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Star Wars - Truce at Bakura

Page 32

by Kathy Tyers

  "Hey, youngster," Han greeted him. "You look pretty good for a dead man."

  Chewbacca whuffled agreement.

  Luke cleared his throat experimentally. "Thanks." He pointed at the

  subspace radio. "Anything on there about Gaeriel Captison?"

  "Maybe," said Han. "Some groundside group claims it's got Wilek Nereus in

  custody. They're barricading themselves inside the Imperial offices sector of

  the Bakur complex." The Dominant appeared to sweep underneath the Falcon's

  hull; an illusion, of course--the Falcon, not the Dominant, was maneuvering.

  "Threepio worked on maximizing energy bank recharge while we were on the

  Flutie ship. I think we can deal with Thanas the way he deserves. Then we'll

  worry about Nereus."

  "Easy--" Leia interjected.

  "Wait," Luke said a little louder. In Commander Thanas's place, he'd

  order the huge, valuable cruiser destroyed, rather than let it fall into

  Alliance hands. He couldn't spot a single TIE fighter. They'd probably

  scattered, afraid to be caught in the shock waves of a Carrack'-class

  cruiser's final explosion. Confirming Luke's guess, a babble of Rebel voices

  announced that the Dominant had lost shield generators. Not lost. He shut them

  down, Luke guessed.

  "Here goes!" Han swung the Falcon around to deliver a death blow.

  "Wait!" Luke repeated. "We want that ship. Even damaged, it'd be a lucky

  catch." Luke leaned toward the pickup. "All forces," he ordered, "this is

  Commander Skywalker. Cease fire immediately. Alliance forces, confirm on this


  "What?" asked Han. Three younger pilots also protested.

  Luke repeated his order, then he tried to thrust the Force across the

  distance to touch Commander Thanas once more. He couldn't. Even though he'd

  cast out the parasites before they chewed into his heart, he was too weary

  from using the Force. If Thanas elected to destroy the Dominant, Luke could do



  Out into the Force he projected calm. Peace. Peace was possible....

  And this was Thanas's last chance.

  Pter Thanas flinched as Skywalker's order went out over the subspace

  radio. During this battle something had reawakened in him, something that

  cared. Something he'd buried years ago, at Alzoc III.

  Nereus wouldn't hesitate to send him back there, too. He glanced at a

  red-barred compartment. It hid a lever labeled "self-destruct." Another

  compartment, halfway across the bridge, held its mate. Pulled simultaneously,

  they would blow the Dominant's main generator. The blast would incinerate

  everything around it.

  His career was over.

  He turned to his aide, a stiff-backed five-year man. "Abandon ship," he

  ordered, "all hands." Crew members might get far enough away to escape

  destruction. Bridge crew, however, must remain. Such was standard Imperial

  discipline. Those levers had no time delay.

  The young aide shifted from one foot to the other, awaiting his next


  Thanas stared at his black boots, spotlessly polished on a polished deck.

  At Bakura, as at Alzoc III, he'd received unethical orders from a superior

  officer he did not respect. These could be his final moments, sacrificed to an

  uncaring Empire... the legacy of a dead emperor.

  Or he could recant and admit that he'd misspent his entire life.

  Then again, he remembered Governor Nereus's parting orders. Coolly he

  straightened and looked around the bridge. His crew was visibly bracing for a

  last act of heroism.

  "Communications," he barked, "give me a channel to Skywalker. Wherever he


  "Done, sir."

  Pter Thanas faced the communications station and laid a hand on his

  blaster. Someone on this bridge would be watching him. "Commander Skywalker,"

  he called, sliding off the safety. "I must warn you of something. Any contact

  you have with humans endangers their lives. Nereus ordered me specifically to

  ensure that you did not return to Bakura. He says you now carry some kind of

  infestation or plague."

  "I've taken care of that," Skywalker's voice answered, "before it could

  spread. Remember, I am a Jedi."

  He should have expected that. Still, Skywalker's voice sounded weak.

