The Inn (Evenstad Media Presents Book 3)
Page 7
DATE: 1/9/2076
It’s been a few days since I wrote an entry. I know it’s silly and stupid, it’s just a coping mechanism to help get me through this. I get that’s all you are. But still, on the off chance you or anyone else is actually reading this, I didn’t want to leave you with no information for that long.
So I’m still alive. I’ve still managed to avoid pretty much anything, although there’s been a lot of activity lately. I don’t know exactly what all of it is. I didn’t want to go see. But lots of noise, for certain. I can’t imagine that’s a good thing, given the circumstances.
I mostly just stay put, other than running out to get food once a day. I’m getting more used to the flavor. Or the flavorlessness. I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. It’ll make staying here a lot easier, I guess, and if I make it out, it’ll probably make me appreciate actual food that much more.
It’s weird to think about actually making it out. I know it’s not a very strong possibility. I’m not built for something like this, mentally or physically. I sit behind a desk and install antivirus programs in idiots’ computers for minimum wage. But if I do make it out, how weird will these journals sound to you? I’m all hopeless and worried, but you read them knowing I survived, and now I’ve got twenty million bucks. No more antivirus installations for me.
I really hope you get to think of me that way. I hope I make it out. I don’t know how. Even if it’s just me and one other person left at the end, I’d have to be able to kill that other person. And like I told you, I’m just not built for that.
I’ll try to write a little sooner next time, so you get a better picture of what’s going on in real time instead of me trying to remember everything.
TO: Eddie
FROM: Laurie
SUBJECT: Jeremiah North
SENT 1/9/2076 AT 10:07 a.m. EST
I need you to get me some information. This should be cake for you. We have a lot of people upset about that porn star getting killed on the show, and some of them are reacting very strongly. You can look online and find all that information. But I want to get their emails. I want to send them information so they know there’s an outlet for their frustrations with Evenstad.
This could be big, so I want it done fast, and you’re the only one I know who has any chance of actually getting in and pulling that info off his site. We just need the emails, as many as you can get without being noticed.
Once you have the subscribers’ addresses, deliver them in the usual fashion and we’ll see if we can’t ruffle some more feathers. If there’s any reason you can’t do it, then deliver that message. But I have faith in you.
I probably don’t even have to say it to you anymore, but don’t reply to this email.
DATE: 1/12/2076
It’s been so weird. I went out. I did what I had to do and showed a brave face and everything… and it wasn’t awful. It was probably the best thing that’s happened to me since I woke up in this place. I found someone else, someone I can actually get along with. I can’t believe it, but there she is. Katya. I’ve never known anyone named Katya. It’s one of those names I just always assumed was way more popular in fiction than it was in real life. It probably still is, but now I’ve met at least one Katya.
It wasn’t peaceful the whole time. We were both out in the halls, and she pulled out that gun faster than I could. But when I told her I didn’t want to kill anyone, she relaxed. A little. So far, it’s been a few hours, and she hasn’t totally relaxed once. I can’t blame her, I guess. This isn’t exactly a luxury spa.
We got it worked out enough that we agreed to look for a place to be. She said she didn’t want to go into one of the hotel rooms. They’re all booby-trapped, I guess. It makes sense. But I don’t why she assumes the conference room we settled down in is going to be any different. For all she knows, it could just mean it takes that much longer for us to get from the middle of the room to the door. That letter said fifteen seconds for the alarm and didn’t mention any changes for the size of the room you had to get across. So there’s still a big part of me questioning why I’m bothering to stay with her.
I guess it’s the companionship. Just having another person around is so nice. It’s so refreshing. I wish it was a familiar face, someone I knew I could trust implicitly, but I’ll take what I can get right now. It helps that she calls me she. A lot of people in the outside world still refuse. You’d think we’d be an advanced enough society by now to get past all that crap, but we’re not. It makes finding someone so accepting in this place that much more special. Even if she turns out to be a heartless bitch.
We’re sleeping in shifts. She’s got herself laid down in the corner, but she’s still awake, watching me. Which is fine. It’ll take some time for both of us to get used to this whole new thing we’ve got between us. But having someone watching for danger at any given hour has to be worth something. I don’t know if anyone is down here on the first floor, but it’s obviously not hard to get here. We managed it. If there is someone, then they weren’t all that determined to stop us.
But I should stop. Katya’ll probably be out soon, and then I really do have to focus on keeping watch.
DATE: 1/12/2076
They say that as you get older, you get more and more in tune with things you’re familiar with. The work you do. Old ship captains who can steer a piece of shit boat through storms it shouldn’t survive, seasoned musicians who can play an old, broken instrument better than any up-and-coming music major. That sort of thing.
