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Someday (Canyon Bay Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Liz Lovelock

Something lightly touches the tip of my outstretched fingers, and I twist as fast as I can while submerged in water, searching desperately for her. It’s her hand. Reaching out frantically, I tightly grip her fingertip, then adjust it to get a better hold. With all my strength, I pull her up against me. She’s a deadweight in my arms. Please be all right. I wrap my hand around her waist. What the hell? It’s then I realise she’s naked. What was she doing? Maybe it’s a good thing she’s not with it right now.

  When I surface, I suck in a gulp of air, filling my depleted lungs. My eyes roam over her face, waiting to see if she is breathing. Breathe … I silently beg her. Chloe begins coughing and I release a sigh. Thank goodness, she’s all right. The weight that had been resting on my chest, lifts as her coughing continues.

  Not wanting to get pulled out farther by the rip, I put my arms under hers and have her head resting on my chest, letting her body float. I try to keep my eyes averted to let her keep some dignity. It’s one hell of a challenge. I’m a man, sue me.

  When she begins to cough and splutter again, I don’t stop, I comfort her as best I can. “It’s alright, Chloe. I’ve got you,” I soothe.

  “Seth?” she croaks and coughs again. She doesn’t fight against me, but tries to relax.

  “Yeah, it’s me saving the damsel in distress once again.” I chuckle, as I head towards the shore, kicking and moving the best I can to get out of the rip. It’s so strong, my legs burn, but I keep going.

  Chloe continues to remain calm. After another coughing fit, she attempts to speak. “Seth, don’t look. I’m naked.” She croaks.

  I roll my eyes at her statement. “I know,” I pant. My chest feels tight and my lungs burn as I attempt to keep my breathing even. Her mention of being naked arouses me and I can’t help but take a quick glance at her shining, bare, beautiful body. Seth stop, you pervert.

  “Oh, how embarrassing.” She groans.

  “No more talking until we get back to shore.”

  She hums an okay. I need to concentrate to get my lady back to land and covered up.

  Before long, my feet hit the sand, and I’m able to push forwards easily. My chest is tight and puffed, but I wasn’t stopping for anything. When my feet hit the sand, I pull her closer to me. A groan escapes me. Control yourself, Seth. This is not the appropriate time to think about her naked. I steal another quick peek. In the moonlight, her body is perfect. From what I’ve seen during the day, her skin is perfect, naturally bronzed, and sun-kissed. I assume that’s what she’s been doing with her time here, sunbathing … naked?

  I look up the beach looking for my stuff, or even hers, for that matter. I didn’t see her clothes when I went in after her. A moment later, I spot my shirt and shoes on the shore. Gathering Chloe up in my arms, I carry her to my clothes. I place my shirt over her head and assist her to sit. She quickly tries to curl up and cover herself.

  “I just need to grab my clothes.” She gestures to the pile of clothing on the sand, near the rocks. Reluctantly, I release her arm and quickly run over and scoop up her stuff. As I breathe in, her berry scent fills my nose.

  “I’m so sorry, Seth.” She cries into her hands. I grab her towel and swiftly wrap it around her perfect body, but I don’t let her go.

  I sit beside her and hold her tight. She cries into my shoulder. My heart breaks for her. I can’t help wondering what she’s been through. “What are you sorry for?”

  “I wanted to be spontaneous, to do something I haven’t done before. Instead, I found myself drowning. Gosh, I’m such a fool.”

  My arms tighten around her. Friends or not. I feel the urge to comfort her and let her know I’m here for her. Gently, I press a kiss on her wet hair. “Chloe, I’ve been where you are. Our situations are different, but we get past them.” That’s a lie—I haven’t gotten past mine, but I’m not about to tell her that.

  “Seth, how do you forgive someone who’s hurt you?” Her tear-filled eyes look up into mine. My gaze falls to her lips and back to her chocolate stare.

  “It takes time. Allow yourself to take a moment to breathe and then maybe you might be able to find the strength to overlook what those people have done to you.” Forgiving myself is something I’ve never been able to do. My mistakes are haunting and unforgivable in my eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Seth?” Her hand falls softy on my cheek. Closing my eyes for a moment, I open them to hers sparkling in the moonlight.

