The Night That Changed Rachel (The Randalls Book 2)

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The Night That Changed Rachel (The Randalls Book 2) Page 6

by Gail Haris

  My new admirer is very tall, but I’m petite, so almost every guy seems tall. His hair is so short that it’s difficult to tell the color, except that it’s dark. He has brown eyes that hold a glimpse of mischief and a small upturned nose. If he wasn’t so tall and muscular, he would remind me of a kid with his young and smooth face.

  “You don’t have a drink. Want me to fix that?”

  I smile shyly and shake my head. His voice sounds more mature than the boys I’m used to. I’ve been so focused on gaining Trent’s attention that the thought never crossed my mind I might get attention from other guys. Landon might’ve been right that he was deflecting any shot I had at a real relationship with someone. Honestly, I’d never thought about dating other guys. The two Randall brothers have always been my only focus.

  “She doesn’t drink,” says a low, intimidating voice next to me, followed by a heavy arm wrapping around me. My body goes stiff with shock. My eyes first stare at the hand on my shoulder and then I turn to look up at Trent’s handsome, but now, foreboding face.

  “Is she with you?” My new admirer is either stupid or really brave. Does he not know who Trent is? He’s the town’s golden boy. The town’s football hero. A Legend! Who questions Trent Randall? My heartrate picks up in anticipation to what his reply will be.

  “No, she’s-”

  The guy immediately holds a big palm up, cutting him off. I feel Trent’s body stiffen, and the anger is seeping out of him from being interrupted. “If she’s not with you, then I don’t see why it’s any of your business if she drinks. It’s a party. Lighten up, man.”

  Trent raises his chin and then tilts his head. The guys are almost nose to nose, but Trent is slightly taller. He makes a point of glaring down at him. He licks his bottom lip and then bites it, giving a small chuckle. “Hands off this one. She’s a close friend.”

  Ugh, ‘friend.’

  “Maybe I want to be a close friend of hers, too?”

  At that, Trent removes his arm and takes a step closer, invading the guy’s personal space. Their chests are now touching, and both of their bicep muscles are bulging out from their shirts. All I wanted was Trent’s attention, but this guy is getting more of it than me. Deciding I’ve had enough of their bickering, I hold my hands up and announce, “I’m not here with either of you, so I think I’ll get myself a drink and go find my friends.”

  I walk away without a backward glance. Disappointed, I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of beer. Before I can pop the cap, a hand moves into my line of vision and takes the bottle.


  “You’ve gotta be careful with the college guys.” Trent pops the cap and hands the bottle back to me. “They come to these parties to get laid.” He looks around and then stares intently into my eyes. “Not hang out.”

  I scoff. “Thanks for the warning, but I wasn’t going to accept a drink from him.”

  “Really? It seemed like you were pretty interested in that prick. You’re too naïve and innocent.” His voice softens, and he raises his hand toward me, but then drops it. “You’re too young. You’re not old enough to be drinking and partying with college guys. Didn’t you just turn sixteen? Do you even have your license yet?” His assessment embarrasses and makes me feel foolish. He thinks I don’t have the slightest clue about what most guys are after.

  “What does me having a license have to do with anything?”

  “I’m trying to make a point. You’re too young”

  I feel my neck heat, as I become angry, and slam my bottle down on the counter. “I’m old enough to decide who I take an interest in. For your information, I wasn’t that interested, but that’s none of your business. Maybe I’m not as innocent and naïve as you think. What makes you think you know so much?” I roll my eyes and shake my head. Not proving my point with that immature move. “Because I’m ‘young’?” I scoff. “You’re only a few years older. In case you haven’t noticed-”

  He cuts me off by firmly grabbing my arm and dragging me off to the side of the room that’s deserted and in shadows. “Believe me, I’ve noticed.”

  His eyes become heated as he scans my body.

  Swallowing my nerves, I force my voice to work, and it comes out lower than usual, giving me a sultry sound. “Did you just come to this party to get laid?”

  “Careful, Rachel.”

