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Someday (Canyon Bay Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Liz Lovelock

  “Now is not the time to even attempt to fix this,” I roar into the phone.

  “Umm … Chloe?”

  Stiffening, I realise my mistake of not checking who was calling first. “Ryan …” I sigh. Great! One of the people who’s caused my pain.

  “Baby cake …”

  My eyes roll at the pet name he once called me. Gosh, what did I ever see in him? “Don’t call me that,” I reply, my voice a monotone, with no emotion in my words.

  “Who was that guy?” he questions.

  “That’s none of your concern.”

  “It’s pretty early to have someone there, isn’t it?”

  “It’s not your concern,” I repeat. It’s as though he isn’t listening to me.

  “Can we sort things out?”

  I scoff at his question. “You already blew your chance when you slept with my best friend, so screw you.”

  “It was a mistake. Please forgive me.”

  “I guess you aren’t hearing me properly, so I’ll say it once more. It’s over between us. Don’t ever call me again. Lose my number, you jerk. That’s it. Goodbye, Ryan. Have a good life with Crystal.”

  Before I hit the disconnect button, Ryan is calling my name trying to stop me from disconnecting our call. I am so done, no more men for me.

  After two hours of deciding if I should continue this venture with Sherri, I decided it’s not her I have a problem with. This could be my new life and it’s something I’m excited about. Avoiding Seth should be easy, and giving him the cold shoulder will be punishment enough, I think.

  Rocking up to the café, Sherri is outside waiting … with Seth, a sullen look on his face. He says something to Sherri when he sees me pull up. Sherri places her hand gently on his shoulder and replies. He simply nods, then turns and leaves, walking towards his workshop.

  Good. At least I don’t have to deal with him.

  As I approach Sherri, her eyes turn soft, and instantly I know Seth has filled her in on everything that happened this morning.

  “Hello dear, how are you?” is all she says, as casual as the first day I met her. Perhaps she’s not one to pry or she’s biding her time.

  “Hey, Sherri. I’m good. How about you?”

  “As good as an old lady can be.” She gives me an excited grin. “You ready to get things started?”

  “Yep. Umm … Sherri I’ve got something I want to talk to you about. It may not be something you’re interested in, but hey, there’s no harm in asking, right?”

  “I’m all ears, dear.”

  “I’ve been thinking I’d like to pay you to share ownership of the business. Now I’ve got a small amount of money from my payout when I finished at my previous job. This is what I’d like to do. Perhaps we could work something out?” The words rush out of my mouth. I don’t know why I’m so nervous asking her, she has the kindest heart.

  A gleeful smile spreads across her face. “That would make me so happy. How about you pay what you can for the renovations and we’ll call it even.”

  “I’m happy to do that. Of course, I’ll keep some so I will be able to pay rent and food, since I don’t have any income until we get the café up and running.”

  Sherri nods as I speak. “Dear, we’ll find you a casual job that’ll help with those things and keep you on your feet.”

  Relief washes though me as she speaks. Sherri has a way of making me feel calm and to not stress about the way things are working out.

  “Thank you.” My arms wrap around her as she stands there beaming at me.

  “No, thank you. Now let’s get in here and begin our plans.”

  “Do you have a name in mind for the café?” I ask. Nothing has been previously mentioned.

  “Haven’t got one yet, but if you have something in mind, I’m all ears.”

  “Oh, okay. No, I haven’t got anything, I was just wondering. I did have an idea about maybe adding bookshelves and allowing people to borrow the books to read while in the store?”

  Sherri claps her hands together excitedly, “My dear, that is a marvellous idea! I love it! See I knew you’d be a great fit.” She gives me a wink, then turns making her way inside.

  Walking into the near empty space, I notice the dust still sitting centimetres thick on benches and tables. There’s lots of work to do here, but I’m excited about seeing it renovated and buzzing with customers. On the days those tour buses come through, I can see us getting swamped for Sherri’s pastries. It’s going to be amazing.

  The first thing we do is open all the windows. Sherri has brought along her cleaning supplies.

