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Squirm: virgin captive of the billionaire biker tentacle monster (The Squirm Files)

Page 3

by Cari Silverwood

  Without a genuine smart ass reply, she could only kick Karl in the shins as he slung her over his shoulder to drag her off to dinner.


  It was so cheesy, but he had to be trying to scare her with the laugh.

  “Evil laughter? Really?” She kicked and wriggled again. “That’s not a good look.”

  “What about this?”

  With her facing backward, she had a prime view of the back of his jacket, which split and erupted in a flurry, revealing a nest of huge tentacles that swished and curled before her face. She screamed, just a little. One tentacle slid over her back to flip up her dress and whack her bare ass.

  “Ow! Quit that! You’re not even Italian, are you?”

  He kept leisurely walking and began to climb some stairs. “I’m a demonic creature from an alternate evil dimension.”

  “You are?” She sucked on her lip then dodged a stray waving tentacle as it pried at her mouth and played with her teeth. “I think that rules out Italian. Though maybe not Canadian.”

  Chapter 5

  The dining table was thick glass and perched on a black glass balcony that overlooked a long dining hall fifty feet below. The far side of the dining hall fell away to a rocky shore and small waves curled in from a dark sea. The rest of the Sea Wolves dined down there, tossing food now and then into the waves that slopped across their floor. Their women sat on their laps or beside them, laughing and being fondled and kissed.

  Only Dangerous Bob and Amber had been up here, serving the food.

  It all looked fun except when one of the bikers transformed into some walrus-cross-shark creature, with snappy, sharp teeth, and slipped into the sea.

  Crap. She should have left Cyndie to her fate. Friendship was over rated, as were alive friends. Who would take over and be the Schlong Quester if she died?

  The surface of the sea churned and blood welled outward, staining the water red.

  “Ohmigod,” she squeaked.

  Karl sat opposite with his back to the hall but he turned to look. “Daisy likes his food au naturel.”

  Virginia shivered, but not simply from fear. Karl had made her dress in a skimpy lace top and skirt outfit that was ninety percent air and one percent cotton. A cobweb would be less revealing and already one perky nipple was being strangled by the lace hole it had poked itself into.

  Cold. Brrr. She shivered again, untangled her nipple, then glowered at Karl.

  He eyed her nipple. “Pretty. Soon I will take you down to my sacrifice room where all potential virgins are trialed.”

  The implications in that were mostly bad. Ah well, at least the lobster and caviar had been tasty. Wait. Suspicious, she checked the Sea Wolves. Where had those fish eggs come from? She had a sudden urge to spit.

  “Sacrifice room?” With one finger, she made her fork spin in a slow circle on the table. “I don’t suppose you’d consider modernizing? I’ve heard red rooms of pain are way more fun.”

  “Nope. I will give a way out however.” He sat back and smiled, all dead eyed and dark of manner. “If you can leave this table without having an orgasm, I promise I will free you unharmed.”

  He was going to rig this, she just knew it. “Try me, Mister.” She showed her teeth and took her knife and fork in her hands. “What’s the next course? Calamari – battered and fried?”

  His smile twitched and he leaned in. “More like covered in cream. Yours.”

  “Cream?” She frowned. “Is this anything to do with a BOB?”

  “Naïve virgins are such fun. Let me show you.”

  The moist crackling, she recognized from that time in the dark at the Furry Wolves garage. His jacket moved oddly and the table bumped, shadows writhing her way. Looking down, she spotted a multitude of his tentacles squirming across to her under the table.

  One fondled her thigh and sucked on her knee. She shuddered.

  “Stop that!”

  When she jabbed at it with knife and fork, she nearly speared her knee since the tentacle whipped out of the way. “Damn you!”

  A frenzy of tentacles enveloped her, grabbing her wrists and pinning them, curling about her body until she was wrapped tightly into the chair.

  “Can’t breathe,” she gasped, pretending.

  Looking amused, Karl only narrowed his eyes, examining every inch of her, especially her chest. “Where oh where do I begin? All that luscious, unravaged female flesh.”

  She stifled a whimper.

