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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 8

by W. Ferraro

  “His new favorite past time, watching Lola.” Seth answered, chuckling as he brought his pilsner to his lips. He choked on the cold liquid as Wes’ fist connected with his midsection.

  “I assume that beautiful piece of woman behind the bar is Lola.” Dylan asked, receiving a nod from Seth, confirming.

  Hearing Dylan call Lola beautiful, grated on Wes. Obviously, he was just stating the truth, because she was gorgeous, but knowing that another man noticed it, caused Wes to feel things he had never before, until he met Lola.

  Unaware of the internal battle taking place across the table from him, Dylan said, “You mean, hell has really frozen over? There is a woman out there that is immune to the charm known as Wes Thompson?”

  “Whenever you two are done, feel free to go back the way you came.” Wes said, hating how Dylan nailed the issue on the head. Just because he kept his interests and relationship close to the vest didn’t mean he wasn’t above being hurt when his advances have gone unanswered.

  “So you’ve been shot down?” Dylan asked, all kidding aside. He had never seen Wes so put out by a woman.

  Laughing without any humor behind it, Wes ran his fingers along the sides of his glass. The amber liquid, didn’t even seem to hold its appeal. “Yeah, shot down, driven over and then again for good measure.”

  “Ouch.” Seth said, then looked over at his wife and waived. He was a damn lucky bastard, to not only have one great love, but to have two. Now that Dylan was off the market, Wes was kind of left as the fifth wheel. If Lola was who he wanted then Seth would do anything he could to help. “So, not going as planned?”

  “That is the understatement of the century. I can’t even get her to have a conversation with me longer than my drink order.” Wes answered, watching Lola dance behind the bar in beat with the music coming from the band playing.

  “What she got against you? Most women are usually falling at your feet. If she isn’t interested, move on. Since I’ve chosen to leave bachelorhood behind, the numbers are in your favor,” Dylan said, knowing Wes would never so easily be lead astray. He hoped humor would help bring Wes around.

  “She saw behind the curtain and apparently thinks it isn’t worth the trip through Oz.” Wes said quietly, as he continued to watch her.

  “What?” Dylan asked.

  “Nothing, I guess I’m just glutton for punishment.”

  Lola tried to be herself at work, but she was anything but. Wes was here, again! For the past month at least three times a week, always three nights she was working, and now practically every night for the past two weeks. He comes over to the bar to order his scotch, and then goes and sits for hours, never saying another word. She tried to flirt with the regulars like she always did, but every time she went to say something sass filled, she found herself looking toward Wes. She knew he watched her, but he never said anything or approached her, unless it was for a refill. Since his impromptu visit to her apartment, he hasn’t sought her out at all, except for here at Cal’s. Even tonight, with the place packed and the band rocking, she just couldn’t bring herself to let go and enjoy herself like she usually did.

  “Lola…HELLO…Earth to Lola.” Hank called.

  “Oh, sorry Hank. My mind is somewhere else.”

  “Obviously. What gives? You have this dreamy look one moment than panicked the next.” Hank said, honestly concerned that something was bothering his friend.

  “All’s good. So, plenty of chicks here tonight, you going to make your move on any of them?” Lola asked hoping the redirection of conversation would be accepted.

  “Only one chick I’d consider taking home, and she’s here until at least last call, so I’ll wait to act.” Hank said winking toward her.

  “Oh Hank, you couldn’t handle me. I’d want to ride a thoroughbred; you strike me as a carousel pony.” Lola said, feeling herself relax as she made a mock curtsy to the crowds approval of her witty jab.

  She turned to take an order from a waiting woman. “Hi hun, what can I get you?”

  “Two Pinots please. Are you Lola?”

  Lola looked at the attractive woman with quizzical but kind eyes, wondering how she would know her. Must be this small town life thing. Lola was still getting used to it. “That’s me.” She said giving a guarded smile as she popped the cork on the bottle of white wine.

