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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

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by Collins, Lea

  Lily’s Dream

  Unexpected Lover Series

  Book 1

  Lea Collins

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Copyright © By Lea Collins. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means.


  This book is dedicated to my children,

  Susanna, Julia and Bert who have been

  encouraging and helpful throughout this process.

  I love you, guys.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 1

  Lily drove into the parking garage of the downtown mall with a sigh of relief. Yesterday she had taken four wrong turns before finding her destination. Today was easier as she had learned from her mistakes, well mostly…only one wrong turn today. She was dazzled by the beauty of Miami. She thought it would be great to live in one of those tall white building surrounded by palm trees and flowers.

  She found it hard to believe she actually was in Miami. She had a long drive from Ohio to Miami. She refused to allow herself to think of the past but instead to plan for the future. She’d started driving south and ended up in Miami. Destiny….here I am.

  She would find out if she was crazy or talented. All she needed was an upscale store willing to stock her handmade dresses. She thought they were beautiful and unique but would anybody else? Hand beading was a lost art popular in past centuries. Or so she kept telling herself. She had learned that the biggest mall was Town Center Mall so that was where she started her search for the store just waiting to welcome her dresses.

  After yesterday she realized she was naïve. She had walked the entire length of the first floor of the huge mall where there were two high end dress shops. She had a sample dress carefully folded in tissue and boxed with her but she didn’t even try to show her dress to anyone. The sales staff of the stores ignored her and she felt negative vibes strong and clear.

  However, she was able to examine the many dresses with famous designer labels. It was very revealing to her when she realized that her sewing was equally as good as the most expensive dresses she examined. There were no dresses with small beading like hers and this made her dresses unique. It was just a matter of getting them noticed. Although this was proving to be difficult, she reminded herself…nothing ventured – nothing gained.

  She really needed a heavy dose of confidence to risk a repeat of yesterday. Her dresses were beautiful and unique and there were women who would love to wear them. Lily kept repeating this as she exited her car and took the elevator to the second floor of the mall.

  Lily stiffened her spine, lifted her chin and stepped swiftly off the elevator right into a large masculine chest. She looked up into the beautiful blue eyes of an extremely handsome face. Of course she dropped everything…her dress box and her purse which opened and spilled out its contents. Startled, he grabbed her upper arms to keep her from falling. He smiled and said, “Whoa, you okay?” She just stood there staring as if she had never seen a handsome man before. What a hunk!

  When she realized that she had been staring at him like a love struck teenager, she mumbled, “Yes, thank you…oh, sorry about bumping into you.” He helped her stuff her belongings back into her purse and handed her the dress box and smiled a killer smile, waved and walked up the mall turning into Andre’s Salon.

  A very large dose of confidence is needed after this debacle, she thought. She realized that this elevator had let her off in the middle of the mall second floor. Directly in front of her, she saw a dress shop with the name Jacqueline’s and immediately liked the name. Maybe this would be the lucky one. Strike three.

  Lily walked into Jacqueline’s and immediately a handsome young man approached her asking if he could help her. They were interrupted by a tall slim woman with dark hair and eyes. “Juan, we have a shipment of clothes just in. Would you help Marcia unpack and get them ready for display?” With his departure, she turned to Lily and smiled, holding out her hand. “Hello, I’m Jacqueline. How can I help you?”

  Lily was taken aback by the first friendly response she’d received in any dress shop in the mall and this was the owner of the shop. Act confident, she told herself as she shook Jacqueline’s hand and explained her presence. “Hello, my name is Lily. I am a designer and producer of original and unique evening dresses. I have been interested in the designer dresses and can see at a glance that you have beautiful clothes in your shop. I have not seen anything like I produce. Would you look at the dress I have with me and give me your opinion?”

  “I like to see new designers enter the market, Lily, and I will be happy to look at your dress.” Lily put her box on the counter and lifted the dress out of the tissue paper and held it up. It was one of her most elaborate creations in gold silk with small gold beads forming a design of flowers around the skirt and bodice.

  Jacqueline’s eyebrows lifted as she looked at the beautiful creation. She examined the dress carefully in minute detail. “Do you usually use silk?” she asked. “Yes, usually. I like the luxurious feel and the way it flows. The small beads I use aren’t heavy but if they do affect the drape of the dress, then I either change the design or double line. I have seen some beautiful dresses in the mall shops but nothing like mine. I think there is a market for my beaded evening dresses.”

  Jacqueline was enthusiastic about the dress and said, “Lily, this is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen. It is also well made. You are a talented designer and seamstress. There is nothing available on the market similar to this. On the correct model, it would be sensational. This one looks like your size. Do you make them in different sizes?”

  “No,” replied Lily.”I could alter slightly but I don’t think a large woman should be wearing this style dress. Nor do I want two women to show up at the same party wearing the same dress so I only make one of each and don’t want duplicates made.”

