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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 9

by Morgan Kelley

  Flynn was very taken.

  “Chloe. You’re not the only one with Christmas present secrets, Flynn.”

  He grinned. “I’ll get them out of you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Neither could he.

  “Maybe we should work. I’m yours for the rest of the afternoon, so why don’t we head to your desk and get some work done?”

  He liked that idea.

  As he led her through the bullpen, he could see the men congregating around his desk.

  He knew why.

  “Move,” he hissed.

  Jolie took his hand in hers, squeezing gently. She couldn’t blame him. After all, look what she just did to that female detective.

  When he sat, so did she. Her ass wasn’t in the seat long when Flynn pulled the chair right next to his. Apparently, he wanted her almost on top of him.


  He growled low. “Mine.”

  She didn't protest. “Of course I am.”

  The second her fingers touched his cheek, he was able to focus. There was a delicious warm energy being pushed into him.

  “You’ll drain yourself.”

  “Oh, I fed well. No worries, my love.”

  That made him suspicious.

  Who did she feed from in the ladies’ room?

  Instead of questioning it, they got down to work.

  As the minutes ticked by, and Jolie flipped through the pages of the files, Flynn heard it. Glancing up, there was a chicken sound from across the room.

  It was coming from a detective.

  He lifted a brow. As soon as the detective glanced over again, she cackled some more.

  Jolie snickered to herself in amusement. Yeah, her life was damn good, and here was the proof.

  He stared at her.

  “What did you do?” he accused.

  “Nothing. I just find chickens amusing, especially ones that lust after my fiancé. Cluck. Cluck.”

  He opened his mouth, but he wasn’t sure if he should laugh or scold her. “Jolie, that’s just wrong.”

  She started laughing.

  “You can’t leave her like that.”

  “Want to bet? She wants in your pants. Now she’s a little preoccupied.”

  All the cops were staring at the one detective. Again, she began cackling.


  She rolled her eyes. “It’ll wear off.”

  “How long?”

  “A few hours.”

  He relaxed.

  “Are you mad?” she asked, leaning into his body. “I did it because I was jealous.”

  He wasn’t angry. How could he be?

  In fact, it was kind of funny—in a very sick way. “No, I’m not mad. I love you too much.”

  She kissed him softly. “Wait until she starts stripping on the desk.”

  He stared in horror.

  “Oh, my God!”


  He wasn’t sure that she was.

  “I love you, Flynn. Please don’t ever doubt it,” she whispered when she pulled away. “Now, how about we look at some pictures of crime scenes?” she asked, grinning wickedly at him.

  Flynn laughed.

  When she grabbed a file and dropped her ankles on his desk, his blood pressure shot up.

  “That’s not happening,” he muttered, moving her legs. Flynn knew the cops were all staring at her really great legs. He knew because he did it all the time.

  The minute he made her move, there were boos and hisses from the cops around him.

  “See?” he hissed menacingly. “I know how these clowns think.”

  Jolie just laughed.

  When he was hit with a balled up piece of paper, he glared at the men he worked with.

  Scooping up wads of paper, he opened one. “At least use paper without your name on, Wilkes,” he said, tossing it back at the detective.

  “It’s going to be a long afternoon,” he muttered.

  And Flynn meant it.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Four Hours Later

  Friday Evening

  It didn't take too long for them to find their connection. The three dead victims had been identified—thanks to the ME—and they had their link to the crimes.

  They did like to be tied up and treated like slaves. In fact, they now had a name to go with the club too.

  ‘Club Oppression’ was all the rage in the seedy underground. All it took was a few calls to get the details. Some from Flynn’s sources and some from Jolie’s.

  Deep in the French Quarter, the bondage club had a home. It was tucked away so unless you knew about it, you were clueless. That’s likely why it slipped under everyone’s radar.

  Now that they had a name to go with the club, they could head home. Jolie looked pale, and Flynn wasn’t feeling all that great either. They needed the safety and sanctuary of their home. With Christmas coming on Monday, they could do more work behind the walls of their happy home.

  Out in the vehicle, Tommy kept chattering away. He was driving, but Jolie and Flynn were in the back. The only reason Flynn had handed over his keys was he was beyond exhausted.

  It was probably a good thing because he knew what was coming. Now that he had the club’s name, he was going to have to make a visit.

  Jolie would want to come, and that just wasn’t going to be happening.

  Now came the hard part.

  He was going to kick her ass off the case, and that wasn’t going to end well. This was police business and vampyre club or not, she wasn’t getting involved.

  His mind was made up.

  Flynn was well aware that this was going to end badly. In fact, he was willing to bet money on it. Only, what choice did he have?

  Jolie was expecting, she had the Tueur after her, and he was supposed to protect her.

  He had to stand up and do the job. While he might not be titled her guardian, he still was.

  Once a protector, always a protector.

  Jacques was the same way. He didn't stop being Jolie’s guardian when they mated. He was still there to make sure she was safe, and that’s exactly what he planned on doing.

  Oh, there was a battle brewing.

  He could tell.

  As they pulled into the driveway, he reached for his mate. ‘Where are you, Jacques?’