  “Well, please excuse me, but I must say, I can see what all the fuss is about. You are stunning.” The brunette said, as she smiled causing a dimple to peak out.

  When Lola didn’t respond, she continued. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I’ve just heard a lot about you. My name is Mae Finn. I’ve heard around town everyone saying what a looker Cal hired on.” The beautiful brunette extended her hand, and offering Lola what could only be a genuine smile.

  “Nice to meet you, Mae. Usually when women approach me like that, they are accusing me of stealing their husbands.” Hoping Mae would understand the jest.

  The two woman chatted for a few moments and then Mae headed back to deliver Natalie her wine, and fill her in.

  Across the way, Seth watched his wife do what Mae did. She approached and conquered. Wes was going to kill her, after he killed Seth for sharing the little bit he knew about Wes’ infatuation. Seth turned back around to face Wes, and was caught red handed. Wes saw the exchange and he knew Seth was guilty. “What? You try keeping something from Mae. Trust me she has a very special talent to get what she wants out of someone.” Seth said, loving just how special his wife’s talent was for extracting information out of him. He purposely withheld things just to endure her intimate torture. “I can’t help it if she is worried that you are lonely. She’s a mother hen. You know that.”

  Wes did know that about Mae. She loved taking care of everyone around her. No matter what you needed, Mae would come through for you. He was so happy when Seth married her. Dylan and Natalie too. Natalie was the sweetest thing in the world, and she hooked, lined and sank Dylan. Wes was just happy he got to see it. Wes had never wanted the settled down life; he enjoyed his life the way that it was. But now, his thoughts changed to what it would be like to have someone in his bed every night. To know someone was waiting for him when he got home. Maybe it was because he was pushing forty, but his secluded life wasn’t holding that much appeal as of late.

  “Come on, let’s all go back over there, so you two can control those wives of yours. Hell, who am I kidding? You two are so pussy-whipped, it’s amazing you still carry your balls around in your pants,” Wes said as he rose to walk towards his friends. Laughing as he ignored the descriptive directions of what he could do with himself and his words.

  Lola was ready for this night to be over. She didn’t know when it happened, but one minute Wes Thompson was tucked into his corner seat and then he wasn’t. She hated admitting, even to herself, she was disappointed. Taking the offer to head out early, Lola cashed out, and headed off to the back to get her coat and bag. When she reemerged from the small employee room, she noticed Wes waiting for her in the quiet hallway, away from the bar and patrons. The thumping from the music could be felt in the floor vibrations, but that is where any outside noise ended.

  He casually leaned against the wall giving the impression he had all the time in the world. She hated to admit but the dimly lit hallway gave him a cover of shadows that made him even more alluring. His physical strength was apparent under his open collared dress shirt. The stark white against his golden hued skin gave an image of classic executive. Yet, Lola knew the truth. Yes, he may be all business by day, however at night he was anything but. A private sex God who she was sure could make any woman feel things that they’ve only read and dreamed about.

  “Hello, Lola. I wanted you to know, that I’m done playing. I’ve tried to be patient, I’ve tried to give you time to accept this. Since you are so sure you can fight this, I’m just going to do what I should have done when I saw you almost a year ago.” And with that said, Wes broke the short distance and leaned
down and took possession of her mouth. With the wall at her back, he easily molded himself to her. His mouth fitted over hers perfectly. Her lips were soft, and to his surprise, not at all hesitant. He slid his seeking tongue in between her plush softness, and stroked her tongue in primal fashion. She purred at the back of her throat, fueling him to continue this sensual assault. With the thud of her bag hitting the floor, she lifted her hands to his chest, but he quickly removed them, moving them to over her head, where he held them both in one of his. This position pushed her full breasts into his chest. Through the material of both his shirt and hers, he could feel the tight buds of her nipples.