  He releases his grip, like my skin burned him, and walks away. My mind races with what he meant by that earlier comment. Trent noticed what? The way his eyes roamed my body, I’d guess he’s noticed me getting older, noticed my body maturing. Is he finally looking at me the way I’ve always wanted him to? I’m feeling self-conscious. Did he… like what he saw? If he did, why didn’t he make a move?

  I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, grab my beer, and rush over to a group of girls I know. Standing safely in their circle, I slowly sip my beer and occasionally steal glances at Trent from across the room. He drinks one beer. Then another beer. No telling how much he drank during the beer pong game, but he doesn’t seem even slightly tipsy. On his third beer, that I know of, I decide if I’m going to confess my feelings, it needs to be now, before he passes out. Who knows when he’ll be back home to visit?

  The downstairs bathroom has a ridiculous line, so I decide to try the upstairs. No line. I hurry into the bathroom and lock the door. I open my clutch to get my powder, lip gloss and travel perfume. For the most part, I still look as good as when I left the house, but I still freshen up a bit. I open the door and step out into the hallway.

  There’s Trent, walking up the stairs and onto the landing of the hallway. This is it. I take a deep breath and saunter toward him. I can do this. I know I’m attractive. I’m one of the hottest girls in the whole county. I know that I’m smart. I’m caring with a good heart. Landon was right—any guy would be lucky to have me. But Trent Randall isn’t any guy.

  My confidence slowly wavers as we close the distance between us. His eyes rake over me. He’s the only guy to ever make me feel weak in the knees. Like, right now, the way he’s looking at me, has me worrying I won’t even reach him. Gosh, I used to think all those lines were so corny I’d read in romance novels. The way a single look could send a woman swooning. The way a guy’s presence could fill a room. Feeling light-headed from a single touch. But then I started understanding them. They only seem corny until you actually experience them, and there’s very few guys who can give a girl the ‘experience’ of becoming weak in the knees. Trent Randall is one of the few with his chiseled features, ocean blue eyes, and a smile that would make a nun blush. He rolls his shoulders and practically charges toward me. He slams me hard against the wall, then grabs my face in his strong hands and crashes his lips into mine.

  I can’t breathe. I can’t think. This is actually happening, and I’m clueless as to what to do. He was right. I am naïve and innocent. He pulls back and shakes his head. “Oh my god. Shit, I’m sorry. You’re here with my brother. Dammit.”

  I grab his shirt before he can leave me again. His eyes are pained with evident guilt. This is it. It’s time to clear the air about my relationship with Landon, if I ever want a chance with Trent. “I’m not with Landon.”

  His eyes bore into mine as he waits for me to explain. I clear my throat and open my mouth, but close it again. I can’t completely out Landon. I’ll have to be careful. Again, I clear my throat and barely above a whisper tell him, “Landon and I love each other, but…we’re not in love.”

  His eyes widen a fraction and then narrow. He licks his lips and then presses them into a firm line. He bows his head touching his forehead to mine. I can tell he’s working through this. Trying to process what I’m telling him. “Does he know you don’t love him that way?”

  “He knows. And I know he doesn’t love me that way. We…we look out for the other, until we can be with the people we really want to be with.”

  He raises his head and runs his right hand from the top of my head, down to my chin. He gives me a little peck on
the lips and then a ghost of a smile appears. “I’m glad you love him. You’re a good friend. I’d never want to damage that friendship or come between you two.” There’s so much more being said with his tone and the pleading in his eyes. Landon has never told Trent, but I might’ve just confirmed any suspicion or doubt he had. It’s not my secret to tell, so I pray I haven’t betrayed Landon’s trust. It’s just, I need Trent to know I’m not some slut, getting between brothers.

  “Rachel…” His voice is hoarse.

  I lick my suddenly dry lips and stare up into his beautiful cobalt eyes. He squeezes them shut, and with that move, I feel myself about to shut down. He’s going to reject me.

  His hand moves to my shoulder and gently squeezes. “You’re sixteen. I’m—”

  “You’re twenty. We both know each other’s age.”

