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Passion, Vows & Babies: Only You, Baby: A Yeah, Baby & Time's Up! Crossover Novella (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Vicki Green

  I smile when I think about my own boldness, climbing on top of him, taking his magnificent cock into my hand and sliding down onto it. I couldn’t believe how hard it was already and how much deeper it went inside me that way. Okay, I’m not a nun, mostly, but I’d never seen a cock up close and I was shocked it even fit inside me. It was so long and wide. I had no idea one could be that huge. I’m pretty petite. Not gonna lie and say it didn’t hurt at first, but the pleasure after it filled me was worth the small amount of pain. My smile grows, along with his cock pressed again my bottom. Yeah, I could definitely go for round three.

  Pushing back, I run my bottom over his cock and I swear I can feel it grow. Pretty proud I could cause that, I open my eyes, my hand moving behind me, ready to awaken my sleeping beauty. I can’t deny I’m sore but I don’t care. My face scrunches when I hear a muffled beeping noise. My phone alarm! My eyes snap up to an alarm clock on his nightstand. Shit! I’m gonna be late for work! And on my second day! Throwing the covers off me, I struggle to slide out of the tight hold of his arms, twisting and turning myself until my feet hit the floor, bending down forward until I almost fall off the bed. I start tiptoeing around the room, picking up my clothes scattered everywhere but I can’t seem to find my purse. The quiet sounds of my phone alarm go off again and I bend down low as I walk around. Picking up the heap of his jeans from the floor, my purse is uncovered. Thank God! Holding everything in a wad in my arms, I run into his bathroom and quietly close the door then flip on the light. Looking in the mirror, my mouth and eyes open wide. Holy shit! The wild state of my hair gives new meaning to sex hair. Opening my purse, I take out my pick and start tugging it through the snarls. Once satisfied, I grab a hair tie and wrap the mess up into a high ponytail. I start opening drawers and find a new toothbrush, open it, put paste on it, and brush my teeth in a flurry.

  I feel a bit better but am really in the need of a shower. No time! I grab his Axe deodorant and slather it under my arms then grab my small perfume spray from my purse and douse my body. That’ll have to do. I throw on my clothes, then open the door quietly and stop, looking at him. He’s more than gorgeous, like a mythical Greek God. Too many romance books, Keegan? He’d turned over onto his back, the covers only covering his lower body, riding low on his waist. I lick my lips at the sight of the V leading down to his evident hardened cock. Shit! He’s so tempting! It wouldn’t take much to pull the covers down a pinch and climb on him. Just the thought makes my very sore cooch throb. Instead, I decided not to disturb him. We were up kind of late last night with our extracurricular activities.

  By the time I walk out the front door of his house and down the porch steps, I stop abruptly, the horror of remembering he drove me here hits me hard. Shit! Now, what am I gonna do? I’m going to be so late, not a great first impression at a new job. Turning around, I go back inside, listening to see if he woke up. Nope, at least not that I can tell. Suddenly, I remember seeing another car in the garage when we got here and how he threw his keys into a small bowl sitting on the breakfast bar in the kitchen. Score! Quietly, I walk to the kitchen and eye a second set of keys in the bowl, grab them, find a piece of paper and pen in the drawer of the built-in desk along the wall. I write a note and place it in the bowl, and without thinking about consequences, I walk into the garage. He’s got two cars, so I’ll just borrow one. God, I hope he doesn’t get mad. I mean, what does one person need with two cars, right? I should get my own car but with what little I make and paying for online college courses, it’s why I found an apartment close to the coffee shop so I could walk.

