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Making of a Magister

Page 19

by Frank David

  Felicia looked up and saw Harris staring at her from the end of the hall. “What the hell do you want?” she called out to him.

  “Sofia asked that I come assist you,” he said as he walked over to her. He laughed. She was wearing a dress. He had never seen her in one. “I see you gave into the fashion of the day.”

  “I do not need your damn help. I am fine. I will take the stairs myself,” she huffed. “What else am I to wear? This child has made me huge.” She refused his assistance and stood on her own. She sighed as she headed to the stairs.

  “I am your brother. Offering you help is my duty,” he said as he took her arm.

  “Very well but do not think this means I am weak. I could still cut you down.” She smiled as the two started to ascend the stairs. “Why is Stela in bed? Is everything okay?”

  “The doctors are worried about the baby. She fell and they fear the child may have suffered some injury. They insist she remain in bed for a few days,” Harris confessed. “How is your child doing? It looks as though you might deliver any day.”

  “I am ready for the damned thing to be out of me,” she laughed. “Will the child be alright, Harris?”

  “There was blood after the fall. The doctors say she is not in the clear yet. She could lose the baby.” Harris’ eyes showed his pain.

  “I am sorry, Harris.” Felicia could feel her own eyes filling with tears. “See what this child has done to me. I cry at everything now. It needs to come out.” She wiped her eyes, refusing to let a tear drop.

  “There is no harm in crying, Felicia,” Harris held her tighter as she fought with the stairs.

  “Of course, you would say that,” Felicia laughed. “You are the emotional one, are you not? I do not know how you are my father’s son. Neither Samantha nor I are as easily moved as you.”

  “We are siblings, but we had very different upbringings, sister.” Harris could see she was getting winded. “Would you allow me to carry you the rest of the way?”

  “Always the knight in shining armor. Very well.” She gave in to his request and allowed him to lift her and carry her to Stela’s room. He put her back on her feet just outside of the Empress’ door, knowing she would not want him carrying her inside. “Thank you,” she said as he placed her down.

  Felicia entered the room, Harris following closely. Her eyes filled again with tears. She did not sense any issue which would cause the tears. She knew it was the damn baby. The thought that Stela could lose the child brought her insurmountable pain.

  “Stela,” she attempted her best curtsy. “How are you?” she said, walking toward the bed. Orthia stood to offer Felicia her seat. “Thank you, Princess.” Felicia flopped onto the chair.

  Stela laughed. “I am fine. How are you faring?”

  “It is not funny,” Felicia said, giving those present a stern look. “This child is making my life impossible.” She glared at Harris. “If he were not the Emperor Consort, his life would be short for what he has done to me.” Felicia had confided the truth of her child’s paternity. She did not wish for secrets to exist between them. Sofia had shared the truth with her sisters and mother. None made Felicia or Harris feel ashamed. They understood neither was aware of their relation at the time.

  “I am sorry, I did not mean to laugh,” Stela apologized. “I know the journey to motherhood is difficult. When the child arrives, you will love it like you have never loved another. The pain and inconveniences will be well worth it.”

  “Yes,” Madeline added. “Sofia was my most difficult pregnancy.” She looked at her daughter and smiled. “There were days I wished it all to be over. When she was placed in my arms, I forgot all about my difficulties and the labor. The moment the child first reaches for your finger, everything else seems so unimportant.”

  “Now that you are both here, I have some news I wish to share,” Stela smiled, adjusting herself in the bed once again. “Antonio has asked if he could marry you.”

  “I am flattered but I am already taken,” Felicia laughed.

  “He wishes to perform your marriage ceremony.” Stela said through her laughter.

  “We are to be married in the Church?” Sofia’s excitement was unbridled.

  “No.” Stela could see the hurt in Sofia’s face when she said it. “The Church is still against your marriage, but Antonio is not.”

  “Antonio is the Church. If he is not offended by our love, the Church should support such a union,” Felicia snapped.