I never told anyone, but I always believed it was true. At least for me, if nobody else. I’ve had a sense about when a good story might come around. It took me a long time, and I don’t quite know what it is. Maybe it’s some kind of weird pheromone thing, sensing tension or whatever. Don’t ask me to explain the science behind it. Maybe there is none, for all I know. Maybe I’m just a crazy old man who keeps getting lucky. That’s possible.
Whatever it is, I’ve got that same feeling right now. Something very definitely in the air. Something is coming. I don’t know what, but it’s got my hackles up. If I was still a working journalist, I’d be searching all over for any signs. Hell, maybe I should be anyway. It might keep me alive a bit longer if I can figure out what’s coming. It could keep all three of us alive, and maybe give Max some peace of mind. If he knew we were staying away from danger, he might be a little less eager to pack up and leave the room behind.
I’ve still got some decisions to make. I might even just try to ignore it. I doubt that would work, but it might keep me out of the line of fire. All I know for certain right now is that there’s definitely something happening soon, and it’s not a little something, either.
DATE: 1/12/2076
There’s a couple girls down here. I admit, I was pretty worried when I saw them together. I didn’t think I could take them both out fast enough, and if I didn’t get them both down long enough to finish the job, one of them probably would have turned right around and gutted me. Then that would be that.
I’ve never been more wrong before in my damn life. All they did was hole up in the stupid conference room on the other side of the lobby. They weren’t out on the hunt. They were looking for shelter and apparently thought they could trust each other. You can’t trust anyone in this place. Stupid people. I’m telling you now, even if I didn’t find them, at least one of them would have ended up dead. Maybe they were staying noble and not killing so far. Good for them, yay, let’s throw a fucking party.
But eventually, it wouldn’t all be so nice. I don’t care who you are, twenty-million dollars is twenty-million dollars, and tha
t’s not money to sneeze at. Once one of them came around to that realization, it would have been lights out for the other one. That’s how people work. Humans are greedy, and everyone has their price. I guarantee that twenty-million is more than most people’s price for killing somebody. I don’t know for sure, but I’d be willing to bet it’s above mine.
But then, I’m not just killing one person, either. If things go the way they’re supposed to, that number will be up to three before too long. Just have to wait for the right time.
TO: Niels Evenstad
FROM: Magnus Evenstad
SENT 1/11/2076 AT 4:14 p.m. EST
I’m certain you’ve noticed this, but I wanted to bring it up in case something had gotten in your way. You seem to only have one active participant in The Inn so far, and that’s a problem. Perhaps you need to have a word with your casting director, should we end up renewing this show for next year. More active players. However, I think it presents several problems that, unfortunately, need to be handled well before that.
We already spoke on the rumors of misandry being spread around. If Lena is the only one actually playing the game to win, there’s a very strong chance that she will, in fact, win, and that will only compound the problem and upset the viewership. We both realize it’s merely the way the game is played, and that these aren’t choices we make, but a man should win this season. It’s that simple. If not win, then come as close as possible, be a strong match for Lena. Anything to make this better. I realize it’s not politically correct, but this is a business, and that’s what needs to happen.
The other issue with her is that, as the only one playing, the main action is occurring only when she’s involved, or when the room hazards are activated. This won’t do. Fortunately, that’s easy enough to fix, and it may help address the issue with Lena’s potential dominance of the gameplay. Activate every room in sequence and flush them down into the lobby where they all have to mingle with each other. It will create action, and even if they’re peaceful now, someone will take out Lena if she attacks. It’s simple enough, unless you have a more elegant solution. I’ll be the first to admit that this is very heavy-handed, but it’s bound to be effective. I was in your exact position for years, Niels, and sometimes you have to act rashly to make thing happen.
I await your input on this.
Magnus Evenstad,
Chief Executive Officer, Evenstad Enterprises
TO: Magnus Evenstad
FROM: Niels Evenstad
SENT 1/11/2076 AT 7:28 p.m. EST
Uncle Magnus,
I don’t believe that is the best option. Effective as your solution might be, it will create far more controversy than it’s worth within the fan community. We run the risk of losing quite a large number of our viewers if we choose to act with that sort of disregard for subtlety. As much as I appreciate your input, given your experience, I fully believe that my current plans will lead to eventual altercations. The fans of this show have proven that they’re willing to wait. If they weren’t, we couldn’t have gotten away with the first season lasting six months.
I will think on this and find a way to fix the problems you’ve mentioned. I am well aware of them, and so are the other members of my team. Everyone involved wants this show to succeed, I promise you, and whatever choice is made will benefit us.
