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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 17

by Morgan Kelley

  He did too.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Flynn didn't know much about being a submissive. All his life, he’d been a man’s man. He grew up with a bossy father who treated his mother as if she was priceless.

  That’s how he learned.

  Before Jolie, he’d been a caveman. Not all women liked to feel like they were someone’s property. He was pretty sure Jolie just tolerated his masculine antics.

  But still…he needed a quick lesson on being dominated. So, when in Rome, find someone who liked it. Blocking his mates from his mind, Flynn headed straight toward Mathew’s room.

  He was going to be tutored.

  It was the least Mathew could do. He’d been given a shot, failed, and they let him remain. Flynn was hoping that with Jolie’s life being at risk, Mathew would comply.

  Knocking, he waited until he was told to enter. Flynn peeked his head around the door.

  “Can I talk to you?”

  “Yes, Master,” he said from his spot on the floor. Around him were various canvases with angry red splashes of color. It wasn’t his normal work.

  “I have a conundrum, and I need your help.”

  Mathew put down the paintbrush and wiped his fingers on a towel. “Okay.”

  “Teach me to be submissive.”

  He stared at him. “What?”

  “You heard me. I need to go with Jolie tonight to ‘Club Obsession’, and you have to give me a crash course in how to be the bottom.”

  He opened his mouth.

  Then closed it.

  “Mathew, please. Jolie’s life depends on it.”

  That seemed to free his tongue. “I’ll go with her if you like. Then you don’t have to submit to it.”

  Yeah, that wasn’t happening.

  Over his dead body.

  “I’m going and I can wing it or I can do some research. I want to make sure she comes home, and Mulduk wants a show.”

  Mathew was disappointed.

  Had he not attacked the master, he would have been going with them. Instead, he was ostracized.

  “You have to never look at her.”


  “Once she begins, you’re less than her. You need to stare downward. You need to be below her. So, you’ll be on your knees most of the time, unless she wants you to stand.”

  “Okay, I can do that.”

  “You need to always address her as Mistress. You must treat her like she’s worth more than you are.”

  That one would be easy. Flynn believed her life was more important—thanks to the little lives she carried.

  “When she touches your body, you have to be in control, but also aroused. She’s the mistress. You’re her play thing.”

  Flynn was sure he could pull that one off too. Whenever Jolie touched him, his body reacted.

  “You have to get off on her abusing your body. If she flogs you, then you have to beg for more. When she uses you as a chair, you have to enjoy the pain. Are you sure you can do this?”

  “I will do it. She’s my mate. I’m not letting her get hurt. I can fake my way through it.”

  Mathew took a deep breath. “If Mulduk thinks you’re faking, he’s going to make her touch him. You’re going to have to believe it. Dig deep, Master, because you have to pull this off or the truth will come out.”

  “Okay, what else?”

  “Let me go with her. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  Flynn could see the anger in his eyes. While he didn't doubt that Mathew was sorry, he also didn't want to risk Jolie. He was a wildcard, and they took a stand. Flynn couldn’t tolerate Mathew enjoying Jolie’s touches.

  Yeah, not happening.

  “I’m going. What does Mulduk like?”

  “He’s a bottom and goes both ways. He loves to watch men being hurt. He really likes when a beautiful woman inflicts the pain.”

  Well, that explained why Jolie had been asked to do this. It was making a little more sense now.

  “Do you believe he would know why the Tueur was after Jolie?” Flynn asked.

  “Yes. The Tueur frequent his clubs. He has ears everywhere, and he’s a voyeur. This isn’t his only establishment. He has a few across the world. There’s one in Paris, one in Italy, and a few here in the states. They like inflicting pain, and where else can you go and get away with it under the guise of sex?”

  He had a point.

  “Okay, so what else.”

  “I can’t give you much more, Master. You have to enjoy it. That’s going to be the make or break part for you. If he doesn’t believe your show, he’s going to make her pay.”

  Well, it looked like this all weighed on his shoulders. “What are you painting?” Flynn asked.

  “I wasn’t. I’m trying to get into the mood.”

  Flynn studied the work. It was vicious, angry, and looked like blood splatters.

  “I see.”

  “When can I see the mistress?” he asked.

  “Well, tomorrow is Christmas, so anytime you like. We’re going to be home all day.”

  Or so he hoped.

  Flynn mentally crossed his fingers that no more bodies would pop up. Was it so much to ask that their killer took a holiday?


  Flynn prepared to leave. “See you later, Mathew,” he said, heading out the door.

  The young vampyre watched him leave. As soon as the door was closed, he headed toward his desk. Pulling out a pair of scissors, he grabbed his hair.

  In anger, he did something drastic.

  He cut it off.

  ∞ Chapter Thirteen ∞

  Sunday Evening

  Christmas Eve

  Jolie stood in her closet and stared at the clothing Clariel was helping her pick out. It was Christmas Eve, and she should be sitting curled up with her mates—not going out. All Jolie wanted was to watch the small children getting excited about their presents, but instead, she was about to go to a private club to torture her mate to impress a sicko.

