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Secret Santa

Page 18

by Sabrina James

  But the finishing touch was the last gift she’d received from her Secret Santa. She had found it waiting on her front porch when she got home from school that afternoon. It was a wrist corsage of tiny pink roses and white roses. The note attached asked her to wear the corsage to the dance that night.

  Of course she would!

  She slipped the corsage on her wrist and took one last look at herself in the mirror, pleased with what she saw.

  She was ready to go!

  When she walked downstairs, her father instantly began taking pictures with his digital camera.

  “You look beautiful,” her mother gushed as Noelle slipped into a white wool overcoat that she wore only on special occasions. “Now, I know you’re in a hurry to get to the dance, but could you do me a favor and drop this package off next door? The mailman left it here by mistake.”

  “Sure,” Noelle said, taking the package. She saw it was addressed to Charlie’s mother. Although she had hoped to make an entrance at the dance, maybe Charlie would still be home. Maybe he’d even give her a ride and they could walk in together as a couple! Wouldn’t that piss off Amber! Although Amber had other things to be pissed off about. The entire school knew she had been sending Secret Santa gifts to herself. Everyone was talking about it. Or rather, laughing about it. Amber’s reign of terror was over. Ding-dong the witch is dead!

  She gave her parents a kiss good-bye, then hurried next door and rang the bell, waiting for it to be answered.

  When the front door opened, she found herself staring at a very dapper and handsome Charlie. He was wearing a dark blue suit with an open-collar white shirt, his blond hair slicked back with gel. Very yummy!

  Charlie whistled as he gazed at Noelle. “Wow! You look great. Who knew you cleaned up so nicely? Let’s see what’s under the coat.”

  Noelle blushed although she loved what she was hearing! Charlie hardly ever noticed what she was wearing or how she looked. Was it because he was going to reveal himself as her Secret Santa later that night?

  “Thanks,” she said shyly, unbuttoning her coat and letting him see her dress as she gave a quick whirl. Then she made a point of waving her wrist in front of his face. “Look what I found waiting for me this afternoon.”

  Charlie barely glanced at the corsage as he took the package Noelle handed him, placing it on a table in the hallway. “So, are you going to act all surprised tonight?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Charlie’s eyes widened with surprise. “Don’t tell me you haven’t figured it out? I thought you would have by now.”

  “Figured what out?”

  Charlie looked around, as if afraid of being overheard. “That Ryan is your Secret Santa.”


  Noelle was floored. Ryan was her Secret Santa?!

  All those romantic gifts had come from Ryan?!

  “Ryan? Your brother Ryan?” Noelle croaked, barely able to get the words out, she was so shocked.

  Charlie nodded. “You didn’t have a clue, did you? I can tell from the expression on your face.”

  No, she did not have a clue. Ryan couldn’t be her Secret Santa. Charlie was supposed to be her Secret Santa. Charlie. Not Ryan!!!

  “Promise not to tell him I told you? He’d kill me for spilling the beans, but I knew you’d be excited.”

  “I won’t tell,” she said, her mind still reeling.

  “You two are perfect for each other.” Charlie glanced at the time on his watch. “Yikes! I gotta go! I’m late. Liz, my new girlfriend, is waiting for me to pick her up.”

  “Liz Carmichael, the head cheerleader?” Noelle asked, knowing there was only one Liz that mattered at North Ridge High. Just like there was only one Kristy, one Sherry, one Theresa, and one Dana who mattered. And all of them were Charlie’s exes. Suddenly she felt like the biggest fool. She had never stood a chance with Charlie. He was never going to see her as anything more than the girl next door. Ryan had tried to warn her, but she wouldn’t listen to him.

  Charlie smiled. “Uh-huh! She’s super hot! We just started going out last week. Who knows how long it’s going to last, but for now it’s fun!”

  “And that’s all that matters? Having fun?”

  Charlie shrugged. “What else is there?”

