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Mail Order Bride: Westward Christmas Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides, Book 11)

Page 9

by Linda Bridey

  Owl and Ben laughed and left the house through the kitchen door, taking Bobby with them. Sasha turned to Hannah, who was smiling at her.

  “What?” Sasha asked.

  Hannah said, “I think that you’re very good for Ben. Marcus told me that you were able to get through that brick wall he puts up when he’s very upset about something. He wasn’t gossiping, mind you. We care about Ben and were worried about him. Ben withdraws into himself when he loses a patient or can’t cure what’s wrong with them. You’re a very special person to be able to reach him at such a time.”

  This was surprising to Sasha. “I didn’t realize that. I was very concerned about him after last night and I wanted to see how he was doing. I wasn’t aware that I had done anything that someone else wouldn’t do.”

  “Couldn’t do,” Hannah corrected. “We would try to get him out of it by taking him to the Watering Hole or out to eat, but it was no good and he just refused to go.”

  Sasha frowned. “That’s a shame. One shouldn’t be alone at a time like that.” She thought back to when Ken had passed away. She had been alone, but she hadn’t minded in a way because then she didn’t have to pretend a grief she didn’t feel.

  “No, they shouldn’t,” Hannah said. “Well, why don’t we go on that tour?”

  “Yes, let’s,” Sasha said with a smile.

  Chapter Ten

  By the time they left the Night Sky’s house, Ben was feeling better about things. Owl was a good person to talk to about upsetting subjects, he found. The Lakota brave’s calm demeanor and good listening skills made it easy for Ben to speak about his grief, something he wasn’t accustomed to doing. His grief and guilt were still with him, but at least he didn’t feel as though he were being crushed by it.

  They dropped Sasha’s horse off at the stable and then Ben walked her to the hotel while he led Othello. Ben took Sasha’s hand as they walked in companionable silence. Ben walked her up onto the porch and stopped.

  Sasha said, “Would you like to come in?”

  Ben smiled. “I would love to come in, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m sorry if the things I said today upset you.”

  “They didn’t upset me, Ben. Rather, they got me thinking.” She looked into his eyes for a moment and then away again as she said shyly, “No one has ever told me that I was desirable or anything of that sort.”

  Ben’s eyes widened. “No one? Not even your husband once upon a time?”

  Sasha gave a little shake of her head. “He told me I looked pretty once in a while, but that was it.”

  “You have been done a great disservice then, Sasha. I really did mean everything I said to you, but perhaps I chose the wrong time to say it,” Ben said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel pressured or that I expected anything so soon.”

  Sasha still couldn’t look at him as she said, “But if I were ready right now, what would you do?”

  Desire rose up a little within Ben. “Hypothetically, if you were, then I would make good on what I told you I’d do.”

  Sasha smiled, although she still couldn’t look at him. “I see.”

  “I don’t think you do, really,” Ben said. “But you will, Sasha. As I said, only when you’re ready. I just wanted you to know how I felt.” I can’t say everything I feel right now, or I really will scare you.

  Sasha nodded and finally got the courage to look at him. “Thank you, Ben. I should have been offended by your forward words today, but I wasn’t. It’s nice to feel wanted. I’ve never been made to feel that way, until now. I may not be ready, but I don’t feel rushed.”

  Ben said, “Good. Well, thank you for today. It was exactly what I needed. I had a wonderful time.”

  “Me, too. Thank you for showing me some sign language,” Sasha said.

  “My pleasure,” Ben said. His kiss was slow and thorough and by the time they parted, Sasha was on the verge of leading him upstairs. He gave her hand a last squeeze and then went back down the stairs.

  Sasha watched him mount and waved to him when he tipped his hat to her. She continued watching until he was out of sight. Then she sighed and went to her room.

  Sasha didn’t get to see Ben much the next day since the clinic was so busy. There was a broken ankle to set and various other ailments to deal with. Marcus and Ben were glad that Mike was available to help Hannah with the minor cases, because it freed them up to attend to more pressing matters. It was later in the evening than usual when they were done and they were all exhausted. Ben shared a brief supper with Sasha and then went home to sleep.