  Dangerous Bob and Amber arrived either side of her chair, bearing more plates with some toffee and cream topped dessert.

  “We won’t be needing that,” Karl murmured, resting his elbows on the table and folding his hands. “Virginia is dessert, though I think she’d forgotten. You’re free to do what you wish, Dangerous Bob.”

  “Fuckitty fuck grr.” The translation arrived. Thank you, sir.

  Dangerous Bob grabbed Amber, stripped her dress from her in one motion and thrust her against the waist-high balcony glass. His hand went to his groin. The rrr sound was not from pants unzipping, she realized, shocked. A starter motor? The next noise reminded her of an outboard motor from a boat. Amber wriggled her butt at him then groaned as he slowly penetrated her with a big vibrating florescent green dick.

  “Oh my!” She averted her eyes from their public display and remembered with a jolt that she too was on display.

  Tentacles arrived between her legs, some slithering up to her breasts to tease both her nipples and then fasten onto them and suck. The subtle yet strong suction made her toes curl and her pussy swell to life and moisten. Though she wriggled her wrists and legs, everywhere was fastened down. Her eyes stayed wide open as heat surged, seemingly connecting her nipples and pussy in one ecstatic symphony of throbbiness.

  “Karl,” she pleaded. “No. This isn’t –”

  “Isn’t what? Decent? Polite? No, it’s not. Nothing I do with virgins ever is. I plan to explore every inch of you at leisure, but first I need to do as I said I would, I need to make you come.”

  “Never!” She shut her eyes to rustle up some resistance despite the never-ending suck, suck, and suck on her breasts.

  “Never? You intrigue me. You have such knowledge of men’s cocks and yet I sense a lack of knowledge about your own anatomy. To not know what a BOB is...”

  “What.” She cleared her throat. Ignore that feather-light touch on her thigh, the trickle of moisture from her pussy, and the brush across her clit. “What’s a BOB?”

  “A battery operated boyfriend. A vibrator used by women to bring themselves pleasure. Like this.”

  The tiny tentacle tip that had been lurking in the vicinity of her clit fastened itself over the top and began to suck in time with the ones at her breasts. If lust could have a solid presence, it was flowing through her now like a river of hot creaminess, all sticky, and sucky, and nice. Like a Devonshire tea and scones but way better. Her mouth parted. Mmm.

  “A simple feeling, I’m sure, but females of your species seem to like it.”

  She could feel her pussy opening a little more, moisture coming from her, dribbling down her skin, and wetting the chair.

  The strangled noise she made was her attempt to say, no. Her eyelids fluttered halfway down and she twitched, and she found herself pushing her pelvis up from the chair to get more of that exquisite feeling.

  “But that is nothing. This is what a vibe does.”

  The sucker over her clit sprang into action and down there her clit was grasped and quivered upon, as relentless as a washing machine set on the 1000 rpm spin cycle.

  “Ohmigod!” Her eyelids slammed shut and she groaned, possessed by an impending sense of an oncoming unknown something that was surely Stop, stop, stop.

  Oh hell.


  Her muscles locked and she exploded, writhing and gasping, trying in vain to gather enough oxygen to breathe properly while still coming. The tentacles held her in place or she’d have sure
ly leaped into the air. The suckers pulled at her, drawing her flesh against them, coaxing, fluttering. A last scream took her.

  When she ceased shuddering and dared to look up at Karl, she saw a smirk on his face that she’d have dearly loved to wipe off with a flamethrower, if only she wasn’t so exhausted.

  After some minutes, when she was sure she hadn’t died of a heart attack and could hear, breathe, and see the world properly again, she noticed the loud motor noises had stopped. Dangerous Bob and Amber sat cuddling on a padded chair off to the side. The green thing that had replaced his schlong was motoring along quietly, purring.

  Karl rose to his feet and the tentacles slipped away from her. Only one remained to caress her cheek as he walked around the table. He squatted beside her chair and took her limp hand, kissing it. “You were beautiful, Virginia. I assume that was your first?”

  She glowered weakly. Smug bastard. Nowhere on her body had any reserve strength, so she stuck her tongue out at him.