  How about caring about someone? Noelle wanted to scream. How about getting to know them? She couldn’t believe she had been crushing on Charlie for so many years without seeing him as he really was! For him, going out with girls was like going through a box of Kleenex! Why hadn’t she known this about him? Well, if she was honest with herself, she had. Ryan had told her. But she hadn’t wanted to believe him. She’d seen only what she wanted to see. She’d turned Charlie into perfect boyfriend material when he wasn’t.

  Ryan wasn’t perfect.

  But he was kind.

  And thoughtful.

  And he cared about her.

  And she’d been too blind to see it.

  Charlie then gave Noelle a kiss on the top of her head. Like a big brother would give his little sister before tucking her into bed! Suddenly, she became infuriated. She wanted to yell. She wanted to scream! But she couldn’t do that. She could do something else, though.

  “Don’t forget your scarf,” she said sweetly, reaching for the blue-and-white scarf that was draped over the banister behind Charlie, making a point of snugly wrapping it around his neck. “Don’t want you catching a cold.”


  “My pleasure,” Noelle said, watching him leave.

  After Charlie left, Noelle headed for the dance, still in shock, trying to make sense of what she’d learned.

  Ryan had sent her all those gifts?

  Ryan had been the one crushing on her all this time?

  How could she have been so dumb? Suddenly it all made sense. His jealousy. His anger. His hurt. All she ever did was go on and on and on about Charlie and the entire time Ryan had feelings for her.

  What was she going to do?

  How was she going to make it up to him?

  Could she make it up to him?

  Or was it too late?

  As soon as the doorbell rang, Celia rushed to answer it.

  She had been dressed and waiting for Jake for over an hour. Before opening the front door, she took one final peek at herself in the hallway mirror. She’d spent hours getting ready and wanted to make sure she looked perfect.

  She was wearing an ivory cotton-lace minidress with bell-shaped sleeves and twill ribbon at the bust. Her shoes were ice-blue satin pumps. For her hair, she’d decided to pull it back and wear a pair of silver earrings that were long and dangling. Her makeup was very minimal — mascara to highlight her blue eyes and blush on her cheeks. The overall look was California beach girl with a touch of elegance.

  When she opened the front door, she found Jake waiting with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in black jeans, black boots, and a black T-shirt, along with his black motorcycle jacket. His long hair was tied back and he wore a pair of black mirrored sunglasses.

  Jake slid his sunglasses down his nose with one hand and gave Celia a smile. “Ready to do some dancing?”

  “Only after you tell me what you’re hiding behind your back,” Celia said.

  “One last gift from your Secret Santa,” he said, handing her a package wrapped in silver foil with white snowflakes.

  Celia instantly recognized the wrapping paper. She had seen Freddy buying it the day before at the mall.

  She gasped.

  Suddenly, all the pieces fell into place.

  Why hadn’t she figured it out sooner?

  She stared at Jake. “You’re not my Secret Santa, are you?”

  Her question threw Jake for a loop. A moment of uncertainty washed over his face, and she could see he was scrambling to come up with an answer.

  But she already had hers.

  There was no longer a doubt in her mind.

  “What do you mean?” He laughed. “Of course I am.”

sp; She could hear the nervousness in his voice. Celia shook her head. “No, you’re not. It’s Freddy, isn’t it? Freddy is my Secret Santa.”

  It all made sense.

  Why Freddy was always so shy around her.

  It was because he liked her.

  Why he had run off the other day after they’d fallen into the snowbank when they’d been throwing snowballs at each other.

  It was because he’d wanted to kiss her, but he’d been afraid to.

  Freddy had bought all her Secret Santa gifts, not Jake. He and Jake had been working together. Jake had been telling Freddy everything he found out about her and Freddy had been using the information. That was why he had been reading Jane Austen the other day! It gave him something to talk about with her.

  Celia waved the wrapped package in his face. “Don’t lie to me. I saw Freddy buying this wrapping paper last night.”