  That same day, Joe sat at their dining room table with all sorts of papers and files spread out on the large surface. His sharp mind was working on some things that he’d been puzzling over for several hours. There were things that weren’t adding up to him. He looked at the town finances and how the money was supposed to be used. From what he could tell, those things weren’t happening.

  Not only that, but there was something strange about the maps of the town limits. He found conflicting maps and was trying to figure out which one was accurate. What bothered him the most about it was the fact that if the one that showed that the Watering Hole was still within the town limits were correct, that meant that the Watering Hole was out of business, since Dawson had been voted a dry town.

  He hoped that map was incorrect. Joe needed to find someone who would know the correct map when they saw it. Someone who wasn’t on the council and could keep their mouths shut. Ralph Samuels came to mind, because he had been around back in the days when Dawson wasn’t really a town and could give him some more background on the subject. Plus, he and Ralph liked each other and Joe felt that Ralph would be discreet. He would talk to Ralph as soon as he could.

  Joe smiled as he cleared away all of the paperwork and congratulated himself on having not gambled at all yet. He planned to win that bet, but he was going to have fun along the way. Then he sobered as he thought about Wendell’s funeral that had been scheduled for Friday. He’d told Briggs that he wanted the finest casket he had and Joe was planning on giving a eulogy for Wendell.

  The man had been a good friend to Joe. Wendell had played piano for Joe ever since he’d come to Dawson. It had just happened one night when Joe had gone to see what the Watering Hole was all about. He’d asked Jake if he had someone who played the piano and Jake had gotten Wendell to come out. They’d shaken hands and Joe had asked what songs Wendell played.

  Wendell had said, “All of them,” which had made Joe laugh and like the man instantly.

  He had selected a song and when Wendell started playing Joe knew he was in the presence of a very talented piano player. Joe had sung that first song and the crowd had whistled and applauded. Joe had sung quite a bit in Texas. His mother had discovered his talent at a young age and fostered it, buying him singing lessons to perfect his technique.

  Joe’s love of people and of performing were the perfect combination and he’d found an appreciative audience in the patrons of the Watering Hole. He’d been hooked on singing for them ever since. Jake had offered him money at one point when he kept coming back to perform, but Joe didn’t need the money; he just wanted to sing.

  Wendell and he had developed a routine and knew each other’s preferences and cues backwards and forwards. He’d offered to buy Wendell a new piano, but the older man had refused, telling Joe that his piano was an old friend and he didn’t want to have to break in a new piano.

  He and Jake were planning on having a wake at the Watering Hole for Wendell. Rebecca was going to play some songs and Joe wanted to sing some of Wendell’s favorite songs. With difficulty, Joe turned his mind to Thanksgiving, determined to have a good time and make sure their guests did as well. It would be somewhat sad because Wendell wasn’t there. But Wendell would want everyone to have a nice holiday and Joe intended to make sure that happened.

  Thanksgiving was cold but clear, and Dawson was quiet as Sasha walked to the stable. She was going out to see Sparrow and all
of the Samuels clan before coming back to meet Ben at the Watering Hole. They would leave from there to go to the Dwyers’ estate.

  As she rode, Sasha enjoyed the crisp air and thought about her new home. The little house was perfect for her. It would be homey and not a place she would rattle around in. Owl and Hannah had taken wonderful care of it and the well-maintained house needed no repairs. She had set up an arrangement with Raven to come and chop wood for her.

  The young brave was glad for a chance to make some money and Sasha was happy that the chore would be taken care of for her. She lacked the strength to do such work.

  When she arrived at the ranch, Katie and D.J., Tessa and Dean’s twelve-year-old twins, greeted her excitedly along with J.R, Seth and Maddie’s son. He was only a year younger than the twins so they played very well together.

  Seth came out of the barn, followed closely by his little poodle, Trouble Too, and said, “Happy Thanksgiving, Sasha.”