  “Actually I agree with you on this. Wearing an original is something a woman would be proud of and pay for the privilege. You have thought through this thoroughly, I see. Yes, Lily, I am always on the lookout for new designers and I think I have just found one. How about me keeping this one to sell on consignment with a commission and we’ll draw up a contract if I can be the exclusive seller of the Lily line of evening wear.” Jacqueline suggested.

  “Agreed. We have a verbal contract until we can get a lawyer to draw up one for us,” replied Lily.

  “Now to additional practical issues. We have to publicize your dresses and the best way to do that is for a stunning woman to attend social events wearing one. I see you don’t get it. I’m talking about you, Lily.”

  “Me?” Lily looked shocked. “I’m not stunning by any means.”

  “But you could be. You just need some help. We need Andre. His shop is across from mine. He’s a nice guy. He moved from Chicago to Miami and opened his shop shortly after I opened Jacqueline’s. I’ll call him and see if he can take a break and come over. I think you might help each other, actually.”

  Jacqueline went into her office and called Andre. “I have two favors to ask of you,” she told him. He hesitated and replied,
“Okay, I’ll listen but I’m not agreeing yet. What is it?”

  “I have in my shop one of the most exciting and talented young designers of evening dresses that I’ve seen in years. She needs a makeover and in order to sell her line of clothes, she needs to wear them to some social functions. For her to do that, obviously she needs an escort. I think you’ll like her. She is very sweet and unsophisticated. You can help her learn to function in society and she’ll get you out a bit.”

  “I won’t make any promises but I’ll come on over and meet her,” agreed Andre.

  To Lily’s embarrassment, in the door walked the hunk she had bumped into earlier. He immediately recognized her as the woman who had plowed into him earlier. In one quick glance, he saw that she had a nice body, pretty face and possibilities.

  Jacqueline introduced them and Lily learned his name is Andre. To Lily’s relief, he didn’t mention their previous encounter but shook her hand while looking her over from head to toe. She had not noticed earlier that he was very tall and muscular with sandy hair. He also had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. She relaxed and was able to return his smile. He looked at her face and hair for a moment and then nodded to Jacqueline, “You’re right. Lily could indeed be a stunningly beautiful woman with a little help.”

  Lily laughed. “To accomplish that, Andre, you must be able to work miracles.”

  Jacqueline came over and put her arm around Lily in a hug. “It is so refreshing to meet someone so naïve and unaware of her possibilities. I guarantee Andre can make you beautiful, Lily. Take a look at this unusual evening dress, Andre.”

  Andre whistled when he saw the dress. “It’s very different with all the exquisite beadwork and I think it’ll create a sensation.

  Since we would be spending a lot of time together, I think we need to get to know each other better.. Let’s walk up to Marco’s and have a drink and discuss this.”

  “And what is Marco’s?” asked Lily.

  “It’s a bar owned by a friend of mine, Marco Santini. He’s a second generation Cuban. You’ll like him. Also he is discreet when necessary and a friend of mine is a friend of his,” replied Andre.

  On the walk up to Marcos, Andre was thinking about the pros and cons of this arrangement. One thing he definitely did not want was another woman hitting on him. He never wanted to care deeply for a woman again and he hated aggressive women. He had learned to keep his life full with work and sports.

  Andre was greeted very warmly by Marco, a large man with a moustache and twinkle in his eyes. The bar was filled with small round tables and wicker chairs with the necessary bar. “We need a very private table, Marco, for a special discussion.”

  “Ah, this sounds very interesting, “Marco winked at Lily and said, “I have just the thing for you” and showed them to a secluded table in the back corner of the room. After ordering, they sat quietly for a few moments looking into each other’s eyes.

  “I just can’t believe this has happened! Someone likes my dress and wants to sell more. It’s a dream come true for me,” Lily said excitedly. “I almost gave up after yesterday.”

  Smiling, Andre reassured her. “You’re very talented, Lily, and Jacqueline recognized that. I think your dresses will be very popular as soon as they are exposed to possible buyers. Women here like the latest thing and are always trying to outshine each other. I think they will create a sensation. For your sake, I hope so.

  Since we’ll be spending a lot of time together, I think we need to get to know each other better. Tell me something about yourself that is your personal experience, something not everyone knows.”

  “Well, I was engaged and caught my fiancé making out with my sister. I immediately threw my stuff in my car and started driving. I drove south and ended up in Miami. On the long drive here I decided fate had changed the path of my life. I would use this experience as an opportunity to totally change directions, to follow my dream, take chances and quit being so dull and careful. I have always loved to sew and my dream is to have a Lily line of clothes that will sell and I can make a living doing something I love to do. There you have it,” Lily said.

