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Inferno: Alien Castaways 5 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

Page 14

by Cara Bristol

  After a quick rinse, he lifted her against the shower wall and slid into her. Slick heat closed around his cock in an explosion of pleasure, and he groaned. She wrapped her legs around his hips and gripped his ass with her heels.

  Their lips clung as they found their rhythm, moving in sync, climbing to the peak of passion. Her shuddering cry of ecstasy ignited his orgasm, and he bellowed as his body convulsed in rapture.

  Panting, they rested against the wall, lukewarm water cascading over them. He pressed light kisses to her face. She sought his mouth in a languorous caress. “We should get out before we run out of hot water.”

  They disengaged, she shut off the tap, and they stepped out of the shower. He patted her dry with a soft, thick cloth before toweling himself.

  She made a face. “My hair will be a lost cause, but I should dry it a little.”

  He watched with fascination when she wielded a large gun blowing hot air.

  She glanced at him. “You look like you’ve never seen a hair dryer before.”

  “I haven’t.”

  When her hair dried to her satisfaction, she lowered the lid on the toilet. “Sit.”

  He did as she ordered, and she repeated the procedure on him, drying his hair while rubbing his scalp with her fingers, her gentle, sensuous touch rekindling his desire. The towel wrapped around his waist tented.

  In the bedroom, they made love again, and, finally sated, curled up in each other’s arms as the pink light of dawn seeped through the window blinds. A tumultuous night had melted away to the promise of a new day, a new life. All the hardship and worries he’d faced had been worth it.

  He could see her eyelids drooping, and sleep tugged at his own. He kissed her. “Sleep.”

  “I love you. I’m so sorry for having doubted you, for resisting our bond.”

  “That you love me, and I love you is all that matters. The rest was just the journey to get here.”

  With that, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


  Two weeks later

  “He’s just sitting there.” Geneva peeked out the kitchen window at Tigre morosely nursing a beer.

  “This is an improvement,” Meadow whispered, although he couldn’t hear them. “When he’s not moping around, holding a pity party for one, he’s snarling at people. Psy suggested he phone Kat, and Tigre almost bit his head off.”

  “His behavior is out of character,” Kevanne agreed. “Tigre has always been the calmest, most levelheaded one. That’s why they chose him as leader of the Castaway when they came to Earth, Chameleon told me.”

  “Pain makes people grouchy. Inferno said swollen mating glands are uncomfortable,” Geneva said.

  “I hear they are, but Tigre has an antidote. He just won’t take it,” Meadow said.

  “Men! They’re so stubborn.”

  The women nodded in agreement.

  “Are we ready to barbecue?” Geneva asked.

  “I think so,” said Meadow, who was in charge of the meal prep.

  “I’ll cue Inferno, then.”

  She poked her head into the great room where the men—sans Tigre—watched a game on TV. “We’re ready!”

  “Okay!” Inferno jumped up and trotted off to the patio. The other men followed him out.

  Geneva and the women watched through the kitchen window as he shot flames from his fingertips. When the briquettes began to burn, he doused his flame and flashed a thumbs-up.

  “That is so amazing,” Mandy gushed. “I got such a clear vision of you two together, but I never had an inkling he could do that.”

  “All the ’Topians are amazing,” Geneva agreed, although she thought Inferno was the most amazing. In the past couple of weeks, she’d gotten to know the castaways and their genmates quite well. She and Inferno had grown so close, it seemed like they had been together forever, but the bond worked that way, the women had explained.

  As Meadow’s beans bubbled on the stove and pies baked in the oven, the women worked on the rest of the meal, chopping vegetables for the salad, shucking corn, and mixing up a batch of potato salad. Outside, Wingman and Psy pushed two picnic tables together to form a long one then covered it with a colorful plastic tablecloth.

