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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 30

by Morgan Kelley

  “I have my soul, and I was human when Jolie got pregnant.”

  “You’re something no one has ever seen before. The two babies growing in Jolie are special. You’ve helped create something powerful.”


  The room shook.

  Flynn looked around.

  “That was Fate. I can’t tell you that. Even I’m bound by her. All I can say is that the Tueur has been around for as long as we have. They are headed up by a very old vampyre.”

  “Jolie and Jacques are old.”

  She rephrased. “They are headed up by an ancient vampyre. He’s over a thousand years old. Jolie and Jacques are babies compared to him. He’s seen a lot in his time alive.”

  “Okay,” Flynn said.

  “Can I taste you now?”

  “No. Why our children?”

  She knew this was going to piss Fate off, but she went for it anyway. Death wanted to taste him in the worst way.

  “Every so many millennia a new destroyer is created and the old one is put to rest. The last one burned out and was never reborn. If there’s a destroyer, there’s no need for the Tueur. They want to make sure they’re not born.”


  “A vampyre and another vampyre, coming together, create one. You and Jacques created two, and the Tueur will want to stop that.”

  Jolie listened from the bed.

  “The Tueur don’t want to be replaced.”

  “Our children will be your Tueur? They’ll be your hired guns?”

  Death shrugged. “Yes and no.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Your daughter will be very strong from the start. She will grow and be raised with her family. Once she matures, she will receive her gifts, and she will become what she is meant to be. The same is true with Jacques’s daughter.”

  Flynn listened.

  “After they get their gifts, they will be powerful and serve their mistress. I can’t control you because you are still technically human.”

  “Am I?”

  “Hardly. Want to give me your soul and become one of my children?”

  Yeah, he’d rather not, so he continued on with the conversation.

  “So, we’re growing killers.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “It’s the legend that the Tueur passes down. It’s their purpose, as fanatics, to keep the vampyre bloodlines as they should be—human and vampyre. Since there is no Destroyer now, they are pretty secure to live by their rules. I can bring individuals to me once they die, but I cannot kill them. Nature must do the selection. It’s that which I have no control over. Now, give me a Destroyer, and I have power. Grim reaper if you please…” she let it drop off.

  “So she could assist you or go rogue?”

  Death nodded. “It’s rare they go rogue. I control my children. If I have the Destroyers, I can end the Tueur’s reign of terror. Then they will answer to me.”

  That was her goal, and now she knew how it could happen. Death figured out how to control it all.

  “Well that is pretty shitty news to drop on us after the fact,” said Flynn.

  “Even I have rules,” said Death. “I couldn’t tell you at the time. When Jolie asked, she set the prophecy into motion. It was out of my hands. All I can do now is damage control.”

  “What do I do to keep my children safe?” Flynn asked.

  “You don’t let the Tueur win.”

  “How?” he asked.

  She couldn’t move. For some reason, he was able to hold her to him.

  Death was amused.

  And pleased.

  This vessel was strong enough for him…

  “You cut off the head of their leader.”

  “Is that all?”

  She laughed. “Oh, Flynn, you sexy man. You have no idea how hard that will be.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Find the leader of the Tueur and destroy him.”

  “Where is he?” Flynn asked.

  “You didn’t bargain for that, now did you?” she asked, running her finger across his lip. “You asked for information on your children, not the Tueur.”

  He knew she was right.

  “What will it cost?”

  “Well, you see, here is your dilemma. If you kill him, another will take his place, unless someone does that in your family. Once you have control of the Tueur, your children will be safe. You will be able to protect them. It’s the only way. Someone in this room has to take over the responsibility of being the most loathed vampyre killer.”

  He glanced over at Jolie.

  “Not her, Flynn. She’s simply the Harbinger. She’s powerful, but she’s not the one who will handle it.”


  “Guess again.”

  “Me? Why me?”

  “Yes, you. You’re the special one in this union. While Jolie has a unique gift, my children have never been able to convert a human to a vampyre. You’re the one and only. Imagine the power that will give you.”

  He could only imagine. Then again, if he held onto his soul, he couldn’t be controlled by her.


  “If you want to know where the leader is, then you’ll need to make me a promise.”

  Death glanced over at Jolie. “Your mate is delicious. I’ll leave something for you.”

  She wept.

  Flynn hated that Death was tormenting her.

  “What’s the promise?”

  “When the head of the Tueur is killed, you’ll take his place. You’ll need to stay where he is, give up this life, and do his job. There has to be balance, and if you want to keep your children alive…”

  He didn’t hesitate, and Flynn didn’t ask his mate’s opinions. This was on him. It was his cross to bear.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll do anything to save my children. I’ll do anything to help give us an edge over them.”

  She laughed, and it was like silk sliding over his body. In fact, it was aimed for one part of his anatomy.

  Flynn growled at her invisible touch.

  It wasn’t a happy sound.

  “Deal. Head back to France. You’ll find him there. Now, I believe you owe me some blood.”