  “The bible is against the union. Antonio must support the words of God,” Stela paused. “Well, he must support the words within the book. He and I had a long talk. It would seem Braynard is not against your love, but since the bible was tarnished by man’s hate, Antonio cannot sanction your marriage as Benedictus.”

  “The rumors are true then?” Felicia asked. “Braynard is God. We had heard about your wedding and the events that occurred.”

  “Yes, Braynard is God.” Harris sat on the bed next to his wife. “And my wife banished him.” He laughed. He leaned over and kissed Stela on her forehead.

  “Standing up to him?” Felicia moved forward in her seat. “Do you think he had something to do with your current situation?”

  Stela had not considered the possibility. “I do not believe so.” Stela bit her lip. “He needs me. Though if the child were to not reach full term, his plan would commence sooner.” She looked at Harris. “I warned him that if he tried to harm any that I care about I would end him. I was pregnant at the time and I am sure he knew this. I do not think he would risk what he has so strategically planned.”

  “I think Felicia should rest,” Sofia interrupted. “We will have plenty of time to talk later. Besides, you also need rest, Stela.” She helped Felicia to her feet.

  “Your room has been waiting for your return.” Stela attempted to get out of bed, but Harris stopped her. “I decided that when you returned, you and Felicia could share a room. No point in pretending. Besides, it is not like she is going to get pregnant.” Stela and the others laughed.

  Sofia and Harris assisted Felicia to their chambers. Felicia doubled over in pain. She reached for her belly. A guard quickly came to their aid. He helped Harris carry Felicia to her room. They placed Felicia on the bed. Again, the woman grabbed her belly as the pain came.

  “I think it is time, Sofia!” Felicia screamed through the pain.

  “I will find the doctors. Stay with her,” Sofia said to Harris. She ran off.

  “We are to be parents soon.” Harris smiled. “Well, I am to be an uncle.”

  “I wish that you could claim our child as yours, but you know the trouble he will suffer if the truth is known,” Felicia said between the contractions.

  “I do, and I would never wish to bring our son pain. I will be a proud and involved uncle, if you will allow me.” Harris smiled, placing his hand on hers.

  “I know I have not always been the easiest person to care for. I am glad you will be a part of our son’s life.” Felicia moved, trying to get comfortable.

  “Everyone out!” the first doctor ordered as he entered the room.

  “You will be fine,” Harris said as he stood to leave.

  Harris and Sofia stood outside Felicia’s room, waiting. They watched as doctors entered and exited the room, saying nothing. They could hear Felicia’s screams through the door.

  “I am going to be with Stela. The pacing is not doing anyone any good.” Harris hugged Sofia.

  Sofia remained outside, waiting for word of Felicia and the child. Orthia joined her.

  “I did not think you should be alone,” Orthia greeted her sister.

  “Thank you,” Sofia said as she hugged her sister.

  “I am glad you found her,” Orthia confessed. “She has made you a very different person.”

  “I am glad we found each other. I believe we have both made the other better.” Sofia blushed.

  “I was not fond of you before Felicia.” Orthia lowered her head. “You were a brat, even as you
got older. Your behavior was overlooked as a child, but it was inappropriate as an adult. You are now a more favorable person and one who I am proud to call sister.”

  Sofia found Orthia’s words hurtful. It was not like Orthia to say such harsh things. She wondered if her sister was somehow changing. “Thank you, I think.”

  “I do not mean to offend you, sister. I have learned that I was weak. I only focused on the good in people. People are a combination of good and evil and to ignore one aspect is ignorant. I now see people as they are. I no longer try to convince others of the good in people. I simply now say what I believe. I can sense the hearts of men. It has shown me the darkness that lies within us all, even myself.” Orthia could not look her sister in the eye. She felt shame with her confession.

  “I loved that you would defend even the most horrible of persons. It was a quality I admired. It is sad that you have lost that trait.” Sofia hugged her sister.

  “Your heart has changed, sister. I do not know if it was Layla or Felicia, but it is a change for the better.” Orthia smiled. “I know you worry that Felicia or the child will not survive. Ease your mind, both will be find. Felicia is strong as is her son.”