  His gaze fastened onto it. “You are giving me such ideas. Your mouth. Your lovely tongue. Your ass. I’m spoilt for places to play with and explore. And they’re all virgin territory, aren’t they, sweet delicious Virginia? It’s time to visit my sacrifice room.”

  Her eyes sprang wide. “Wait,” she begged huskily. “Don’t I need an appointment? I’m free next Tuesday at two pm. Besides exploring needs preparation doesn’t it? Plans. Lists of stuff for the journey. Torches, energy drinks, sherpas, pack mules...”

  “Kinky, but I don’t think you can fit all those up there.”

  “Don’t bet on it. The things I’ve seen women in Thai bars insert up their hoohahs –”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He winked. “But you won’t delay the inevitable. Today is perfect. See.” His gesture made her look toward the floor. The black surface cleared, becoming transparent in an instant.

  Beneath them was a roiling, circling, whirlpool of redness, like a bloodshot eye watching them, beckoning them into its realm of horribleness.

  “I’m pretty sure,” she muttered, “I don’t want to go down there. Hmm. Give me a second. Yep. I am sure.” The man needed a new color to obsess over.

  “But you’re going anyway, and coming too. Whether you want to, or not.”

  She was beginning to think she should have brought a gun with her. A big one.

  “Let’s go.” He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder again.

  She couldn’t help peeking at his back. What the? “Where’d they go? What’d you do with all your tentacles?” She shuddered.

  “They sort of fold up. IKEA. Wait, I’m not allowed to mention brands like KFC or Target or Thulahoops. Not that those are at all relevant to undergoing bodily transformations or folding tentacles. Let’s say I’m flexible.”

  “I think you just did mention them. And I’ve never heard of Thulahoops.”

  “Only in passing. No one will notice what I said all buried down deep in the story like this. Thulahoops are a soon to be enormously popular exercise device.”

  She nodded and shifted on his shoulder to get comfortable. “Works for me.”

  “Good. Six dollars ninety-nine if you buy in the first week.” He stumbled then cleared his throat. “What have you been eating?”

  Virginia froze. “Are you saying I’m fat?”

  “No. Of course not. Prepare to meet your tentacle, Virginia.”

  “Don’t change the subject. You implied I was fat.”



  “Want a tentacle in your mouth?”

  Damn. Unfair.

  She shut up but glowered.

  The silence on the way down the stairs was so awkward.

  Chapter 6

  By the time Karl had her where he wanted her, she was standing spread-eagled and stripped of all but a few shreds of lace. Her arms were drawn above and her legs spread wide for she was roped to two nearby, spaghetti infested-pillars. Sourly, she eyed the spag stuff again. If the spaghetti was meant to be a reasonable facsimile of tentacles writhing across the pillars, his decorator had failed.

  The red whirling eye was hidden under a carpet. Thank god. It had been making her dizzy. Throwing up on Karl seemed so impolite, even if he did mean to violate her...she gulped, everywhere, putting those thick tentacles into her unsullied, unpenetrated places. She bit back a moan. Places that she’d often dreamed of inserting dildos and cucumbers into. Carrots, maybe too. Vegetables had so much potential.

  Perfectly normal, she reminded herself. Besides, she’d never done it. Some of her friends boasted of putting rabbits up there, which seemed awfully uncomfortable, but she wasn’t judging, and wasn’t game to tell them that out loud.

  The fur must be so itchy.

  Along the wall, a few yards away to her left, stretched a console that would suit a mad scientist lair. Legs crossed at the ankle, Dangerous Bob lounged against it. He yawned, looking both bored and expectant. When he slowly perused her body, Virginia strained on the ropes to show him she wanted to be free, and not at all to make her boobs jiggle and stick out. He went a little red of face. After that, and adjusting his crotch, Bob uttered a single appreciative fuck then winked at her.

  Useless man.

  Karl prowled across the floor toward her, naked from the waist up, one tentacle in hand (tentacle not testicle, get your eyes checked) and a few others curling about him and trailing at his feet.

  Imagine if that had been testicle, the mind boggles.