  “Chloe, could you go over to Seth and ask for a ladder? We’ll start from the top and work our way down.”

  Yeah, yeah, I already know what she’s trying to do. Sly old lady.

  With my stomach tied in knots, I force my feet to walk one after the other towards the man I’m angry at. He walks out of the garage, wiping grease off his black-stained hands, a brilliant smile on his face.

  “How can I help you, pretty lady?” His question isn’t paused or hesitant. It’s as though this morning didn’t happen.

  I stop, keeping a good distance between us. “Sherri needs a ladder, please.”

  “She’s not getting up on a ladder.” Seth’s voice rises.

  “She’s not; I am,” I quickly respond.

  “Oh, okay. I should have known. Sorry for jumping to conclusions.”

  “Seems to be your thing this morning,” I bite back before I realise what I’m saying, but I’m not ready to let go of him answering Ryan’s call and what he said last night.

  His face contorts with frustration and sadness.

  “Look, just bring it over when you have a moment.”

  He says nothing, but nods. I stand there watching him, not speaking. His eyes are sad, tired, and just downright mesmerising. If this had happened yesterday, there would be some witty banter passing between us, a flirtatious grin and laughter.

  “Chloe …”

  My hand goes up, stopping him. “Don’t, okay? Don’t apologise again. I like you, but once again I got hurt. Prove to me you’re worth it. Fight for me.” Turning my back to him, I walk towards the café.

  It’s been just over a month since I came to Canyon Bay. How time has flown. Most of my days are spent working on the café. There are tradespeople there today fixing up the kitchen and replacing some of the walls, then tomorrow we’ll have the painters in to breathe some freshness into it. It’s looking beyond amazing and has scrubbed up nicely.

  Sherri has been a wonderful help, and a great business partner. She basically lets me make the choices, but I still ensure she’s okay with the decisions. We’re still deciding on a name. She wants something fresh and hip, whatever that means. Not being a hip person, I might find it hard to discover the right one.

  Things with Seth and I have kind of settled down. Still, I haven’t forgiven him, carrying around this anger is tiring. What happened wasn’t terrible, but it did hurt me.

  Today is my day off. My funds are beginning to run low. The renovations haven’t been cheap, plus I have to pay for my food and rent, so I’ll have to look around for a casual job to help with a few things. That’s only until the café is up and running.

  Canyon Bay is very much a tourist town and now the weather is warming up, the town is buzzing.

  After I do some job hunting this morning, my plan for the rest of the day is to enjoy a book and do some baking. Not that I can cook anything as delicious as Sherri can. Her food is simply amazing. People will flock here just to taste her sugary delights. She has promised to teach me how to make them, because, as she’d said, “I won’t be around much longer so I need to pass along these family recipes, and you’re it, dear, because Seth isn’t much of a baker. Hell, he’ll burn the house down—almost did when he was younger.”

  We had a good laugh at Seth’s expense. Can’t say he was too impressed, but he sucked it up and moved on.

  My phone starts to ring. Moving from m
y comfortable lounge chair to pick it up, I see Mum’s name on the screen. I release a large breath, and with my heart hammering in my chest, I slide my finger across the screen. It’s time to apply the forgiveness I’ve been thinking about. I’ve had time to think about everything and I can’t say I’m thrilled about her lying to me for so long, but she’s my mum, the only one I’ll have. Time to swallow my pride and start my journey of letting things go.

  “Hello, Mum.” My voice catches, and, a wave of emotion overcomes me.

  “Oh, thank goodness. Honey, how are you?” The relief in her voice is evident. Her words are softly spoken, without a hint of anger.

  “I’m good, thanks. How are you?”

  “Stressed. Honey, I’m so sorry. You have no idea how terrible I feel.”

  “I can’t say I’m over it yet, but I’m willing to try.” Suddenly, something comes to me and I want to know for sure. “Mum, can we possibly get a test done to make sure? Do you think Dad would do it?”

  She sighs on the other end of the phone. “Yes, if that’s what you want. He asked the same question.”

