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Making of a Magister

Page 26

by Frank David

  The Imperials released their attacks. Fireballs, waves, and earth assaulted the Dianites. The attackers sent their own powers toward the Imperials.

  Harris stood at the back, watching the attack unfold. Imperials rushed past him, seeking safety. He watched as some burned. Others struggled as water filled their lungs. The earth opened beneath several Imperials, engulfing them. The Imperials were not prepared.

  “Braynard,” he called out, hoping the man would come to him.

  “I cannot do anything against them,” Braynard said, appearing beside him.

  “Why?” Harris asked.

  “I cannot directly harm her followers, just as she cannot directly harm mine.” Braynard lowered his head. He regretted the promise he made so many centuries ago. His people, his children, needed his help and he could do nothing for them.

  “I know what you did,” the voice came from behind him. “You used the boy. You cheated.”

  He turned to see Diana.

  “What is she talking about Braynard?” Harris asked.

  “The boy, he is too young to possess such power. I knew you had some hand in it. You protected him from the assassins on the ship as well,” she accused. “You possessed him. You gave him the power he has shown. You broke the promise you made Akaneau.”

  “I broke no promise. I did not raise a hand against your people.” Braynard dismissed her allegations. “The boy is special.”

  “The boy is a fraud!” she yelled. “If you can inspire your people, I can do the same.”

  “If you interfere, I will be forced to do the same. You know your people will fall before me. Your powers are no match for mine,” he threatened.

  “Why are you doing this?” Harris addressed Diana.

  “If I destroy the followers, I destroy the God,” she laughed. “We, Braynard and I, live because people believe in us. Should people stop believing, we would cease to exist.”

  “We give you your power?” Harris rubbed his chin

  “Your belief in us gives the power,” Braynard confessed. “It is why we have battled so long. We struggle to keep our followers tied to us. Every follower that turns from us has an effect.”

  “Did you possess Joseph? Are the powers not his own?” Harris asked.

  “I inspired his words, that is all. I spoke through him. The power is his,” Braynard confessed.

  Harris rushed off to join the others, knowing what he must do.

  “I know you had more influence than you admit,” Diana snarled.

  “I have no need to deceive you or my children,” Braynard said turning from Diana. “My power is great, you know this. My blood is stronger than yours. My children, my true children, are exceptional to yours. I proved that when Declan faced Drevniy. Svetlana could have been a great weapon in your arsenal, but you failed her. You could have used her to your benefit. Instead you used her to attack my son. You sent her here to gloat over her imagined victory. You sent her to her death, as you sent Drevniy to his.”

  “Is Stela yours?” Diana looked concerned.

  “No,” he admitted. “But two of my children do stand against your followers, this night. One has already been exposed.”

  “The boy, he is yours?” Diana smiled. “Does Stela know?”

  “Of course not,” Braynard said. “I knew what was coming. I needed to give Hulsteria and the other realms hope. Joseph is that hope.”

  “Who is the other?” Diana asked.

  Chapter Thirty-Three – Stela and Daniella

  Sofia struggled against Luke. She was no match for him. He pushed her toward Daniella.

  Daniella smiled as her brother brought Sofia to her. “I lost my oldest brother because of your sister. I think I should return the favor.” She turned to Luke. “Keep her quiet and out of sight. I do not want Stela discovering her. I want to be sure Stela watches her sister die.”

  Luke led Sofia from the hall. He led her out to the rear gardens of the palace. He placed her by the giant oak in the center of the area. The branches reached down and held her tight against its trunk. A branch covered her mouth, keeping her silent.

  “We are going to have fun!” Luke laughed. The sun was starting to rise over the eastern horizon, providing an eerie glow to the garden.


  Daniella stood in the hall. She knew Stela would come to her. She was sure Stela’s God had given her word that Sofia was in danger. She would come to save her sister, leaving her Imperials to face Diana’s people alone.

  The doors to Frostmoor burst open. Stela stood in the doorway. She could see the dark figure at the end of the hall.

