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Fixing Justice

Page 19

by Halliday, Suzanne

  “I don’t want to hurt you, baby,” he groaned as he flexed his hips, surging forward and then easing back slightly. He wanted to pound the fucking crap out of her but not hurting her as he’d done in fevered haste this morning was driving him hard. What he hadn’t counted on was the way her body welcomed his or the greedy way her hips ground against him each time he pressed forward. The deeper he surged, the more she moaned and clutched at him with her incredible inner muscles.

  Clasping her arms around his neck she pulled him in for a frenzied kiss. Tongues swirling, he began thrusting inside her with increasing vigor. She met him stroke for stroke, canting her hips and wiggling against him to increase the delicious friction as he fucked her deeply. Ending the kiss she pressed her mouth to his ear and groaned, “More. Need more, Draegyn. Oh, God.”

  He agreed. Levering onto his forearms, he spread his thighs wide, opening her even further while he built a thundering rhythm that shocked him with its ferocity. He took it all in, how her body felt as he hammered into her, the deliciously hot creaminess that made each deep plunge sound exquisitely carnal. The way their labored breathing hung in the air, the scent of her arousal wrapping their heaving bodies in a cloak of sensuality. His deep grunts punctuating each thrust and her answering whimper.

  Framing her face with his hands, Drae wanted to see for himself the whirlwind he felt ripping through her senses. Her eyes reflected the absolute wonder and soul-clenching eroticism that was present in him as well. When her hands fell to her sides and she clenched the sheets, hoarsely grunting, “Oh fuck,” Drae nearly whooped in satisfaction. Yes. Yes. She undulated against him, her feet digging into his backside. He decided then and there that nothing in this world quite matched the glory and beauty of the woman in his arms as an orgasm came to life inside her.

  “Yeah, that’s it, baby,” he groaned. Grunting with each thrust as he sank deep over and over he fastened his teeth against the skin on her neck and bit down, hard. She moaned and writhed. It was all so animalistic and primal.

  Holding deep inside her he whispered next to her ear, “You’re going to come again. I can feel it building. Right here,” he grunted as his cock pressed deep. “Ah, God. You feel like heaven. Wet and so fucking tight.”

  Victoria increased her grip on his waist, reaching down to grab his clenching ass with shaking hands. Her pussy started clutching and releasing in rapidly growing pulsations that squeezed his cock unmercifully. “Take it, baby. Take what’s yours,” he moaned as she rotated on his plunging cock. She was crying out, pleading with him to go deeper, harder. Begging him to fuck her. He was undone.

  When the crest of her orgasm hit, he nearly blacked out at the strength of her inner muscles as they relentlessly milked his aching cock while he slammed into her over and over. Someone was screaming and someone was grunting like an animal. Finally, when he couldn’t take it another second and keep his sanity, his balls tightened as his cock swelled and exploded in wave after wave of shuddering pleasure. He was surprised she hadn’t been split in two by the force of his thundering thrusts.

  When it was finally over and the shuddering convulsions fading, he’d rolled them until she was sprawled on top of him. He quickly dealt with the condom before drawing her tight against him. She feathered an endless succession of soft kisses across his chest and neck, as he smoothed his big hands up and down her back and across her backside.

  Time passed in silence. Drae yanked the coverlet over them as they cocooned in its warmth, neither willing to let the other go. Eventually calm returned and each of them drifted into deep sleep.

  Oh Jesus, Tori thought when her eyes cracked open and the blinding rays of the sun through the uncovered windows hit her. Why the hell did her head feel like a marching band was in residence? Groaning, she turned on her side, jolting when her eyes met the sleeping hulk of a man at her side. Draegyn.

  The fog of sleep started to recede but met resistance, an after effect no doubt, of the epic amount of very expensive champagne she’d imbibed the previous night. What was it she’d said? Everything was better with champagne? She’d have to amend that because this hangover was anything but fun.

  She’d be needing a double dose of coffee, and soon if she was going to survive the thumping in her head. Trying to roll to the far side of the bed away from the sleeping giant, she was instantly awake when evidence of their sexy nocturnal activities made her wince in discomfort. Realizing what the ache signaled, Tori’s mind filled with vivid memories of their intense lovemaking and how she’d really and truly begged him to fuck her.