  ‘I’m in the library on the couch. Are you okay? Do you need me, Flynn?’

  ‘We’re just getting home. Jolie is drained. I’ll bring her to you.’

  ‘Why do you feel worried?’

  Flynn should know better. The sun had set, and Jacques was back at full strength. As soon as he fed Jolie, she would be too. That meant the battle was going to happen sooner, rather than later.

  ‘I know the name of the club.’

  ‘Congratulations, Flynn.’

  ‘I have to go there.’

  There was a pause.


  ‘I’m going with Tommy. She’s going to be pissed. I have to push her off this case. We have enough issues without her being in a vampyre bondage club.’

  He agreed.

  ‘She’s going to be very angry and worried about you, Flynn. Jolie will not be happy at all.’

  ‘What choice do I have?’

  Jacques didn't like the idea of their mate going either, only he knew he couldn’t stop Flynn from being a cop. That was his calling, and he was in danger every day. While he was stronger, faster, and more deadly, he could still be killed. One bullet to the head, or heart, and he was just as mortal.

  ‘I’ll go with you.’

  ‘Then she’ll hate us both. It’s best I do this alone. I’ll be safe. What could possibly happen?’

  Jacques knew so much could go wrong.

  In fact, this was going to be a bad fight. He could feel it coming.

  As Flynn carried her into the house, she rested her head against his shoulder. “You wouldn’t feel like shit had you not made that detective cluck like a chicken,” he s

  She laughed. “It was worth it. Trust me.”

  As they entered the library, Jacques was there waiting. He held two glasses of wine in his hand. When Flynn placed Jolie on her feet, he handed them both a glass.

  “Wine or blood first, my love?” he asked.

  Jolie took the wine, kicked it back, and then moved toward him. When she pounced, they both tumbled back onto the couch.

  “Well, that answers your question,” Flynn offered, waiting for his mates to finish. He knew he was next.

  Jacques moaned as Jolie rubbed wantonly against him. She wasn’t just trying to turn him on, but put her scent back on his body. She was marking her territory.

  “She made a detective cluck today,” Flynn said, sipping his wine.

  Jacques’s eyes opened. “What?” he said, as Jolie released his throat.

  “You heard me. Whenever the poor woman looked at me, she flapped her arms and clucked.”

  Their mate started laughing at her antics. “She’s done that before.”


  “When we were young, there was this milkmaid who fancied me,” Jacques offered. “She used to bare her very ample…”

  Jolie cleared her throat.


  Flynn laughed. “And?”

  “Whenever she came near me, she mooed like a cow. I think our mate was trying to point out something, but I’m not sure if it was a fat comment or because of her very large breasts.”

  Flynn laughed. “She’s a handful.”

  Jolie looked over.

  “I meant your personality, not you breasts. They’re two handfuls.”

  Jacques laughed.

  “A girl has to do what a girl has to do,” Jolie admitted, curling up on the couch.

  Jacques stood from the couch and motioned toward his mate. Flynn was looking a little pale himself. “Blood?” he offered, moving his hair.

  Flynn was hungry. Normally, he’d feed once, but today Jolie drained him. He’d pumped energy and blood into her as much as he could.

  It was his way of protecting her.

  “Yes, please, Jacques,” he said.

  Moving toward his mate, Jacques got ready to bear his throat. Normally, he’d kneel and let Flynn brace himself behind him. Tonight, he didn't get a chance.

  Flynn moved into his body.

  He was a little shocked when Flynn faced him and prepared to feed. The look on his face must have said it all.

  “Is this okay?” he asked.

  Jacques nodded. “Yes, Flynn, you can feed this way.”

  Flynn’s large hand went to the back of Jacques’s neck, and he pulled him toward his body. Flynn didn't normally feed like a vamp. After all, he was human at heart.

  This time, he didn't care they were pressed together.

  He didn't rush either.

  When he found his spot on Jacques’s throat, he sank in.

  Both men moaned.

  Jolie watched as Flynn fed. She never thought this day would come either. At the beginning, Flynn didn't do man on man contact. It was a human response. Now he didn't seem to care.

  Vampyres were like that.

  The touch of the same sex wasn’t necessarily sexual, but familial.

  They were a pack.

  These men were blood. They shared it, and it now flowed through both of them.

  She wanted to jump them.

  Jolie was so attracted to them right now that a hot, sweaty bout of sex wouldn’t be a bad thing.

  Only, she was afraid to make it sexual. Flynn was finally being himself, and if she related sex to feeding, he might back off. It wasn’t easy to do, since the two men she loved more than anything were pressed together as one.

  Jolie felt herself getting wet for them.

  Sue her.

  She was attracted to them.

  As Flynn fed, Jacques held on. His mate’s mouth moved slowly over his throat. The sensation was pretty similar to the sensation he got from when Jolie fed.

  His mind, and body, didn't differentiate between the two. They were his mates. Flynn and Jolie were his. As he wrapped his arms around Flynn’s waist, he trusted the man to know when to stop. He was going to allow the heat and pleasure to pull him under.

  It was too amazing not to.

  Flynn took his time.

