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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Page 11

by Collins, Lea

  Once in their car, Andre pulled Lily close and put his arm around her. He put his hand on her breast and whispered into her ear, “This is our wedding day and I want to make love to my wife.” She still wore her chiffon dress she put on that morning for their marriage. He pulled her panties off, stuffed them in his pocket and put two fingers in her sensitive area between her legs and rubbed around and around, then in and out of her vagina. “Hmmm you’re so wet and ready…” “Don’t stop,” begged Lily. He kept it up until she buckled and had an explosive climax. He kissed her passionately and murmured, “You’re so wonderfully responsive…just wait until tonight.”

  They returned to the apartment building to find Andrew in conversation with two policemen. They joined the group and were told no intruder was found, however, damage had been done to the lock and door of 24A. Lily gasped and Andre put his arm around her shoulder.

  The police said it appeared that someone had tried to get in but was unable to do so. They don’t know where he went as they never saw anyone. They asked about exits and Andre explained about the exits from each apartment. A stairwell went from bottom to top. Each entrance was located in the kitchen and exited outside the building in the back. The door of the exits were kept locked on the outside but not from the inside. Each resident had a key to the stairway entrance on the outside.

  Nobody could figure out how the intruder got out of the building without being seen. Andre repeated the description Louis had given them. The police concluded the purpose of the break-in was to gain entrance to apartment 24A and recommended the door and lock be repaired immediately. After the police left, they went up to the 24th floor to take a look at the door. Someone was very determined to gain entrance as the lock had been smashed in but had held. The door showed signs of blows with a sharp object. Andre stated he was glad he had used steel doors instead of wood.

  Andrew complimented Andre on good construction choices. “Somebody was trying to get to me,” Lily said weakly. “I usually am home sewing this time of day. Why? Why would anyone want to hurt me?” She started crying and Andre took her in his arms rubbing her back in an attempt to sooth her.

  Andrew offered to call maintenance and get the lock and door repaired and Andre could take Lily on up to his apartment. He would report in later. After a moment’s thought, he said he’d phone a report since it was their wedding day. Andre grinned and said he appreciated that. Andre asked him to check on Molly and explain everything to her which he agreed to do.

  Andre picked Lily up and she put her arms around his neck. When they entered his apartment, he saw in one of the armchairs beside the fireplace and with a tissue wiped away the tears. She looked at him with fear in her eyes. “Lily love, I don’t know what is going on or why. Nobody can get to you when you’re in the apartment. The recent attempt proved that. What we need to do now is concentrate on the present and not worry about what might happen. I am going to keep you safe. Without you, life is not worth living for me. Do you trust me?”

  She nodded and gave him a shaky smile. “You are my wife and we will make a wonderful life together. We are going to do something tonight we haven’t done.” Her eyebrows went up and he saw he had her interest. He asked her to stay put.

  He went out the balcony door and upstairs to the upper balcony. He came back down and taking her hand, led her into their bathroom. He undressed and put on a fluffy white robe and then undressed her and gave her a robe, then leading her by her hand, they went to the upper balcony where a hot tub was waiting. Andre had turned the temperature level to cool.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you had a hot tub up here. You’ve been keeping secrets,” she exclaimed. He took her robe and helped her into the tub, then joined her. The jets kept the water constantly bubbling and they both sighed with pleasure and leaned back to look up at the stars. “You like?” he asked. “Hmm yes. This is so relaxing and the stars are so bright and beautiful. What a wonderful surprise.”

  After a while she moved over and snuggled up to him. “You’re so wonderful.”

  He chuckled. “Keep on thinking that and you might get another surprise.”

  “Something we haven’t done before?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  He walked over to the outdoor kitchen area and from the wine cooler took a bottle of champagne and two glasses. After the pop of the cork, he poured each of them a glass of champagne and stepped back into the hot tub. They toasted their marriage and love for each other.

  Suddenly Lily sat up, looked around and said, “I don’t remember all this being up here when you showed me the upper deck area.”

  “I had it done earlier in the week as a surprise for you. I never used this deck but now that I have you, I think we will enjoy using it. Certainly tonight the hot tub is exactly what we needed to help us relax.” Lily kissed him lingeringly and said she thought it was a wonderful surprise.

  They relaxed, drank champagne and watched the stars in peaceful bliss.

  Chapter 10

  Andrew knocked on Molly’s door and identified himself. She opened the door and he explained, “Andre asked me to bring you up to date on what has been happening.” Grinning, he added, “He also told me to have a glass of wine with you while explaining.” She laughed and got two glasses and he poured their wine.

  Sitting on her couch, he explained about the break-in and finding that Lily’s apartment had been the object of the intruder and that Lily was very frightened and upset. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I would be upset, too. Should I call her?” asked Molly.

  “No, I called to report the finished installation of the new door and lock and there was no answer. I would guess they’re relaxing in the new hot tub, drinking champagne and looking at the stars. Andre had the entire top sunroof decorated as a surprise for Lily. There’s a huge hot tub, small kitchen, wine cooler, furniture….very nice.”

  “How thoughtful of him to do that. She must be so happy except, of course, for these recent incidents. What are your thoughts on who could be doing these things?”

