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Secret Santa

Page 4

by Sabrina James

  After class ended, Celia walked with Freddy to his locker. “Sorry for being such a girl.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I know the pig is dead, but I can’t help feeling sorry for it. When it was on the farm, I’m sure it didn’t think it was one day going to be poked and prodded by a bunch of high school sophomores.”

  “No, it probably thought it was going to wind up in a supermarket as a slab of bacon, a side of sausage, and a rack of barbecued ribs.”

  Celia giggled. “I’ll type up all our notes and email them to you later tonight, okay?”


  Celia caught sight of Amber and Shawna headed her way. Knowing they would ignore Freddy because that’s what they always did when she was talking to someone they weren’t friends with, she quickly rushed away. She didn’t want to subject him to their rude behavior, not after he’d been so nice to her today. “See you tomorrow, Freddy.”

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Froggy watched Celia disappear down the crowded hallway. She turned around and gave him a wave, then joined Amber and Shawna, who didn’t even look in his direction. Why would they? To them, he didn’t exist. He was the Invisible Man.

  He slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out the slip of paper he’d picked from Mindy Yee’s Secret Santa bag.

  The name on the slip was Celia’s.

  He still couldn’t believe his luck.

  He’d been crushing on Celia since September and now he was her Secret Santa!

  He could still remember the very first time he’d seen her. It had been the first day of classes and he’d been in homeroom. The bell had rung and everyone was in their seats when there was a knock on the classroom door. When it opened, in walked the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. She looked like one of the girls from Laguna Beach or The Hills. All golden and glowing. Mrs. Harrison had taken her paperwork and then introduced her to the class.

  Froggy was instantly smitten. All he wanted to do was rush up to her, welcome her to North Ridge High, tell her his name, and ask if she needed any help finding her classes. But before he could do any of that, one of the jocks — in this case, Martin “Moose” Novak, who was on the wrestling team — moved in for the kill and Froggy lost his opportunity.

  Story of his life.

  Although, seriously, if Moose hadn’t made the first move, would he have?

  Highly doubtful.

  Guys like him didn’t register with girls like Celia so why subject himself to the rejection?

  The next time he saw Celia was later that day in Anatomy and Physiology class. He couldn’t believe it when he and Celia were assigned to be lab partners. He kept wanting to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

  As they took their seats next to each other, she gave him a smile — a real smile, not a phony one like when you have to smile at someone because you have no choice and you’re stuck with them. Her whole face had lit up while she was smiling — and said hello, but he had barely been able to say hello back. He was so nervous! He knew this was his chance to become friends with her, but he didn’t know what to say.

  So after saying hello, he pulled out the latest Buffy the Vampire Slayer novel he was reading while Mr. Seleski finished assigning the rest of the class to their seats.

  It was a pattern that he would repeat day after day after day.

  She would always give him a smile and a hello, asking how he was, and he would barely be able to say hello back. This was his chance to become friends with her but he never knew what to say! So he kept their conversations short and always had his nose buried in a book although he was never able to concentrate on what he was reading. He was always peeking out at her from the corner of his eye.

  Unlike most of the pretty and popular girls at North Ridge High, Celia was different.

  She was nice.

  Froggy knew that firsthand because unlike everyone else at North Ridge High, she called him by his real name, the way his teachers did, and not his nickname. Nor did she ask him why everyone called him Froggy, which gave her extra bonus points.

  She was also totally unaware of what a knockout she was. Guys were always doing a double take when she walked down the hallways, but Celia was oblivious to their stares. And she didn’t use her looks to get what she wanted the way a lot of pretty girls often did.

  She was just Celia.

  She didn’t think she was better than anyone else at North Ridge High. She didn’t cut in front of lines. She said please and thank you. She didn’t whisper nasty comments behind people’s backs.

  But — and this was a BIG but — she was friends with Amber and Shawna.

