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The Seer

Page 59

by Kirsten Jones

  ‘It’s going to be a bit awkward around here for a while.’ Phantom said, looking pointedly at Malachi’s livid face as he stalked from the room to sarcastic applause from Leo’s supporters.

  ‘I’m sure he’ll be gone by the morning.’ Fabian said quietly and rested a hand lightly on Mistral’s arm to wake her up.

  ‘S’up?’ She muttered groggily. ‘Is it over?’

  ‘Yes, Leo won. I’m taking you home now.’

  ‘We’ll walk with you.’ Phantasm said, yawning and rising to his feet.

  ‘Before you go brother, can I ask a favour?’ Brutus leaned over the table with an uncomfortable look on his face. ‘Only when I went to fetch Grendel, he was with Liliana and, er, well let’s just say I can’t get the image out of my head. It was horrific. Can you use your gift to make me forget?’

  ‘Consider it done Brutus.’ Phantasm laughed. ‘That’s one memory I’d want erased too –’

  The Tolling of the Bell

  ‘Don’t answer that Fabian!’ Mistral shouted from the kitchen as a knock sounded on their door.

  He turned to look enquiringly at her.

  ‘It’s only Phantasm, and I know what he wants,’ she explained with a black look.

  Fabian sighed, ‘I’m due to be organising the apprentices now Mistral. If you are forbidding me from opening the door, how do you suggest that I leave the house? Through the window?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  Laughing quietly Fabian opened the door and stepped out into the street, nodding politely to Phantasm as they passed each other.

  ‘Good morning Mistral.’ Phantasm strode purposefully into the small living room and dropped a parcel onto the table.

  ‘No!’ Mistral’s voice shouted through from the kitchen.

  ‘I am not arguing with you over this one!’

  ‘Neither am I! It’s not happening!’ Mistral appeared in the kitchen doorway, scowling angrily.

  ‘Don’t be so obstreperous! You can’t go to Grendel’s wedding in trousers and a shirt!’

  ‘Fine! I won’t go then!’

  He smiled smugly, causing her scowl to deepen, ‘Ah, but you have to, because you’re contractually obliged to attend all official functions.’

  ‘No I’m not!’

  ‘Details Mistral.’ Phantasm sighed. ‘You were there when Mage De Winter was sworn in as the Ri’s new Training Captain weren’t you?’

  ‘Of course!’

  ‘Yes, but apparently you weren’t listening. In fact, I’m willing to bet my next Contract that you were probably too busy admiring the way Mage De Winter was standing or something –’

  Mistral pulled a face at him but couldn’t argue. He was right. Well, nearly right. She’d been so proud of Fabian during the brief ceremony held in the Main Hall the week before; his handsome face so serious while he listened to Leo outline the duties expected of him –



  ‘You’re off again aren’t you? Well stop it! If you’d been focussing on the words instead of the sunlight glinting on Mage De Winter’s hair, or something equally romantic, you would’ve known that he’s expected to attend any formal events in the Valley with an appropriate escort –’

  ‘Escort?’ Mistral bridled.

  ‘You.’ Phantasm said with a roll of his eyes. ‘As his wife, you are his appropriate escort! Or would you rather he took one of Liliana’s sisters today?’

  ‘No I would not!’ she snapped then scowled again. ‘Hang on! Leo came to our wedding but he didn’t have anyone with him.’

  ‘He took Mistress Lightwater actually. A very safe choice.’

  ‘I’ll say!’ Mistral agreed fervently. ‘She can’t stand him!’

  Phantasm looked intrigued then immediately frowned, ‘Stop trying to side-track me with gossip!’

  ‘It’s not gossip! It’s fact! I’ve seen it in her aura!’

  ‘Mistral! Stop avoiding the subject!’

  Phantasm’s green eyes glinted dangerously, instantly reminding Mistral of his formidable mother. Abandoning the confrontational approach, she decided to try another tactic. ‘Oh please don’t make me brother,’ she begged, dropping down onto the sofa with a miserable look on her face. ‘I’ll be so uncomfortable in a dress; it won’t fit –’

  ‘Yes it will. Eudora made it especially for today.’

  Cursing inwardly, Mistral realised she’d been out manoeuvred again and went for a desperate last ditch attempt, ‘I’ll just look ridiculous!’ She wailed, trying to force a tear out. ‘Everyone will be gawping at those damned nymphs, and then there’ll be me, looking like a – a –’

  ‘Very beautiful and rightfully proud mother to be. Now, please, just stop trying to get out of this. You are wearing a dress today, and that’s final.’