  “I have thought about this a lot and have come to some conclusions. The car incident was very amateurish, as was the telephone call and the notes,” Andrew began. Molly quickly interrupted, “What notes?” “Oh, damn, I forgot you weren’t told about the notes. Lily doesn’t know, either, so please don’t tell her. Andre will be very unhappy with me. There was a note sent to Lily’s mailbox in block letters saying, TOO BAD I MISSED THIS TIME…..NEXT TIME I WILL NOT MISS. Andre decided not to show it to her. He took it to the police. The next note arrived after the phone call when you prevented Lily from running out to see if Andre was hurt. It, too, was sent to her mailbox and said, YOU HAVE BEEN LUCKY AGAIN….THIRD TIME IS THE CHARM. Andre took this one to the police, too, and they are trying to get DNA from the saliva from the sealed envelopes or fingerprints. So far there have been no results reported to us on their tests.

  I think the notes sound like a female. Perhaps a jealous female. This latest attempt to break in the door sounds like a male…a stupid male. He should have realized as soon as he started that the door was going to take a while to break into and make a lot of noise. So we have two people working together or two people working separately. Either way, it is very puzzling.”

  Molly looked very intrigued with his conclusions. “I agree with you, Andrew. Her jealous sister would fit the profile of the first attempts and the notes…not very smart and wanting to upset Lily and hurt her, if possible. Another possibility is to get at Andre. He is so much in love with Lily that if anything happened to her, he would be devastated. Who could have a reason to want to hurt Andre? The door attempt today could be a man wanting to get at Andre through Lily.”

  Andrew looked shocked. “Molly, you may have something. I can think of one person who has always hated and been jealous of Andre and that is his brother, Peter. But I just cannot believe Peter would be capable of trying to harm Andre’s fiancé. He does, however, fit the description Louis gave of the man who hit him and
I have no idea where Peter is. His mother probably knows. I have to think about this.”

  He poured each of them another glass of wine. They sat for a while sipping their wine and looking at the lights of Miami. “It’s so nice to sit in peaceful companionship and talk. I usually spend my evenings alone,” commented Andrew. “I do, too,” replied Molly. “I’d forgotten how nice it is to have a companion. You get used to being alone, not enjoying it, but just used to it.”

  “I’m starved,” suddenly said Andrew. “Have you had dinner?”


  “I’ll order dinner from the place Andre recommended.” He took out his wallet and removed a card. “Steak or salmon?” he asked.


  Andrew ordered a steak and a salmon dinner to be delivered in thirty minutes. When the food arrived, they moved over to the table in front of the window and ate enjoying the view of Miami’s lights. He poured each another glass of wine and wistfully commented, “It’s so nice eating dinner with someone. I really miss companionship.”

  “Yes, I do, too. Are you aware of what we keep saying? How much we are enjoying each other tonight?” Molly asked.

  “Yes. We have both been alone for so many years. I haven’t enjoyed it. I just am used to it and you don’t realize what you’re missing until you have it. I will be divorced in one week. It seems a divorce takes only two weeks if there are no areas of disagreement. I look forward to being a single man and can be free of a very unhappy relationship.”

  “Tell me your story, Andrew. I told you mine and you promised to tell me yours. This is as good a time as any.”

  “I don’t want to spoil the mood of the evening.”

  “You won’t spoil it. Sharing helps heal. I can speak from recent experience on this.”

  “Okay you asked for it.” He hesitated for several moments and then began. “My parents couldn’t afford to send me to college so I worked my way through by performing in night clubs, bartending…any work I could get. When I graduated, I went to work for an engineering firm owned by Lorraine’s father. I met her when she came in one day to visit her father and clearly was interested in me so I asked her out. One thing led to another and with a lot of pressure from my parents, my boss and Lorraine, we married.

  She was attractive in those days but we really didn’t know each other well. Andre was born nine months later and by then I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life. She didn’t like making love, said it was disgusting. She didn’t like being pregnant and after Peter was born, she said she was finished with sex and children. So from then on, I occupied one side of the house and she had her rooms on the other side. She had very little to do with Andrew but spoiled Peter. I was so busy building the business that I didn’t spend much time with them. Andrew was involved with sports and did well in everything but Peter didn’t excel in anything.

  When Andrew left so abruptly, I took Peter into the company. The accountant kept telling me he was stealing from the company but I let him get by with several warnings before I finally realized he wasn’t going to change and fired him. My guess would be that he has spent all the money he stole. He liked living high above his means and I think his mother is helping him now. She resented the fact that Andrew looked so much like me. Peter resembles her in looks and I guess that’s why he was her favorite. It wasn’t a happy household.

  I was so surprised when she planned the trip down here. Actually she and Eleanor planned it Eleanor has never married and maybe she is still in love with Andrew and hoped to rekindle the old romance. Certainly they were shocked when he walked in with a beautiful fiancé. I came along because I wanted to see my son and was planning to move somewhere and thought this would be a good opportunity to check out Miami. I am so glad I did because I met someone special.”

