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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 26

by W. Ferraro

  Taking a deep breathe, she looked away from his emotional bare face, and slowly with jittery hands opened the box. She didn’t know how to process its contents. There was a coil of small sized silver chain, several yards long. In the middle of the coil, was a single antique key, the kind with a spiral head and long teeth, on a band of gold ribbon.

  She fingered the cold chain, and lifted out the gold ribbon, looking at the dangling key.

  “I’m not a perfect man. I’ve done things that are more than morally questionable, but I’ve never given my heart away…until now. These chains represent what I considered to be the most important part of my life. What I felt when a partner was chained down before me, immobile by my hand, and at my mercy, it was the biggest high for me; yet, I could never ask you to do this for me. I was scared for you to see all the ugliness inside of me. I would go to Olympus and think; just down the hall was someone who would not think less of me for doing this to them, but I never could bring myself to do it.” Knowing his voice was cracking, he looked toward the windows, which showed dark night, he regained composure. Willing himself to tell her what he needed her to hear. “Because of you. You were always there, in my mind. Your face I could see in the stars, as I looked out the window on the mountain. I didn’t want this,” lifting the chains, “because it meant, I was not the man who was worthy of you. And oh, how I wanted to be worthy of you.” Not caring that his eyes were filled with water or that his voice was hitching, he reached up to touch her face, “I should have told you long ago. It’s always been you. You are the one who could open the lock that I refused to let anyone into. I surrender to you.”

  Listening to his words, her heart broke for the man who didn’t know his own value. He called it ugliness, she called it clarity. Now was her turn to vow. “Never, my love, we surrender to each other.”

  They fell into each other’s arms and worshipped one another, as all lovers should do. Not with words but with their bodies. When their bodies were one, Wes entwined his fingers with hers, so that the key lay between their palms, symbolizing the connection they would always have. Never will the key touch another, nor would they.

  The snow was falling, creating a soft blanket, as the Christmas lights twinkled against the fresh white background. Warmth and happiness could be seen from the many windows throughout Hamden. The Cross’ house was no different. You could hear the sound of babies squeals of delight and adolescent euphoria of gifts received. The smell of a sure-to-be glorious dinner wafted through the house, as did the adult camaraderie and joy of being together as a large family. All taking place next to the enormous seven foot Fraser Fir that glowed with a rainbow of color on its branches.

  “Oh, wow! Look Lola, Mae and Seth gave me these new riding boots and Dylan and Natalie gave me this really cool hat.” Boyd said, happily showing his new items to his sister.

  “Oh my! Those are great Boyd. They must have known you would have use for them.” The dark haired beauty spoke, reflecting her brother’s ear-to-ear smile.

  “That’s called a jockey cap, Boyd. Let’s see what it look like on you.” Wes pulled Boyd toward him, and assisted the younger man with the snug fitting hat. “Look at you. Wow. You look like a professional rider. Blossom is going to be so happy when she sees you.”

  “Wish I could see her at Aaron’s Place with the other horses. I miss her when I’m not riding her.” Boyd stated, a little sad, thinking of his four-legged friend.

  Looking to Lola, with a smile spread across her face and a quick wink of her eye, she pulled a small rectangular box from its hiding place behind her, covered in green and red plaid paper, handing it to Wes. Wes was giddy with excitement as he handed the wrapped box over to Boyd. “Merry Christmas Boyd, this is from Lola and me.”

  Everyone watched as Boyd ripped through the paper. He extracted the folded papers from the box and looked confusingly at them. “What’s this?”

  Lola stood, wrapping her hand around Wes’ waist, as their audience looked on with joy. Wes squeezed Lola in return and answered, “That is declaring to everyone that Blossom belongs to Boyd Nash, officially.”

  Boyd looked up with water filled eyes, and a quivering lower lip. “Really?” he whispered.

  “Really.” Wes answered, knowing his own voiced hitched with emotion.

  Boyd stepped toward the couple, hugging them with his appreciation and everything else he was feeling.