  That he couldn’t figure out. How had she hooked up with them? They were so nasty. Well, Shawna was more nasty-lite while Amber was nasty-supreme.

  That friendship with Amber and Shawna put Celia in a whole other social stratosphere.

  There was no way she would be friends with him.

  And no way she would even go out with him.

  But he wanted to ask her out.

  He so wanted to!

  Froggy stared at the slip of paper still in his hand. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but being Celia’s Secret Santa was his chance to let her know he had feelings for her and he wasn’t going to blow it.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Lily Norris was on a mission.

  To learn everything she could about Connor Hughes so she could be a great Secret Santa to him.

  At least she’d chosen someone who had a girlfriend. That way there’d be no thoughts of romance the night of the Christmas dance. Besides, she’d have to be crazy to make a move on Connor. The last thing she wanted to do was get on Shawna’s bad side. Christmas catfight anyone? She wouldn’t be surprised if Shawna had tattooed PERSONAL PROPERTY OF SHAWNA WESTON somewhere on Connor’s bod, although lately the two weren’t together as often as they used to be when they first started dating. Trouble in paradise maybe?

  Lily slid her books under the counter of the school library as she took her place behind the front desk. She worked at the library part-time three days a week to make extra spending money. Unlike Amber Davenport, she didn’t have a super-rich daddy who gave her credit cards with no spending limit. Her dad was a self-employed carpenter who relied on word of mouth when it came to his jobs. Working at the library was the perfect job because when she wasn’t busy checking out books or putting them back on the shelves, she could tackle her own assignments.

  She could see Connor sitting across the library, a bunch of textbooks spread out before him, chewing on the eraser of his pencil. He looked deep in thought. Maybe she should go over and ask if he needed some help. That would start a conversation. Even though they had a few classes together, she didn’t know much about him. Maybe if they talked, she could learn some things that would help when she started leaving presents for him.

  A loud thump startled Lily from her thoughts, and she tore her eyes away from Connor as Mindy Yee dropped a huge chemistry book in front of her.

  “I need to take out this book,” Mindy said, handing Lily her school ID card.

  Lily reached for the scanner wand and waved it across Mindy’s card.

  “I saw you checking out Connor Hughes,” Mindy said knowingly.

  “I wasn’t checking him out,” Lily said.

  “Yes, you were. I have eyes. I saw!”

  “Slow day for gossip, Mindy?” The last thing Lily wanted was Mindy spreading rumors about her and Connor. Wouldn’t Shawna love to hear that? “In case you haven’t heard, I’m taking a break from romance.” She shoved the chemistry book at her. “Here you go.”

  “When did you start working here? This is the first time I’ve seen you behind the desk.”

  “Right after Thanksgiving.”

  “Making some extra money for Christmas?”

  “Not everyone has a daddy who can give them their own credit cards.” The words slipped out before Lily could stop herself and Mindy instantly pounced.

  “Meow! Is that a dig at someone in particular?” she asked, her almond-shaped eyes narrowing with glee. “There aren’t a lot of girls who have their own credit cards. Amber Davenport is one. Rhianna Ziggler is another. Let’s see, who else? Kitty O’Shay and Leslie Finnegan also have their own credit cards.”

  Over the years, Lily had learned that the best way to deal with Mindy was to neither confirm nor deny anything. Because no matter what you said, Mindy would twist it around. “It amazes me how you always know everything about everybody, Mindy. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  Mindy took another look at Connor. “I wouldn’t blame you if you were interested in him. He’s definitely a hottie.”

  “I’m not interested in him.” Lily pointed to her chest. “Broken heart? Remember?”

  Mindy turned back to Lily, her red lips twitching. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot. It must really hurt seeing Jason and Sonia together.”

  With her pale complexion, red lips, and long, straight, jet-black hair, Mindy sometimes reminded Lily of a vampire. Which she was in a way, always sucking up gossip. It was the tip of Lily’s tongue to call her Vampira and see what she said. Instead, Lily only shrugged. “I’m dealing with it.”