Give Aunt Hilde my love, and thank you for your concern,
Niels Evenstad,
Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media
TO: Niels Evenstad
FROM: Magnus Evenstad
SENT 1/12/2076 AT 5:42 a.m. EST
I’m afraid there’s no time to run this decision through a committee. I understand entirely that these decisions could be difficult for you. I’ve stepped in and made the call.
Don’t see this as me getting in your way. See this as experience leading my decisions, experience you’ll eventually acquire. And know that I’ll lead this program of yours down the right path. You don’t need to worry about it going astray as long as I’m here to watch over you. I’ve taken a special interest in this project, which means I’ll be bringing my full force to bear in order to make it work. That includes creating compelling footage for the teasers in time to air them. That’s another thing this decision accomplishes. I’m sure you’ll inform the people in charge of those advertisements that this is coming, so they’ll be ready to begin work immediately.
Your Aunt Hilde sends her love.
Magnus Evenstad,
Chief Executive Officer, Evenstad Media
DATE: 1/12/2076
Time to get yourself together, Katya. Just try to stay calm through all of this. It sounds like every alarm in the place is going off at once, but none of them are here. This is a good place to be in. you were right to move. Upstairs is probably a battle-zone at this point. Everyone’s running. Everyone. I would be, and I have to assume they all are, too.
If it really is every room, and there really are no safe places, that’s when it’s time to worry. Then they’ll be coming down here. I don’t shoot. I never have. Don’t own a gun. But I’m clinging to this like it’s a life raft. It probably is.
Need to stop typing, Katya. You’re just tying up your hands.
DATE: 1/12/2076
God, I’m glad there’s someone here with me. The alarms went off, and then all these footsteps came down, and there was some kind of shot, and a scream. I don’t know what’s happening, but I have Katya. She’s going out there to look at it. I know this isn’t what I said I’d do. This isn’t courageous at all, but I just can’t make myself go out there. Not now. Not until I know it’s safe. It’s ridiculous. As soon as they see someone come out of there, they’ll probably shoot her, too. Then they’ll want to check for anyone else that might be in here. That would be me, and I couldn’t stand up to anyone in a fight.
This is bad. I’m dead either way. So this is probably my last journal. I couldn’t even be here two weeks. A good thing, I guess. No more time in this hell. But I don’t want to be done because I’m dead. I don’t want to die. I don’t even want to be here. I want things that are impossible.
Someone else just screamed, but it got cut off. I hope Katya’s all right. I hope my being a coward didn’t just get her killed, too.
TO: Niels Evenstad
FROM: Frederick Evenstad
SUBJECT: Caution
SENT 1/13/2076 AT 7:58 a.m. EST
Whatever disagreements you’re having with Uncle Magnus right now, they need to stop. It’s not going to end well for you. Of course I don’t have any real information, but there are rumors running wild that he’s not pleased with you, and you know how well that has ended for people in the past.
You know I love you, and I only want the best for you. That means I don’t want to see you fired. If you have to offer Magnus a few concessions to keep your job, you should do exactly that. I understand how infuriating he can be, but he’s in charge of all of us. It’s that simple. If you wrong him, things will end badly for you.
I hope, however you decide to act, things are good for you, Brother. But, particularly in your health, the extra stress that fighting with Uncle Magnus brings isn’t worth it. He’ll win out in the end. You know as much.
Take care, Brother, and at least consider what I said.
Frederick Evenstad,
Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Technologies
I’ve never killed anyone before. I know, it makes me a bad Texan. I’m a good person, though. I don’t care to have blood on my hands, but somebody had to do something. There was a woman behind that desk. My guess from looking back there is that she was living there this whole while. Probably the best strategy she could have hoped for, if the alarms hadn’t gone off upstairs.
I had to take her out. She killed the first lady who came down. A redhead lady, maybe forty or so. Hit her with this scattershot of little plastic bullets, then came right out and got her in the throat with that knife. But as soon as she saw everyone coming down, she froze. I’ve seen that look a lot of times before. She was scared. I should have shown her a little sympathy, but she didn’t bother with any sort of humanity when she cut open that lady’s neck.
Another couple people came out of the conference room. It was a shock to me. I wonder how long they’d been hiding in there from the woman behind the desk. I don’t know. I haven’t said a word to anyone since I took that lady down. I haven’t even washed my hands, yet. I need to, I know, but it’s still hard to move. Even think about moving. I just can’t. Not yet. Not now. Terrence and this Asian-looking kid moved the body somewhere else, at least. That didn’t help. There was already a body in the storage room they tried to stick it in.