Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife

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Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife Page 14

by Mary Goldberger

  “I don’t believe I said that,” Dylan admonished in a clever voice. “And if I was you, dear, I wouldn’t be trying to smear someone’s name particularly the woman that your husband still has feelings for.”

  Jassi raised a shaky hand to her head feeling everything crash down around her hearing the contempt in her grandmother’s voice and the gloating in her aunts, not mentioning her cousins in the background.

  Jassi sat perfectly still while her grandmother advised her. “Just keep Waren happy for now, dear…”

  Her aunt chided in. “Although how long you can keep that up is anyone’s guess because I’m sure sooner or later, he will get bored with you.”

  The mocking laughter vibrated in Jassi’s head as she slowly pulled the phone from her ear and turned it off not hearing the next words her cousin uttered although Waren did.

  “Don’t worry, Jassi, once he is done with you maybe I can hook you up with one of my old boyfriends. Many have commented how they would pay me to help them get you into bed.”

  The clicking of the phone startled them, but they laughed unable to see the fury that their words had created in Waren who stood in the hallway for some time before quietly leaving the apartment going to the only other person who could clear up a few things for him.

  He walked into his father’s house not even twenty minutes later heading straight for the living room where the family gathered before dinner, which was a norm Bowen had established some years back.

  “Dad, I need to know,” Waren stated without beating around the bush. “Why did you force me to marry Jassi and don’t tell me it was just because of the debt they owe us?”

  Bowen stared at his oldest son before glancing behind him. “Is Jassi with you?”

  Waren shook his head a quizzical look on his face until his father explained. “I don’t want Jassi to know this, but I wasn’t the one who forced the issue with the marriage. Dylan, Jassi’s grandmother, was the one who did saying that it was the only way they could repay what they owed us. I would’ve written it off not wanting to deal with them, but Dylan persisted and I thought maybe it would help you.”

  Bowen shook his head adding, “I heard rumors about Dylan’s youngest granddaughter, but I never met her until the day of the wedding and when I learned she had picked the youngest one, I was livid believing what I had been told. When we learned together that Jassi wasn’t what I thought, I was shocked and even more when I thought about what that meant.”

  “Her grandmother used her,” Brody stated sitting on the crouch next to his wife.

  Waren turned to them at his brother’s words while Siria explained. “Dylan and her family have been spending heavily in the year since your marriage, and yet I can’t see how they are doing it because Jassi never gave them access to the account you set up for her…”

  Three pairs of eyes swung to her before she even finished uttering the words and her eyes widened at what she had revealed.

  “What are you talking about,” Waren asked in a sharp voice. “What does the account I set up for Jassi have anything to do with her family?”

  Siria shook her head before Brody said, “You know something, don’t you, honey? Tell us.”

  With a heavy sigh, Siria stated clearly. “Jassi is going to kill me.”

  Bowen frowned leaning forward in his chair while Waren asked in agitation, “Siria, just tell me please.”

  Siria looked at her brother-in-law before she revealed. “Jassi hasn’t touched the account you set up for her the day after you were married. She cut up the card and ripped the checkbook to shreds the same day dad gave it to her.”

  Waren jerked up pulling out his cell from his pocket where he called his bank and talked to the supervisor asking about their accounts.

  He collapsed back in his seat with a look of anguish on his face uttering ‘thank you’ before hanging up.

  “Waren,” Brody called seeing the deep tan of his brother’s face turn pale.

  “All of it is there,” Waren told them. “Jassi hasn’t touched a penny of the money that I’ve put in her account every month since the day we were married.”

  “But she’s bought things,” Bowen protested.

  “Jassi works, dad,” Siria reminded him. “When she needs something, Jassi buys it from her own personal account.”

  Waren glanced at her sharply and Siria sighed before getting up from the couch leaving the room.

  “We misjudged her,” Bowen stated in a shocked voice falling back against his chair. “I judged her because of who her grandmother was.”

  Waren closed his eyes putting a hand to his head recalling Jassi’s words from a week ago when she talked about her father.

  “It was her father,” Waren suddenly said getting his father and brother’s attention.

  Bowen frowned before he admitted thoughtfully. “I heard that Jassi’s father left the family because he married someone that his mother thought was beneath him and started his own business. In fact, the business he started was doing well until his unfortunate accident.”

  “What happened to that business,” Brody asked after he and Waren exchanged looks.

  Bowen’s brow pucker at the question before he admitted, “I’m not sure although I thought I heard something about Dylan selling it.”

  “Owing her,” Waren muttered in a hard voice unaware of the confused looks that his father and brother gave him.

  Siria returned with an envelope in her hand, which she handed to Waren.

  “This came for Jassi a few days ago.”

  Waren glanced at the envelope his eyes brows rising as he turned it over and opened it.

  “Jassi holds an account at the same bank as the one Waren set up for her,” Siria explained seeing the look Brody threw her.

  Waren glanced at the detailed summary report of Jassi’s account and he couldn’t help but smile.

