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When Dragons Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Dragons

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by Stephen D. Sullivan


  An Empires of Steam and Rust Story

  Audio Report on Recovery of Captain Pavlina Ivanova, Russian Security Forces

  Interrogator: Poruchik (Lieutenant) Vasily Yakov

  Location: Fifth Section facility - medical building, Moscow

  Top Secret — Royal Family & Top Advisers Only

  What’s the last thing you remember?

  “Waking up on an operating table. Somewhere moving, I think—maybe a train car or an airship. I assume a train, because of the rhythmic vibrations. I was strapped down. Big, glaring eyes stared at me. Two pairs of eyes … maybe. Then swirling lights and strange sounds. And then I blacked out. When I revived, I was here.”

  No. I mean, what do you remember before that?

  [Captain Ivanova shakes her head.]

  Do you remember being shot?

  “I was shot? Nyet. No, I don’t remember that.”

  [Interrogator Yakov consults the attending physician.]

  Can you tell me who you are?

  “Ivanova. Pavlina Ivanova.” [pause] “Captain Pavlina Viktorovna Ivanova.”

  Very good. Do you know where you are, Captain?

  “I’m not sure.” [pause] “A hospital. A secure Third— Fifth Section hospital.”

  Do you remember where you were before you came here?

  “Where I was shot?”


  “It’s unclear ... The frontier, I think. Near Prussia?”


  “Hunting spies.”

  Yes. Your … skills had led you there.

  “Yes. My … skills. You’re not cleared to know about them.”

  And you had found a traitor.

  “Yes. I sent the Section a coded message to that effect.”

  Do you remember who it is? Who is the traitor?

  “No. I’m sorry.”

  Perhaps it will come back in time.

  “I’m sure it will. I’m very tired.”

  [Interrogator Yakov consults the attending physician.]

  Yes. You should rest now.

  “How soon will I be able to go home, Poruchik Yakov?”

  So, you remember me.

  “Yes. We’ve met before.”

  Not recently.

  “No. I have a good memory.”

  But not of what happened before you came here.


  That’s … unfortunate.

  “How soon?”

  As soon as you feel well enough, Captain.


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