  He continued to devour and savor her taste. It was better than he ever imagined. Those sounds she made, were making him consider things that shouldn’t be considered. His straining cock, rubbed up against her belly, probing itself into her flesh, as if telling her, he found her very appealing. Their tongues danced together before he gently bit her lower lip. The sensation in combination with her scent, evoked feelings of pure desire to dominate. He used his free hand to tangle into her hair, fisting its locks into a tight pull. He broke the kiss, but did not break contact with her lips. Deep blue met hazy gray. Their panting was the only sound other than the vibration of the music.

  “Just so we are clear, this is your doing.” He said, as he once again kissed her. He released her hands, allowing his hand to roam over her ass. Kneading the plump flesh, he lifted her thigh, holding it at his hip, allowing his throbbing dick to fit into her womanly cradle. His tongue couldn’t get deep enough. He wanted to swallow her whole. Knowing that he needed to stop but he just couldn’t. He needed this, he needed to know exactly how she tasted. He needed to know that his intentions were clear from this moment on. He would possess her in every way. She would succumb to him and she would love every minute of it. Now that he knew her flavor, he would not be able to go long without it.

  Lola wanted to fight this, but it was as if her brain had lost all communication with her body. She felt him everywhere. God, could a kiss be this hot? She could feel her own juices getting ready to explode. Her core vibrated in time with the beat. Yet, nothing else existed but them. His hands and tongue weaved the most erotic formula. She raised her hands, one rested at the back of his neck while the other wound around to his back. She dug her nails in, feeling the heat coming from his skin through the material barrier. She held him to her, knowing not only was she going to accept this; she was going to crave it. Complete abandonment is where they were heading. She was going to fly into oblivion at the expertise of this man. Moreover, for the first time, she caved to her own desire and decided she would not fight it anymore. Knowing this was just sex, she felt she earned it. She deserved it. Above all, she would survive after it was done.

  Their kiss ended as the music did. He touched his forehead to hers, easing his grip on her hair, he rubbed his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. He had never felt like this before, the pride and virility for making her look dazed and utterly aroused, boiled up inside him. But this look was just the beginning for them. He intended to see her like this many times, as well as her begging him for more delicious and erotic torture.

  “Tell me when I can see you? And I don’t mean for thirty minutes, I’m going to need a long block of uninterrupted time to even begin to satisfy my appetite for you.” He whispered, swallowing loudly as if his mouth was anticipating another taste.

  Her mind was blank. She didn’t know when she would be able to see him, but if the look in his gorgeous eyes were any indication to his intent, she better figure it out fast. “I, uh, will have to let you know.”

  “Do that, but don’t keep me waiting, because as I said before, I’m done being patient.” He straightened, adjusting his clothing to hide his bodily reaction before leaning in, placing a chaste kiss to her nose, and turned leaving her in the hallway. Lola watched as he disappeared from sight.

  “Come on Buddy-Boyd, we are going to be late.” Lola said from the door.

  Thirteen days had passed since their hallway encounter and for someone who said he was done being patient, he certainly changed his mind suddenly. Jeez, she was willing to screw him there right up against the wall. She has been walking around aroused for two weeks; hanging on his words of intent along with how he made her body feel. Honestly, she was getting pissed at his change of heart. Typical, she lets down her wall and signs on to have this affair with him and then, bam, nothing. When he does finally call, he tells her to wear comfortable clothes, bring Boyd and meet him out on some back road thirty miles away. She should have just hung up on him; but instead, she found herself agreeing.

  Forty-five minutes later, they had arrived at the discussed meeting locale, and Lola finally laid eyes on the gorgeous yet completely confusing man. No man should be allowed to look that good. He wore soft looking light denim with a blue and black flannel shirt. The bright color of the shirt, made his already brilliant eyes, spark that much more. He was leaning back against a gold Lexus SUV, with his long legs crossed at the ankles, sporting cowboy boots. Lola never found reason to find that style of boot attractive before, but seeing them on him, made her start to think of him naked except for the boots and a cowboy hat.