  Mindy leaned across the front desk. “But isn’t it driving you crazy that even though they’re supposed to be studying, they’re not? And right under your nose. It’s like they’re rubbing it in!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Didn’t you know?” Mindy smiled slyly, pointing with a finger. “Jason and Sonia are in the back studying together, but I don’t think they’ve even cracked open a single book!”

  Lily followed Mindy’s pointing finger. How had she missed seeing them? Jason and Sonia were sitting at a table in the farthest corner of the library. Even though books were spread out around them, they weren’t focusing on them. Their chairs were pushed close together, and they were staring into each other’s eyes, looking all lovey-dovey.


  Lily knew Mindy expected her to make some sort of nasty remark, but she wasn’t going to. If she did, Mindy would make sure Jason and Sonia found out about it. Instead, she gave Mindy a sweet smile. “Anything else I can help you with?”

  Mindy slipped the chemistry book into her designer shoulder bag, clearly bummed that Lily wasn’t going to do or say anything. “No.”

  “Guess I’ll see you around,” Lily said, turning her back on Mindy and loading a cart with books that needed to be reshelved.

  When Lily turned back around, Mindy was gone.

  And so was Connor.


  She hadn’t had a chance to talk to him and who knew when their paths would cross again? How was she going to figure out his likes and dislikes?

  Then the lightbulb went on over Lily’s head as she stared at the computer in front of her. All the info she need to know about Connor was right at her fingertips! All she had to do was type Connor’s name into the library computer and she’d be able to pull up a list of all the books he had recently checked out! Now she would be able to be the best Secret Santa ever!

  Lily’s fingers zipped over the keyboard and one minute later the list was on the screen. She studied it closely. Over the last few weeks, Connor had checked out books on car restoration, karate, horror movies, cooking with nuts, Sudoku, and the history of disco.

  Lily pressed a button to print out the list. As she did, she stared across the library at Jason and Sonia. She didn’t know how it was possible, but somehow, their chairs were pushed even closer together. Why don’t you just sit in his lap? she thought darkly. You almost are! Sonia was smiling at Jason, twirling her fingers through his brown curly hair.

  The ache that had been in Lily’s heart since Jason broke up with her in late August flared up. The pain wasn’t as sharp as it used to be — now it was only a dull ache — but it was still there.

  He’s a jerk, he’s a jerk, he’s a jerk, she kept repeating to herself. Sonia was more than welcome to Jason. If he had cheated on her, then who’s to say he wouldn’t eventually cheat on Sonia, too?

  Good riddance!

  But it still hurt seeing him with another girl …

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Outside North Ridge High, Connor Hughes was battling the wind as he pulled a stack of library books out of his backpack. It was wicked cold and he’d forgotten to bring his gloves, so his hands were freezing. Luckily, Simon Larson pulled up in his car, flipping open the passenger door. Connor jumped into the car’s toasty warm interior and instantly started blowing on his hands.

  “Man, it’s nasty out there!” he exclaimed.

  “They say we’re supposed to get snow this week. Who knows? Maybe we’ll have a white Christmas!”

  Connor pulled down the mirrored visor above his head and ran his fingers through his wavy black hair, trying to repair the damage the wind had done. His hair was getting too long and he knew he needed to get a haircut before Friday night’s dance. His cheeks were cherry red from the cold and his blue eyes sparkled.

  “You still look pretty,” Simon teased, his own blue eyes glinting with mischief.

  “Don’t be a wise guy,” Connor warned. “Otherwise I won’t give you those books I checked out for you this morning.”

  “Thanks,” Simon said, stopping for a red light. He turned on the radio and the sounds of “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” filled the car. His dark blond head began bobbing with the music. “I really appreciate it. Did you get everything?”

  Connor flipped through the stack of books in his hands. “Karate 101, Nutty Desserts, Horror Movies to Watch with Your Eyes Closed, and The History of Disco.”