  “They’re probably ready for the meat now.” Geneva retrieved the huge platter from the fridge and carried it outside, setting it on the table beside the barbecue. Inferno grabbed her in a lingering kiss. Giggling, she swatted his behind and dashed to the kitchen.

  He slapped the burgers on the grill, and, after Psy had tossed each man a beer from the cooler, the men stood around and tended the barbecue.

  After the burgers were cooked, the men brought them in. Everyone served themselves and carried their plates outside to eat on the picnic table. Geneva relished the loud, boisterous conversation and the sense of family.

  “When are you moving into the farmhouse?” Delia asked.

  “The end of next month,” she replied. “I had to give my landlord a month’s notice.” Since she and Inferno had become inseparable, living together had been the natural next step, and it seemed more practical for her to move into the roomy farmhouse than for him to squeeze into her tiny bungalow. She and Inferno planned to get married next year and had booked the gazebo at Kevanne’s lavender farm. Inferno had given her a rose quartz engagement ring. It wasn’t a traditional betrothal symbol, but then they weren’t a traditional couple. Uncle Mike had agreed to perform the ceremony—insisted, actually. Geneva doubted he would have allowed anyone else to marry them.

  “When you’re ready, we’ll all help move you,” Psy said.

  “Thank you. It should be a light load. I don’t have that much to pack.” Geneva looked at Kevanne. “How did my uncle’s service go this morning?”

  “He got quite a crowd. He preached from the gazebo,” she said. “I think his parishioners enjoyed having the service outdoors on such a beautiful spring day.”

  “From the house, we could hear them singing,” Chameleon said.

  “You’re so nice for letting him use the lavender farm for Sunday services while the church is being rebuilt.”

  “My pleasure.” She winked. “Besides, it’s good for business. Quite a few parishioners stopped in the gift shop after the service.”

  “What will they do if it rains?” Meadow asked.

  “Pastor Mike worked out a deal with my boss to use the Whitetail Saloon,” Delia explained.

  After the men did the dishes, the women cut and served the pie, and they reconvened outside, settling into comfortable lawn chairs around the fire pit. Dusk cast a rosy glow over the tree line. Wingman stacked some wood in the pit, and Inferno once again did the honors and lit it on fire.

  “Come join the party!” Psy waved at Tigre who’d set his chair apart from the rest of them.

  The Saberian glowered but inched his chair closer.

  “Where’s Izzy tonight?” Kevanne inquired of Delia’s daughter.

  “She’s spending the night at Molly’s. Those two are like conjoined twins,” Delia replied.

  “Molly?” Geneva asked.

  “Her best friend whose family owns a horse ranch. Izzy is crazy about horses. There’s no way I can compete with her bestie and a horse,” she chuckled, and then sobered. “I’m so glad Izzy is thriving.”

  It’s what any parent would want, Geneva thought.

  “I didn’t get to hear the whole story of what happened with the church burning,” Meadow said. “I heard your ex-husband did it?”

  “Yeah.” She shook her head, still shocked. “Trenton had been stalking me for months. I had no idea it had been going on that long. He’d been fired from his job, his girlfriend broke up with him, and his life in general fell apart, so he got it into his head that we should hook up again. He guessed I wouldn’t want to see him, so he devised a story about having sold some property he’d purchased when we were married and faked some escrow documents. When Inferno and I started to get serious, he got desperate. He intended to start a sma
ll fire, plant Inferno’s rose quartz, and then report it to the fire department. However, the fire spread faster than he expected and got out of control.” She rested her hand on Inferno’s knee. “Fortunately, the cops figured out pretty fast Inferno was innocent and arrested Trenton.”

  “How did they determine he was the culprit?” Kevanne asked.

  “Gus from the bait shop was out walking his dog and remembered seeing Trenton’s car parked outside the church. He got a partial license plate number, and the cops traced it to Trenton’s apartment. They got a warrant and searched his car. The idiot had the gas can in the trunk! As it happened, Gus’s dog had peed on Trenton’s car. They took a swab, got a urine sample from the dog, and were able to put Trenton at the scene of the crime. When they confronted him with the evidence, he broke down and confessed.”