  “Hi. Glad you could make it.” He said straightening as he started toward her Jeep. His eyes never left her face. Feeling as if he has finally been able to take a full breath because she was finally in front of him. She looked amazing. Clad in dark denim, with combat boots, which should make her look anything but beautiful, but on her, he thought she was even prettier because of them. Again, she wore a concert shirt, this time for a lesser-known alternative band, but he liked their music, and considered himself a fan as well. “Yo Boyd, my man, ready for a surprise I have lined up for you?”

  “Uh ha!” Boyd said with a large smile.

  Before Lola could warn Wes what was coming, Boyd ran full force into him, wrapping his chunky arms around him, effectively catching Wes off guard and knocking him back several steps. The apology was on the tip of her tongue, but stopped there when she noticed Boyd’s smile reflected on Wes’ face.

  “You almost knocked me on my ass, my man. Next time, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep my balance. I think the Patriots need to get you on their radar for their defensive line.” Wes wrapped his arm around Boyd’s shoulder, causing the younger man to look up, as any child would to an idol and hero, completely awe struck.

  “Did you hear that Lola, Wes thinks I can play football?” Boyd’s voice was thicker than usual, which usually happened when he was over excited.

  “I did. But let’s hold off on a road trip to Foxboro, okay?” Lola said, knowing that she would be hearing all about football for the immediate future.

  Wes leaned in, sly like, and whispered a little too loudly, “Women.” He gave Boyd another squeeze and then said, “So why don’t you guys hop on into my ride, and we will just go down the road a bit, to our destination.”

  Catching Boyd before he took his first step, Lola said, “No, that’s okay, we will follow in the jeep. Hop in Boyd.”

  Lola watched as Wes’ mouth curved into a far too sexy smirk, before he gave her a two finger salute and headed toward the Lexus. She pulled out behind him, ignoring Boyd’s repeating question of why they couldn’t go with Wes. She pondered if everything concerning Wes Thompson was gold. She imagined he slept beneath a gold comforter and between golden silk sheets that probably cost more than her jeep. Suddenly images flooded her brain, her bare back on cool silk, arching up as soft knowing lips traveled south, creating a trail of wetness to their ultimate destination… The sudden jostle of the passenger side tires hitting the gravel of the shoulder, brought Lola back to reality. She continued to follow Wes, squeezing her thighs together to somehow relieve the ache that was suddenly demanding her attention.

  Wes pulled onto this small gravel drive. Lola followed slowly behind, noticing the sign, Callaway Horse Farm. As they crested a hill, Lola saw a quaint farmhouse with a large barn in front
of a background containing, a spectacular mountain view. The instant swarm of butterflies in her stomach only added to her already trembling limbs.

  Boyd bound quickly out of the Jeep, running full force into Wes, who was anticipating it this time.

  “Are we really going riding? For real?” Boyd asked against Wes’ shirt, where his face was buried.

  “You bet. Thought we’d spend the day getting you used to being on horseback and perhaps enjoying the trails,” Wes said, looking down at the smiling face of Boyd.

  He then looked toward Lola, noticing immediately her less than thrilled look. Well, well, well, so Miss Nash was nervous. Wes would make sure to use her lowered guard, from her nerves, to his advantage.

  “You are not afraid to ride, are you Lola?” he said with that sexy smirk back in place as he closed the distance between them.

  “No, I’m not afraid,” she lied, boldface, “I just would have liked to come better prepared, is all.”

  Leaning in to ensure Lola was the only one to hear, “Good. I want to be sure you enjoy riding, works into my plans for you to straddle me later.”

  “Yeah, well, I might have rethought my decision to do anything with you. And I have no plans to straddle your lap, now or later.” Lying again, but she needed to make sure she was going to call the shots of what she did and didn’t do.

  “Well, we will see if perhaps I can persuade you back over to the willingly participating side,” he leaned in and almost touched his lips to hers, looking directly into her widened gray eyes and said, “and I didn’t say anything about my lap, I was thinking more along the lines of my face.” He stuck his tongue out ever so quickly, effectively licking the crease between her lips, before turning away and walking with Boyd into the stable.


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