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Page 24

by Monette Michaels

  The call for boots-on-the-ground had gotten results from a multitude of militia-types. Enough results that after Ren had shared Tweeter and Keely's screen shots, the Idaho County Sheriff's Department had requested FBI assistance, combined with SSI and local law enforcement, to shutdown Gaither's rescue operation before it could even begin.

  After a lot of haggling with the Feds, they decided to take advantage of the fake-reward-claimant scenario that SSI and the Sheriff's Department had already set up to lull Gaither and his confederates into a false sense of security. Or as Dan had put it, "Send in a Trojan Horse instead of risking another fucking stand-off like Ruby Ridge or, worse, like Waco."

  The fake payoff would take place at a makeshift camp Gaither had set up on private land near the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. How the motherfucker had found one of the only grassland areas in Idaho County to rent, Price would never know.

  Keely and Tweeter had ghosted into a private site created by Gaither where volunteers could sign up to help free their persecuted white brothers, Bo and Zeke. From there they'd learned about the camp and the date Gaither planned to break out his brothers.

  Satellite imagery, courtesy of Keely's NSA contacts and an official FBI request, showed a large number of men had begun arriving at the site and setting up camp a day ago. Tweeter's hawk-drone had circled the area and relayed images of weapons and enough ammunition and explosives to do some serious damage.

  Even with all their knowledge and planning and the fail-safes they put in place, shit could still happen. So, no, Tara wasn't getting within five miles of what could turn into a huge battle.

  "Yeah, I know." When he snorted in disbelief, she added, "Okay, my brain knows, the rest of me still wants to be there."

  "If this were any other op, I'd want you there with me," Price tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I…everyone at SSI, values your skills. Never doubt that."

  "Um, Price—" She bit her lip and looked down at where they were still joined. She wiggled her butt and his cock pulsed with renewed signs of life.

  That shocked the shit out of him. He hadn't recovered this fast since his early twenties. And after just assuring her he wouldn't pressure her into having sex, he sort of wanted to do just that. He mentally groaned and tightened the reins on his libido. Which was a difficult thing to do since he got hard anytime he was around Tara, no matter when or where it was.

  Since they'd become lovers, he'd been very careful to limit their lovemaking to their bedroom, because she still had nightmares about Miller. He'd figured making love to her in their bed with her on top or them lying on their sides would give her a sense of being able to get away.

  After they'd been together for a while, he'd love to take her against the wall, on the kitchen counter, over the back of the great room sofa, on the training bench in his workout room, in the hot tub…hell, wherever they were, he wanted to make love to her. And at this point in his life, he was making love, not merely scratching an itch with whatever woman was willing.

  Meeting Tara was the best thing that ever had happened to him. He hoped for as many years with her as fate would allow.

  Price tipped up her chin and kissed the lip she'd been torturing. "I sense there's something troubling you, something more than the op this afternoon. You can tell me anything. I love you. Nothing you say will change that."

  "I know." She took his hand, kissed the palm, then licked it.

  God, the mere touch of her tongue had him shuddering with pleasure.

  "Píítaa, um…you can…well, sheesh, what a wuss I am." She clutched his hand in hers then looked him in the eyes. "Youcanbeontopwhenwemakelove." She blew out a breath and continued more slowly. "I know who's making love to me. I trust you."

  He gave her a hug. "You're not a wuss. And as far as sexual positions, I was just—"

  She covered his mouth with her fingers. "I know. And I appreciate your care of me." She moved her fingers to trace his jawline. "But after the first few times, I realized I'd never balk with you. And if I did, it wouldn't last long, because I can sense your love all around and in me when we make love. So, maybe we can try you on top or even taking me from behind."

  Her golden eyes turned smoky with what could only be desire. "I had a dream about that last position." She sighed. "It got me so hot I almost woke you up and asked you to do me right then and there."

  Price's cock went fully hard at her words and twitched inside her hot channel. "I'm one fucking lucky man." He kissed her, then took her hand and slid it down to where they were joined. "Play with your clit, baby. We'll try me on top this time."