  Jake sighed. “You’re right,” he admitted. “Freddy is your Secret Santa. He’s crazy about you — he has been for months — but he didn’t think you’d be interested. And when he heard that you had a crush on me, he asked me to pretend I was your Secret Santa even though I had picked Shawna Westin’s sister, Chloe. He wanted to give you what you wanted this Christmas.”

  “But why would you do that?” Celia asked. “I don’t understand. You don’t care about me, do you?”

  Jake sighed and looked around the porch. Then he looked back at Celia and reluctantly said, “No, I don’t.”

  Ouch! Harsh! But Celia knew those were the words he was going to say. And surprisingly, they didn’t hurt. Deep down, she had known Jake wasn’t her Secret Santa. It just didn’t add up — especially after she’d gotten those flowers when he’d been out sick. No high school guy was that romantic! — and she’d never gotten the sense that he was interested in her. But with Freddy, she’d always wondered why he acted the way he did when he was around her, but never given it much thought. She should have connected the dots sooner!

  “Then why?” she asked again. “Why pretend?”

  Jake shrugged. “Sometimes when a friend asks you to do something for them, you just do it. No questions asked.”

  “I was your Secret Santa,” Celia said. “Surprise!”

  Jake winced. “Guess I was a bit harsh on your presents.”

  Celia squeezed two fingers together. “Just a little bit. But your gifts —” Celia caught herself, “I mean, Freddy’s gifts — were always perfect.”

  Jake took off his sunglasses and stared into Celia’s eyes. “You’re great, Celia. Really, you are. But I can’t explain why I don’t like you the way you like me. It’s nothing personal. I like you as a friend, that’s all. If we’d gone out a couple of times, who knows? Something might have developed. But why take a chance on something that might not happen when you have a sure thing? Right now you’ve got a guy who’s crazy about you and that guy is Freddy.”

  Celia knew Jake was right.

  Now she had to figure out what she was going to do about it.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Froggy was sitting on his couch, a bowl of buttered popcorn in his lap, the remote control by his side, getting ready for a Heroes marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel. He sighed. Could he be any nerdier? But what else did he have to do? Everyone else was at the school dance. Even David.

  He tried not to think about the dance but he couldn’t. His thoughts kept returning to Celia and Jake. Were they dancing together? Laughing together? Were they hugging? Kissing?

  He had to stop torturing himself this way. He’d made his decision and he had to live with it.

  He’d lost Celia.

  She was with Jake now.

  The opening credits on Heroes were just starting when the doorbell rang. His parents were out doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, so that meant he had to answer the door. He paused the TV — thank God for DVR! — and went to see who it was. When he opened the door, he was stunned to see Celia.

  He was even more stunned when she threw her arms around him in a hug and gave him a kiss.

  “W-w-what was that for?” he sputtered in shock.

  “You are the sweetest guy I’ve ever known, and I’m so glad you’re my Secret Santa.”

  “Y-y-you know?”

  “Of course I know!” she exclaimed. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Froggy shrugged, still unable to believe that Celia was here. Standing on his front porch. Talking to him. Kissing him! Not Jake. HIM!!! “I didn’t know how.” Froggy gestured at Celia with his hands. “You’re you. Super gorgeous.” He pointed to himself. “And I’m me. Super nerdy. We’re like Beauty and the Beast.”

  “That’s a horrible thing to say!”

  “You know what I mean. Guys like me don’t go out with girls like you. Besides, I thought you were interested in Jake.”

  “And that’s why you stepped aside?” Celia asked.

  Froggy blushed. “You told me you liked him.”

  “Yes, I did,” Celia admitted. “But he doesn’t like me.”

  “So am I the consolation prize?”

  “No!” Celia shouted. “This entire week you made me think that Jake was my Secret Santa. That Jake was doing such sweet, wonderful things, but it was really you! You were the one I was falling for, only I didn’t know it. And now I do.” Celia stepped closer to Froggy, looking deep into his eyes. “No one has ever been that nice to me before. Did you stop to think that if you hadn’t been pushing Jake in my direction, I might have realized you had feelings for me?” Then she jabbed a finger in Froggy’s chest. “Or you could have just asked me out. I don’t bite!”