  “Yeah, it’s what I want.”

  “Okay, we’ll sort something out.”

  “How’s Dad going anyway? I haven’t heard from him in a while.” Although I haven’t reached out to him either, so that’s on me. I should be trying harder.

  “He’s going good. Just been busy with work and wanting to give you some space.”

  “He’s a good man.”

  “Yes, he is. What’s been happening with you?”

  I tell her about the café, Seth, Sherri, and the cute cottage I’m living in. Our conversation fills with talking and laughter like we are a regular mother and daughter, without a care in the world.

  Before I realise it, it’s become dark. I glance down at my watch and I note it’s eight; we’ve been talking for nearly three hours. “Hey Mum, it’s been great chatting, but I have a pretty big day tomorrow.”

  “Yes, honey. Your dad just walked in the door, want to say a quick hello?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  There’s a scuffle on their end and Dad’s deep, yet chipper voice booms through my phone. “Hey, buttercup, how are you?”

  “I’m good, Dad. Just been catching up with Mum.”

  “I can see that. Long chat, huh?”

  “Yeah. We’ve decided we’re going to get a test done, just to make sure. You already are my dad, but I can only hope Mum got it wrong.”

  Our conversation becoming serious, and Dad becomes silent on the other end.

  “Dad? You there?”

  “Yes, we’ll get it sorted and let you know what the plan is.”

  “Okay, I’d better go. Mum can fill you in on everything that’s been going on.”

  “Can’t wait. See ya later, buttercup.”

  “Bye, honey,” Mum calls into the phone.

  “Love you both.”

  “Love you, too,” they reply in sync.

  Hanging up, I’m left in silence. It’s kind of lonely not having someone to chat with, especially since I’ve been here on my own and Seth hasn’t been around lately. Leaving the chair I was sitting on, I decide a shower and food is needed.

  Once refreshed and clean, I even pluck my eyebrows. Leaving the bathroom, I flick off the light and head towards the kitchen.

  “Pretty lady …”

  An ear-piercing scream erupts from my throat, and my legs collapse beneath me.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Seth is by my side in an instant, helping me up. His hand takes my arm gently, pulling me upwards. With my body trembling, he pulls me into his rather firm chest. He smells like a mixture of testosterone and sugar; it’s delicious … he’s delicious.

  My breathing becomes hard and heavy. My eyes meet his, and they contain a glint of desire.

  “What are you doing here, and inside, for that matter?” I step back from him, anger pulsing though me. “You haven’t been around and now you decide to show up in my home, unannounced!” My voice rises with each word.

  As Seth moves towards me again, his hand comes up and brushes my hair from my face. “I’m sorry.” His voice is soft and wanting. With those two words, my anger slowly dissolves.

  My hands slowly move to his chest, resting them against his fast, deep breaths. His arms now are firmly wrapped around me. I melt into him. My insides have become mush. He has a serious effect over me. He takes my breath away, literally.

  “I was worried. I’d tried to call and sent you messages.” He doesn’t release me, and nor do I want him to; I’m quite settled right where I am. But there’s a longing within me to claim his lips. My eyes don’t move from them until he stops speaking.

  “Sorry, I was talking to my mum.”

  “It’s okay. I brought you some dinner as well. I wanted to take you to the lookout, but it’s too late now. I was going to come sooner but I had paperwork to do at the garage. Sorry.”

  My foot is mentally kicking myself for not checking my phone. “Why are you only coming around now after our argument?”

  Seth holds me tighter. “Chloe, I’m so sorry for everything I said that night, I didn’t want to hurt you. I have personal issues I need to work through and I didn’t want to drag you down into my pit of darkness. Can you forgive me?” He sighs. I watch him as the turmoil he battles shows in his creased forehead and glistening wet eyes. I can’t stay mad at this man who currently has a possessive hold over me.

  “I can forgive you.” Before I can stop myself, I lean up on my toes and push my lips against his. Kissing him isn’t anything new, but for me to initiate it is. With a deep passion, my arms wrap around his neck, pulling him into me. My want to have him closer is undeniable. His soft lips move with mine, and we explore and taste each other.