  “Where is Sofia?” she yelled out.

  “She is fine. She is playing with my brother,” Daniella laughed.

  “This does not concern her. This is between you and me. Let her go and I will allow your brother to live. If you refuse, he will be the first I kill.” Stela moved toward Daniella.

  “You are in no position to make demands, Empress,” Daniella said, approaching Stela. “Diana killed my older brother. I will see one of your siblings fall as well.”

  “Your Goddess killed your brother,” Stela laughed. “And you still do her bidding?”

  “If I am not mistaken, your God killed your beloved Rupert, and yet here you are, facing me as he wished.”

  “He did not kill him, he simply gave the order. Your Goddess killed your brother. There is a difference.” Stela laughed.

  “While I was with Diana, she shared more of her gifts with me,” Daniella said. “Sleep,” she commanded. Stela fell before her.


  Stela woke. She was tied to a large chair, positioned in front of a window overlooking the gardens. She saw the figure struggling against the large tree. “Sofia!” she yelled. She could see her sword and shield. They lay across the room. If she could command them to her, she might free herself, she thought.

  “She is fine, for now,” Luke responded. “Empress, I am Luke Gallagher, Daniella’s younger brother and heir to the Duchy of Wardry South, until you made us fugitives.” He bowed before his captive.

  “Where is your sister?” Stela demanded as she struggled to free herself.

  “I am here. Did you think I would leave just as it is getting good?” Daniella appeared before Stela. “Diana has told me you are impervious to wounds. I plan to test that power of yours. But, before we have some fun, I want you to watch what we have in store for Sofia.”

  “I am giving you one last warning. Free her and your brother will leave with his life. Harm her and your brother will be next.” Stela clenched her teeth.

  “You do not seem to understand the situation you are in, Empress,” Daniella laughed. “You are at my mercy. You cannot move. Your power will do you no good. I will discover your weakness and bring this to an end.”

  “It is you who are unaware,” Stela grunted, as she struggled with the bindings that held her hands.

  “Luke, why not go have some fun with our guest,” Daniella gestured toward the garden.

  “Anything I want?” he asked.

  “Anything, but make it last,” Daniella said.

  Luke ran from the room.

  “Can you see? Do I need to move you closer? I do not want you to miss a moment of what is about to befall your sister.” Daniella shifted the chair.

  “Daniella, if you care for your brother at all, you will stop him.”

  “You are powerless. There is nothing you can do to stop me or him.” Daniella pulled a chair over next to Stela. “Enjoy the show.”


  ‘Sofia,’ the voice called to her. ‘I am sorry. I should have seen this coming and better prepared you.’ She knew the voice.

  “Braynard,” she whispered. “Can you help me?”

  ‘There is no need,’ the voice echoed in her head. ‘You have the power to protect yourself.’

  “I can only hear the thoughts of others, how is that to help me?” Sofia began to cry.

  ‘You are my daughter,’ the voice said.
  “What?” Sofia’s tears stopped.

  ‘As my daughter, my power lies within you. You must focus, and you can stop Luke.’ Braynard’s voice trailed off.

  She saw her captor approaching. “Please, Luke, free me. You can leave here, save yourself.”

  “I will never be free. If Daniella and I do not do as Diana wishes she will kill us and our parents. There is no escaping her.” Luke commanded the tree to tighten its grip on the Imperial Princess.

  “Stela could help you. Braynard could help you. If you allow us to live, I am sure he will forgive you and protect you from Diana,” Sofia pleaded.

  “We are tied to her. There is no way for us to be protected,” Luke said. The ground beneath the tree began to tremble.

  Sofia could see the ground slowly cracking. The roots of the monstrous tree shot up through the soil. The tree rose in the air as the roots were freed.

  “I am allowed to have some fun, but out of respect for your Imperial blood and our family connection, I will allow you to decide – quick and painful or slow and painful?” Luke’s crooked smile made Sofia shudder.

  “Slow,” Sofia laughed. “You will not end my life.”