  “I admire you for making something positive out of a situation that must have hurt you. You have been honest with me. Now I will be honest with you. I am quite happy with my life as it is and am not interested in anything romantic. After your experience, you probably aren’t interested in a romantic relationship either. I will do this favor for Jacqueline and you with the agreement that we will be friends, nothing romantic. In public we probably should act like it’s a romantic relationship but in reality, definitely not.”

  Lily smiled, “Yes, this is exactly what I will be comfortable with. I won’t have to worry about you hitting on me. Just friends is perfect. I hope you don’t mind going out with me. I am looking forward to it. It’ll be a totally new experience and neither of us will have to worry about sex and stuff. We can be like brother and sister.”

  Andre laughed and said, “Lily, I think you and I are going to get along fine if we adhere to these guidelines. Hopefully we will have a lot of fun. Just the look on people’s faces will be something to see.”

  “What type of business agreement do you have with Jacqueline?” Lily looked puzzled at the question and said, “She said she’d sell the dress on commission.” Andre responded, “Jacqueline is a smart businesswoman and you will have to learn to be smart, too. You never depend on verbal agreements so you need to see a lawyer and have a signed written agreement.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet taking a business card out. “Here is the information on my lawyer and I recommend that you see him early tomorrow. Get an agreement signed before the sale of any more dresses. He will recommend the terms of the agreement. After the contract is signed, come on over to my salon and we’ll turn you into a gorgeous knock-out. Where are you staying?”

  Lily told him she had a room at a bed and breakfast about thirty miles north of Miami. Andre replied, “You are really in luck. One of my tenants has just gone on an extended business trip to Europe and has asked that I get someone to stay in his apartment just to look after it. He also has a car and driver for your use. The building is downtown because I like to live close to where I work. I live on the top floor so it’ll be very convenient for us. You will be in 24A if you agree to this arrangement.”

  Lily happily exclaimed, “Of course, I agree. This is wonderful! I just need to get moved which will be simple since most of my stuff is still in the car.”

  “Good. Louis is the doorman and he will be expecting you and give you the key. Get settled in and I’ll see you later today.”

  They walked back down to Jacqueline’s to find the store more crowded than before. Several women were looking at Lily’s dress and talking about it. Jacqueline said to Lily in a quiet voice, “Your dress has created quite a bit of interest already. Hurry and bring me some more. I may sell this one today if the interest is any indication. Did you and Andre work things out?”

  “Yes,” answered Lily. “I’m moving into his vacant apartment today so I have to get moving. Thanks for everything.”

  Jacqueline smiled and nodded. Lily laughed and said, “I feel like I’m walking on a cloud. See you tomorrow.” I’ve got to quit saying naïve things like that, Lily thought .Listening more and talking less would be a good rule for me. I’m so dumb I didn’t even think about a written contract. Thank goodness for Andre.

  Chapter 2

  She had packed quickly, loaded her car and was on her way. Having never been out of Ohio, Lily was dazzled by Miami. She thought it had to be the most beautiful city she had ever seen. Her impression is of white buildings, palm trees, fountains and flowers. She loved the tram running on its elevated track.

  She carefully programmed the apartment address into her GPS and followed the instructions carefully trying not to be distracted. She was soon driving up the circular driveway of a tall building with curved glass sides and irregular angles between the curves. There was t
he usual fountain, palm trees and many blooming flowers in the middle of the curve. The sign above the door read, Ocean Breeze. What a romantic name for an apartment building. I’m going to love living here.

  She approached the doorman and told him her name. With a friendly smile he said, “I’m Louis and Mr. Andre has told me to expect you. Here is your key to apartment 24A and two men are ready to take your car to the basement garage and bring your belongings up to your apartment. You just go on up and don’t worry about a thing.”

  With a thank you, Lily entered the elevator. The elevator panel allowed a choice of floor, then apartment number. The door opened directly in front of 24A and she eagerly entered her new apartment. Wow! It looked like something out of a magazine. The décor was modern and simple. The carpet and sectional sofa were pale blue. The living room was in half of the curve of the circular corner of the building with the couch on the straight wall and the curved window making the unusual shape of the room. Two blue and gold stripped chairs flanked the sofa. Pillows on the sofa reflected blue, gold and other jewel tones. The wall art was modern abstract of the same colors. The tables were all black lacquer with glass tops.

  Lily was speechless. She had certainly never lived in an apartment decorated like this. She felt like she had been dropped into the lap of luxury. She loved the curved window. She opened the drapes to reveal a floor to ceiling window with a sensational view of downtown Miami. I’ll bet this view is magnificent at night, she thought. A bar separated the kitchen from the dining area with a wicker table with glass top and wicker chairs. Luckily she liked blue as the remainder of the apartment carried out the blue and wicker theme.

  Two men arrived with her suitcases and many boxes of dresses carefully folded and wrapped in tissue paper. Other sewing equipment and accessories followed. She immediately realized that she would have to convert the extra bedroom into a sewing room or she would not be able to get anything done.


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