  “Four years makes a difference.” He pauses. “It…it’s wrong for me to be looking at you…” His eyes scan my body again, and his hand begins to go from squeezing my shoulder to caressing it. “Touching you.” An internal battle is waging in his eyes. “You’re family. The daughter my mom lost. I don’t want to ruin what we all have together. But God help me, I’ve never looked at you like a sister. I’ve never thought about you as my brother’s girlfriend—even though you’re more his than mine. I can’t screw this up, Rachel. I don’t want to hurt Landon. Your relationship with my mom.” His eyes seem to be asking me a question, but I don’t know what exactly it is. Either way, I gulp and nod.

  Without a word, he takes my hand and leads me down the hall. It’s slightly upsetting how he has no trouble finding a bedroom, so he must’ve done this before. He opens the door but doesn’t go in. The invitation is clear. He searches my face, silently asking me if this is what I want. This is the moment I’ve been dreaming about. All I can do is force myself to keep my smile from splitting my face apart. Don’t look too eager, Abernathy. Keep it cool.

  Trent gently holds my hand, and I allow him to lead me to the bed. My pulse is racing with excitement. It’s not until he begins to remove my shirt that my nerves set in. I didn’t really think about being naked and exposed in front of him. Once again, clearly, I am naïve. My body is in decent shape, but nothing like his athletic physique. Several terrible scenarios of what could happen begin clouding my mind. All end with him finding me lacking. My body begins to tremble with his touch. He must notice because he gives me the softest smile. He turns his back on me and begins walking back toward the door. Silently, in my head, I shout for him to come back, fearing he might’ve changed his mind.

  But he doesn’t walk out.

  He reaches for a knob on the wall and dims the bedroom lights. “Better?”

  No way can I speak right now, so I nod. Grateful that he thought of that. Maybe now, I can relax since, hopefully, he won’t be able to see the blush, no doubt, spreading over me.

  Slowly, and with more grace a guy his size should possess, he comes back to stand before me. He gives me another tender smile and tentatively places his hands on my hips. As his strong hands slide up to rest on my chest, his soft lips gently touch mine. I feel the wetness of his tongue at my lips. Slowly, I part them, allowing him access. He doesn’t shove his tongue in and gag me like some boys in the past have done. No, Trent is an amazing kisser. He’s slow, and almost teasing, in the way he eases his tongue in and massages my tongue with his. I taste a mix of alcohol and mint. When the tension finally leaves my body and I begin to calm, he slowly resumes removing my clothing. He doesn’t stop with the gentle kisses that coax my body into relaxing.

  When he pulls his lips from mine, I force myself not to chase after them. Those dark blue eyes shine in the dim lighting. Part of me wonders if he’s too intoxicated to remember this. And if he does remember…Will he regret it? Or will this be what finally makes us a couple? God, I want him to love me. I want to tell him that I’ve loved him, for as long as I can remember. Before he grew into this powerful body and into the bigger than life presence of the town’s hero.

  Words lodge in my throat. He surprises me, by easing down to his knees in front of me. Should I follow him down and kneel too? My knees start to bend but, immediately, lock when I feel his warm, large hands cover my breasts. He places an open mouth kiss on my belly button.

  Oh. My. God.

  Although the door is locked, I look around the room, terrified someone might walk in or be watching us. My mind begins to race. I feel him move up my body, his hands firm as they continue their ascent. He is eye level with my breasts, and I’m, suddenly, extremely self-conscious of them. Are they a decent size? I’ve always thought so. Do they look okay? I feel a sharp pain and look down at him in alarm. He grins up at me and nips my nipple again. Then he covers my nipple with his warm mouth and the sensation takes over. There’s no room for any other thoughts when he’s doing that with his mouth and hands. I can only feel and be here in the moment with him.

  Slowly, I begin to gain some confidence, as he worships my body. He stands up, and I boldly run my hands over his broad chest. I remove his shirt and toss it behind me. I openly gawk at Trent’s physique and he gives me a sly smile. Raising one eyebrow, he says, with a lopsided grin, “Go ahead and find out what the rest looks like.”

  I force myself to remain calm and begin to undo his pants. I’ve never seen that part of a man, so, thank goodness, the lights are dimmed. Hopefully, my face doesn’t show my surprise.