  “I am so glad you chose slow. It will make this so much more enjoyable for me. I am afraid your life will end here, today.”

  The roots of the tree became legs as the tree moved beyond the garden. It headed toward the cemetery, the resting place of all the Imperials who had come before her. She thought to herself a fitting place for it all to end, but it would not end without a fight.

  The tree tightened its hold, crushing her against the trunk.

  Luke felt the tremors beneath his feet. He had not commanded the soil to move. He gave the command for it to stop but it did not heed his order.

  The tombstones in the cemetery began to move. He rushed to the edge of the holy ground. He saw a bony arm rise from the grave, then another. Before long a skull forced its way from the soil. He watched in amazement as the bones freed themselves from their internment. The skeleton stood. Soon another appeared, then another.

  Luke commanded the ground beneath them to open but the ground did not obey. He commanded the tree to reach for the first to appear, but the tree stood motionless.

  The once barren bones began to cover with muscle, then flesh. He recognized the face at once.

  “Declan!” he called out.

  The man reached down into the ground. A sword came forth. The dead man stood armed, waiting to attack. The other bones had the same transformation. Heroes from Hulsteria’s past stood ready to defend the Imperial Princess.

  Luke turned to run back to Frostmoor. A wall of ice blocked his passage. He turned back to the undead. The tree he had commanded lowered and released Sofia.

  “Diana will never be stronger than God,” she said as she approached Luke. “She has misled you. She had misled all of you. You follow her blindly to your deaths. You and your sister will fail. Stela and I will leave Frostmoor together, victorious.”

  “I am sorry, Princess,” Luke said. Sofia was close. “It is my sister and me who will be leaving here. You and your sister will meet your ends.” He pulled the small blade from his waist and thrust it deep within her chest.

  Sofia grabbed his hand. She looked down and saw the blood forming on her outer coat. The wound was deep. She looked back at Declan and the others. They charged toward them. Luke removed the knife and ran as the animated corpses took chase.

  Sofia fell to the ground. She held her hand over the wound. She felt the warmth of the blood as the area pulsated. She watched as her small Imperial death squad caught the young Gallagher. His screams brought a faint smile to her lips, as the darkness took her.


  “Sofia!” Stela screamed as she watched the scene unfold beyond the window.

  Daniella stared in horror as her brother was devoured by the Imperials the young Princess had brought back from the dead.

  “Luke!” Daniella turned to Stela. “Your sister took my brother’s life. She was not supposed to have such powers.” Daniella slapped Stela across the face. The woman seemed unfazed by the assault.

  “You took your brother’s life,” Stela said with a smile. “Everything that has happened is due to your greed. You hold onto an offense that occurred centuries ago. Has the price you paid been worth what you might receive?”

  “Your family has pushed me. You sit upon your throne, believe yourselves to be better than those who grovel at your feet.” Daniella stood. She began to pace. Her hands ripped through her hair. “I am done playing these games. You will die with your sister.” Daniella raised a hand. She placed it on Stela’s chest. Her skin was cold to the touch. She tried to penetrate the woman’s body, but her power was useless. She moved her hand around. She felt the warmth coming from just above Stela’s heart.

  Daniella laughed. “You and Braynard share the same weakness. I should have known.” She closed her eyes and focused. She could see her heart beating. It was a calm beat, as if the woman had nothing to fear from her grip. She closed her hand over her chest.

  Stela could feel her heart being pressured. She struggled to free herself from Daniella’s grip.

  ‘Allow your powers to protect you. Stop fighting them,’ the voice called out.

  Stela relaxed. She gave herself over to the powers coursing through her. She allowed God’s gifts to come forth and save her. She could feel the warmth within her growing.

  Daniella screamed as her hand burned against the woman’s skin. “No matter. I do not need to have contact with your flesh to end your life.” Daniella stepped back, keeping her focus on Stela’s heart.

  Stela’s eyes darkened. Her once blue eyes were now coal black. The whites burned red as the flames around her grew. The room burst with light as the fire consumed her. The ties that bound her fell from her wrists. She stood and looked at Daniella. The woman stood, eyes closed, focusing on her task.

