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The Land_Alliances

Page 11

by Aleron Kong

  Randolphus raised his hands in pacification, “My Lord! Please be calm. Let me clothe you!”

  Richter affixed him with a baleful glare, “I know you’re trying to be helpful, but all I’m hearing is, ‘Punch me, punch me, punch me in the face!’ I… said… where is that WHORE?!?”

  Sumiko spoke up, “Lord Richter, I know you have been through much, but there is no need for that type of language!”

  “I’m soooo sorry you’re offended,” Richter said sarcastically, spittle flying from his lips, “but when a sadistic bitch slowly cuts my Johnson off I will call her WHATEVER I DAMN WELL PLEASE!!!”

  Hisako spoke up. Her tone was one of professional detachment, “She is gone. The other prisoner you had is gone as well. None of us know exactly when they left, but you have been gone for at least one day.”

  Richter looked at her in shock. A full day? “I’ve been gone a day,” he verbalized. His tone made it clear that he was speaking at least half to himself. After his first death he had only been gone for hours, half a day at most!

  “Yes, my Lord,” Randolphus said. “It has been a day.”

  Richter’s mind was spinning. He remembered the inane babble of his killer. Something pinged his memory, “Where is Terrod?” in a rush.

  Randolphus took a deep breath, “Gone, my Lord. It appears that they took him when they left. The guards were found the next morning. Both are unharmed. They said they were paralyzed and by the time they could move again, they were bound and gagged. Lady Hisako has come back just recently, and she told us that you would return, despite…” the chamberlain coughed and turned away.

  “Despite what?” Richter asked with ice in his voice. This all seemed a delay in enacting his vengeance, but he needed to know what had happened.

  “Despite how I found you,” Randolphus answered. His nose wrinkled in distaste, but he gazed on Richter in pity.

  “Does everyone know?” Richter asked. He could only imagine the panic that must have swept through the villagers.

  “I was going to tell everyone,” Randolphus answered, “but it told me you would be reborn.” Randolphus pointed at Futen.

  “He,” Richter corrected absently. A question occurred to him. A question could irrevocably alter his place in The Land. Looking at Futen, he asked, “Who is the Master of the Mist Village.”

  “You are, my Lord,” answered the remnant’s deadpan voice.

  “Even though I died?” Richter asked.

  “Your body may have perished, but your soul endured. I could not sense where it had gone, but your essence remained in the chaotic firmament of The Land.”

  “Is that where he came from?” Sumiko asked. Her initial expression of horror had not completely dissipated. “Is that what we were seeing? Pure Chaos?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Richter snapped. The stress of his torture and mutilation may have been a day ago for everyone else, but it had just happened as far as Richter was concerned.

  “Right before you appeared, there was a tear in the air. It only lasted a moment, but…” Sion was at a loss for words, unable to explain something that his mind rebelled against.

  Hisako finished for her son, “Apparently if you die, your soul melds with the primordial stuff of The Land. You came back through a rent in reality. As Sion said, it only lasted a moment, but in some ways it lasted much longer.”

  “I was looking at… nothing. Pure nothingness,” Sumiko said with a haunted tone, “but somehow, I could still feel that there were things in the Chaos. What is worse, I know that they could feel me as well! They were HUNGRY!”

  The elderly sprite was clearly having a hard time adjusting to what she had felt. A distant part of Richter knew that he should feel sympathy for the kind woman, but right now that was a very distant part. He had things to do. He had a Companion to save, and he had people to kill and hopefully mutilate.

  He looked down at his near naked body. His Bag of Holding remained with him, but otherwise he was wearing nothing. He took a set of small clothes from his Bag as well as a pair of pants. “Where are my armor and weapons?”

  “The armor you were wearing, I hid in the treasury,” the chamberlain said. “I regret to say that your killer took your rings, belt, necklace and bracelet.” Richter’s jaw tightened even further. “Krom told me that he had finished repairing your other arms and armor, so I placed them in the armory as well. He and several of the other villagers have asked where you were. I told all of them that you went back into the lower level of the catacombs. No one outside of those in this room know what happened. We are here because it… he,” Randolphus corrected himself, gesturing at Futen again, “collected us. Apparently he felt that you were about to return.”