  Geneva continued, “Kat Kelley said—”

  Tigre growled at the mention of the name.

  “Kat Kelley—” He growled again, popped a beer can tab and knocked back a swig.

  “The sergeant who took Inferno into custody came and told us what happened.” Kat had turned out to be quite apologetic, very nice, actually—until Geneva made the mistake of mentioning Tigre’s name. Then she’d bristled just like Tigre. The two were cut from the same cloth. Kat and Tigre. She chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Tigre’s amber eyes narrowed.

  “Kat and Tigre?”

  “I do not want that disagreeable woman as my genmate!”

  His ’Topian brothers laughed. “Too late. Your genetics have already chosen her,” Shadow said.

  “I am the master of me. We might share a mating gene, but I do not have to accept her.”

  “If it’s any consolation, Kat doesn’t like you, either,” Geneva said.

  With a roar, Tigre leaped out of his chair. “I would make a fine mate! But she will never know!” Tail swishing, he stalked into the house and slammed the door.

  “And I thought I was the grouchy one,” Wingman commented.

  “He’s got it bad,” Inferno said.

  “Yep,” Shadow said. “Looks like we’ll be welcoming another genmate into the fold soon.”

  “To Kat!” Inferno raised his glass, and they toasted Tigre’s future genmate.

  * * * *

  Thank you for reading Inferno. As you can tell from the epilogue, Tigre’s story will be the next book, coming in August 2021 Here’s a sneak peek at the blurb:

  When the feral fever strikes, more than tempers get hot…

  During an investigation, small town cop Kat Kelley encounters the most arresting man she’s ever seen. But before she can make her move, the soul-stirring, saber-toothed alien with topaz eyes growls at her. Who does that? This potential relationship is DOA, case closed. She’s confident her heart will fall in line once she immerses herself in the upcoming law enforcement training conference in Vegas.

  Tigre, a Saberian from planet ’Topia, instantly recognizes Kat as his genmate, so he doesn’t hesitate to let her know. That’s when everything goes wrong. By the disdainful curl of her lips, the stunning human lets him know she finds him lacking as a mate. Fine, then. Somehow, he will extinguish the feral fever’s burn—a little trip to Las Vegas ought to do it.

  What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Unless you wake up married to an alien.

  To be notified when Tigre: Alien Castaways 6 is released, sign up to receive my newsletter. You’ll get a FREE copy of KRASH: Dakonian Alien Mail Order Brides and some other free books to read while you wait. Get your book here: Keep reading to find out about the other Alien Castaways sci-fi romances.

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  Alien Castaways (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  All these books can be read as standalones

  Chameleon (Book 1)

  When you wish upon a falling star, er, UFO…

  Young widow Kevanne Girardi catches sight of a meteorite streaking across the sky and wishes for a good handyman to help make her rundown lavender farm a big success. Instead, she gets a shapeshifting alien who apparently has never seen a leaky faucet before. But his loving and noble spirit make him just the man to fix her wounded heart. He hasn’t promised her forever, but a girl can hope, can’t she? Maybe she’ll make another wish…

  When his ship tumbles out of the sky and lands on Earth, Chameleon never expects to fall for a human woman. Unfortunately, he can’t stay. He made a mistake that led to the devastation of an entire planet, and now the survivors are depending on him to get them to safety. He must repair his ship and leave before the Xeno Consortium finds him and Earth becomes endangered, too. But oh, he wishes he could stay with Kevanne forever…

  Can a twist of fate make their wishes come true?

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  Wingman (Book 2)

  He has wings, but this alien is no angel…

  Traumatized by the deaths of his family and the destruction of his planet, Wingman lands on Earth in search of a haven and the solitude to nurse his emotional wounds. When a chance decision foils a kidnapping, he’s drawn into the life of a young widow and her daughter. He’s shocked to discover the human woman is his genmate, the one he’s genetically bonded to.