  Scooting back against the headboard, she must have made a sound because he was wide-awake and staring her down a second later. Barely having enough time to clutch the sheet against her naked breasts, she tried to seem unphased by what they’d obviously done although the way her body began thrumming when she met his eyes made those efforts a bold lie.

  “Morning,” she whispered, not all that surprised to hear how raw her voice sounded. What did surprise her was how Draegyn calmly reached over and tugged the sheet away from her body, exposing her bare breasts to his view.

  “Now it’s a good morning.” His sleepy smile rattled her cage. Turning, he leaned his head on a raised hand and contemplated her.

  Trying to pull tangled tresses away from her shoulders and neck, Tori managed a weak smile in return. “I must look like hell.”

  She watched as his eyes narrowed. “You look like a woman who had a screaming orgasm in my arms.” He sounded smug, and she wanted to jab him in the ribs for the arrogance she heard in his voice, but the truth was she had screamed. He deserved to feel arrogant.

  Tori was stumped. What was the protocol in these situations? Did she thank him? Something along the lines of, ‘Gee, thanks for the wild fuck and the amazing orgasms’? Or perhaps, ‘I hope it was as good for you as it was for me’? Was she supposed to clear out of his space now that daylight had returned? She hoped she wasn’t expected to move from the bed fully naked, as she doubted her ability to walk at the moment.

  She wondered what was he thinking when he kept his silence. Glancing at him from the corner of her eye she saw his jaw flex as his gaze swept over her nakedness. A quick drop of her eyes showed her what he saw, breasts still swollen from their lovemaking and the unmistakable signs left behind from his possession of her body.

  He had the natural grace of a jungle cat, rising up from the bed while lifting her into his arms at the same time. In a replay of yesterday morning’s events, he strode with her firmly in his arms only this time instead of taking her to the elaborate shower, he sat her on the side of the huge soaking tub. Adjusting the controls, warm water poured into the tub as he grabbed some nearby towels. The man doesn’t miss much, she thought when he looked her over from head to toe and hurried away only to return seconds later with a hair-tie and a bottle of water for each of them.

  “Drink that,” he ordered, ripping off the cap on his and chugging half of it in one gulp. “May only have been champagne, but considering how much we drank, dehydration is a concern.”

  By the time she slid into the warmth of the deep tub, Tori felt some life returning to her body. When he dropped into the warm water and pulled her between his thighs, she went without pause. What good would it have done to pretend she wasn’t sore and achy after what they’d done to each other? Letting him wash her was admitting the truth. He was big. Like, really big. And she had asked, no begged, for him to take her harder and deeper. The gentleness he displayed now, taking care of her, tugged at her emotions.

  His hand dipped into the water and slid between her thighs. She couldn’t stop the pained hiss that ripped from her throat when he touched tender skin. He froze at the sound of her distress. For some reason, his hesitation wrapped around her heart and squeezed. He might not want to admit it, but he was feeling a riot of emotions that like she, he didn’t know what to do with.

  Tori reached for his hand under the water and rather than grab his wrist to pull his fingers away fro
m her tender flesh, she pressed his hand against her thigh. “Before you say anything, I want you to know that you didn’t hurt me. Just, um….go easy. I’m a little tender down there.”

  “Don’t bullshit me Victoria. You nearly jumped out of your skin when I just touched you.”

  “Well, yeah,” she muttered. “Maybe a little, but honestly Draegyn, being sore isn’t stopping me from wanting your hands to make it better.” She didn’t know who was more shocked.

  He grew solemn and serious, refusing to meet her eyes as he went about washing her intimately, as if his life depended on doing it right. She leaned back against his solid chest and felt her limbs floating, weightless in the water. The warm water, his gentle touch, sheer bliss. Tori sighed and contemplated some more amorous activities she wanted to try out in the big tub. If she wasn’t such a wuss, she might have indulged in some touchy feely caresses of her own. The brief touches she’d gotten to enjoy last night had not been enough to satisfy her craving for his body.