  There was something very wrong with that.

  In fact, life had very unfair moments, and this was one of them. Yes, she would still be safe by Flynn’s side, but this wasn’t going to be pleasant.

  When she looked at him, the last thing she wanted to do was inflict bodily pain.

  This sucked.

  “Mistress, you look amazing,” said Clariel, running her hand down the corset and short leather skirt ensconcing Jolie's body.

  “Thanks, Clariel. Be honest with me. Do you think it’s a bit too much?”

  Clariel checked out the front of the leather bustier. It pushed Jolie’s breasts up, as if an offering to the Gods. If the master didn't swallow his tongue, he wasn’t breathing.

  The outfit showed every curve and arch to her body. Honestly, no one wore leather quite like the mistress. Clariel was envious that she couldn’t pull of such an outfit.

  “I think you could take it further. Since Master Flynn is the one you’re really dressing for, you can go even wilder.”

  She had a point.

  “Put the shoes away. I think I want to wear the thigh high boots. Flynn likes them.”

  Clariel laughed. “I like them. I’d drop to my knees and let you spank me.”

  It gave Jolie a laugh, and that’s what she needed. “How’s your heart?” she asked.

  Clariel knew she was referring to the void since Trina had been killed.

  “I’m okay. I don’t think I’ll ever love again, but I don’t want to die every day. I guess that’s progress.”

  Jolie touched her cheek. “If you need to talk, you know where to find me.”

  Clariel was touched. “I know, Mistress. I’m not ready yet.”

  She understood.

  “Let me get those boots.” Heading deep into the bowels of the closet, she pulled out the wicked looking heels.

  “Master Flynn is going to spontaneously combust in orgasm.”

  Jolie laughed. “One can only hope.”

  “You’re wo
rried about tonight, aren’t you?”


  “Can I offer you a suggestion?” she asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Mathew has talked about the club a lot over the years we’ve been together. If you want to make this believable, it’s not so much about inflicting a lot of pain, but the show. Tease him. Make him beg. That’s what Mulduk wants. He loves the flamboyance of it all.”

  She listened.

  “You need to get Master Flynn so hot and bothered that he’ll crawl on his knees. That’s the true power of a dominant. I know you can do that.”

  She could.

  “So make him horny, huh?”

  “Yes. The painful part is about him needing that release but not being able to get it. You have to make him beg for it. Think about that with each lash. Give him pain, but then touch him to make it better. It’s about sending the senses into overload.”

  She could do that.

  “Think of it as public sex with no intercourse.”

  Jolie thought about it. She could tease with the best of them. If that was what she needed to do, she might actually like it.

  “Make Master Flynn need it more than breathing. That’s what Mathew likes. He’s not so much into the pain, but knowing that the person who is dominating him will caress, touch, and let him feel.”

  She understood.

  That’s what she liked when Flynn touched her. She loved how he told her what to do to please him.

  “Thank you, Clariel. You’ve made this so much easier for me. I appreciate it.”

  “Mistress, are you going to punish Mathew for long? I know I shouldn’t ask, but I love him too. He knows he made a mistake.”

  Jolie touched her cheek. “Clariel, I’m not mad at him. I just can’t trust him not to hurt my mates. He could have killed Flynn.”

  Her eyes filled with emotion. “I love Master Flynn. He’s a good man.”

  Jolie was aware.

  “He loves you too, and he loves Mathew. He didn't kill him when he had every right to do just that. He’s not being punished. We’re simply too involved in this case.”

  She didn't argue. The mistress had the final say, but Clariel couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Jolie glanced around, searching for her phone. “If you don’t mind, I have to make a phone call.”

  “No problem.”

  Clariel gave her space.

  Jolie dialed Nathaniel’s number and waited for him to answer. She wasn’t going to enjoy talking to the head of the council in New Orleans, but what choice did she have? They had a mess on their hands. Whenever their kind began poaching humans, the fall out was epic.


  “Nathaniel, it is Jolie Harcourte. Happy holidays,” she said calmly.

  There was a pause. “Mistress, I’m surprised to hear from you. I’m sure this isn’t a social call. What can I do for you?”

  So much for a sneak attack.

  “I need some information regarding a vampyre in our city.”

  “I see.”

  “Nathaniel, please. You know I wouldn’t be calling you and asking the councils assistance without it being important.”

  “Jolie, it’s just that we have voted and cannot help you.”

  Jolie was stunned. “You knew I was going to come to you?”

  “We had our suspicions. Once we heard the Tueur was after you, we needed to space ourselves from you. We can’t chance the rogues turn on us. They’re crazy.”

  Jolie closed her eyes. “Can you tell me why they are hunting me? Or how much time I have?”


  “Nathaniel. Can I come before council?” she asked praying he would allow it. “Despite what you feel about me, you know I’ve only worked to help this city and the vampyres in it. I’m asking for a personal favor, me to you.”

  “I’ll call you and let you know. I have to ask the rest of the council. You scare them, but the Tueur frightens them even more. I don’t know if we can help you.”