  ‘What colour is it?’ she demanded sulkily.



  Phantasm sighed exasperatedly, ‘Don’t ask stupid questions if you don’t want to hear stupid answers! You know what colour it is because you’ve seen it in my thoughts, which is why you left me standing on the doorstep!’

  ‘I’m not apologising for that,’ she folded her arms and eyed him belligerently. ‘I don’t want to wear the damned dress! I’m perfectly happy in trousers.’

  ‘Yes, you are, however Mage De Winter deserves to attend his first official function as the Ri’s Training Captain with a wife wearing something other than one of his borrowed shirts!’

  ‘Fine then!’ Mistral admitted defeat ungraciously and thrust out a hand towards Phantasm. ‘Give the dress!’

  ‘No chance!’ he snorted. ‘Hair first!’

  Muttering a stream of highly abusive swear words under her breath, Mistral stomped up the stairs followed by Phantasm, holding the parcel carefully away from her.

  Half an hour later Mistral was sat in the untidy mess of her and Fabian’s bedroom while Phantasm pulled her hair into some style he no doubt considered to be “appropriate”.

  ‘Mistral? ... Mistral!’


  ‘I knew it! You were off again weren’t you? So rude! I’ve been talking to you for the last ten minutes and you weren’t even here!’

  ‘Sorry brother.’

  ‘Well the least you can do is tell me where you were!’

  ‘Malachi –’

  ‘Ah yes, the elusive Master Nox. Anything new to report?’

  ‘Nothing.’ Mistral sighed. ‘As usual.’

  Mistral had been reading the disgraced Magnate member almost continually since he crept from the Valley the night he lost the election. To accept defeat and fade quietly away simply didn’t fit with Malachi’s character. Despite her almost obsessive surveillance, his thoughts had revealed nothing more to her other than the fact that he was travelling on foot, heading north.

  ‘He’s extremely resourceful and intelligent.’ Phantasm said fairly. ‘He’ll know you’re reading him and he’s disciplined enough not to think of his plans.’

  ‘No-one can be that disciplined! I’ve even woken up in the night and read him!’

  ‘He’s half-vampire Mistral, they’re possibly the most tenacious creatures on the Isle! If Master Nox has made a decision not to think freely of his plans, he’ll stick to it regimentally.’

  ‘Well he has to think of them sooner or later.’ Mistral said in a determined voice. ‘And when he does, I’ll be listening. He must have some sort of plan for revenge. There’s no way the Malachi Nox I Saw would allow Leo to beat him in the election without seeking vengeance. He had one of bitterest minds I’ve ever Seen, and that’s not a compliment!’

  ‘One of?’ Phantasm enquired conversationally while he hefted a section of her hair and pinned it into place. ‘Who won the prize for being the most bitter then?’

  ‘Bellicose La Monte.’ Mistral replied without hesitation. ‘He is utterly vile.’

  ‘Like father like son.’ Phantasm murmured and stepped back to admire his handiwork. ‘Not bad, if I d
o say so myself. Your hair has got thicker.’

  Mistral heaved a sigh, ‘Like the rest of me.’

  ‘Right! Dress on! It’s time to go!’

  Mistral sighed dejectedly and remained sat on the stool while Phantasm exited the room, leaving her staring at the parcel laid on the unmade bed. Heaving another deep sigh, Mistral stood up and walked over to the bed, ripping open the parcel to reveal the midnight blue silk dress she already knew was in there. Shedding her own clothes she stepped into it and pulled it up, slipping her arms through the holes and adjusting the neckline she cursed Eudora under her breath. It fitted perfectly. Putting on the matching pair of satin slippers with an irritated noise, Mistral realised that once again, she was being bullied into going to a wedding.

  The village square was completely unrecognisable. Heavily scented arium lilies had been wound through the Arena fence and around the door of The Cloak and Dagger, and a thick carpet of white rose petals covered the cobbles, forming small drifts on the window ledges of all the nearby houses. A large awning of pearly white silk had been erected in the centre of the square with yet more lilies twined around each supporting pole, turning the scene of so many funeral pyres into a floral bower.

  ‘This is really not how I would have imagined Grendel to have wanted his wedding to be.’ Cain muttered, looking around at the petal-strewn Square.

  ‘You imagined Grendel getting married?’ Brutus asked in surprise.