  To escape a stalker, Delia and her imaginative, impressionable daughter flee to a small town where nobody can find them. She’s concerned, but not overly so, when her daughter says she’s invited an angel to her birthday party.

  Until the winged alien actually shows up. After a rocky start, Delia begins to see Wingman for what he really is—one of the kindest, most protective, sexiest men she’s ever met.

  But just as passion deepens their bond, dangers resurface to threaten Delia and her child. Will Wingman be able to confront the demons of his past to make the sacrifice necessary to protect them?

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  Psy (Book 3)

  She’s locked in a prison of silence. Can a mind-reading alien free her?

  Cassie Steward has not spoken a word. Ever. A congenital birth defect robbed her of the ability to speak. Craving independence from her overprotective, well-meaning mother, she gets a job at the antique store in their small town. Yet, the fact remains she’ll always need to write notes to communicate. Then she meets Psy, an alien with telepathic abilities. From the moment his mind touches hers, the universe seems within her grasp, and she envisions fulfilling all her dreams with Psy at her side.

  Soon after encountering the beautiful, shy Cassie, Psy realizes she’s his genmate. It doesn’t matter she can’t talk—he loves her as she is. But as their telepathic connection deepens, he begins to suspect her inability to speak is more than a congenital happenstance. Something far more sinister appears to be keeping her a virtual prisoner. He’s certain his psychic powers can unlock the secrets in Cassie’s mind.

  But will revealing the truth liberate her…or destroy their bond?

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  Shadow (Book 4)

  Their love demands the ultimate sacrifice.

  Tragedy sends clairvoyant Mandy Ellison to seek refuge in the small town of Argent, Idaho. Her ESP failed her, and now she’s closing her eyes to the second sight forever. Until Shadow, an alien from planet ’Topia, comes into her healing and wellness center with a request. Will she help him find a mate?

  Time is running out for Shadow. His genetics have been programmed with a self-destruct sequence. If he doesn’t bond with a genmate, a female carrying the same mating gene, he eventually will fade from existence. The new clairvoyant in town is his last desperate hope, if she agrees to help him.

  But what is an alien to do when attraction leads to love, especially when every indication shows Mandy is not his genmate? Will Mandy find him a mate, hand him over to another woman, and save his life—or will Shadow decide love is worth dying for?

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nbsp; Other Titles by Cara Bristol

  Alien Mate series

  Alien Mate (Book 1)

  Alien Attraction (Book 2)

  Alien Intention (Book 3)

  Alien Mischief (Book 4)

  Alien Mate Complete Series Boxed Set

  Dakonian Alien Mail-Order Brides

  (Intergalactic Dating Agency)








  Dakonian Alien Mail Order Brides Boxed Set Vol 1

  Dakonian Alien Mail Order Brides Boxed Set Vol. 2

  Alien Castaways

  (Intergalactic Dating Agency)







  Men of Mettle series

  Cyborg Protector (Book1)

  Cyborg Husband (Book 1.5)

  Cyborg Rogue (Book 2)

  Cyborg Boss (Book 3)

  Cyborg Heat (Book 4)

  Cyborg Mate (Book 5)

  Cyborg Rescuer (Book 6)

  Cyborg Commander (Book 7)

  Men of Mettle Cyborg Romance Collection

  Breeder sci-fi romance series

  Breeder (Book 1)

  Terran (Book 2)

  Warrior (Book 3)

  Breeder Boxed Set

  Alien Dragon Shifters

  Under Fyre

  Line of Fyre

  Other titles

  Destiny’s Chance

  Warrior’s Curse

  Longing, a vampire romance

  You’re Not Ugly To Look At, Conversations With My Husband

  Naughty Words for Nice Writers, A Romance Novel Thesaurus


  Stranded with the Cyborg


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