  During this long story, Molly had been sitting spellbound and filled with pity for Andrew’s dismal marriage. It seemed totally devoid of love and affection and she was amazed that he was such a sweet, caring man. She knew that he had never told this story to anyone else but had opened his heart to her.

  Andrew had been looking out the window during his description of his marriage. “I’d better not look into your eyes and see pity,” he said. “You won’t,” Molly replied, “You’ll see respect and admiration.”

  He turned his head and looked into her eyes. “Why respect and admiration?” “Because you have lived in an unpleasant marital situation for years and yet you are not a bitter man. Instead you are caring and considerate.”

  “I’m glad you look at it that way. I’m not bitter because I know all women aren’t alike. I want to love someone who returns my love and marry again.” He chuckled and added, “You don’t feel like sitting in my lap and kissing the hurt away?”

  Molly laughed. “You wish!” as she got up and went into the kitchen to tidy up.

  Andrew followed her into the kitchen to inspect the door to the fire escape stairway. He found it was as solid as the front door with a secure lock. He cautioned Molly to always keep both doors locked. As he was leaving, she said, “Thank you for telling me your story. I understand you so much better now and have a huge respect for such a nice and caring man.”

  He smiled and replied, “Just remember I’ll be divorced in a week.”


  The next morning, Andre and Lily rang the doorbell and Molly came to the door with Andrew following close behind. After the greetings, Andrew suggested to Andre that they leave the interview with the seamstress to the ladies and go outside for a talk.

  Once outside the apartment, Andrew requested that they look at the surveillance tape again of the intruder and Louis. Andre was puzzled but agreed. They watched the man with sandy hair walk up to Louis, talk a moment, and then hit Louis on the head with a large piece of wood. He threw the wood into the shrubbery, and walked into the building. Andre looked puzzled. “I didn’t see anything different than we saw before.” Andrew urged, “Look at the man very carefully and see if he reminds you of anyone.” Andre looked at the tape again, then again. This time he cautiously said, “With shorter hair, he would look a bit like Peter.” Andrew then told Andre about his conversation with Molly the previous night and that the only person he could think of who might want to hurt Andre through Lily was Peter. “He has always hated you. I think he’s been eaten up with jealousy. You always were outstanding in everything you did but he never did anything well. The question is whether he is capable of doing something like this,” said Andrew.

  Andre asked, “Did the police get that piece of wood we just saw the guy throw into the shrubbery?”

  Andrew thought for a moment, and then said with excitement, “I don’t think that they did.”

  They both jumped up and hurried outside. Andre looked into the thick shrubbery and said, “It’s here!” He then called the police without touching the wood and reported to them what he’d found.

  Soon two police cars arrived. Sgt. Ferguson and Lt. Malone were present to observe. The officers carefully removed the wood. They dusted for prints and found several good fingerprints. They asked to view the tape again and when they did, they were surprised that they missed that detail. Somewhat embarrassed, they speculated they were so intent on finding the intruder that they overlooked that. Andrew told the police that he thought he recognized the man as being his son, Peter. The police left expressing confidence they would be able to identify the intruder with the help of the fingerprints.

  They went back upstairs to find that the seamstress was still there and Lily and Molly were busy with her.

  Since Andrew needed to make a purchase at a drug store, they decided to go to the mall and Andre would check on his salon. Andrew made his purchase at the drug store and they walked into Andre’s together. The two handsome men caught the eyes of many of the females present. Carrie, the Assistant Manager, came up to Andre and hugged him. “How’s married life?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. Carrie and Andre had worked together for many years and w
ere good friends. He grinned and responded, “Great. I recommend it highly.” They both laughed and Andre asked if she’d met his father. “Your father? I honestly thought he was your older brother.”

  Carrie was an attractive blond and flirted with Andrew as Andre walked around the salon and greeted the employees. He also checked the financial accounts in the office and suggested to his father that he was ready to leave.

  Once outside, Andre grinned at his father and said, “You’re going to have to get used to being hit on. I just quit going out because I got so tired of aggressive women. Lily was so shy and naïve. It was a breath of fresh air to be with her.”

  When they returned to the apartment, the seamstress had left and Lily and Molly were relaxing and talking. “What have you two been up to?” asked Lily. “We went to the mall but first we looked at the tape of the assault on Louis and Andrew thinks it might me my brother, Peter. In addition we noticed the person hit Louis and then throw the piece of wood into the shrubbery. The police didn’t notice that and we found the wood still in the shrubbery. We called the detectives and they found fingerprints on the wood so we may be able to identify him by his fingerprints.

  “I’d like to see the tape. I haven’t seen it,” commented Lily. “I would like to see it, too,” requested Molly. “Okay let’s go down to the lobby and look at the tape,” replied Andre.

  They arrived at the lobby and entered the small security room and Andre started the tape. As soon as Lily saw the man walk up to Louis, she exclaimed, “Why that’s Jack!” They all looked at her in shock and Andre asked her, “Are you sure, Lily?” “Of course, I’m sure. I was engaged to the jerk for three months and I am absolutely sure. That is definitely Jack! I didn’t take the time to delete the pictures on my cell phone. I think I still have some of him on there.”


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