  Futen had felt his return, Richter wondered. It opened a whole host of questions, but he didn’t have time for it now.

  “Okay then. I need to get my arms and armor. They have a day’s head start on me, and I don’t know where they went, but I MUST save Terrod.” He turned to Hisako, “Can you help?”

  “This man they took, he is one of your Companions?” Sumiko asked.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Then I can help you find him.”

  “And I can help with the head start,” Hisako said. “Go and equip your weapons, then meet me outside.”

  Hisako and Sumiko walked down the exit tunnel. Randolphus walked over to the armory with Richter, and Sion fell in step with them. Alma dropped onto Richter’s bare shoulders and Futen floated with them. Richter opened the armory and saw both sets of armor on the tables by the door. He equipped his enhanced armor. A quick check showed that Krom had indeed restored it. Richter equipped his shadow dagger and high steel longsword. Knowing what they were up against, he went a step further.

  “Sion, I need the shrieke venom.”

  The sprite stared at him for a moment, but then reached into his satchel. Sion handed over a vial of the clear poison. Richter removed the four dart traps from his inventory. He cautiously removed the dart from the device, taking care not to damage the mechanism. Dipping the dart into the venom, he received the prompt:

  You have created: Shrieke Venom Dart. Damage 5-7. Durability 10/10. Item class: Common. Quality: Above Average. Weight: 0.1 kg. Traits: While the poison coating lasts: Chance to cause instant death. If death is avoided, still does 60-90 damage (80% natural poison damage, 15% Death damage, 5% Earth damage) per second for five seconds.

  He added the dart back to the mechanism and the resulting trap showed the same damage statistics. Richter did the same for the remaining traps. He then did the same for his arrows and other weapons. The shrieke venom was more lethal than he would have thought possible. It was somewhat unnerving to work with such a dangerous substance, but that didn’t stop him. He had no intention of taking either the Warrior or that sadistic bitch alive. He only hoped his enemies would both die screaming.

  The qualifier of ‘while the poison coating lasts’ made him pause. It obviously implied that there was a time limit on how long his weapons would be poisoned. Not knowing what else to do, he put all of the items into his Bag. It had shown before that it could slow down decay. Hopefully it would preserve the venom. He checked his inventory, and each weapon and dart trap now made a green skull and crossbones in the corner. Richter tried to hand the remaining venom back to his friend, but Sion told him to keep it. They all walked outside.

  Sumiko was waiting at the entrance with two sprite warriors. “Hisako is outside of the walls. This way.” The entire group walked down the hill and through the village. Several villagers started to walk up to Richter to say hello, but they quickly picked up on the serious vibe and peeled off.

  One villager was not so dissuaded. He didn’t even recognize her at first, since she kept herself in such seclusion, but then he placed her. The damaged love of Terrod’s life walked up to Richter with absolute panic in her eyes.

  “You have to help him. Please! I need him back. I will devote myself to you, Lord Richter. Pl
ease! I will die without him. I will kill myself!”

  Isabella fell to her knees and grabbed his leg weeping. Before he could respond, a prompt appeared.

  You have been offered a Quest: Two Lives as One. Isabella has approached you and charged you with recovering her love. The emotionally unstable elf has only one tie to sanity, Terrod. By saving your Companion you will most likely save this woman’s life. If you lose Terrod, you will most likely lose another villager soon after. Will you reunite the two lovers? Reward: Unknown. Yes or No?

  Richter blinked and accepted the quest. Though anger and hate were worming through his heart, he made himself stop for a moment. He helped Isabella to her feet and just held her for a moment. “I will bring him back,” he said simply. Then he handed the grieving woman to another villager and motioned for Sumiko to continue on.