  If everything went okay with the op, they'd try doggy style to celebrate…later.

  Tara's eyes widened and a smile curved her lips. "Really? Now?"

  Price lowered her to the bed and proved that they could do it again. And this time was better than all that had gone before, because Tara had given herself to him completely.

  * * * *

  Later that afternoon

  Price entered the Lodge with Ren and Trey. None of them were happy. Gaither had escaped their net. Still it had been a big win for law enforcement since they'd taken down thirty militia-types and scored a huge supply of illegal weapons, ammunition, and explosives.

  He swept the main room of the Lodge and found the only person who could brighten his day—Tara. She sat at the bar with Keely, Fee, DJ, and Tweeter.

  Her gaze was on him. He read empathy balanced with the same kind of pissed-offedness he had. She gave him a smile and lifted a glass with golden liquid in it. An invitation to let his cares go.

  He strode toward her. He took the glass, set it on the bar, and pulled her up and into his arms and then gave her a kiss. She twined her arms around his neck and returned his kiss until he felt in balance once more. When he finally pulled away from her mouth, he touched his forehead to hers. "I've never had that before."

  "Had what?" she asked as she stroked her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.

  "Someone to share a hard day with." He brushed her lips once more, then picked her up by the waist and set her back on her stool. He sat next to her and picked up the whiskey she'd gotten for him and tossed it back in one shot. "And someone who'd known I'd need that drink."

  Ren stood next to Keely, his arm around her shoulders, a drink in his hand as well. "Yeah, it's nice isn't it? Having someone to come home to. Someone who cares and understands."

  "We all watched the live stream from the drones and your body cameras." Keely's blue eyes gleamed. "I understand all y'all did a frick-fracking great job. Those frick-fracking militia boys never knew what hit them." She wrinkled her nose. "Too bad the Feds are going to take all the credit."

  "I don't care who gets the credit," Price said. "I wanted Gaither. I also want to find out how in the hell he discovered our claimant for the reward was bogus and that there'd be a takedown."

  Keely shook her head. "You guys looked ready to chew iron and spit nails when you couldn't find Gaither among the crowd. Good thing I had Scotty fire up the grill. A steak will be less wear and tear on your teeth while we do the mission postmortem. Tweetie and I already have our bots looking for trails in the Dark Net on how Gaither might've found out. With any luck, we'll have some hits or at least a better trail by the time we're done eating."

  Ren tipped his wife's face up and gave her a kiss. "You're awfully damn smart, sprite."

  "No, I just know my guys." Keely took a drink of her margarita.

  "Our guys have every right to be ticked off." DJ sipped her virgin margarita. "Gaither's MIA and on top of that the Feds big-footed the locals and took over the prisoners."

  "Which they had every reason to do so," Tweeter pointed out, "because those militia yahoos are domestic terrorists and there were federal weapons violations. From the video Trey managed to take before the Feds swept in, those assholes were better armed than some third-world paramilitary organizations. You'd have thought they were goi
ng to take over Grangeville rather than break Gaither's brothers out of jail."

  "Frick-fracking Feds. Our team and Dan's plus the State Police SWAT team did all the hard work," grumbled Keely.

  "I'm just glad none of the good guys were hurt," Fee put in softly. "Scared me to death to watch the live stream of the action." She smiled at Trey and nudged a drink toward him. "I had Scotty pour you the 25-year-old Macallan, honey. He also promised he was making that lobster mac and cheese you like as one of the sides to go with the steaks."

  "Thank you, little doc." Trey took the glass from her and took a hefty gulp.

  Price smiled at his sister and how she was with Trey. He was damn glad she'd found a good man, one who'd stand by her and in front of her when needed. Just as he would for Tara. He leaned over and gave Tara a kiss. "We'll get him, firefly. I promise."

  "Damn straight we will." She gave his arm a squeeze.

  "From what we got out of one of the militants before the Feds took them away," Ren said, "Gaither left before dawn with a few of his close associates. Told the others they'd be back in time to break his brothers out, which was to go down tomorrow night, just as Tweeter's intel from the Dark Net said."