  “Daniella, you have failed,” she said as she reached for her adversary.

  Daniella opened her eyes. She screamed at the figure standing before her. The creature before her was no longer the beautiful Empress she once knew. The woman’s flesh had burned from her body and was replaced with what she could only image were scales. She ran for the door. It burst into flames. Her screams filled the room as the heat grew. She ran for the window opposite Stela. She screamed but no one was there to hear her. She had killed everyone in the palace.

  Stela turned to see the dark figure trying to hide in the shadows. Her flames betrayed the woman’s camouflage. Stela approached the woman.

  “Is this what you wanted?” she said, moving closer to the Goddess. Daniella’s screams continued in the background. “You must have known she was no match for me.”

  “I knew,” Diana said stepping into the light. “I needed to see what you were capable of. I needed to know your powers, so I could prepare to face you.”

  “Why must we wait?” Stela extended a hand. Diana flinched as the flames approached her face. “We are both here now. We could end this.”

  Diana raised her hand, sending Stela flying across the room. Stela slid to the floor. Her protective flames had vanished.

  “Diana,” Daniella cried out. She was surrounded by flames. “Help me!”

  Diana opened her mouth. A great wind came forth, extinguishing the flames surrounding her ward.

  Diana watched as Daniella approached Stela. The woman had a new-found strength with the Goddess present. She rushed to Stela and jumped upon her, pinning her arms down with her legs. She reached for her chest again. She searched for Stela’s heart. Her hands explored her, seeking the heat. It was gone. The scales that now covered the Empress prevented Daniella from completing her task.

  “How is this possible?” Daniella screamed, searching Diana’s face for some clue.

  “She has transformed.” Diana remained calm as the realization became clear. “She has taken the form of the Volans.”

  “The what?” Dani
ella’s voice was wild. “What are you talking about?”

  “She is not human. She has become one with the Dragons. You will not defeat her. You will die here today, with your brother.” Diana vanished as her voice echoed in the dark room.

  “Diana, you cannot leave me here. Save me!” Daniella screamed to the woman who was no longer there.

  Stela opened her eyes. Her dark eyes stared deep into Daniella’s soul. Her captor saw her fate. She leaped from atop Stela.

  “Sleep,” Daniella commanded. Stela stood, unmoved by the power.

  Daniella backed away while focusing on Stela’s chest. She used her mind to search for the organ that could save her. If she could find the woman’s heart, she could leave the palace. Even if she could not kill her, she could stop her temporarily. The heart was not present. Daniella slowly moved back away from the Empress. The woman’s eyes never left hers.

  “I told you if you did not free me and Sofia, you and your brother would die. I plan to make good on that promise.” Stela smiled.

  With a glance, Daniella flew across the room. She slammed against the far wall, unable to move. She hung there, held by Stela’s power.

  “You will remain there, helpless, as the flames grow beneath you. Sadly, the smoke will take your life before the fire can consume you. I wish I were able to keep you awake, so that you might feel the pain that is about to befall you.” Stela stared at the floor beneath the woman. Smoke began to billow between the floorboards. The smoke quickly gave way to a flame.

  Stela watched as the fire grew. She made a jerking movement and her body was once again covered in the protective flames.

  The room began to burn. Daniella was trapped. She could not move. The heat was burning her feet as the smoke began to fill her lungs. This place would be where she would meet death, she thought to herself.

  “I am sorry, Stela,” Daniella pleaded. “Diana forced my hand. I am at her mercy. Allow me to leave and I will help you when you must face her.”

  “I gave you the chance to save yourself and your brother. You believed you were better than me. You have always believed yourself better than us. Your greed and need for revenge clouded your judgment.” Stela stared at the woman. “Cry out to your Goddess. Perhaps she will save you from your fate.” Stela turned and walked toward the flaming doorway. Daniella’s screams filled her ears and brought a smile to Stela’s scarred face.


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