  ‘Well, no.’ Cain admitted with a laugh. ‘But I suppose we all will, one day –’

  ‘I think Marietta’s got designs on that day being soon. Watch out brother! She’s got that look in her eye!’ Brutus added in a low aside to Xerxes.

  ‘Oh, bless her.’ Xerxes smiled fondly over at his on-off girlfriend, now talking to Eudora and pointing up at the silken awning with a critical expression on her face. ‘I suppose she deserves her day in white with me.’

  ‘No brother, no-one deserves that.’ Brutus said flatly.

  Xerxes laughed, ‘Certainly not today anyway! I’ve never seen so many good-looking women in the Valley before!’

  ‘Liliana’s sisters certainly do brighten the place up a bit don’t they?’ Cain agreed with a grin. ‘Reminds me of The Festival of the Arcane –’

  ‘Who’s that?’ Xerxes asked, his eye lighting appreciatively on a figure walking into the square.

  Brutus and Cain looked over and laughed.

  ‘Er, the mother of your nephew!’

  Xerxes looked away quickly as Mage De Winter appeared to stand next to Mistral, ‘I wish you’d warn me when she’s going to wear a dress!’

  ‘Sorry brother, not in charge of her wardrobe, and neither was she by the look of it. My guess is she’s been bullied by Phantasm again.’

  The gentle strains of harp music drifted across the Square and everyone immediately looked up to watch Grendel lumbering through the sea of petals to stand beneath the awning where Leo was waiting to conduct the ceremony.

  Cain watched the huge warrior talking dazedly with Leo and shook his head, ‘Do you think he knows what he’s doing?’

  Brutus shrugged, ‘I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Love is blind.’

  ‘I know! Who’d have thought that our scruffy tomboy Mistral would end up married and expecting a baby?’ Xerxes exclaimed. ‘That’s a bet even I’d never have taken!’

  They looked over at Mistral again, now talking with the twins.

  ‘Oh I don’t know, I always thought she’d end up with one of those two.’ Brutus mused.

  ‘Saul always thought she’d end up with him.’ Cain added quietly.

  ‘I think I know who I’m going to end up with tonight.’ Xerxes smirked, winking at one of Liliana’s sisters.

  ‘Your life isn’t going to be worth living if you do!’ Brutus warned and nodded meaningfully towards Marietta, glaring daggers at the group of nymphs who were giggling and throwing rose petals over some bemused looking warriors.

  ‘She’ll get over it.’ Xerxes waved a hand dismissively. ‘Nothing a new dress won’t rectify –’

  Brutus sighed heavily, ‘He never learns.’

  A collective sigh rose from the gathered wedding guests when Liliana appeared, a vision in white drifting elegantly through the snow-storm of petals her sisters were throwing into the air. The nymph playing the harp immediately changed the music to pluck out a rippling melody and her sisters joined together to sing in lilting, sweet voices.

  Marietta immediately launched herself at Xerxes and clung onto his arm, crying loudly.

  ‘Oh please, I think I’m going to be sick.’ Mistral muttered under her breath to Phantom.

  He brushed a stray rose petal irritably from her shoulder, ‘I admit, it’s a bit over the top. Apparently the white rose petals are to signify purity and abstinence.’ Phantom snorted. ‘Talk about deluded! It’s hardly a secret how Liliana and Grendel met! After the ceremony they’ll switch to red petals to celebrate love and passion. If you ask me they’ve got it the wrong way around!’

  Mistral laughed then grabbed his sleeve and tugged it sharply, ‘Oh just look at Xerxes! He’s like a dog straining on a leash!’

  Phantom looked over to see Xerxes leering lasciviously at the nymphs, oblivious to the tearful Marietta hanging off him.

  ‘Oh dear,’ he sighed. ‘Looks like Xerxes is headed for the doghouse again.’

  ‘Shh!’ Phantasm chided them in a sharp whisper. ‘It’s starting!’

  Mistral rolled her eyes and gazed around with growing boredom as the ceremony began. She couldn’t recall being bored at her own wedding, but then she couldn’t recall much about the ceremony at all. It had passed by in a blur. She looked over at Grendel, resplendent in a white shirt but still managing to look like some vast, well-scrubbed toad, blinking dazedly in the bright sunlight. He was looking at Liliana with a doting expression on his ugly face and she was gazing back at him adoringly. Mistral sighed. It was truly disgusting.

  ‘Was our wedding this bad?’ she whispered to Fabian.