  Sasha smiled at Seth and returned the greeting. “I can smell the food from here.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning because I want to eat all of the stuff they’re making. Jack and Tessa are in their glory in the cookhouse and keep kicking everyone else out,” he said.

  Sasha said, “I’m sure they are. I just noticed something about you, Seth.”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I think you have a little gray at your temples,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  Seth laughed and touched his temples. “Yeah, I know. I noticed it myself last month. It’s just a little, but it’s enough to remind me I’m getting older. I don’t think about myself that way, though.”

  Sasha said, “I think it looks very distinguished and isn’t anything to feel negative about.”

  “You sound like my wife,” Seth said as she dismounted. “Here, I’ll take Ingrid and put her in the paddock for ya.”

  “Thank you, Seth,” Sasha said, and gave him the reins.

  “Don’t mention it,” Seth said as he led the horse away.

  Sasha went into the kitchen of Dean and Tessa’s house. When she’d first come to Dawson, she had soon learned that the family rarely used the front door. The kitchen was the preferred entrance into the home. Kayla, Seth and Maddie’s two year old daughter, toddled around the kitchen and Sasha scooped her up as everyone greeted her.

  Maddie poured Sasha some coffee and sat down to chat with her and Sparrow.

  “So how is the good doctor?” Maddie asked as Claire came into the kitchen.

  Claire said, “Wait to answer that. I want to hear, too. I just need some coffee.”

  Aiyana and Anthony came downstairs, gave Sasha a hug, and then went outside to play with their cousins.

  “So, answer the question now,” Claire said to Sasha as she sat down.

  “He’s wonderful. I was able to get him out of the clinic the other day to clear his head and get him out of his fog of depression,” Sasha said.

  Claire replied, “Yes. Marcus said that he was grateful to you for helping him.”

  “I didn’t realize that I was doing anything so unusual,” Sasha said.

  Sparrow said, “It sounds like you did.”

  Maddie said, “It seems as though you’re good for him. Is he good for you?”

  “Yes, he is. Ben makes me feel appreciated,” Sasha said.

  “And she likes kissing him,” Sparrow said as her dark eyes danced with humor.

  Sasha said, “I didn’t say that.”

  Maddie said, “So you don’t like kissing him?”

  “Oh, no, I do. I was simply saying I hadn’t said that…yet,” Sasha said, and laughed.

  Claire said, “So he’s a good kisser?”

  Sasha sighed and said, “You have no idea.”

  The other women laughed.

  “I’ve never felt that kind of passion before,” Sasha admitted. “Ken was not interested in intimacy of any kind.” She hadn’t meant to say it, but it was true and she knew that this group of women was to be trusted.

  Maddie said, “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine that. Seth is passionate all the time.” She laughed. “He’s quite demonstrative about it.”

  Sasha said, “I could see that about him. Marcus, too.”

  Claire smiled. “Yes, he is. I was going to wait until dinner to tell everyone this, but I just can’t wait anymore. I’m expecting again.”

  Maddie let out a squeal and hugged her sister. “That’s wonderful, Claire!”

  The other two women also hugged her and congratulated her.

  “So come the end of May we’ll have our third baby. I think that’ll probably be it, though. I know it’s a while in between Anthony and this one, but that’s just the way it happened,” she said.

  Sasha said, “Yes, children come when they’re supposed to, I believe.”

  Sparrow agreed. “I used to be upset about Danny’s father, but Jack is his father in all ways and loves Danny so much. So Danny came when he was meant to come.”

  Claire laughed, “There’s no question about that. He’s always been so good with all the children, so it only stands to reason that he would be a great father.”

  Sasha said, “I’ve always wanted children, but Ken and I never had any. I think that was a good thing because I’m not sure he would have been any more interested in a child than he was me.”

  Maddie said, “Well, if you and Ben get married, I’m certain that you’ll have children.”

  Claire said, “Yes. I know he wants a family.”

  “I hope we do,” Sasha said.

  Sparrow asked, “If he asked you to marry you right now, what would you say?”