  He didn't want to rush. When he did, he sometimes drank too much. By moving slow, he could tell when he was at his limit. With each suck, his body came back to life.

  Gone was the cold.

  The heaviness.

  And the fear.

  He knew what he was doing with Jolie was the right thing to do. Slowly, he released his mate.

  Jacques’s breath was released in a sigh. Flynn held him up, making sure he didn't take too much.

  “Are you okay?” Flynn asked, noticing there was a drop of blood on Jacques’s neck.

  He didn't hesitate. He chased it with his tongue.

  Jolie watched them with black eyes. Even Jacques’s normally serene eyes had changed.

  “Yessss,” he hissed, stepping back from his mate. His body was tingling with need, and he didn't want to scare Flynn. He was still wary.

  They both were.

  Flynn knew why he was putting space between them. He was feeling the exact same thing, only he wasn’t ready to admit it yet. He’d come a long way, but he still had that tiny thread of humanity hidden beneath the vampyre. Touching Jacques, while feeding, made him feel the same as when he touched Jolie.

  There was no difference to him.

  Apparently, he wasn’t the only one. Both of his mates looked stirred up.

  Flynn moved toward the one chair, furthest from them both. It was more to keep them safe than him. He trusted his mates to be in control.

  He wasn’t always.

  Hopefully, he could focus on anything but the feeding.

  “Work went well,” Jolie offered, giving both men a break. She waited for Jacques to take a seat before she crawled into his lap.

  “That’s wonderful,” Jacques said. He already had the update from his other mate, but he figured that he’d play along.

  “We found the club. Next step is going there.”

  “It’s not happening,” Flynn said.

  Jolie glanced over. “What?”

  “The commissioner asked for your assistance in ferreting out the connection. You’ve done your job, and now I have to do mine.”

  She looked shocked. “Flynn.”

  “No. You’re not going into a bondage club carrying our children. It’s not going to happen, Jolie.”

  She glanced over at Jacques, and his face was carefully blank. Then again, he had centuries to practice.

  “I am going.”

  “No, you’re not. They asked you for help, I didn’t. I’m going with Tommy, and we’re going to investigate a case. This isn’t any of your concern.”

  Flynn hated the tone he was taking with her.

  He hated the look on her face, but he couldn’t stop the fear and panic of her getting hurt. It was pulling him under. Flynn could hear the blood pounding in his ears.

  There was throbbing.

  There was fury.

  It had control of him now.

  Flynn struggled to get back in control.

  Jolie was all that mattered. She was his woman and mother of their children. In fact, from where he sat, he could see her ring glittering in the light.

  Yeah, he had to take a stand.

  There wasn’t an option.

  “So, you used me.”

  “You were paid.”

  Jacques cringed. Oh, his mate had a lot to learn. If he was going to play with his life, this was one way to do it. Flynn didn't need to worry about a vampyre in the club.

  He had to worry about the vampyre in the room. Someone was going to be neutered.


  Not figuratively.

  Jolie was vibrating with anger.

  “I can’t believe you’re saying this to me.

  Flynn exploded, unable to hold it back. “Why not? Is it so damn hard to believe that I care about your well-being? Is it so damn crazy that I’m worried that you’re going to get hurt?”

  She opened her mouth.

  “I love you, Jolie, and you’re more important than I am. You’re carrying our children. One day, they’ll be born and if keeping you safe is all I can do to ensure that, well…fuck it! I’m going to tell you no.”

  Jacques rested a hand on her arm. He could tell she was about to explode.

  It was a typical response.

  Only, it was funny to see that Flynn had picked it up. Their traits were blurring between them, and it seemed the human detective got her feisty anger.

  “You will be safe. Do you hear me?” he hissed, his eyes going a deep blue-black. It was as close as they came to being true vampyre eyes.

  His fangs slid into his mouth.

  “Don’t fight me on this.”

  She stood. “I am going to fight you. Know your place, Flynn. You’re my mate and not my keeper. You can’t lock me away for my protection. I won’t have it.”

  Jacques braced for it.

  “I’m going, and you can’t stop me. I’m your equal and whether or not you’ve noticed, I’m the primus. Vampyre issues are my business. You have one draining humans. We’re in this together.”

  He growled.

  “So, lose that attitude. You’re just my mate.”

  That pushed him over the edge.

  Flynn snapped, moving so quickly that it even shocked Jacques.

  Flynn was on Jolie so fast, flipping her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then he stormed away.

  Everyone he passed stared in disbelief.

  Jolie was fighting to get away.

  So, Flynn used his energy to hold her. As he climbed the stairs, Jacques was right behind them, assuring that no one was hurt.

  He trusted them both.

  It was anger that worried him.

  Jolie screeched as he approached their room. When he flipped her back to her feet, he pushed her into the doorway, ready to follow her.

  That’s when he felt it.

  Something was coming. The energy inundated him.

  At first, Flynn thought it was Jacques, but it wasn’t. It was Mathew, and he was attacking.

  When he slammed into him, they crashed into the wall—just barely missing Jolie. Jacques managed to pull her out of the way, and then shoved her behind his body.


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