  When cheeks had been wiped dry and Lola and Wes returned to their seats, Mae squeezed Lola’s hand, communicating how she was affected from the love she saw.

  “We thought he could use them now that his new instructor has signed on to teach the kids at Aaron’s Place.” Natalie said, giving Wes a slight shove.

  “I’m just happy they accepted my offer.” Wes said happily, knowing Lola was as thrilled as he. “I love riding, and to be able to teach the kids how to, safely, means the world to me.”

  Lola lifted her face, placing a kiss on his always-willing lips.

  Wes and Lola’s nuptials were fast approaching. When they decided they would marry on New Year’s Eve, they knew it was perfect. So many promises and changes, it seemed fitting to end this year and start the new one, together as husband and wife.

  However, it was Boyd, who once again gained everyone’s attention, unknowingly. “All these gifts are great. Almost as good, as being told I’m going to be an Uncle!”

  “What?” was asked collectively as eyes darted back and forth between Wes and Lola.

  “Guess we can’t keep it a secret any longer,” Lola said playfully to her soon-to-be husband. Looking at the wonderful group of friends that have come to be her family, her joy was palpable. Feeling his hand at her back, flexing his fingers communicating his own excitement to share their news, “Wes and I are adopting!”

  With people rising from their seats to engulf the couple in hugs and kisses of congratulation, the decision for a toast was unanimously agreed upon.

  “Yay! Another baby!” Megan squealed with delight.

  “Not a baby, Spitfire. Rather a little boy about your age.” Wes answered, gaining another round of joyous emotion.

  “Yes, I can play with him!” Megan answered to no one in particular as she starting planning all the things she would do with her new friend.

  Lola happily gushed about her soon-to-be son. “His name is Keegan. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He loves to read stories and play cars. He is just the cutest thing and we can’t wait to bring him home. Would you like to see his picture?”

  “Let’s get the champagne. We need to toast to the expansion of this wonderful family of ours.” Natalie said as she held one of Lola’s hands and Mae the other, as they gushed over the beauty of the little boy that would soon join their clan. The women reached the built in bar, pulled down flutes of crystal and a bottle of Dom Perignon. While the women talked non-stop, the fizzy bubbly sparkling wine was poured into the flutes, and plans for shopping were made.

  The men remained across the room, where they had their own exchange of congratulations. “Good thing we are breaking ground on your new house after the first of the year. We were wondering why you needed so many bedrooms, now we know why. I figured for sure, she would have you chained to the bed for the first couple of months.” Dylan said clapping his friend on his shoulder. Dylan’s voice carried, Lola and Wes looked at one another, knowing the pleasure they shared together in their bedroom with a certain yardage of silver and a key on gold ribbon.

  “Congrats man, couldn’t be happier for you.” With a masculine hug to confirm his words, Seth continued, “You got the girl and now the family.”

  Knowing his friend’s words couldn’t be truer. “Yeah, I did and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m hoping Keegan will be the first of many.” Looking toward Lola at the bar, she looked back at him, and gray connected to blue, entranced in a love of a lifetime. “But with her and Boyd, I’ve already been blessed; anyone else is just a bonus.”

  Soon parents were admiring their k
ids’ new possessions. Lola walked to Wes and snuggled in close to his chest. He happily opened to her, wrapping his arms around her delectable body, which he was looking forward to unwrapping, slowly tonight.

  She pushed up on tiptoes, to lay claim to his mouth, when he pulled away, “Ready to pay the toll for the rest of your life?”

  Smiling, knowing it would always be like this with them, “Without a doubt. As long as you are willing to work with me on payment plans, I can handle it.”

  His hands roamed lower, until his fingers flexed over her delicious ass. “Sunshine, I know how much you can handle; you won’t have any problem paying up.” Emphasizing his innuendo with a sweet kiss, he was unable to hold in this last part. “But, don’t worry; I will continue to push your limits further in and out of the bedroom, because like I said, I’ve waited long enough. I’ve waited my whole life for you. The more I push you, the more pleasure I receive. And as I said in the beginning, I am a very selfish man.”




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