  “Who would’ve thought,” he muttered shaking his head holding the papers in his hands closing his eyes. Without opening his eyes, he revealed. “Although the account I made for her has over twenty thousand dollars in it, her own account has more than two thousand in it. She pays her car insurance and a school loan, but other than that, Jassi doesn’t have any other bills.”

  “Her car she bought used at a good deal,” Siria told them picking up her coffee cup. “I believe she has one credit card, but I don’t think she uses it unless it is necessary and it has a decent limit on it.”

  “How do you know,” Bowen asked roughly.

  “The report was lying open one day on Jassi’s bed when I went in to ask her something,” Siria replied putting down her cup. “Jassi joking said that it was her stash so when it was time for her to leave, she wouldn’t have to worry about money at the last minute.”

  Waren’s eyes snapped open at that comment and he sat up in his seat.

  “Has Jassi mentioned anything about a divorce,” Waren asked his voice hesitatingly over the word.

  Siria frowned shaking her head before admitting in her quiet voice, “No, Waren, Jassi never talked to me about your divorce although…”

  “Although,” three voices prodded when she stopped talking.

  Siria exclaimed in a rush, “Jassi may have a plan that she hasn’t revealed to anyone. In the year you’ve been married, I’ve learned that Jassi may seem quiet but if there is something she really wants to do then nothing can stop or deter her.”

  Waren’s face went even whiter as he jumped from his chair and started for the door.

  “Waren what is wrong,” Bowen ordered in a loud voice.

  Waren turned to his family and uttered in a devastated voice. “Jassi’s grandmother called today letting Jassi know that they learned we had gotten close over the last few months. They basically told her to stay married to me until I get tired of her so they can live off being in-laws of a prominent family.”

  Bowen’s jaw clenched as Brody muttered, “Bastards” while Siria put a hand to her mouth her eyes widening with horror at what Waren was
telling them.

  “Jassi learned this evening that she was picked to be my wife because of the fact that she was innocent of all the granddaughters. It was a gamble hoping that I would be attracted to her and decided to stay married a little longer before I tossed her away,” Waren continued talking his voice growing harder as he revealed everything he heard on that conversation.

  Bowen collapsed against the chair closing his eyes his voice rough with emotion. “Oh poor Jassi, she’s suffered so much from all our hands.”

  “It’s not fair,” Siria shouted standing up her eyes shooting angrily at the men in the room. “Jassi didn’t do a damn thing wrong except marry into this family because she thought she was helping her grandmother and now she learns that she was nothing more than a tool. For almost a year, she has lived quietly rarely being noticed because she couldn’t eat at the dinner table with us.” She turned accusing eyes to Waren. “Jassi was doing her job and for the first time, you had to take notice of her. Why couldn’t you just leave her alone?”

  The last part was a scream and Siria rushed toward the door when suddenly Waren’s words stopped her causing everyone to stare at him in shock.

  “Because from the moment I saw her, everything changed inside of me.”

  They all looked at him until Bowen muttered, “I don’t understand, Waren. You barely looked at her on your wedding day.”

  “I did,” Waren revealed hanging his head. “And I recognized her from the moment I saw her. Two years ago, those same eyes caught my attention in a restaurant where I met up with friends. Her laughter, for the first time since Pricilla left, ignited something in me and I couldn’t help taking notice of her.”

  “Two years ago,” Brody repeated thoughtfully before he gasped in shock. “It was the night that you rushed me off the phone saying that your friends were calling for you, but instead you wanted…”

  “By the time I returned, she was gone,” Waren admitted clenching his fists tightly. “And no matter what I did, I couldn’t find her until the day of our wedding which coincidentally is the same day I finally learned her first name.”

  Two hours later, Waren returned home calling out wearily after he entered. “I’m home.”

  He was surprised when Jassi came out of the living room with a smile although he could tell that she had been crying even if he hadn’t heard her.

  “Welcome home,” she told him walking over and wrapping her arms around him.

  Waren could feel her shaking and without a second thought, he closed his arms tightly around her.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart,” he asked in a soothing voice mentally pleading that she would tell him.

  For a second there, he thought she would when her body stilled but she shook her head and relaxed in his hold.

  “Nothing, just work related,” she told him keeping her eyes reverted so he wouldn’t see her lie. “I made dinner, but you may have already eaten so…”

  “No, I haven’t,” Waren cut in squeezing her waist. “I was busy today and I didn’t have a chance to eat anything.”

  Jassi smiled up at him stepping back from his arms and taking his hand, she led him through the living room into the kitchen.

  “Then I suggest we get you something to eat,” she joked. “I don’t want Mrs. Chester calling me to complain that I don’t take care of you properly.”

  Waren sat down watching Jassi closely wondering what was going through her mind and wishing that the doubt he had about her motives wasn’t there.

  She put a plate of food in front of him and he began to eat only to realize that she hadn’t sat down to join him.

  “Jassi, are you going to eat,” he asked slowly putting down his fork turning his head to look at her.