  “It’s not important right now … You are what’s important. I think we should get you inside and dressed. How are you feeling? Sorry, I should have asked sooner.” How insensitive of me to not ask her how she’s feeling. Between her nakedness and my want for her, I forgot. How terrible of me.

  “I’m okay.” She sighs. “Will you help me up to get inside?”

  “Of course I will, my lady,” I reply, smiling. Standing, I assist her, and she adjusts the towel as she positions herself upright. I’m trying my best not to imagine what she looks like in the light without my shirt or the towel. She wobbles slightly, and I catch her arm to steady her.

  When we get to the house she flicks the porch light on, and I notice a flush creeping across her cheeks rapidly before spreading down to her chest.

  Her eyes avert from mine and look to her feet playing with the sand on the deck, so I wait. Eventually she speaks, “Umm … Thank you for helping me. Well, basically saving my life.”

  “Lucky for you, this is what Captain America does,” I joke, giving her my best one-sided grin. More pink flares on her cheeks. “Will you be alright? Do you want me to stay?” Secretly, I’m hoping she does. Just being near her helps me fight my inner monster.

  She hesitates a moment, seeming to be unsure of what to do. “Umm … I’ll be okay, I think.” She smiles.

  “Let me give you my number in case you need anything, and I mean anything at all.”

  She grabs her phone off the small table and hands it to me. I put my details in under Captain America, then ring my phone from hers to put her number in my contacts. I could have simply copied down her details from work but that would raise a confidentiality issue, plus she would mostly likely freak out or call me out as a stalker. I didn’t want that to happen. I sigh in relief when I realise my phone wasn’t in my pocket when I dived into the water. Thankfully, I’d left it at home charging. I take a deep breath in relief.

  “I’ll message you later,” I tell her.

  She smiles. “I’d like that. Thanks again, Seth.” Her voice cracks before she shakes her head. I’m not sure what she’s doing, but it looks as though she’s trying to stop herself becoming emotional.

  Stepping forward into her space, I gather my courage. Her lips are pink, plump, and wanting. Her tongue glides over them. My stomach twists in nervous knots, something which is new for me. What is she doing to me? My hands take her flushed cheeks, and her eyes close as I move closer to her. Our lips gently touch. My chest is about to burst. I pull back after a moment; as hard as it is to let her go, I do. She holds me, stopping me from moving away. My arms instinctively close around her waist. When I look down I see her eyes shining back at me, piercing mine. “Why did you come here tonight?”

  My arms tighten and, I place another kiss to her forehead before I answer. “I’m not sure … I wanted to see you and find out how you were going?” The truth is I missed her. The few days I’ve gone without seeing her have been dark days. Since she came along, I’m easier to be around, well that’s what Sherri said last night. Sherri basically pushed me out the door tonight to go see Chloe. How could I refuse?

  “Your timing was perfect. I thought perhaps you were avoiding me. I know I was sort of maybe trying to avoid you.” She nibbles on her lip, it arouses me. I want to claim those lips again, and again.

  “Why? Because of the kiss?” She nods. I roll my eyes, releasing a chuckle.

  “Hey, don’t laugh at me!” She shoves me in the chest, releasing me, but I hold her against me.

  “Look at me, Chloe.” She doesn’t, in
stead her head turns towards the water. “Chloe …” I push. Finally, her head turns towards me, those chocolate eyes watch me. “The other night, I’m glad I got to kiss those delicious lips,” her head shakes moments before she cracks a smile, “and again tonight. You make me feel things I haven’t in I don’t know how long. Let’s keep this, whatever it is between us going. Only if you want to, though?”

  She nods, “Okay.” Her grin couldn’t possibly be any wider and her cheeks pinker than what they are right now. I love making her blush, and smile. Her arms around me slacken, “I better get inside.”

  “Yeah, you better. Wouldn’t want you to lose your towel, I may lose my self-control.” Reluctantly I release her and we step back from each other.

  “Good night, beautiful.” I sigh, leaning in once more, I rest my head against hers before turning away.

  “Good night, Seth,” she whispers before walking into the cottage, closing the door behind her.