  But, there was no way, with all his concerned seriousness, that he would permit a repeat she realized. Not right now anyway, this was probably just as well. In short order she’d been properly bathed, dried, and left to dress while he did the same. Before turning away from her, he mumbled something about breakfast and taking her time. No hurry, he had told her. They could leave when she was ready, whenever that may be. He’d call and alert the hangar that he’d need the plane readied for their return to Sedona, but she shouldn’t feel rushed in any way. Ah, the uncomplicated life of a wealthy man, she mused. She could get used to this.

  In the end she opted for ease and comfort choosing skinny jeans with a pair of lace up ankle boots. Pulling an oversized t-shirt on she smiled at the agency logo discreetly monogrammed above her left breast, before adding a long, straight jacket with sleeves she could push back for a comfortable, casual look. Two minutes with the flat iron helped smooth out any tangles leftover from the previous evening’s activities. Satisfied with her appearance, she stuffed whatever was laying around into her bag and was ready to face Draegyn again. She hoped he’d been smart enough to ready some coffee for her.

  Drae was fit to be tied. All of his legendary cool had deserted him permanently as, all thumbs, he struggled with the coffeemaker like it was his first time dealing with a machine of any kind. What the fuck was wrong with him? He almost laughed. No, wait. He did laugh. What was wrong? Victoria Bennett was all that was wrong with him. Woman had him wrapped up in knots. The minute his eyes opened, and he’d seen her sitting there trying so damn hard not to wake him, he wanted her. Wanted her desperately. Under him. Over him. Didn’t matter as long as the end result was his greedy sex buried inside her again. And again.

  He’d tried to take it easy on her last night, unlike their first coupling that had been hurried and primal. There was no way she wasn’t ripe and ready for him, had not complained at the time, even urging him on. The insatiable fire she lit inside him made common sense fly right out the damned window. Instead of getting off on how the incredible tightness of her sheath had felt squeezing his cock, he should have held back and taken it slower. Slower? He snorted in disbelief. Who the goddamn fuck was he trying to kid? There was no such thing as slower with Victoria.

  “Will coffee be made available to me or do I have to kill you?” The teasing sound behind him startled Drae. Grateful for the lightness he heard in her voice, he shot her a mocking grin.

  “While I have no doubt you could do me bodily harm,” he husked letting the double edged meaning to his words sink in, “this morning, I aim to please. One half-caf hazelnut coffee coming to you in just a minute.” The coffee machine dinged to let him know her cup had been brewed, but he found himself completely lost, taking in the crazy, sexy way she walked in the heeled ankle boots and the jeans that clung like a second skin. Get the coffee, his brain wheezed after lust sucked the breath right out of him. God! He had to snap out of it. “Have a seat and I’ll bring it to you. Feel any better?”

  “Oh, yes, loads better, thanks.” She smiled at him and then made that perfect little moue with her lips that drove him wild. “Do you even know how much champagne we inhaled? My head is telling me it was a lot.”

  Handing her the steaming mug that he’d added a heavy hand of creamer to along with a good pile of sugar, Drae couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head in agreement. “Probably more than was wise, but as they say, YOLO!”

  She burst out giggling. “YOLO? Really? That’s what you have to say about last night …you only live once?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he chuckled. “Damn straight. YOLO!”

  “I wonder if the newlyweds feel like my head does right now. Who knew there was such a thing as too much bubbly?”

  Remembering the couple who shared their epic night, Drae went to find his suit jacket. “Speaking of the happy bride and groom, Stavros gave me a stack of papers after they sped off. Probably their license and certificate. I remember stuffing them in my jacket pocket.”

  “Mmmm,” she chimed in, “that reminds me, where’s my cell phone? I’ve got a bunch of pictures saved. There’s definitely a shot of Shawn mugging with the statue of a very nude, very male Greek god that she might not want anyone to see.” Taking a hearty sip of the sweetened coffee, she put down the mug and slid off the high counter stool, going in search of her bag. “I love technology just as much as the next person but honestly, it’s almost too easy to record for all time the randomly stupid things we do.”