  After a moment, my hands work their way under his shirt, wanting to pull it off and to have his bare chest against me.

  “Chloe,” he breathes against my mouth, “if you don’t want to go any further then we need to stop now, because once you strip me of my shirt, that’s it. I’ll claim each and every part of your beautiful body.”

  Do I want him to?

  Hell yes!

  My hands clasp the hem of his shirt, and glide it over his head. He stands before me in all his glory—his smooth olive skin, and a nicely defined stomach. I press my hands against him, gliding them over his skin. My chest swells with excitement and passion.

  Nothing more is said as he claims my lips once again. His feather-light fingers run under my shirt. Everything begins to move so fast; I can’t get enough and by the way his hands roam over my body and his delicious lips claim mine, neither can he. Our breathing is ragged and short.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His lust-filled eyes watch me as he takes hold of the bottom of my shirt, and even though he’s already seen me naked, this time I allow him to really see me, not me half-drowned and naked. His charming smile is the last thing I see before my shirt is lifted up and off me. Seth doesn’t waste any time and presses himself up close to me once again. A new emotion fills me, something neither Chad, nor Ryan made me feel. Love …

  No, that can’t be right; it’s not right.

  A loud resounding knock on my door causes me to jump back from Seth, panic seizes my chest.

  “Oh, crap. Who would be here at this time of night, other than you of course?” Seth hands me my shirt and begins searching for his.

  “Perfect timing,” he mutters under his breath, clearly not pleased with my intruder.

  “Could be Sherri, looking for you.” I snicker. He gives me another panty-melting smile. Damn, stupid visitor.

  My feet carry me as though I’m floating to the door. Turning the knob, I’m face to face with Janie.

  “Oh, Chloe,” she sobs, the tears tumbling down her face. She falls into my open arms, and I crash back to reality.

  “What’s wrong? What are you doing here?” My arms open, and when I pull her into me, she sobs harder.

  Her appearance and emotional
greeting catch me by surprise. This isn’t her at all. My bright and usually happy friend isn’t here. My eyes dart to Seth who’s standing there looking as worried as I feel. Deep down, I secretly wish Janie didn’t show up. I know it’s selfish of me, but I could never turn down a friend. She was there for me when I needed her and now the roles have been reversed. But how did she find me? I hadn’t got around to giving her my new address yet.

  “Janie, how did you know where I was?”

  “Trent told me.” She hiccups after each word.

  “What’s going on?” I beg her to tell me as I continue to hold her.

  “I’ll turn the pot on for some coffee, shall I?” Seth enquires. I respond with a nod.

  “Come on, come sit down.” I usher her to the couch, where we sit. “What’s happened, Janie?”

  “I can’t talk about it right now. I just need a friend.” Her words are soft, the hiccupping has stopped, but her tears continue to slide down her rosy pink cheeks. I wonder what has happened, so many different scenarios are flashing through my head. Has someone close to her died? Did someone hurt her? Gosh, I wish she’d talk to me.

  “You know you can trust me, right? Whatever has happened will never be spoken about outside this house.” There’s force behind my words because I want her to know I truly mean each word. I pull her tighter to me, wrapping her in my arms.

  Seth brings in some steaming cups of coffee, handing them over. Janie notices him for the first time. I guess when I opened the door she was too distraught to notice him, but now she’s calmed down; her eyes widen slightly as she takes her cup.

  “I can see why you don’t want to come back now.” She inhales a deep breath.

  My cheeks blush. “Ah yeah, if you say so.”

  Seth watches me and gives me one of his devilish grins that make my heart go crazy.

  Turning back to Janie, I ask. “How are you feeling now?”

  Janie nods. “Much better.”

  “I’m glad. Is there anything you need?”

  “No, not right now. Thanks though. I should tell you I’ve lost my job.” Her face scrunches up and it looks like she’s fighting back more tears.

  “What? Why?” I asked, astonished at what she revealed. Why would she lose her job?


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