. “You will stay married to Waren Glenson and using his money, we can do whatever we want. After all, we will be in-laws of a prominent family.”

  Chapter 10

  Jassi was reeling from the shock of what she had just been told and her mind unable to deal with it lashed out although the only thing that came out was in a whisper.


  Dylan laughed on the other end. “Oh, yes my dear, why do you think I picked you out of all my gran
ddaughter’s? I knew that you could actually get pass that wariness and make them like you, and maybe Waren would be attracted to you. For how long, I wasn’t sure but we will live comfortably until he gets tired of you.”

  Jassi held back the sob that almost came free before she uttered in a devastated voice, “You said…you said that it was only to clear our debt with them, nothing more.”

  Dylan sighed before telling Jassi bluntly. “It was, but we are penniless. Being connected through marriage to a family who isn’t, is better for us since we know that you won’t deny us anything.”

  Unaware that Waren was listening in or another person was eavesdropping with her own agenda, Dylan went on. “Who would’ve thought that after I seduced the man that could’ve been Waren’s grandfather away his grandmother would marry a man who, at the time, wasn’t wealthy but made his fortune over the years?”

  Jassi put a hand to her mouth tears flowing freely down her face when her cousin Freya snidely added. “So stay married to Waren until he gets tired of you and then what money he gives you in the settlement you can give us since you owe grandma for taking you in…”

  “Which should’ve never happened,” Dylan exclaimed suddenly her tone full of anger. “I gave your mother enough money to leave and take you with her, but she had to be greedy and leave by herself abandoning you with my son. My idiot son couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to chase after her causing both of them to die when I had a wealthy woman all set up for him to marry.”

  Jassi closed her eyes sliding off the bed to her knees on the floor before she asked, “How did you know that Waren and I have gotten close?”

  “Oh, I have my ways,” Dylan hinted on a mocking laugh.

  “Personally, I loved the slap in your face when Waren left with his ex-girlfriend who I hear is waiting for Waren to divorce you so they can finally get married,” Glynis taunted.

  Jassi clenched her hand tightly in her lap while her thoughts started making connections. “Pricilla knew about the wedding because you invited her and she probably is the one who has been keeping you informed…”


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