  When the door clicks shut, I collapse to the floor, embarrassed and upset. Tears cascade down my cheeks. If Seth hadn’t come around tonight, I’d be gone. Dead.

  A cold shiver runs down my spine as I recall the chilling moment I decided I couldn’t tread water anymore. I was tired. I had no more fight left in me to kick myself to the shore. I owe Seth so much. What did he mean when he said he’d been where I was?

  How can I face him again after tonight? Other than the naked part, there’s the almost drowning. He must think I’m a stupid immature girl, and I’m not. Tomorrow is a new day and I intend to live the life I’ve been given, so I’ll be going to Sherri’s first thing in the morning and accepting her offer of working with her at the bakery. It’s time to begin the next chapter.

  Wiping away my tears and picking myself up off the floor, I shower in the hottest water I’ve ever had. My skin is pink from the heat, but it was needed.

  After I’m dressed, I curl up in bed with thoughts of Seth and his lips. Closing my eyes, I see him with his usual charming grin, and my stomach ignites with butterflies, a perfect picture and feeling to send me to sleep.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  What’s that banging?

  Rolling out of bed, I groggily stumble to the door, annoyed with whomever is on the opposite side. I swing it open and come face to face with someone I was only moments ago dreaming about undressing. “What the bloody hell do you want this early?” I decide to go with the angry tone so he isn’t aware of my desperate need to see what’s under those clothes, for real.

  “Well, good morning, sunshine.” Seth greets me with his charming smile and presents me with a large ceramic travel mug full of coffee and hands me a bag of something warm.

  “What are you doing here?” I demand, taking a sip of the delicious steaming coffee. “Come in.” I step aside, letting him pass.

  “Thanks, this is from Nan. She did some baking this morning. It’s an everyday thing for her. I have to keep fit living with her by saving damsels in distress.” He winks, and fire spreads through my chest as I reminisce on the night before.

  “So, it’s a regular thing for you, saving girls?”

  “Not as often as I’ve had to help you out, but I don’t mind helping you.”

  “You love it,” I tease. Seth erupts with laughter.

  “Well yeah, I like you, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, but I’m worried that one day I may not be there in time.” A deafening silence fills the room. Then it dawns on me, what if he didn’t come last night? Dread fills the pit of my stomach, I could have died if it wasn’t for Seth. No more Chloe, no more life to experience, no more opportunities to fall in love; and not just the infatuation kind, I’m talking the true heart pumping, weak knee kind of love. Like how Seth makes me feel every time I see him.

  “Are you with me, Chloe?” Blinking my eyes, Seth’s concern-filled voice pulls me back to the present.

  “Huh? What? Sorry, was somewhere else there for a moment. Ahh … so what are you doing here?” The thoughts I had seconds ago are still at the forefront of my mind, so I try to bring my head into the present. Looking at Seth, I notice his stare is soft, it’s as though he’s attempting to bore into my head and dig out my thoughts. “Well?”

  “Well my lady, I’ve come to pick you up and take you to where the café will be.”

  “I was planning to come see Sherri this morning and tell her I’d love to accept her offer,” I reply, then take a large gulp of coffee to wake me up quicker. It’s too early for all this hotness to be in my living room.

  “Really?” he shifts toward me, invading my personal bubble. My knees feel as though they’re going to buckle beneath me.

  “Yep.” I regard him, waiting to see what he’s going to do.

  Without a word, he wraps me in his arms, giving me a tight bear hug. I hold my coffee away from us, thankfully, neither one of us end up wearing it. Although, seeing him with his shirt off again, might wake me up quicker than this drink. “This is awesome news! Quick, go and get yourself dressed, then we’ll go and check out the space.” He releases me, then his hand comes up and moves some hair that had fallen into my face away. I melt into his touch, wanting more. He steps back and falls into the empty recliner chair. His eyes travel up and down my body. “It’s great to see you’ve actually found yourself some clothes. I was worried you might answer the door in your birthday suit.” He chuckles.

  I have half a mind to toss my hot coffee at him now, but can’t bring myself to waste something so delicious. Instead, I glare at him through slitted eyes. “You think you’re so bloody funny, don’t ya?”

  “Funny is my middle name.”