  Flynn released her hair.

  As Death’s fangs pierced his skin, his body reacted to it. While Jolie turned his blood to lava, death took him to his knees. His whole body fought the pleasure.

  When she touched him, he exploded in orgasm, despite fighting it.

  Then he fell.

  Into the dark.

  Into the abyss.

  The last thing he heard was Death’s laughter and Jolie screaming his name.

  Then there was nothing.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Wednesday morning

  He had one hell of a migraine.

  In fact, his head was pounding like a drum. As he opened his eyes, there was very little light in the room. What shone in from the bathroom, still hurt.

  “Are you okay?”

  He heard her voice, and Flynn knew she’d been awake all day. “Baby,” he muttered.

  She rested her head against his chest.

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “I love you too,” he said, running his hand up and down her back.

  “What you did was dangerous. You could have been killed. Death isn’t one to screw with.”

  He was aware, but what wouldn’t he do for his family? Someone had to find a way to stop the Tueur.

  It was him.

  “Are you really mad at me?” he asked.

  “You were making out with another woman in front of me. How do you think I feel? Then she was touching what was mine.”

  “I didn’t enjoy it.”

  She lifted her head.

  “I didn’t. She forced herself on me. I like my women a little less vicious, and a whole lot of wicked.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You could kiss me and make it better. I want you to make me for
get she even touched me.”

  Jolie’s mouth began moving over his, and Flynn was heating up, and fast.

  As Jolie teased and tormented him, he could feel the lust calling for the beast in him. It taunted it, almost trying to get it to rise up.

  This was what he was talking about.

  This was exactly what he wanted.


  His mate.

  As she crawled against him there was a wave of immense pleasure.

  The rubbing.



  Flynn knew what else he needed. “Stop.”

  Jolie did, but she was confused. “What’s wrong, Flynn? Does your head still hurt?”

  The fact it didn’t meant that she was blocking his pain.

  “No, but we should include Jacques.”

  “He said…”

  “Let’s make him forget what he said. I’m sure we can help him see the light.”

  She grinned for the first time since Death had left. Here was her sexy detective, and he was still the same person on the inside.


  Jolie pushed off his body and flanked Jacques's one side. As she lay beside him, Jolie watched her other mate to see what he was planning.

  Flynn was up, naked, and lying beside Jacques. As his body pressed against the chill of his dead mate, he grinned. “Let’s wake him, shall we?”

  Jolie began kissing his lips.

  As she did, she shoved energy into his body by way of his mouth. It was blue, looked like mist, and they still had no idea what the hell it was, but she was able to call and control it.

  As Jacques began stirring, Flynn lapped his way to the vampyre’s neck. His hand was over his heart, and as soon as he felt that first beat, it was time.

  Then, he bit his mate.

  Jacques was almost fully healed. His body was no longer sore, and he had Flynn’s blood before he rested to thank for that. The man was a cocktail of all the things a vampyre craved, and it had patched him up.

  As he was pushing through the fog, he could feel lips moving against his, and he knew who it was.

  Jolie was there.

  He could smell her.

  Then he could feel someone else touching him. There was a weight against his other side, and it was surprising. As he went to open his eyes, someone bit him.

  Since Jolie was kissing him, he knew who it would be.


  Jacques fell into the pleasure of lips moving over his and the quickening of his pulse at his throat.

  He’d opted to let this go, and now he realized how stupid he’d been. Flynn wouldn’t be angry if he crossed a line.

  Why should he?

  As his mates feasted on blood and kisses, his hands found the back of each of their heads, holding them to him.

  ‘Please don’t stop,’ he whispered into their minds.

  Neither did.

  The feeding went on for a little while, as Flynn slowly drank from his mate. His leg went around his, and he held Jacques trapped beneath him.

  Then, he set him free.

  Jolie did too.

  Jacques eyes had bleed black, and his fangs were out.

  “Can I touch you?” Flynn asked, making sure Jacques wasn’t going to freak out.

  “Yes, please.”

  He lapped the blood that had escaped, and Jolie watched.

  The room was getting hot, and his mates were turned on. He could hear their pulses thumping together.

  In fact, so was his.

  As he lapped down the man’s body, he came to his pale nipple. With his teeth, he caged it.

  Jacques shook.

  Jolie took that as her sign to join in. Matching Flynn’s motions, she did the same to the opposite nipple.

  Jacques’s body bowed.

  So, this was what it felt like. He knew Flynn would never likely be comfortable enough to cross that line, but this was more than enough.

  It was comforting.

  As they sucked, he got harder and harder.

  Together, they set him free.

  “Lower?” Jolie asked.

  “God, yes!” Jacques muttered, never able to look away from the two of them kissing down his body.

  When they arrived at his erection, Jolie took the lead. Flynn, instead went for the femoral artery.

  He sunk his teeth in, and Jacques nearly exploded in Jolie’s mouth. The visuals in his head were what he wanted. Flynn was giving him that.