  Jolie felt her temper flaring. “You needed a killer found, and I did it. I followed your rules, trials, and all I ask is that you allow me petition.”

  He went silent.

  Jolie knew she had him there.

  “Okay. I’ll call you with a time.”

  “Thank you, Nathaniel. Oh, and one more thing?” she asked pausing. Jolie figured she might as well go for broke. “Who is Mulduk, and what should I know about him?”

  There was silence.

  It said a lot about the man in question.

  “He’s nothing less than a degenerate. We’re embarrassed that he’s one of us,” he admitted.

  It spoke volumes since the council had allowed vampyres like Delina into their presence.

  “What else?”

  “I can’t tell you much, only that he shouldn’t be trusted. If you have business with him, it won’t end well. He’s scum, Jolie, and you should avoid him at all costs.”

  Yeah, there was no chance that was going to happen. She had to face the man down.

  “Thank you for the information. Please call me, Nathaniel. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  Again, there was silence.

  “Between you and I, Jolie, I can tell you that you’ll be safe until after the holiday. After that, you’ve got a huge problem on your hands.”

  “The Tueur?”


  “Thank you, Nathaniel. I appreciate the heads up. I didn't hear anything from you.”

  She owed him that.

  “Merry Christmas, Nathaniel,” she said, hanging up the phone.

  “Not good news?” Clariel asked.

  “No. In fact, it’s gone downhill, and fast,” she said, dropping her phone. “I have until Christmas before the Tueur finds me,” she said grimly.

  “Oh my God,” whispered Clariel. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know,” she said, crossing to the closet door. “Clariel, please don’t say anything. I want to have a nice holiday, since it could be my last,” she said, heading out to face her family.

  Clariel wanted to be sick.

  Keeping this secret was going to be dangerous, and she knew it.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Flynn was ready.

  With Jacques’s help, he’d gotten dressed. Instead of wearing what he thought was appropriate, he trusted his mate to find him the right thing to wear.

  Jacques had picked out leather pants that would protect his lower body, and a soft silk shirt that didn't cling. They weren’t sure how far Jolie was going to have to take the evening’s events, but they wanted to make sure Flynn didn't suffer.

  As they stood there in the family room, it was hard not to stare at the monstrosity of a tree.

  Jolie had decorated it with Clariel, Chloe, and Mathew. She had lovingly picked an ornament from each couple in the house and had bought new ones for Mathew and Clariel. There was even one for Louisa and one for Trina.

  Jolie had decided on angels for them.

  It seemed right.

  When she presented Trina’s to Clariel, the woman placed it gently on the tree, and then sat there for hours staring blankly at the glittering lights. Jolie had thought she had made a huge mistake, but instead it helped heal Clariel a little. The female vampyre knew her family loved her.

  That healed all wounds.

  Finally, Flynn broke the silence.

  “I’m scared.”

  Jacques glanced over at his mate. “You’re not alone, Flynn. I can’t help but feel the panic. I’m worried about you and Jolie once you get into that club. I know she’s going to block me out.”

  “I’m not worried about keeping her safe,” Flynn corrected. “I’m freaked out that I won’t pull this off. I know how important it is that we find out what the Tueur has planned.”

  “You’ll do fine. Trust Jolie to lead you. She can pull this off. She’s accustomed to being
in charge. Just obey.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Jacques got quiet. “Can I share something I was thinking about?”

  Flynn glanced over at his mate. “You know you can.”

  “I think we may need to do something drastic,” he said calmly. “I think we may need to move Jolie back to France. She’ll be surrounded by family and protected more than she is here.”

  He had thought the same, only there was something keeping him from bringing it up.

  “She hated it there.”

  “I know, but at least the society will help guard her, and we’ll be welcome there. I fear that the Tueur will find us. If they do, we’re screwed.”

  “How long do you think we have before we have to get the hell out of here?”

  “I don’t know,” Jacques said, hearing his mate heading toward them. “We’ll discuss this later.”

  Flynn took that as his cue.

  When they turned, Jolie strolled into the room. She was decked out in all leather, and both men’s bodies reacted.

  Flynn actually grinned.

  “You’re a pervert,” Jacques teased.

  “I’m going to get dominated by a sexy leather clad woman. Let me have my moment.”

  Jolie laughed, knowing they were trying to lighten the moment. She appreciated that. The men in her life knew her and knew her well.

  “I take it that I’m acceptable?”

  Flynn checked out her boots. “Baby, in those, you can walk all over me.”

  She crossed first to Jacques to give him a kiss. He nuzzled her, leaving his scent on her skin. He couldn’t help it. The idea of Jolie heading into that man-filled club, to play a sick game for Mulduk, made him want to lose his mind.

  The only saving grace was Flynn being by her side.

  “You’re more than acceptable, my love. You’re radiant,” Jacques offered. “Flynn is going to have fun tonight. I’m jealous.”

  “I think I’m the lucky one,” she admitted, moving to her next mate. In his arms, she clung to him. It turned her on how he held her against him.

  “You’re every submissive man’s fantasy,” Flynn offered, grinning down at her.

  “I hope I’m your fantasy.”


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