  Sasha closed her eyes and imagined that in her mind. Ben down on one knee, holding up a ring and asking her to be his wife; Sasha suddenly knew that should he ask her right then she would say yes. Another feeling came to her.

  She opened her eyes and said, “If he were to ask me right this minute, I would say yes because I love him.”

  Her firm declaration stunned the other women into silence for a few moments and then Maddie said, “I’m so happy for you! I hope he asks you soon.”

  The others echoed her sentiments.

  Sasha felt close to tears and laughed to ward them off. “I’ve never met anyone like him. He’s kind and compassionate. Did you know he goes to the Lakota camp and plays with a little boy named Brown Otter? He’s deaf and Ben signs with him.”

  Claire said, “Yes. He’s darling, isn’t he?”

  “Yes. He’s so sweet. He keeps saying he’s going to marry me when he grows up,” Sasha said. “Ben is intelligent and so fun. His accent is rather…exciting.”

  Sparrow laughed. “Yes, it is very nice.”

  Claire did a fair imitation of it. “Yes, he’s quite the southern gentleman with a hint of danger about him.”

  Sasha gasped. “So it’s not my imagination! I’ve thought the same thing, especially when he kisses me,” she blurted.

  That got shouts of laughter as a response. Sasha blushed, but laughed with them.

  Dean came into the kitchen from outside and said, “What’s so funny?”

  “Have you ever noticed that Ben is dangerous?” Maddie asked him.

  Dean gave her a dubious look. “All you gotta do is watch him fight to know that. Why is that funny?”

  “Sasha says—” Sasha put a hand over Sparrow’s mouth and said, “Hush, little bird! You don’t need to tell all of my secrets.”

  Dean crossed his arms and said, “Since you’re my other woman, I think I should know, don’t you?”

  Sasha shook her head and said, “No.”

  Dean rolled his eyes and said, “Fine. Has anyone seen Mike?”

  Claire said, “I think he went to camp with Marcus. He wasn’t going to stay long.”

  “They better not. Well, if they’re not back by the time we’re supposed to eat, we’re going to start without them. I’m hungry,” Dean said.

  “Cranky, too,”
Claire teased him.

  Dean smiled. “I get that way when I’m hungry or can’t have something else at the moment,” he said with a wink, and went back outside.

  The women laughed so hard that they all had tears in their eyes.

  Maddie said, “I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard him joke about sex. I wonder what brought that on. Oh my, I think Tessa is going to have her hands full tonight.”

  “Don’t you mean her arms?” Claire said, which set them off laughing again.

  Sasha didn’t stay long at their dinner and only had a tiny bite of everything because she wanted to be able to eat at the Dwyers’ dinner. She complimented Jack and Tessa on dinner and bid them goodbye.

  When she arrived at Ben’s place, she found him just hitching up Othello to his buggy.

  “Hello, Miss Sasha. You’re looking very pretty,” he said.

  Sasha noted that the gray pinstriped suit he wore fit him to perfection. “You are looking quite dashing yourself, Dr. Walker.”

  “Why, thank you. How nice of you to say,” Ben said.

  Sasha felt emboldened and thought maybe it had to do with her conversation out at the Samuels place. She walked right up to Ben and kissed him. He made a small sound of pleasure and wrapped his arms around her. Sasha deepened the kiss and ran her hands over his shoulders.

  Ben didn’t know what had brought it on, but he wasn’t offended by her advances in the least. He slipped his hands under her heavy cloak and spanned her waist with his hands before sliding them up her back. Ben felt her shiver under his hands but knew it wasn’t due to the cold.

  Ben slowly ended the kiss and said, “If only we didn’t have this dinner to go to…” He looked into her eyes and noticed that she didn’t disagree with him.

  “If only…” she said. Sasha didn’t want him to let her go, but they did have a dinner to go to and she was looking forward to it.

  Ben smiled and slowly eased out of their embrace. He took a deep breath and said, “I guess we should get on the road.”

  “Yes,” Sasha said.

  Ben finished hitching up the buggy and then helped her into it. Othello was in the mood to run and Ben let him.


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