  "Truly? Or is that just for show?"

  "I'm on board the Falcon with my closest friends. I wouldn't be here if I

  had any doubt."

  Thanas glanced around the bridge. "Very well. If I surrendered the

  Dominant to you--"

  Motion caught his peripheral vision. A crewman sprang to his feet,

  lunging for his belt. Thanas spun and stunned him th e Imperial Security

  plant, here to make certain the warship didn't fall into enemy hands.

  "Commander Thanas?" asked Skywalker's voice. "Are you there?"

  "Slight distraction. If I surrendered the Dominant, would you guarantee

  that you will release my crew members, who conducted this battle under my


  "Yes," Skywalker said hoarsely. "We'll send all Imperial personnel to a

  neutral pickup point, and let them return to their homes--unless any want to

  defect. You must give each one that choice."

  "I can't do that."

  "I'll arrange it."

  Thanas gripped a railing. What kind of traitor handed over Imperial

  property and gave Imperial personnel the chance to jump ship?

  The kind of traitor who still owed Talz slave miners a debt he could

  never repay. Perhaps the Alliance would be more lenient than that colonel had

  been back at Alzoc III. "Done," said Thanas. "Take me to the Alliance and deal

  with me as you will."

  Skywalker exhaled heavily. "I accept your ship. And, temporarily, your

  person. Shuttle over to my..."--he seemed to hesitate--?my flagship. Please

  bring a medical corpsman. I'll see that he's released as well."

  "Are you ill?"

  "I said I've taken care of that. I have another human on board who was

  badly burned. I think he could make it, if he got help quickly."

  "Oh." Thanas narrowed his eyes and made a guess. "Sibwarra?"

  Skywalker hesitated. "Yes."

  "You're asking too much." What irrational, supernatural agency had raised

  up Luke Skywalker to judge his scruples? He paced along the bridge pit past

  humming banks of instruments. "But I would like to see Sibwarra brought to

  justice. Empire or Alliance, it doesn't matter--s long as it's a human jury.

  I'll see what I can do."

  "I'll shuttle over a skeleton crew for the Dominant," said Skywalker.

  Solo's voice interjected over Skywalker's, "But you'd better come over

  unarmed, in a survival pod. I'm making a big concession, letting you on board

  at all."

  "Understood... General."

  The speaker fell silent.

  Thanas drew a deep breath. He had no idea what to expect next, but he

  wasn't taking his crew into it. He'd face the Alliance's wrath, plague risk

  and all, on his own. Alm. "Bridge crew, board lifeboats. Reserve a single two-

  man evacuation pod."

  "Sir." One pivoted and loped off the deck.

  "Carry him, someone." Thanas nodded at the Security man lying stunned on

  the deck. "Take him with you. Captain Jamer, you're in command."

r." A beetle-bodied little man stalked out at rear guard. Pter Thanas

  rubbed his chin, then opened a line to his medical staff. Perhaps Skywalker

  had neutralized one threat of contagion, but Thanas wouldn't feel safe in the

  Jedi's presence until his own staff checked him over.

  Luke glanced at Han, who maneuvered the Falcon toward a tiny round

  object. Sensors confirmed two life-forms. "You're sure you want to take him on

  board?" Han fidgeted.

  Luke sighed, weary with arguing. "Yes. Next question?"

  "Why?" Han snapped.

  "We're all a little edgy," Leia said, "but this is the only place to put

  him. We've got to check on the rumors from Salis D'aar immediately."

  "Well, even unarmed, he's not staying loose on my ship. Handcuff him to

  Chewie--no, to Threepio--and lock them in a cargo hold. Threepio can entertain


  Luke smiled. "That sounds like punishment enough for anyone."

  "Poor Thanas," agreed Leia.

  Chewbacca delicately stroked airlock controls, keying the vacuum seal for

  manual release, and then Luke, Han, and Leia walked to the airlock and waited.

  Several minutes later, Commander Thanas stepped through with both hands

  raised. The posture tugged his khaki tunic askew. "I'm unarmed," he insisted.