  "How did his non-return go over with the ones left behind?" Tara asked as she leaned into Price.

  Just the feel of her accepting his support eased some of his frustration at the incomplete mission. She trusted him in more ways than as a lover. She trusted him to protect her, even though he damn well knew she could protect herself and him if she needed to. But it still made him feel ten feet tall.

  "They weren't happy. Plus they knew nothing about the reward on Tara and Fee or anything about a scheduled payoff," Ren continued. "They were there merely for the money Gaither promised them and to stick it to the Feds by breaking some of their bros out of jail."

  "That won't do Gaither's reputation any good," Tweeter said. "I plan to use my Dark Net persona to drive home that Gaither heard the Feds were coming and he abandoned the militants who'd come to help him. He'll be branded a coward." He grinned evilly. "And I have the live-stream video to show just how badly the militants went down."

  "Yeah, he'll play hell getting anyone to work for him in the future." That suited Price just fine.

  "So, what do we do now?" Tara asked. "Is the reward for Fee and me still in play?"

  "Won't be after I spread Gaither's infamy into the darker corners of the Dark Net," Tweeter said, "but that will take some time."

  "I can't be stuck on Sanctuary forever," Tara pointed out. "I'm now an employee of SSI and I want to work."

  Price kissed her temple. "Give Tweeter a week or two to spread the word."

  "Tweetie and I are working with some of my old buddies in the intelligence community and are putting together all Gaither's known associates. There are all sorts of cyber-breadcrumbs for us to follow, including that new revenue stream he found."

  "My main concern," Price said, "is not what is easily found. My concern is the 'unknown' hit-men and the hit-men-wannabes who want to earn some quick money killing two women."

  "Like the guys we stumbled over on patrol," Tara said.

  "Yeah. Once those types realize there's no payday, they won't be an issue," Price said. "But that will take awhile."

  "Price," Tweeter said, "Keely and I already started spreading the word the reward was bogus back when we first discovered it. The mercenary/hit men channels are already buzzing with the news. Once we discredit Gaither by name and smear him and his buddies as cowards who hung their brethren out to dry, no one will walk across the street to spit on him if he were on fire."

  "That should work on the unknowns," Price replied. "But that still leaves Gaither himself and his buddies, and lest we forget, Miller and his WMDB friends are still out there."

  "Píítaa, give me some credit. I'll always be armed. I also have good situational awareness."

  "I know, sweetheart." Price massaged her back. "All I ask is until Gaither and Miller are taken out of the equation, if you need to go anywhere, take someone with you to have your back if I'm not available."

  "I can do that," she promised.

  "Thank you. That means a lot to me." He leaned down and placed a kiss near her ear, then whispered, "I just found you. I'm not sure what I'd do if someone took you away from me."

  And he never wanted to find out.

  Chapter 17

  Tuesday, June 30th

  Tara entered the SSI hanger where DJ was checking out a Black Hawk helicopter. The blonde turned and smiled. "Hey, Tara. What's up?"

  "DJ, I need to go into Grangeville. Are you available to go with me?"

  "Price and Ren still haven't let you off the leash, huh?" DJ wiped her hands on a towel.

  Two weeks had passed since the op to takedown Gaither had failed. As for Miller, no one had heard or seen from him since his escape. Rumors had him somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, Canada, or Mexico, which meant no one really knew where in the hell he was.

  While Tara felt she'd be fine running her errand on her own, she'd promised Price if she needed to leave Sanctuary and he couldn't go with her, she'd have other backup—and she wasn't one to break her word.

  "Yeah. But I don't blame them. Both Gaither and Miller have people hiding them. And Miller is Machiavellian enough to lull me into a false sense of security," Tara said. "It sucks, but better to be safe than sorry, right?"

  "That's always been my motto." DJ slipped off the overalls she'd worn to work on the Hawk. "What's the urgency? Price should be back later this afternoon. You two could do dinner out, make it a date."

  "I'd wait, but the Grangeville Area Center base manager called to give me a head's up. It seems my old boss Christensen ordered the base manager to clear out my locker and toss all my belongings. ASAP. So I need to get my stuff." Tara fisted a hand at her side. "Some of the stuff I have in that locker has sentimental value to me."