  The guards on the walls greeted Richter quietly and ushered him across the wooden bridge. Sure enough, Hisako was waiting in the field outside the walls in the center of a troupe of sprites. A large ball of light hovered above their heads. She was kneeling with both hands on the ground. Pulses of green light radiated from her body. The light spread outward over the surface of the ground in concentric circles. She did this for another half a minute and then stood.

  “I have found a resonance. We only need to wait a few minutes. Prepare yourself.”

  Richter nodded. He needed the time to see the consequences of his death anyway.

  Name: Richter

  Age: 24

  Level: 17, 0%

  Health: 310 Mana: 370 Stamina: 210

  Strength: 21

  Agility: 24

  Dexterity: 19

  Constitution: 31

  Endurance: 21

  Intelligence: 37

  Wisdom: 21

  Charisma: 24

  Luck: 15



  Gift of Tongues

  Fast Learner

  Bounty of Life

  Psi Bond


  Herb Lore Lvl 38; 0% to next level

  Alchemy Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Enchantment Lvl 28; 0% to next level

  Crafting Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Smithing Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Analyze Lvl 5; 0% to next level

  Pierce the Veil Lvl 22; 0% to next level

  Stealth Lvl 5; 0% to next level

  Traps Lvl 20; 0% to next level

  Trap Disarm Lvl 20; 0% to next level

  Archery Lvl 9; 0% to next level

  Imbue Arrow Lvl 4; 0% to next level

  Focus Lvl 2; 0% to next level

  Double Shot Lvl 2; 0% to next level,

  Drill Shot Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Swordsmanship Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Small Blades Lvl 3; 0% to next level

  Unarmed Combat Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Pressure Points Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Dual Wield Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Light Armor Lvl 7; 0% to next level

  Grace in Combat Lvl 4; 0% to next level

  Air Magic Lvl 5; 0% to next level

  Life Magic Lvl 4; 0% to next level

  Earth Magic Lvl 3; 0% to next level

  Water Magic Lvl 4; 0% to next level

  Dark Magic Lvl 4; 0% to next level

  Light Magic Lvl 3; 0% to next level

  Fire Magic Lvl 4; 0% to next level

  Map Making Lvl MAX

  Trade Lvl 13; 0% to next level

  War Leader Lvl 1, 0% to next level

  Portal Construction Apprentice

  Lore Lvl 1


  Master of Mist Village

  Blood Oath

  Forge of Heavens


  Air 50%

  Life 50%

  Mental 15%

  Spiritual 15%

  Race: Human (Chaos Seed)

  Reputation: Lvl 3 “You seem like someone worthy of my attention.”

  Alignment: Neutral

  Language: All

  Richter wanted to scream in frustration! His personal level and almost every one of his skills had dropped! The current level progress had been erased AND he had dropped a whole other level in each! That crazy bitch had effectively robbed him of weeks of work! His Portal Construction skill seemed unaffected, probably because it was about the knowledge he had, but that was small comfort. The loss in his personal level alone amounted to almost 50,000 experience! He gave in to his impulse and screamed out loud!

  The sprites stared at him startled. Sion just stood at his side.

  Calming himself, Richter forced himself to be analytical. He went through his status page again, line by line. He was missing the bonuses from his rings and other equipment. That at least he could partially rectify. He pulled other rings from his Bag. He had one stamina, one health and one mana ring, adding +34, +22, and +11 to each bar respectively. He also equipped his Amulet of Minor Mana, giving him another +17. It wasn’t much, but it just might keep him alive.

  Richter stood in place, impatient to get moving. Only his own hatred of pointless questions kept him from asking Hisako how much longer whatever she did would take. After a few more minutes, she made eye contact and said, “He’s here.”

  Richter heard a thud behind him and before he could turn, something streaked over his head. A massive wolf the color of forest leaves landed by Hisako. The sprites apparently had expected this to happen, but Richter had a visceral reaction to seeing an overlarge predator up close. He took a step back with a startled yell, drawing his longsword at the same time.