  “I was afraid to.”

  “Then I guess you need the girl to do the asking.”


  Celia turned Froggy around and pushed him in the direction of the stairs. “Hurry up and change your clothes because we’ve got a dance to get to!”

  Celia didn’t have to tell him twice. Froggy raced upstairs to his bedroom, pulling off his sweatshirt and kicking off his sneakers. He didn’t know how Celia had figured things out, but he didn’t care. She had kissed him! And they were going to the dance together!

  Who said Christmas wishes didn’t come true?

  The North Ridge High gym had been transformed into a winter wonderland.

  Noelle couldn’t believe the spectacular job the dance committee had done. Even though she was inside, it felt like she was outside. Everywhere she looked, it was snow white. There were huge snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, there was a maze of snow-covered Christmas trees decorated with shimmering silver balls and draped with twinkling white lights — almost like a hidden forest — at the back of the gym, rows of white streamers were hung across the ceiling, and teeny-tiny bits of white confetti danced in the air like falling snowflakes, blown by hidden fans.

  A slow song was playing and couples were dancing closely.

  As she walked through the gym, she saw some of her friends and waved distractedly at them, not stopping to talk. She couldn’t. She was on a mission to find Ryan, and she wouldn’t stop searching until she found him.

  But what happened once she did find him?

  She still didn’t know what she was going to say to him. What could she say that would make up for all the years of ignoring him? Of not seeing what was right under her nose? Had she been so self-involved? Had she been that obsessed with Charlie that she had tuned out the entire world and what was going on around her?

  Obviously she had, if she hadn’t picked up that Ryan had feelings for her.

  All she knew was that she had only one chance to make things up to him. If she blew it tonight, that was it. It was all over. She couldn’t explain how she knew it, she just did. It was a feeling she had.

  Her eyes darted through the crowded gym, and finally she saw him, standing by the refreshment table, sipping a glass of punch.

  She blinked her eyes, as if seeing Ryan for the first time.

  He was a wearing a dark, na
vy blue suit, with an open-collared light blue shirt, looking very male model.

  Why had she never before noticed how handsome he was? He glanced her way and when he saw her, he smiled. He put down his glass of punch and started walking toward her.

  Why had she never noticed how great his smile was? How it lit up his entire face.

  He looked happy.

  And then it hit her.

  She was the reason he was smiling.

  She was why he was so happy.

  And she’d never known.

  Until today, she hadn’t known!

  As he got closer, she scrambled for something to say, but her mind was blank. Think! she silently screamed at herself. Think!

  Seconds later he was standing in front of her and she was still speechless. Then her eyes fell on the wrist corsage she was wearing. Before she could stop herself, she held it up and waved it in Ryan’s face. She wanted him to see that she was wearing his gift.

  “It’s pretty,” he said.

  “Thanks for sending it.”

  Ryan gave her a confused look, but before she could ask him about it, Simon, wearing a black suit, appeared before her, pointing at her wrist corsage.

  “You wore it!” he happily exclaimed.

  “Of course I did.”

  “Do you like it?” Simon asked.

  “I love it,” she said, looking at Ryan. “It was a very thoughtful gift.”

  Suddenly Ryan looked uncomfortable. Like he didn’t know what to say. “Uh, Noelle?”


  “I didn’t send the corsage.”

  He didn’t send the corsage???

  Before a shocked Noelle could say anything, Simon grabbed her by the hand, leading her out onto the dance floor as a new slow song began. “Come on, you promised me a dance.”

  “I did?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at Ryan. With her eyes, she pleaded for him to rescue her, but he remained where she’d left him.

  “Yes, you did,” Simon insisted, swaying to the music.

  “But someone else would rather dance with you,” Noelle said, her mind swirling. She didn’t want to dance with Simon. She wanted to talk to Ryan! If Ryan hadn’t sent her the corsage, then who did?


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