  “I hear that,” Drae snickered. “Last year we did security for a teen heartthrob during his European tour. The fucking kid needed to have his head examined. He took snapshots of every inappropriate thing he could think of and posted that shit online. It was exhausting, staying one step ahead of the shit-storm those pictures created.” He reached into his jacket pocket, found the sheaf of papers and withdrew them, adding as an aside, “Although I wouldn’t mind catching a glimpse of the unseemly behavior you two ladies visited on a piece of nude, male marble!”

  Victoria howled with laughter. “It was all her, I swear!” Finding her cell phone she quickly scrolled through the photos, squealing with embarrassment. “Oh my God! It’s so much worse than I remembered,” she giggled. “Yikes!” she laughed slapping her hand across her eyes. “Each picture is worse than the previous, although I think in all fairness I should admit to egging her on.”

  When she held up on particularly salacious shot of the newlywed bride on her knees wagging her tongue suggestively at a nude statue, Drae bellowed with hearty laughter. “Is that what you women do when the men aren’t looking?” he teased good-naturedly.

  She blushed and shrugged. “Maybe.” Sighing, she nodded at the papers he held. “Is there anything important in there? I have Garry’s assistant in my contact list. We could text him if there’s any need.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Good idea.” Unfolding the papers, Drae eased onto the sofa and started ruffling through the pages. “Looks like the license and a bunch of legal stuff about filing for name changes.” He was about to put everything in his laptop case when something caught his eye. “What the fuck?” he yelled, jumping to his feet. An angry red mist flooded his brain.

  Victoria nearly choked on her coffee, he startled her so bad with his outburst. Suddenly, a headache began pounding in his skull, and his eye began twitching. Anxiety grabbed him by the throat.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Drae shook his head repeatedly, as if that would make the words swimming on the paper in front of him change. His heart was pounding and a trickle of sweat started making its way between tensed shoulder blades. This had better be some elaborate punk’d scenario.

  When he felt Victoria’s hand upon his arm he reacted as if she’d burned him, snatching his body from her closeness and moving away at the speed of light. “Draegyn, what’s the matter? You’re scaring me.”

  He didn’t know what to say. Words were frozen in his throat while his mind careened in panicked haste, trying to make sense of w
hat was happening. Waving the paper at her, he ran his hand through his hair and gritted his teeth. “Do you know what this is?” he shouted.

  “No. Why? Oh my God, what’s wrong?”

  He snorted dismissively at her. “What’s wrong?” His voice had the distinct tenor of someone in free-falling panic. “I’ll tell you what the fuck is wrong. According to this…” He bristled while still waving the paper crumpled in his fist. “It seems we are married.” Somehow he managed to make the word married sound like a vulgar curse and a sentence of death all in the same breath.

  “What?’ she wheezed, as she gulped in air. “Married? Who’s married? Garry and Shawn you mean?” When he didn’t answer, just stood numb and frozen glaring at her, she paled before his eyes. “This is a prank, right?”

  Something inside Drae detonated like a bomb. Married! Married. No, it just couldn’t be. Marriage was not on the agenda. Ever. Didn’t matter who it was. He’d learned that lesson early in life. Marriage was for chumps, and he didn’t ever intend to be counted in that category.

  “Here,” he snarled, pushing the papers in her shocked hands. “See for yourself.” Jabbing a finger accusingly at the sheet he pointed to her signature. “Look, see? You signed this. What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “What was I thinking?” she screamed back. “Convenient of you to ignore your signature right next to mine.” She looked as frantic as he felt.

  He felt sick. If these papers were correct, not only had he and Victoria somehow gotten married, they’d very conveniently consummated the arrangement. Motherfucker. He was screwed.

  Tori was horrified at what she held in her hands. Draegyn was right. They had gotten married. Searching her champagne infused memories for any clues to how this happened was useless. Most of the evening was a blur. They’d had way too much to drink over many hours making some moments crystal clear while others, well….blurry didn’t do them justice. She looked at him over the offending document, taken aback by the fury she saw in his expression. This angry man wasn’t the person she’d come to know. Something else was going on but right now all she could deal with was the current situation.


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