  Driving back into town is kinda nice. The feel of the car is amazing and there’s a new car scent. Did he just buy this? I also love how his house is a little ways from town – private. That’s also a great place for a killer to live. He can hide the body in his backyard and no one will know. I let out a shudder. Hmmm, maybe meeting his parents isn’t such a bad idea. That way I can make sure he is on the up and up and not some serial killer hiding out. I mean, you can tell a lot about a person from their family. Well, I wouldn’t know, exactly. I grew up in an orphanage. Don’t remember my parents. When I turned eighteen, the state said I couldn’t live there anymore. With the money I’d saved from working part-time while going to school and the five hundred dollars the state kindly gave me, I was out on the streets with nowhere to go. Sounds like your basic sob story, I know. I hitchhiked for several days, thankful I didn’t get kidnapped, raped, or beaten up – or all the above. Who said truck drivers weren’t nice and helpful? I tried to be as careful as possible but I needed to get far away from the orphanage. To start over. Or, I guess, really begin to live. I lived in another town for a while, making money waitressing, taking courses online at the library. But, the feeling of moving on, finding some place better, made me leave.

  When I stumbled – almost literally – into this town, I thought it was perfect. Quaint. Friendly people and I learned – affordable. I found an apartment, a furnished one bedroom studio and just a small walk to the coffee shop. This is why I cannot afford to be late or do anything to get fired from my job. I need it in the worst way.

  I park alongside the curb in front of my apartment, run inside to change clothes, then run down the street. By the time I get into the shop from the employee’s entrance, powerwalk to the employee room, shove my purse in my locker, grab my apron and tie it around me, and walk behind the counter, Stacey is unlocking the front door and flipping the sign over to ‘open’.

  “Have a good time last night?” She singsongs as she walks behind the counter, giving me a hip bump.

  “Yes, I guess.” I let out a sigh. Now, I’ve not really had the best friend or girlfriend kinda thing, where you tell each other all your secrets, giggle, and have a slumber party.

  She leans into me, scrunches up her nose, smiles, and nods. “You did have a great time.” She continues to nod, one of her brows raises high into her forehead, and I find myself nodding along with her. Finally, I stop myself and tilt my head.

  “Is it that obvious?” I mean I thought I covered it up pretty damn well. She leans into me, again. “Did you just – smell me?”

  She smiles and walks toward the employee room. “Oh, um…. no,” she yells. Well. Shit.

  Two hours went by and no Alex. God, maybe taking his car was not the best idea. But, I really couldn’t afford to lose my job. Then again, it was my fault for going to his place last night. Damn totally worth it. Maybe it was a mistake not waking him this morning and letting him bring me to work. As the morning crowd thins out, I hurriedly start preparing for the lunch madness, trying to keep my mind off what an idiot I am. My heart hurts. Disappointment fills me that he isn’t here, and I feel guilty for taking his car. But I guess that’s what I deserve. I learned a long time ago, I’m not meant to find happiness in this shitty life.

  By the time the lunch crowd thinned out, I went into the back room for a much-needed break. One thing about this job, time flies due to how busy it is. Definite plus. After cleaning endless tables and waiting on customers, five o’clock couldn’t have come sooner. I’m exhausted and head home, still overwhelmingly disappointed and a bit hurt that Alex never showed all day. He must really be mad at me. I should drive his car back and apologize but suddenly, I get a headache from hell so I decide to go home. I also need to study but there’s no way I can right now. Guess I’ll do that after I return his car. What if he isn’t home when I get there? Oh well, I’ll have to call a cab to get home. I’ll worry about that after my short nap.

  Once I’ve taken something for this horrible headache, I lie down on the couch, hoping the meds will take care of it quickly. Downhearted and discouraged fills me completely when thinking about Alex. I allowed him to take the most precious thing I own, my V-card, and then got dumped. I should have known better. Snuggling into the couch, I berate myself. Just like all the other bitter and cruel things in my life, the one guy that even notices me, I fall for and open my legs for him like some two-bit whore. Why in t
he hell can’t I catch a fucking break? Just one would be nice.

  “What!” The sound of constant loud banging wakes me from a sound sleep. My head is throbbing worse now than it was before I laid down.




  “Keegan! I know you’re in there!”

  Shit! Alex. I feel groggy as I stand and walk the short distance to the door. What time is it? I get to the door and open it. Alex is standing there with his fist raised looking – so hot and very angry.

  “What the fuck, Keegan?” Damn, he’s so mad about me taking his car.