  "Check me."

  Leia ran a weapons scanner over him. "Looks clean," she announced.

  Meanwhile, Commander Thanas's small, slight companion trained a medical sensor

  up and down Luke's body. Luke held still, guessing Thanas had chosen the medic

  for his wide-eyed, soft-chinned, harmless appearance. "What's in that pack?"

  Leia asked sharply.

  "Medical equipment. Burn treatment. Commander Skywalker asked for--"

  "This way." Luke turned away from the top airlock.

  The corpsman dropped his medisensor into a pocket. "Skywalker's clean,

  too, Commander. A preliminary scan shows severe mechanical bronchitis, but no

  infestation." He shrugged at Thanas.

  Luke hadn't doubted, but the medic's diagnosis reassured him. He led

  deeper into the ship.

  Threepio sat at the hologram board. Behind him, on a single bunk, Dev lay

  still. Threepio stood. "Greetings," he began cheerily. "I am--"

  "Quiet," Leia murmured. "Take this pair of binders and attach yourself to

  Commander Thanas. Escort him to the aft cargo bay. You're designated security

  until further notice."

  One binder snicked shut around Thanas's wrist, and the other clinked

  against Threepio's. "Very well, Your Highness. Come with me, sir. I am See-

  Threepio, protocol droid..."

  Luke led the mousy little medic to Dev and gently drew a sheet off the

  youth's scarred, folded arms. "He's in a Jedi healing trance," Luke said, "and

  he's in no pain--for now. See what you can do for him."

  "I'll try," said the medic, "but frankly, I've encountered energy-blast

  trauma before." He ran the pocket medisensor over Dev's stomach and chest,

  then shook his head. "There's little I can do. He might live a day, if he's...

  I won't say lucky. If he regains consciousness, he'll suffer. Internal damage

  is... well, there's nothing to keep him alive."

  "Please try. He changed his mind about the Ssi-ruuk." And Dev had so much

  Force potential. He had to survive.

  "Huh," the medic answered without enthusiasm. He reached deeper into his

  equipment pack.

  Luke could barely keep his own body moving. Half stumbling, he rejoined

  Han in the cockpit. "We've got an invitation," Han announced, "from a lady

  named Eppie Belden. She claims to know you. She's with your friend Gaeriel at

  the Bakur complex. I guess there's a nasty prisoner they want the Alliance to

  deal with."

  "Governor Nereus?" asked Leia.

  "Looks that way."

  He'd last seen Gaeri being dragged by Artoo from the cantina. Abruptly he

  remembered that meal they'd shared. This news suggested that Gaeri was safe,

  though. And had Eppie healed herself? Had they captured Governor Nereus? "Can

  you land the Falcon on a roof port?"

  Leia laughed behind him. "Han can land the Falcon on an ice cube if he

  wants to."

  Luke glanced around the cockpit, counting heads. "I assume you're calling

  in reinforcements?" he asked Han.

  "I, uh, just ordered your new Dominant crew into position to fire on the

  Imperial garrison at Salis D'aar. It'll take a while. Our B-wing squadron's

  tugboating it into place. And we've got two X-wing pilots coming in to fly

  cover, just in case."

  "Good work, Han." And Luke had his reputation as a Jedi. So long as he

  didn't stumble in plain sight, the Imperials would consider him a threat. He

  pictured Governor Nereus's face when he walked off the Falcon alive.

  "Your Bakuran lady friends promised to meet us at the roof port. We'll

  see if they manage it."

  "I'm going to lie down." Luke gave one last cough. "Get me up when you're

  about to land."

  The Millennium Falcon swooped through a textured blanket of clouds toward

  Salis D'aar. Over the city and west across one river, smoke drifted. Han

  brought up a remote sensor as they decelerated. Peering between Han's head and

  Chewie's, Luke spotted a knot of people behind a blast barricade at the

  complex roof port. A familiar shape waited with them. "Artoo!" he exclaimed. A

  swirl of long blue-green skirts, backing away from the blocked-off landing

  zone, was obviously Gaeriel. The Falcon dropped steadily on its repulsors.