  Jassi forced herself to turn around and smile at him. “I had a small plate earlier while I was cooking so I’m not really hungry at the moment. You go ahead and eat while I clean these few dishes.”

  She turned around quickly so he didn’t see the tears that filled her eyes and started to slide down her cheeks.

  “So,” she said clearing her throat quietly, “what happened today that stopped you from having a meal?”

  Waren hesitated for a second before he calmly talked about a meeting that he had although she wasn’t to know he canceled it.

  “Oh,” she stated sometime later when they were lying in bed, “I will be working the night shift for the next five days. We’ve had some nurses come down sick and needing some relief nurses, my schedule was changed.”

  Waren nodded his head cradling his arm behind his head while curling his other one around Jassi as she nestled up against his side.

  “I have some projects that are going to require my attention for the next few days so now I don’t have to worry about you being home alone,” Waren replied with a smile kissing the tip of her nose.

  Jassi smiled back before turning her head into his shoulder resting her cheek on the sinew hardness underneath her.

  Both laid there in their own private thoughts sleep coming uneasy that they had barely closed their eyes when the alarm was sounding to let them know it was time to get up.

  The next two days went by quickly that on their anniversary, Jassi made sure that she was working a late shift. She had lied to Waren when she said that they had changed her schedule. After calming down from talking with her grandmother, she had called the hospital herself telling them that she had some personal issues and asked to switch shifts with someone. It had been easier than she had thought, and during her free time while Waren worked Jassi got everything situated.

  By this time tomorrow, Jassi thought while she worked, everything will be finished and she would be gone.

  She wasn’t going to let her grandmother and her family use her to take from Waren’s family the hard work they achieved by not wasting away what they were given.

  As much as she loved Waren, and she could admit it freely now, she wasn’t going to do that to him. He already had to marry her because of her grandmother’s manipulation so she wasn’t going to let him be victimized by them anymore.

  The fact that she had been the one more victimized by all of them never even crossed her mind.

  Her last shift ended early the next morning and Jassi walked out to her car with a weary sigh sliding in the driver’s seat before closing her eyes.

  Everything was done and the hospital already informed her that the transfer had been approved. She was scheduled to start in two weeks and Jassi closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

  Her heart ached and tears slipped down her face, but she wiped them away before pulling her hair out of its braid and shaking it lose.

  She reached over and opened her glove compartment taking out the notes she had placed in their handling them gently before she took a deep breath letting it out slowly.

  “It is time,” she whispered to herself tapping the notes against her palm.

  With a nod of her head, she put the envelopes in her lap and started the car driving out of the parking lot.

  Within minutes, she was on her way home, but only for a brief stop off hoping that it was one of those days when Waren had to go in early.

  She was in luck because he was leaving as she was arriving and he waved pointing to his watch letting her know that he had a meeting before mimicking for her to call him.

  Jassi nodded her head giving him a smile before she pulled into the parking garage. She wasn’t taking anything with her since she had packed a small suitcase and tucked away in the trunk of her car when she moved into Waren’s apartment. Since she had planned to leave anyway, she prepared not realizing then how hard it was going to be.

  Going up slowly to their apartment, Jassi mentally wondered when she started calling it that, she was glad in a way that she had prepared because if she had to pack now, then she didn’t think she could do it.

  She did a slow walk through the apartment before going back to the door and with an unsteady hand, she placed the note on the table that Waren used every e
vening when he arrived home.

  She laid her hand on it feeling the key that Waren had given her before she had officially moved into the apartment and she blinked back tears turning to the door. Making sure that it locked behind her, Jassi closed the door with a quiet ‘click’ her heart breaking at the small sound.

  Ten minutes later, Jassi was heading out of town the last two notes were going to the post office to be delivered. Although the one to Waren’s family should’ve been given to them directly but she couldn’t face them after everything she learned.

  Once the letters were dropped off, Jassi left town without a backward glance although she left her heart behind even if he didn’t want it.

  Waren glanced at his watch and frowned wondering why Jassi was taking so long to phone him. Ever since they started working opposite schedules, if they didn’t see each other in the morning, Jassi would call him at the office merely to say hello.

  Today she was running late which was odd considering the fact that he saw her when he was leaving.

  Waren had an uneasy feeling and he started to get to his feet just as the phone on his desk rung.

  “Jassi, what…” he began when he picked up the phone only to be silenced when Mrs. Chester informed him that Pricilla was waiting to speak with him.

  “Send her in,” he told her. “But call me in ten minutes.”

  Mrs. Chester nodded her head privately wondering why he wanted to be interrupted waving Pricilla inside.

  Pricilla walked inside the office closing the door behind her before turning to face Waren who settled calmly behind his desk hands clasped together in front of him.

  “Pricilla,” he greeted her with a brief nod of his head. “What may I do for you today?”

  Pricilla allowed a sad sigh to come from her overly painted lips before she said quietly. “I tried to warn you, honey, about your wife. Now I have proof that your wife and her family plan on cheating you.”

  Waren raised his eyebrows bringing his fingertips to his lips while Pricilla reached inside her purse pulling out a tape player.


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