  “I – um, well, I….” I hold the side of my head, feeling like I could be sick. He tilts his head, looking all gorgeous and concerned.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Slapping my mouth with my hand I move my other hand from my head to my stomach and groan. “Come here. Quick!” I start to turn when suddenly I’m in his arms, the jostling making me almost throw up in my hand. He carries me into the bathroom and kneels beside me as I expel everything in my stomach into the toilet. I feel him gather up my long hair, holding it back. God, he must be a saint. Once the universe decided I’d expelled everything, I sit here kneeling and trying to catch my breath. “Hold on.” I look up as he stands and watch as he looks in the cabinets below the sink, takes out a washcloth and wets it. He brings it over, kneels back down beside me, and presses it against my forehead. “Better?”

  I close my eyes, loving the coolness. “Mmmm.”

  “C’mon. Let’s get you in bed.”

  He helps me up, puts his arm around me, and we start to walk. I slam my hand down on the counter. “Um…. I kinda need to….”

  “Oh! Okay. I’ll just go see what I can get you in the kitchen.” He leans down and kisses my forehead, his brows lower immediately. “You feel a little warm. Do you have aspirin? Ibuprofen?” I shake my head.

  “I actually don’t have much of anything, even in the kitchen.” God, this is embarrassing. I took my last two ibuprofen earlier and don’t have much in the way of food or drink.

  He grins. “No problem. Can you stay alone for just a little while?” Is he kidding? I’ve been alone my whole life, mostly. Oh God, Keegan! Quit being a sick bitch!

  I smile. “Sure.”

  He kisses my forehead again. “Okay, do what you need to then go climb in bed. I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

  I nod and watch him leave. After brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash, I go to my bedroom, change into my long t-shirt that I love to sleep in, and climb into bed. Turning onto my side, I curl up into a ball, my headache still there but my stomach feels better. Closing my eyes, I pray I can fall asleep.

  “Hey.” I open my eyes and see Alex sitting next to me on the bed. “Take these.” I struggle to sit up until his strong hand grasps my arm and helps me. I take the pills from his other hand and he gives me a glass of water. God, I hope I don’t have drool on my chin. I wash the pills down and drink the rest of the water. I’m fascinated as he reaches over and places his hand on my forehead. No one’s ever done that before. No one’s ever cared. He looks so worried. “You’re still a little warm. How’s your stomach? Better?” I nod and swallow hard, unable to answer as my emotions seem to prevent me. “Headache still bad?” I nod again. “Well….” He lowers his hand but instead of moving it away, he covers my hand. “If it’s not gone soon, I’m taking you to the damn doctor.” I blink rapidly.

  “No!” His eyes widen. “I mean, it’ll be fine. I get them when I’m stressed to the max. I just need some more sleep.” I try to smile but I’m not feeling it. How do you tell someone, especially someone you just met and makes you feel like you’re beautiful – like you’re worth knowing – that you can’t afford to go to a doctor? You work in a coffee shop, Keegan, you don’t think he knows? I decide to change subjects quickly. “I was sad you didn’t come to the shop today.”

  “Oh. I had some work to do out of town. I see you took my other car.” I stiffen. “I wish you would have woken me up. I would have brought you home.”

  I start shaking my head, nervously. “You looked so tired and I…. well, I was gonna be late and….” Dammit! Just spit it out! I let out a breath and lift my chin. “I hope you don’t mind. I was going to bring it back after work then got this damn headache.” I feel terrible for taking it but then again, I truly didn’t want to wake him. I was wrong and I owned up to it.

  He reaches up and tucks some of my ratty hair behind my ear. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t want you to be late either.”

  “You wouldn’t?” I whisper, my feelings for this man overwhelm me.

  He smiles. “No. I just wish you would have woken me. I missed a morning kiss.” Who is this man? “Now. I want you to lie down and go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. We need to get my girl well.” His girl.

  I lie down and he tells me he’s going to go to the kitchen but he’ll be back shortly. Snuggling into the mattress, I close my eyes with a smile. How can someone care about another so quickly, so deeply?