  Gaeriel's uncle the prime minister stood near an unbound, defiant Wilek

  Nereus, who still wore Imperial drab with red and blue rank buttons.

  "He doesn't look like a prisoner to me," Leia muttered, pointing through

  the viewport. "I'll make you a bet Governor Nereus doesn't intend to surrender

  the Salis D'aar garrison. He could hold that against all of us for a long


  Han reached for belly gun controls.

  "Don't you dare." Leia shook her head. "We're back to diplomacy."

  "And we've got Commander Thanas," said Luke. "He could surrender the


  The Falcon settled to ground with a muffled thud.

  "Particularly if you told him to," Leia returned. "How are you feeling?

  Could you...?"

  "I can't push it. You'd better take charge."

  "Right," she said grimly. "I've set up enough Resistance cells to know

  what happens if we botch this."

  Leia clenched her seat while Han sprang up and loosened his blaster in

  its leg holster. "Okay, Goldenrod," Han called into the comlink. "Bring Thanas

  to the main ramp."

  Luke stood up more slowly. Leia almost saw two Lukes one strong, cocky,

  and victorious, the image he meant to project--and one withdrawn, worried,

  exhausted, and in pain. Tired enough to make mistakes.

  She squared her shoulders. "Do you want to stay on board until it's

  obvious which way this is going?" she asked.

  "Uh... sure." Luke scratched the back of his neck. "Nereus probably

  thinks that he killed me, anyway." He stepped to one side of the main hatch

  and unhooked his lightsaber. From there, he could hear without being seen. "Be


  Threepio appeared around the bend in the corridor. Commander Thanas

d his pace step for step. "Your droid tells interesting stories," Thanas

  commented drily. "Despite the fact that he insists--repeatedly--t he's not

  much of a storyteller."

  Educating the prisoner, Threepio? Commander Thanas had probably gotten an

  earful of Alliance propaganda.

  The main hatch hissed and then opened. Leia led down the ramp. The

  rooftop group filed around the blast barricade toward them, Captison in the

  lead, closely followed by Governor Nereus and his female escorts... and Artoo.

  Han kept one hand on his blaster. Once Leia and Han reached the rooftop, she

  glanced back. Threepio followed, shackled to Thanas. Chewie came last,

  bowcaster already fitted with a quarrel. The air smelled unpleasantly smoky.

  "Artoo!" exclaimed Threepio. "You can't imagine what I've been through--"

  "Save it," snapped Han.

  Commander Thanas ignored his metallic escort and walked eyes-ahead,

  expressionless like a man who expected a brutal dressing down. He passed Leia

  at the foot of the ramp and came to attention as well as anyone could when

  handcuffed to a protocol droid.

  "I assume you're not expecting compliments." Governor Nereus closed the

  distance between them, clasping both of his hands behind his back in a

  swaggering pose. "A few years ago, when I commanded a cruiser, a commander who

  surrendered his ship was stood against the nearest wall and shot."

  Leia stood forward. "We brought him with us only to prove that he's in

  our hands, Governor. He is not your prisoner. He's ours. As I hear you are."

  "I'd like to see you hold either of us."

  "You have no space forces left. Surrender your garrison, and you and all

  your people may leave Bakura freely... immediately." An X-wing flying patrol

  tore shreds from the low smoky clouds.

  Governor Nereus smiled placidly at Leia. "Perhaps you forget that I still

  command three thousand land-based troops. Furthermore, Imperial survivors are

  landing all over Bakura in lifeboats as we speak. You have had a single ship

  surrender to you. That is all."

  "We've moved the Dominant into a stationary orbit, Governor," Leia

  countered with a grateful glance at Han. "Its armaments are locked onto the

  Salis D'aar garrison. I know it's not designed for planetary assault, but

  it'll do considerable damage if we give the order. Even if we released you,

  you couldn't hold Bakura forever against the will of its people."


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