  The wolf growled at him showing its fangs, but only for a moment. Apparently it decided that Richter wasn’t worth any more consideration. The wolf bowed its head toward Hisako so that the Hearth Mother could place her hand atop its snout. This was no small feat because the wolf was five feet tall at the shoulders. As fearsome as the beast was when growling at Richter though, it was gentle as a lamb with Hisako. She gave a delighted laugh as it pushed its large head into her, nearly knocking the diminutive woman over. It was clearly an affectionate gesture. Richter analyzed the large animal.

  Okami. Level 22. Health 540. Mana 70. Stamina 1260. Disposition: Neutral. Okami are forest wolves descended from the Great Wolf Honshu. The wolves are masters of concealment in a forest setting and have an incredibly high movement speed. Okami are more intelligent than the average beast. This is perhaps why their social structure does not revolve around packs, but instead in an extended nuclear family.

  Hisako separated from the large wolf. She wove her hands in a complex pattern and spoke an incantation. A green glow enveloped her throat and then Richter got a surprise that cut through even his anger. A series of barks and growls began to ensue from her mouth. Remarkably, the okami seemed to answer. It wasn’t a formal language, at least not one that Richter’s Gift of Tongues ability could decode, but the two were clearly communicating.

  The interplay went back and forth. At one point the wolf looked at Richter and he could swear the damn thing shook its head! At the end it bowed its head to Hisako again. She patted it one more time on its snout before turning to Richter, “He has agreed to carry you until you find your Companion.”

  “Carry me?” Richter asked. “How?” He had no idea how he was supposed to ride this monster. Suddenly an image of the wolf running with him in its jaws like a cub crossed his mind! Naw, he thought, that’s ridiculous.

  “Just trust that he will take care of you,” Hisako said. “He comes from a noble line and his father and I have survived many dangers. That is why he answered my call. His name doesn’t exactly translate, but you may call him Fen.”

  “Fen,” Richter said in a half questioning voice as if tasting the word. The okami growled in reply.

  Despite his trepidation, Richter did trust Hisako. He walked up to the large wolf. Stopping a foot in front of its powerful jaws, he looked it in the eyes, “I don’t know if you can understand me, but thank
you for helping. I need to rescue my friend from some very dangerous people. If you could help me, I will be in your debt.”

  The wolf stared him in the eyes. As Richter watched, its hackles fell. Then the wolf extended one leg, lowering its shoulder. Taking that as an invitation, Richter ascended to its back. When the wolf stood again, he experienced the slight vertigo that always occurred when first climbing onto a mount. The loss of control combined with the power of the beast beneath him was a strange combination.

  Sumiko walked up, “When I cast the spell you will only have one day to find your Companion. That is its duration. Are you ready?”

  Richter gave a nod from atop the beast. The Life master began a series of motions and chants. After a few seconds, the air around Richter’s head began to sparkle. The motes of light disappeared to everyone else, but coalesced in Richter’s vision to form three golden arrows. One centered squarely on Sion. A second was a golden triangle pointing north towards the meadow with the Quickening. The third pointed west.

  “Can you see them?” Sumiko asked. Richter nodded impressed by the usefulness of the spell. It was yet another unseen yield of having a Companion. “Good. I have never had an occasion to cast that spell before and I was unsure of exactly what would happen. Good luck.”

  Richter looked around at everyone that had rallied to help him and was moved. When he looked at Sion, the sprite threw him something. It was a pouch and inside were several enhanced health potions and the bracelet of health he had given his friend so long ago. Richter nodded in appreciation. The +43 health boost and the red vials might make all the difference. Holding up his hand in a firm and solemn goodbye, he then leaned forward and whispered into the okami’s ear, “He is to the west.”

  The wolf immediately leapt forward towards the Kingdom of Yves. Immediately after, Richter fell off of his mount because he hadn’t secured a firm grip. Landing on his back, all of the air rushed out of his lungs and he was momentarily stunned. Looking up at the sea of faces that formed a circle above him, most slowly shaking their heads at him, he thought to himself, that was some JV volleyball shit! Get it together Richter!



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