  “No, what’s funny is your actual middle name.” As I sit on the chair opposite him, he chokes on the mouthful of food he’d just swallowed. He shifts forward in his seat, regarding me closely. It’s now his turn to glare at me with slitted eyes. I waggle my eyebrows at him.

  “You don’t know my middle name,” he accuses.

  “Well, you’ll just have to wait and see. I’m a woman of many talents, Captain America,” I sing playfully.

  His face looks as though it’s paled slightly in the last few seconds.

  I can’t help laughing, taunting him some more.

  “Seriously though, you don’t really know, do you?”

  I pretend to zip my lips up and lock them shut, a cheeky grin spreading across my face. He’ll never know. I’ll use my wild card when I need it. Sherri is a butt-load of information. Such a chatty lady.

  “Fine then,” he grumbles taking another bite of his pastry, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. How are you going? You okay?” His watchful eyes regard me, and I wonder if he’s attempting to evaluate what my reaction will be.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I’ll live.” I shrug, unsure of what else to say.

  “So long as you’re sure. I’d hate for anything to happen to you, you’ve kind of grown on me.” He shrugs.

  “Well, I should think so, especially since you’ve kissed me and even seen me naked. Not many guys have received such a privilege so early on in a relationship. Not that I’m saying we’re though.” I rush out the last part of that statement. What the hell am I saying? Sticking my big foot in my huge mouth. Bringing up the term relationship is not something I should be doing; it’s a banned word right now.

  He nods, grinning from ear-to-ear. Damn smug guy. “See? You’re important to me.”

  “Dude, I’ve only been here a short while.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve made an impression on me.” He stands from the seat he was occupying, shoving the last of his pastry in his mouth, then claps his hands, removing the icing sugar. I hadn’t even had the chance to start my pastry yet; it sits on the brown bag on my knees. It’s a golden brown, puff pastry sprinkled with icing sugar. Lifting it to my mouth, I take my first bite and the fresh sweetened cream with lemon flavouring melts the moment it hits my tongue. My eyes close savouring its sugariness, a moan escapes me.

  “Umm … do you want me to leave you a
lone with the pastry? Or I could take its place and taste you instead.” My eyes flick open, and see Seth sitting in the recliner again, watching me. He has a hungry look in his eyes. I don’t doubt for a moment he’d happily switch places with the pastry.

  “Sorry, it’s so damn good!” It was such a delectable pastry. Give me a whole box of those and I’d be one happy girl, at least until the box was empty.

  “I know. But you’d taste better,” he playfully teases, and I roll my eyes. If only he knew I’d probably take him up on the offer. Gah! Mental slap! These thoughts are just as bad as his tormenting me.

  After I finish my delicious treat, I’m brushing the icing sugar from my pyjamas. “Finally! Took you long enough to eat that. Hurry, go and get dressed,” he pushes.

  “Yeah, yeah give me a minute,” I snap as I race to the bedroom, doing a quick dig through my cupboard, trying to find something decent and appealing. I finally decide on a short, loose-fitting, white, flowy, spaghetti strap dress with yellow daisies. As I assess myself in the mirror, I pull my hair back and tie it into a messy bun. I bounce out of the room to find him reading my book I left on the couch a few nights ago. Crap! He’s going to think I’m a sex-crazed girl. Great … I hear him chuckling to himself while his eyes scan the pages. His laughter fills me with the happiness I need in my life right now. Our chemistry is something I didn’t experience with Chad or Ryan. Now that I think about it, they weren’t healthy for me, especially Chad, he was controlling and Ryan was always busy and away. Yeah away … his ploy. If we’d stayed together, he’d probably still be too busy for me. Seth is different in so many ways, like the way he looks at me with an adoring glint in his eyes. His flirtatious charm always puts a smile on my face and a passionate feeling in my chest.

  Seth turns and sees me standing behind him. “You read this sex stuff?” he questions, waving the book at me, with a devilish grin plastered on his face.

  “Shut up and let’s go.” I snatch the book from his hand, tossing it on the coffee table.

  “Yes, let’s. I want to know how that scene ends as well; maybe one day we could try it in person.” There’s a hint of passion in his tone.


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