  “It seems like I have a paper due for every single one of my teachers.”

  “I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this,” Connor said, tossing the books into the backseat. “There’s a limit to the number of books I can check out, and all I’ve been doing the last couple of weeks is checking out books for you. I’ve got some term papers coming up and I’m going to need some books for myself. When are you going to pay off your library late fees so you can start checking out books again?”

  “Soon, soon.”

  “You still haven’t returned the last batch of books I checked out for you and they’re due this Friday,” Connor reminded. “If you don’t return those books then I’m not going to be able to check out any books for you or me!”

  “Don’t worry. Chill out. As soon as I get my next paycheck from Mr. DelMonaco at the pizza parlor I’ll pay off the late fees. And I’m going to return the books tomorrow. I promise.” The red light turned green and Simon started driving again. “So did you pick someone good for the Secret Santa exchange?”

  “I’m not saying.”

  “You’re not even going to give me a hint?” Simon asked, disappointed. “Is it a girl? A hot girl?”

  Connor shook his head. “Nope. You’ll just have to wait until the night of the Christmas dance to see whose name I picked. How about you? Who’d you pick?”

  “Uh-uh,” Simon said. “If you’re not telling then I’m not telling. You’re also going to have to wait and see.”

  Noelle loved decorating for Christmas.

  The one thing she didn’t love, though, was lugging boxes filled with Christmas decorations out of her garage.

  Which was exactly what she was doing after school.

  She’d come home to find a note waiting from her mother, asking her to take the boxes of Christmas decorations out of the garage. Noelle had groaned while reading the note. There had to be at least twenty-five or thirty boxes in the garage, if not more. Her whole afternoon was ruined.

  It wasn’t like she had made plans. But she wanted to start thinking of what she could leave Charlie as his first Secret Santa gift. She could probably think about it while she was carrying boxes, but she knew once she started opening them up and started decorating, she was going to be more focused on thoughts of Christmas than on Charlie.

Well, she had no choice. When her mother told her to do something, she expected it to get done.

  She knew carrying the boxes was going to be hot, sweaty work so she went up to her bedroom and changed into her raggiest pair of jeans and oldest sweatshirt. Then she slipped on an ancient pair of Uggs that used to belong to her mother and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Rather than wear her bulky overcoat, she slipped on her father’s neon green down-filled vest and headed back outside to the garage.

  Where to begin? she wondered, staring at the array of labeled boxes. There were boxes labeled ANGELS, OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, INDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, REINDEER, SANTAS, ELVES, SNOWMEN, TINSEL, ORNAMENTS.

  The easiest thing to do was to just start carrying boxes. The outdoor decorations she’d pile on the porch and the indoor decorations she’d bring inside.

  But there were so many boxes!

  Knowing the sooner she got started, the sooner she would finish, Noelle gave a sigh and started carrying. Some of the boxes were light as a feather, but others were quite heavy. After thirty minutes, drops of sweat were trickling down the sides of her forehead and her hands were all dirty and grimy. She was staggering out of the garage with one of the next-to-last boxes when she saw Charlie pull up into his driveway in his car.

  Catching sight of him, Noelle almost dropped the box she was carrying, but caught herself in time. After leaving the box on the front porch, she raced inside and checked herself out in the hallway mirror. She wasn’t surprised by what she saw. She looked a mess! There was a sheen of sweat on her face, along with smears of dust on her forehead and cheeks. Her ponytail was limp, and the clothes she was wearing made her look like a huge fashion don’t.

  Well, there wasn’t much she could do, but at least she’d try.

  She raced to the downstairs bathroom and washed her hands, then once they were clean tossed some water on her face, scrubbing away at the smudges, and blotted it dry. Pulling her hair out of its ponytail, she ran a brush through it, fluffing it out over her shoulders. Finally, she took off the neon green vest and pulled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt.


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