  ‘No, ours was perfect,’ he smiled. ‘But there is nothing more boring than other people’s weddings.’

  ‘You can say that again.’

  Mistral tried to concentrate on the words Leo was saying but ended up thinking about the election again. Although his position was yet to be officially confirmed by the Council, to all intents and purposes Leo was the Ri’s new Divinus and had assumed the long coveted role with natural ease. More out of boredom than any real interest, Mistral studied his aura A swirling mist of deep royal blue appeared above his head, like his own personal patch of summer sky. Fine lines of colour crackled across the surface of blue; amethyst, deep purple and mustard yellow. Intrigued, Mistral tilted her head slightly and focussed harder, staring intently at the blue cloud, pushing her mind to See into his.

  What do you See?

  Mistral was dragged out of her trance by Phantom’s impatient thought. She blinked and turned to meet his piercing green eyes. ‘Tell you later,’ she mouthed, smiling at the look of chagrin on his face.

  Glancing over at Leo again she was disappointed to realise that the ceremony was still going on. Staving off the desire to yawn, she looked around restlessly. To alleviate the lethargy she could feel creeping over her, she began to study the other guests. There were fewer than had attended hers and Fabian’s wedding, but then, Grendel had been a warrior for far less time than Fabian. Nearly all of the villagers were there, but Mistral could tell from the cloud of auras above their heads that most had attended purely for the wedding feast that would be held in The Cloak afterwards rather than out of any genuine liking for the half-troll.

  Mycroft Casterton was stood beside Serenity, his partner for the day. The Magnate member had accepted his resounding defeat in the election with surprising good grace; to the dismay of the twins who had hoped he would follow Malachi’s lead and depart the Valley in high dudgeon. Mistral accidently caught Serenity’s eye while her gaze ran across the crowd and gave her a polit
e smile before swiftly looking away again. The last thing she wanted today was an in-depth chat about her pregnancy. Feeling the onset of terminal boredom, Mistral decided to spend a little time on her new favourite addiction. She gazed up at the pale blue sky, letting her eyes mist over while the tendrils of her mind unravelled and flew out across the Isle; reaching for the dark thoughts of Malachi Nox.

  A slight furrow creased the skin between her eyebrows as his thoughts murmured in her mind. Phantasm was right; they were too controlled, almost mundane. He was fooling her gift and veiling his true thoughts somehow. She refocused, forcing her mind deeper into his, seeking beneath the layer of banal complaints about the long walk, the hardness of the ground at night and the monotony of eating roast rabbit ... seeking out the real thoughts he was so cleverly concealing. Her frozen expression went unnoticed by all the other guests, apart from Fabian and the twins who knew exactly what she was doing.

  Mistral’s face remained expressionless while she experienced the disorientating sensation of falling into Malachi’s consciousness, tumbling helplessly down into the darker depths of his mind until she was submerged in a swirling black vortex. All around her was glimmering darkness, so dense it was almost tangible. Even the consistency of the air surrounding her seemed to subtly thicken, slowing her somersaulting fall until she was revolving slowly through a viscous substance. Staring around with wide eyes at the sparkling blackness, Mistral realised she was deep inside Malachi’s subconscious. Intrigued by the liquid feel of her strange surroundings, Mistral experimentally stretched her arms out wide. Turning her palms downwards, she began to move her legs slowly, like a swimmer treading water. Immediately her fall slowed until she was floating, suspended in the glistening ether of Malachi’s psyche. Fascinated, Mistral moved a hand slowly in front of her face, watching the bright trail-backs that sprung from her fingers she marvelled silently at the bizarre experience her gift was affording her. Lights suddenly flickered in the inky blackness and a series of startling images flashed before her eyes, too fast for her to make out clearly. They abruptly vanished, leaving Mistral staring at the burning trail they scored across the darkness. She turned in a slow circle, peering cautiously through the murk to try and see more images. More appeared, streaming past her in a confusing array of colour to fade rapidly away, only to begin again almost immediately. After the third explosive display Mistral realised that the same images were being revealed over and over. When they appeared for a fourth time she was ready and turned to follow their progress as they sped past her. She immediately recognised the village square, the cobbles wet with rain … and some unrecognisable objects laid around … Mistral focussed as the same scene flashed by again, recoiling slightly when she realised that the cobbles weren’t wet with rain, but another liquid entirely. The scene abruptly slowed, drawing her in until she was completely immersed in Malachi’s vision, seeing it through his eyes.


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