  It’s ugly.

  His penis is ugly with a long vein and black hair circling the base. I think back to all the romance novels, referring to a man’s privates as beautiful. They sure have been glorifying that part of sex. My expectations have lowered a little for the rest that is to come. Instantly, I feel slightly guilty for judging him and his…member. I doubt my private areas would be considered beautiful either. However, Trent seems quite enthralled with the way his eyes and hands greedily roam my body.

  He’s waiting for me to do something, but I’ve no idea what to do next. I look back up into his eyes. I decide to kiss his lips and hope he takes control from there. He immediately responds to my kiss and deepens it, guiding me to lay down on the bed. He follows me down, never breaking contact with my body. At least the kissing is living up to all my fantasies.

  He pulls away, and my body shivers at the loss of his heat. Reaching down, he grabs his jeans and pulls a foil packet out. Protection. I hadn’t even thought about that! I was so nervous about Trent possibly finding me lacking that I hadn’t been concerned about a much more serious issue. Stupid. I can’t believe how reckless I’m being. Thank goodness, he’s prepared.

  “Rachel,” he whispers above my lips. I make a sound between a moan and an acknowledgement. “Rachel,” he repeats. I nod. “Are you sure?” I nod again. “Are you sure you want to do this? Tell me to stop and I will. I promise. I’ll walk out, and we’ll go back to the way things were ten minutes ago.”

  Absolutely not. No way would I stop this. He asks again if I’m sure, and it’s clear that he needs to hear me say it, so I ground out, “I’m sure. I’m positive. One hundred percent. No doubt.”

  He chuckles, and it’s the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. Even the vibration from his chest is sending tingles up my body, but all blissful feelings are gone, when I feel a sharp sting as he enters me. I gasp, and he immediately stops. As he stares at me, his eyes widen with alarm. I hurry and smile through the pain. “You surprised me.” I breathe out and stretch my neck up to kiss him.

  I silently beg him to hurry and move or to get out, anything that might ease my discomfort. I feel his body hesitate, for a moment, but then he releases a deep moan in my mouth. His moan gives me slight pleasure, knowing I’m the reason for it. He moves slowly, at first, but picks up speed. I hold on to him tightly, positive that my nails are probably scratching his back, but I’m afraid if I let go, he’ll send me flying into the head of the bed. The tighter my arms and legs squeeze him, the more it seems to excite him. Despite the stray tear that escapes, I delight in the thrill
of having our bodies so close together. His kisses, along with the heat radiating from him, sends the slightest thrill through my body, but mostly, I just feel a stinging. He places his hand between our bodies, and his fingers send my body into a frenzy. The discomfort of the thrusting and the pleasure of his fingers have my body confused. He slams hard into me once, and I shriek. He slams into me again, his eyes closing and his mouth falling open. I feel him twitch inside of me. He collapses on top of me and nuzzles my neck.

  “That was incredible,” he says, in between breaths.

  I wrap my arms around him, not wanting to lose our connection. Even though I didn’t receive much pleasure from the act—I’m on cloud nine. I can’t believe that happened. Trent Randall and Rachel Abernathy had sex.

  And he said it was incredible!

  I feel a slight burn when he pulls out. “I need to dispose of this. Be right back.”

  I can’t wrap my mind around all these new feelings and sensations. Shifting my leg, I feel a little sore between my thighs. He walks back to the bed. He has both hands and one knee on the mattress, but before he crawls in, his body goes stock still. “I had hoped you were just really tight.” His chin drops to his chest. “That’s what I tried to convince myself, anyway. Why didn’t you tell me you’re a virgin?” His voice turns hard as he corrects himself, “Or were.”

  That’s when I notice the tiny red dots on the sheet. I hurry and cover the spots with a blanket. He pushes himself off the bed and stands. He runs his hand through his hair and groans. Grabbing his discarded boxers from the floor, he roughly shoves his legs through. “Well, Rachel?” Never taking his eyes off me, he grabs his jeans next, holding his hand out toward me. “I could’ve been gentler. This should’ve been special for you.”

  I speak barely above a whisper. “It is special.”


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