  And then there were the weapons she'd felt were safer in a padlocked locker in a secure government facility rather than in her rental cabin.

  "Your former boss is an asshole," muttered DJ. "Did you ever tell Price that the douchebag sexually harassed you on the job?"

  "No." She sighed. "It's really a small matter compared to all the other shit going on around me. Christensen is a political hack. The current scuttlebutt is the powers-that-be are going to fire him and settle the lawsuit with us plaintiffs. So, I'll tell Price when I know Christensen is gone."

  DJ snickered. "If you think that'll keep Price from addressing the issue, you don't know him all that well."

  "Oh, I know him," Tara grinned, "and I adore what I know. But if Christensen is no longer in Idaho, it will be out of sight, out of mind."

  "Uh huh, you keep thinking that." DJ ran her fingers through her short blonde curls. "Want to take the Hawk? After the maintenance I just did, I'd like to do a shakedown flight on her to make sure she's ready for action."

  "What was wrong with her?" Tara asked.

  "Just a few rattles." DJ shrugged. "No biggie. But unlike the guys, I don't like my birds making odd noises even if everything else reads at a hundred percent."

  "Yep. I was the same way with my jet." Tara grinned. "I drove the maintainers nuts."

  "Well, they didn't have to fly them into battle, now did they?" DJ walked to the tractor used to push the chopper out of the hanger. "You want to get some flight time in her? Keely shared you're qualified in both fixed and rotary."

  "Really?" Tara felt a surge of excitement and anticipation.

  "Yeah, really." DJ winked. "SSI uses the choppers far more than fixed wings on operations, so you need to put some hours in on all of our birds. Each one has its quirks. It's better for you to get used to them now, especially with fire season heating up. Last season, we were called to dump water on some fires."

  Tara followed the Hawk out onto the pad. While DJ disconnected the tractor and put it away, Tara walked around the chopper doing a sight check to
make sure nothing was dangling that shouldn't be. Everything looked good. She smoothed a hand over the nose.

  "She's a beauty," Tara said to DJ who'd come to stand next to her. "I'd like to fly her. Plus, by taking her, we'll be back before Price and Tweeter return from the security evaluation they're doing for that bank in Coeur d'Alene."

  "And you also won't have to tell Price about Christensen ordering your property tossed." DJ waved Tara to take first seat. "I'd do the same. No reason for Price to get upset over the petty tantrums of a political hack."

  "Exactly." Tara strapped in, pulled on the headset, and looked over the instruments to refamiliarize herself with the controls.

  She hadn't flown a chopper since Afghanistan and her last time had been a complete cluster. She'd been the only pilot on the ground at Bagram who could fly a chopper.

  When it came to saving lives, the base commander had made the decision to send her to pull out a spec ops crew even if her license had been private and not from military training. It had earned him a half-hearted, cover-your-ass reprimand and her the Silver Star.

  "Time is of the essence for me, too. Ace told me to take a nap before he went with Price. So what he doesn't know won't hurt him." DJ winked. "My guy seems to think I'm an invalid. A nap! I'll take naps with the baby after she comes."

  "You know you're having a girl?" As the engine warmed up, Tara went over the preflight checklist.

  "No, but I want a girl." DJ shot Tara a sly grin. "That way Ace can turn all his overprotective attention to our baby. Then I'll take care of both of them."

  Tara snickered. "Alpha males. It's as if our time in the military completely disappeared once we met them." That kind of "taking care of my woman attitude" normally pissed her off, but when Price did it—it made her feel all warm and gushy—and loved.

  "Yep, but I try not to upset Ace any more than necessary. Poor guy had more than his share of trouble having to ride herd on Keely at MIT," DJ said. "From the stories he and Keely have shared, she was a handful. Knew no fear." The blonde looked at Tara. "Let's get this bird in the air. After we get your gear, on the way back, we can do a flyover of that last section of Sanctuary to check for diseased and dead trees for the guys to clean up."


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