  “Thank you, Orthia.” Sofia smiled. “It is difficult seeing one you love suffer so much pain.”

  The two women talked and laughed while Felicia struggled just beyond the door. The day slipped to night as the labor continued. Sofia tried to stop the doctors as they again began entering and exiting the room but none would speak with her. She believed she would go mad waiting for word of Felicia’s condition and the baby.

  She sat upon a bench the guards had brought for her and Orthia. The day had been long and both women were exhausted. Sofia fought sleep but eventually sleep won the battle and Sofia drifted off.

  The maids opened the drapes in the hall. The sunlight rushed in, waking Sofia and Orthia from their slumber. Sofia stood and went to the door of Felicia’s room. She could hear the doctors talking. Was this still going on?

  Orthia approached. “Relax, Sofia.” She placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Child birth can be long. Not everyone is as fortunate to have a quick birth as you did.”

  “I cannot bear not knowing what is happening.” Sofia lowered her head into her hands. “If anything is to happen to Felicia…”

  “Stop. I told you all will be fine.” Orthia turned her sister to look at her. “Let us go eat. It will help the time to move faster.” Orthia pulled her sister along. Sofia resisted the entire way.

  Orthia and Sofia arrived at the dining hall. Their mother was sitting alone in the room. Sofia begrudgingly entered and took a seat. She wanted to remain upstairs waiting for news of Felicia, but her stomach was reminding her of her hunger.

  “Harris is eating with Stela. Thank you for joining me. You know how much I hate eating alone.” Madeline greeted her daughters as she continued to eat. “How is Felicia?”

  “No word,” Sofia commented as she moved the food around her plate. “The doctors would not speak with me. It has me concerned.”

  “I am sure if there was any issue they would have spoken with you. Childbirth is a challenge, but I am sure Felicia and the child will be fine. She is a strong woman, Sofia.” Madeline smiled, trying to ease her daughter’s fears. She knew that death during childbirth was all too common.

  “Mother is right. I am sure she is fine. For some, childbirth takes longer.” Orthia placed her hand on her sister’s. “Please eat, you need to keep up your strength.”

  “You are right. I am sure all is fine,” Sofia said as she began eating. “How is Stela doing?”

  “She seems to be fine. She just needs rest. The doctors worry that the fall caused some damage to the child. They hope the rest will prevent any problems. They will check on her after Felicia’s child is born.” Madeline tried to sound confident in her daughter’s condition, but her voice betrayed her lies.

  “I am sure Stela and the child will be fine. Braynard said she and Harris would have a child. He did not mention any issues with the child not surviving.” Orthia tried to comfort her mother.

  “Yes, that was before she angered him at the wedding. We have all heard of how he handles those who stand against him.” Madeline could feel the tears welling.

  “Speaking of those who stand against Braynard, have you heard Thomasine is back?” Orthia asked Sofia.

  “No.” Sofia looked at Orthia in awe. “I thought he had killed her. That was the rumor at least.”

  “He had attempted to kill her, but Diana rescued her. She brought her to the wedding. I do not think Braynard was pleased to see her.” Orthia laughed. “It would seem Diana and Braynard tease one another.”

  “Where is Thomasine now? If she was with Diana, she must know where Daniella and the others are hiding,” Sofia offered.

  “Thomasine does not know where they are. She was never allowed to leave the cave,” Orthia added.

  “Princess Sofia,” the voice startled her. She turned to see one of the doctors standing in the doorway.

  “What is it?” she asked as she stood and rushed to the doctor.

  “Lady Felicia has given birth to a healthy boy.” The doctor smiled as Sofia hugged him and rushed past him to head upstairs.

  “Thank you for the wonderful news, doctor.” Madeline stood and walked over to the doctor. “Are you planning to check on Stela now?”

  “Yes, Highness. Once we clean up we will check on the Empress.” He bowed and left the women to continue their meal.