  It’s dark. So dark. And I feel like I’m on fire. Did my fever go up in huge proportions? Am I in hell? I feel as if I’m bundled up in heavy clothes yet I don’t feel bad anymore. And my headache is nearly gone. This is weird. Opening my eyes a slit, I can’t really see much in the darkness but I can smell him, feel his heat, and hear his light breathing. His arms hold me tightly, even in his sleep. Snuggling into my pillow, I feel the smooth skin of his body pressed up against mine. Wait! He’s naked! Not even boxers cover his hard cock that I feel against my bottom. I smile to myself. Just a little move this way, then that, and it would be exactly where I ached to have it. He moves closer, his strong arms tighten around me, and I feel him – sniff my hair? My smile grows as he mumbles, groggily.

  “God, I want you.” He yawns as his arms squeeze me. “Go to sleep. Get well. There’s time for that after you’re better.” Who the hell is this guy and how did I get so lucky? I close my eye and nestle in his arms, the smile on my face still there.

  Opening my eyes to the brightness of my room, I look over at the uncovered window because I’ve not saved up enough to get blinds yet and I stretch my arms and legs. It’s a new day and my headache is finally gone. I think about last night, feeling Alex’s warm body behind me, wrapped up in a human cocoon. Speaking of Alex, I look around wondering if he left. Hearing sounds coming from my kitchen puts a smile on my face instantly. Pushing off the covers, I open my bedroom door and walk into the bathroom quickly. After relieving myself, I look in the mirror. “What a mess,” I whisper to myself as I grab my brush and start untangling my hair. Letting it fall behind me, I brush my teeth and wash my face, spritzing on some light perfume. I’m glad I don’t have to be at work until the evening shift. I really need to study.

  I walk into the short hall smelling the aroma of – bacon? Wait! I don’t have bacon. In fact, I think the only edible thing in my fridge is a couple of apples and a box of rice in my cabinet. One box lasts quite a long time. Besides, I normally eat a little something from the coffee shop. Employee discount and all.

  I walk the few steps into the kitchen just as he turns around, a large grin on his handsome face. He opens his arms and I walk straight into them, knowing this may not last a lifetime but I’ll relish in it as long as I can. I mean, someone like him will grow bored of little ol’ me in no time. I know this. I’m not stupid. Why wouldn’t he? But for now, I’ll be happy for as long as I can. Lying my head against his t-shirt covered broad chest, I smile. “Where did you get bacon?” I feel him rest his chin on top of my head and my smile widens.

  “While you were sleeping, I drove to the Quick Mart.” Oh! “Seems you needed quite a few things so I took the liberty.”

  I look up at him, confused. “You bought me food?”

  He looks down and smiles. “Yep. You didn’t have anything. Gotta take care of my girl.” His girl. God, I could get used to this. Leaning down, his mouth covers mine. He tastes of bac
on and mint? He pulls back, pressing his forehead against mine. “Good morning,” he whispers.


  He bends a little and looks into my eyes. “Move in with me.” Wait! What? “I know we’ve only just met, but I have strong feelings for you.” His eyes search mine then he kisses me. Soft. Tender. He cups my face with his strong yet gentle hand. “I’m falling for you, so hard.” My heart skips a beat or three. “Move in with me. You can use my car or take the other one. I have more than enough room in my house for you to study.” His eyes move around my meager studio apartment. “You deserve so much.” He studies me, his eyes warm and bright. “Move in with me, Keegan. Let me make you happy.”

  This is so soon. Too soon? Yet, all my young life I’ve had nothing but struggles, working hard for everything I have. Is it so wrong to feel something for someone this quickly, have a better life with someone who truly cares about me? God, so many decisions so fast. What does your heart say, Keegan? I care about him. The sex is amazing, but it’s so much more. Go with your heart. What do I have to lose? What do I stand to gain? Happiness.

  I look up and into his eyes, wrapping my arms around him. “Okay.” I nod, my smile couldn’t be any bigger. Grabbing the back of my head, his mouth covers mine, greedily, hungrily.


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