  He was careful not to walk over where the eye was concealed.

  His silence made her nervous and she nibbled on her lip. Being all nude in front of a man...testicle person wasn’t her thing. Especially when her pussy was aching.

  Wait. That was tentacle. Tentacle guy.

  He circled her while observing her every movement, her every jiggle and whimper, with that dark look on his face. His eyes were black as sin, his mouth still, his tentacle twitchy. Karl stopped before her.

  Alas, whatever lurked in his pants was staying there for the moment.

  She swallowed and met his eyes.

  He smiled, leaned on one of the above ropes, and let his tentacle slither down it to stroke her neck.

  “I’ve brought so many women down here and none have satisfied me.”

  Worried, she tested the ropes again and shifted her hips to the side, then bit her lip. Ow.

  “What happens if you’re not satisfied?”

  “I throw them into the portal.” He gestured at the rug. “They never return.”

  “Never? Oh dear. Did Cyndie go down there?” That must be it. She’d not seen her among the Sea Wolves and she’d vanished after coming here. “Where does it go to?”

  “Cyndie? Who is that?” A second tentacle curled around her waist, down the curve of her bottom to play with her crevice near her nether hole.

  “Hey! Watch where you’re going there.”

  His smile turned devilish. “I know precisely where it is going. Cyndie, you said?”

  She shut her eyes and shuddered. The tentacle probed her and, as small as the tip was, he could insert it without hurting her. Her toes curled as it forced itself a little further. “Stop. No. No more.”

  “Yes, more.”

  It wormed in further. Her opened eyes found his black ones riveted on her face, registering her gasps of surprise and pain.

  “I remember Cyndie. She went into the portal. She was delicious but not good enough for me. Come to me my most gorgeous and most recent captive. I need to possess you, to take you, to make you mine.”

  While the tentacle slowly withdrew, he kissed her forehead, her nose then her mouth. His lips played there, toying, teasing, arousing her, until she breathed in small pants and couldn’t stop herself from grinding into him when he came close. He turned his head sideways and nipped her throat, sucking and biting on her while his tentacles and hands roved about her body, quietly stirring her.

  Then he moved away and withdrew all of h
is bits that had been touching her. She stirred from the fog of desire, wiped the steam from her sex goggles, and metaphorically squeegeed away the drips. That really had been...shiver...exceptionally nice.

  She would not think about what was trickling down the inside of her thighs.

  Why, now that she wanted him, had he left her?

  “Take off your pants,” she pleaded. “I need to see you.”

  She needed to see more than the ridged stone-hard muscles of his chest and stomach, or the V of male hair leading the eye down to the waist where it vanished into his pants. As she studied him, she nibbled her lip again, careful not to bite the same place. It still hurt. She simply had to stop biting herself.

  What she wanted to see tormented her. Though the rest of him on show wasn’t bad either.

  “You know, you’re the first woman I haven’t had to lure here. The first to get on my bike and come here of your own volition. Normally I have to attract them by other methods. Those.”

  She followed the line of his pointing finger to the glass display case. On each shelf was a plethora of ties.

  “I have them all – fifty thousand of them. All of the grays – storm gray, pallid gray, dominant gray, and so on.”

  She frowned. “How?”

  “How does it work? First, I intrigue the women by puzzling them with my many declarations of wanting to fuck them within an inch of their life against the nearest wall.”

  “Then you tie them up?”

  “No. Then I lay a trail of ties all the way here and they follow it and fall into a pit just inside the gates.” He shrugged. “It works.”

  “Ooo-kay.” Not that suave. She screwed up her mouth, nodding and pretending not to be disappointed.

  His step carried him closer. One tentacle whipped out and behind her, flicking across her butt, scoring it with fire.

  “Owieee!” She danced as much as she could with the ropes holding her in place.

  “You, Miss Virginia, will pay attention. Tell me why I didn’t have to fool you. Why did you come here?”

  Her gaze dropped to his package level. That tantalizing huge bulge was still there. Ten plus. Oh myyy. She let out a tiny groan. More wetness seeped from her. She was going to need emergency rehydration if this kept up.


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