  “Oh, that is wonderful news. I am sure Sofia is relieved,” Orthia said as she finished her meal. “I will go to Sofia and Felicia.”

  “No,” Madeline said, taking her seat. “Let them have their time with the child. There will be more than enough time to be with them later.”

  “We should return to Stela then.” Orthia stood to return to her sister.

  “You go. I will be up shortly.” Madeline gestured Orthia away. The woman obeyed and left Madeline alone in the dining room.

  “Good morning, Madeline.” The voice sent shivers through the old woman.

  “What are you doing here? Was Stela not clear enough at the wedding?” Madeline turned to see him standing behind her.

  “I mean you no harm. I have come to rejoice in the birth of Felicia’s son.” Braynard approached the seated Imperial. “Also, I have come to check on Stela. How is she?”

  “The doctors are still concerned about the baby. Did you have any hand in her injury?” Madeline stood and scowled at the man.

  “I did not, Madeline.” Braynard lowered his eyes at the accusation. “I have no ill feelings toward the Empress. I pushed her. I pushed her harder than I had realized.”

  “Can you help her and the child?” Madeline pleaded.

  “I do not need to. Stela has the ability to help herself and the child.” Braynard smiled. “She cannot be harmed but she can also heal. She just has not realized the gift yet. The problem is her body sees the child as a foreign object since the fall and is trying to reject it. She must use her power to heal her body, put it at ease. This will protect the child. Had she not banished me, I could have told her.”

  “If you had such knowledge, you should have come sooner.” Madeline wanted to lash out at him but knew it was pointless. Her powers were worthless against him.

  “Madeline, we have a long history together. Why do you hate me so?” Braynard could sense her anger. “Your daughter made it clear she did not wish to see me. I honored her wishes.”

  “I do not hate you. I simply do not trust you. You must admit our first meeting was less than honest.” Madeline blushed and turned from him.

  “It was so many years ago, can you not forgive me for my deceit?” Braynard placed his hand on her shoulder. “I did it for Saaveth.”

  “I do not wish to relive it. I must get to Stela. She must be told that she can heal herself.” Madeline rushed out of the room, leaving Braynard alone.

  “She will know the truth soon, M
adeline,” he said as he vanished.


  Sofia entered the room. Felicia was lying in the bed holding the child. She rushed to their side.

  “I was so worried about you,” she said, as the tears began to flow down her cheek.

  “Why would you worry?” Felicia wiped the tears from her face. “You should know it will take more than a child to end my life.” She laughed.

  “He is beautiful,” Sofia looked at the child. He had a thick head of dark brown hair. His eyes were closed while he fed. “What color are his eyes?”

  “Blue,” Felicia answered, staring down at the boy at her breast. “He looks like his father,” her voice low.

  “He does,” Sofia laughed. “What have you decided to name him?”

  “I like Liam. What do you think?” Felicia looked at Sofia.

  “I love it. Lord Liam. What about his surname?” Sofia paused, worried it would upset Felicia.

  “Lester, of course.” Felicia said, a look of annoyance on her face.

  “Lord Liam Lester,” Sofia laughed. “That is a lot of l’s.”

  “I had not considered that,” Felicia laughed. “But it is a good name.”

  “It is a great name.” Sofia stroked Felicia’s face. Her face was still red from the birth. Her skin, still clammy.

  A knock at the door broke up their bonding. The guard entered, and Harris rushed past before he could be announced. He rushed to Felicia and Sofia.

  “I am sorry. I wanted to see the child.” Harris knelt next to the bed.

  “This is your son,” Felicia smiled. She could see how much the words hurt Harris. “I am sorry that you will never be able to claim him as your own.”

  “It is fine, Felicia.” Harris fought the tears. “I will be in the boy’s life. What name have you chosen?”

  “Liam,” Felicia answered.

  “Liam.” Harris smiled. “A good strong name.”

  “Perhaps you can convince Stela to give him Harris as his realm name when he is of age.” Felicia knew this would please Harris.

  “That is a wonderful idea,” Sofia gushed.


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