  If he couldn’t go further, at least Jacques had this.

  And it was hot.

  Jolie worked him hard.

  Then without warning, she set him free.

  “Flynn’s turn,” she said, pushing her other mate back to the bed. “I’m going to show you what I can do.”

  He hoped so.

  Jolie straddled his hips, slipping his erection into her body. He was hard, hot, and needed her attention.

  After last night, she would do anything for him.

  As Jolie began moving, sliding him in and out of her body, Jacques didn’t move.

  Flynn wanted him not to be afraid.

  He wanted Jacques to feel, and he’d stop him if something crossed a line.

  ‘Are you sure?’ he whispered into Flynn’s mind.

  ‘Yes! Put your hands on me.’

  Jacques found Flynn’s neck, and above the throb of his pulse, he swirled his tongue.

  “Don’t tease,” he muttered.

  Jacques bit down, and Flynn nearly came.

  Jolie was riding him hard, Jacques was sucking him dry, and Flynn never wanted this day to end. He could feel the vampyre’s hand sliding down his chest.

  It didn’t creep him out.

  Instead, he never wanted it to end.

  The lust was vibrating around them.

  It was beyond heated.

  It was perfect.

  Jolie rode, and while her mate fed off her other one, she stroked him.

  Jacques growled.

  Flynn moaned.

  She bounced harder.

  This was heaven.

  As the motion built, she knew that she couldn’t hold out any more.

  She needed to feel this eruption.

  As the telltale quiver began in Flynn’s body, Jolie slammed down, exploding apart. She leaned over Flynn and bit him.

  He shouted in release.

  Jacques came too, as Jolie continued to roughly stroke him.

  As they tumbled, she landed on top.

  Everything swirled around them.

  Flynn was exhausted. He’d fed them both. He needed to rest. He closed his eyes, knowing they’d let him get in a nap before he had to head to work.

  Or he hoped.

  “I didn’t rest,” Jolie admitted. “I think I will now.”

  The men were okay with that. She slipped away, and they followed.

  Jacques didn’t want to be left behind. If his family was going back to death, he’d join them.

  He loved them both. As Jolie was cuddled to one side of Flynn, he flanked the other.

  It was calm.

  It was peaceful.

  He was enjoying it.

  Jacques called for Chloe to wake him up in a couple hours, and he’d take care of his mates. Until then, he wanted to cuddle.

  So, he did.

  And then, he died again.

  Only, this time, it was with a smile on his lips.

  ∞ Chapter Twenty-Five ∞

  Wednesday Mid-Morning.

  Jacques began pulling away again from death, and this time he couldn’t feel anyone around him.

  He was alone.

  As he opened his eyes, he could hear his phone chiming. From the tone, he knew who it was.

  Picking it up, he read the message from Flynn.

  ‘Something has been bothering me all day. How did Mulduk figure out the Tueur is after Jolie? The Council wouldn’t have told him, so…’

  That was a very good question.

  He wished he knew.
  ‘We need head back to that hellhole and ask the man some questions.’

  He agreed with that too.

  ‘Are we okay?’

  Instead of texting, he reached for his mate. He wanted to convey how happy he was, and he didn’t think technology would do it.

  ‘I’m very good, Flynn. Are you okay?’ he asked. The last thing he wanted was his mate moving across a line he wasn’t happy with too.

  ‘I’m good. I hope Jolie has a good day at work today. Kiss her for me.’

  He would.

  ‘Je’taime, Jacques.’

  Then the connection was cut off.

  As soon as he found their mate, he would do just that. He thought back to their morning wake up, and it made him smile. Today, he would drive her to work, come home and handle some of their financial issues, and wait for his mates.

  Then, they would plan to make their move.

  Calling for Chloe, he lounged in their bed. He could smell Jolie’s perfume and Flynn’s cologne. It gave him that warm satiated feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  It made him happy.

  For hundreds of years, he was always lost, and now he’d found his way.

  It was perfect.

  When Chloe arrived, he waited for energy. As he finished up, he was curious. It wasn’t like Jolie to not be there when he woke.

  “Where is she?” he asked. It was daytime, and he was weaker than normal. He couldn’t feel her in the house, but that wasn’t unusual.

  “She’s not here.”

  He sat up. “Wait! What?”

  “The mistress left in her car for work over an hour ago. It was right after Flynn got called to work.”

  He wanted to be sick.

  Jacques was awash in fear. “She left the house alone while the Tueur is trying to kill her?”

  Chloe nodded.

  Jacques leapt from the bed and ran to his closet to pull on his pants and shoes. As soon as he was done, he raced from the room.

  “Chloe, contact Flynn and tell him what has happened. He needs to get to Jolie as fast as possible!”

  As the car engine revved in the garage, she reached for her other master.

  ‘I’m in the middle of something, Chloe, what is it?’ he asked abruptly.

  ‘Jolie left for work alone this morning.’


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