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Kissing Another Grimaldi

Page 10

by K. Z. Riman

  “How about it?”

  “How about what?” Scott always had the impeccable timing of coming near me whenever I was with someone else. He gave Ethan and Siena a casual smile before handing me the documents I had asked him to sign. He stood right in front of my desk and waited for an answer.

  “Oh, Mister Grimaldi, sir.” Siena was blushing and almost tripped on her heels as she straightened her skirt. Get a grip, woman, or he’ll come after you. “We were just inviting Kelsey for a beer night. It’s Diane’s birthday. Diane is from Marketing, sir.”

  “Hmmm.” Scott nodded and eyed me disapprovingly.

  I knew that look. He was telling me not to go, but a beer night sounded nice, especially as it would be the first one I had attended for years–without being the waitress.

  “Yes, I’ll come with you.” I smiled at Siena, knowing Scott would not do anything to make it seem like we had something more than a professional relationship in front of his employees.

  His eyes hardened at my words, betraying the quiet grunt from his throat.

  “If you could come, too, sir, we would be very pleased.” Siena spoke hesitantly, biting her lower lip as she waited for his answer. She was flirting, all right. Get a grip!

  That was what Scott wanted. He looked at Siena and Ethan, and then grinned mischievously at me. “Sure. I would love to meet your team.”

  There was a sparkle in Siena’s eyes…something which told me she was no longer interested in the new, hot guy from her own department. “Oh, sir! That would be great. We will see you tonight at 24 Nights Club. See you at five, Kelsey! You should ride with me. I brought my brother’s car.”

  “Okay,” I said, as I watched her leave.

  I had a strong feeling that Scott wasn’t really going because he wanted to meet these people. He was going because he didn’t like my answer. He was going because even though he had seemed to tell me not to, I was still going.

  * * * *

  “Where are you staying?” Siena tried to make conversation while driving.

  The club was not far away so she didn’t have time to ask me more of the personal questions I needed to avoid at the moment. “Uh…with some relatives and my son.”

  “Oh, you have a son?” She looked at me, assessing. “Is it okay with your husband that you are going out tonight?”

  “I don’t have a husband.”

  “Oh.” She smiled apologetically as she raised her shoulders. “Sorry.”

  “Not your fault. What about you?” I could make the conversation about her. She looked like the type to enjoy talking about herself. That should keep her mind off me.

  “Oh, no. No strings, no boyfriend, no husband, no kid.” She shook her head as she drove around the curb, finding the perfect spot to park her convertible. “I enjoy my life as it is.”

  Climbing out, I nervously glanced around as men and women exchanged waves and greetings with Siena. She was popular—something completely expected with her personality. She could easily make a friend out of everyone, and I had the feeling she would make one out of me, for Scott.

  “Just hold on to me and I will introduce you to everyone.” She clung onto my arm and glided smoothly into the club, without having to worry about the bouncer.

  One of the VIP rooms was rented out for the occasion. When we got there, it was already packed with almost everyone from the company. I walked nervously as I looked around, wishing that Scott would really come. This was his scene. For the lack of better judgment today, I began believing I would be more comfortable with him around.

  The neon lights bordering the room shone in different colors, blinking rapidly to mirror the swirling effects on the walls and the floor. The pulsating crowd were already in a tangible trance from the thudding music. The air smelled of musk and sweet scents combined, and it was as suffocating as the smoke off men’s cigarettes. It was loud with the laughter and giggles of flirting men and women, out for a good time.

  “Let’s stay here.” Siena was shouting over the loud music as she led me to one corner, introducing three other people.

  Jenna, another person from Marketing, held out her hand as she was introduced. “Welcome to beer night. So…you are Mister Hot Ass’ secretary.”

  “So I’m told.” I nodded, as I sipped my first margarita.

  “You lucky bitch.” Wendy smiled sarcastically, before taking a sip of her drink.

  Siena giggled and rolled her eyes. “You’ll get used to her.”

  “I’ll bet,” I said wryly, watching the crowd move everywhere. I was used to women like her, from college. If men bothered me because of my virginity, the women tried to make my life a living hell, thinking I was purposely attracting too much attention.

  “You came!” Ethan leaned his hands against our table as everyone shrieked, giggling at how good-looking he was. “I didn’t think you’d come, Kelsey.”

  “Well, you know my powers.” Siena flicked her hair playfully and called on the waitress for another round of drinks. “Some more of these, please.” She circled her manicured fingers around the table and nodded.

  “Oh, Mister Grimaldi!” Jenna sat up as everyone did when Scott approached the table. It was like just the mere sight of him caused sexual tension in the air, dazing all of the women in the club, not just those at the table.

  I breathed a sigh of relief at seeing him, though I made it sure he didn’t notice.

  “Is it all right if I join you?” His voice was deeper than usual.

  He was flirting. He was teasing. Whether it was for the women at the table, I really wasn’t sure, because I thought I saw him fix his eyes on me.

  “Of course, sir!” Siena was using a high-pitched voice, perfect for breaking my eardrums. She scooted over, making Scott sit between us. “We are so glad you came. Have you met Diane, sir?”

  “Yes. I saw her by the bar.” Scott nodded.

  The way he responded to her question made Jenna and Siena bite their lips.

  Ugh! Get a grip, ladies. I should have known this would be Scott’s effect on all the employees. I bet, in no time, he would sleep with one. I could swear it would be tonight.

  Could he get more eye-fucked?

  “Sir, we heard you are planning to return to Europe for a vacation.” Siena started.

  How do they get all this information? I guess I was right to think gossip was something essential in an office. I had better be careful.

  Scott chuckled. His lips curved sexily as his jaw tightened. It was a breathtaking view, something I never seen before. No wonder women found him attractive!

  He sat back on the horseshoe-shaped couch and placed one arm behind me. “Well, it’s not really a vacation. I’m planning to start my own business venture there.”

  “Really? What kind of business?” Jenna rested her chin on the base of her palm.

  Yeah, Scott, what kind of business? I would laugh out loud if I could. How could he even call a casino a business venture? It was just an excuse to get away from all the responsibilities at home and to his family.

  “It is safer not say anything at the moment.”

  “Do you have a girlfriend, sir?” Siena still had a perky smile and her eyes glistened. When Scott cleared his throat, she tensed. “Oh.” She covered her mouth. “I shouldn’t have asked that. Forgive me, sir.”

  “It’s all right. To answer your question, I have none.” He leaned over the table and tried to reach for his martini.

  Siena tapped my shoulder from behind him and pulled me to her. “Do you think he’d mind if I asked him to dance? I’m going to take a shot,” she said, deliberately letting him hear.

  Yes, then shoot yourself after you have sex, because he is never going to call you. “Go.”

  “Sir, is it all right if…we danced?”

  Jenna widened her
eyes in irritation. I’d bet she was about to ask him to dance with her.

  Oh, kill me.

  “Well, if your boyfriend wouldn’t…” Scott replied.

  Siena was rather quick in announcing, “I don’t have a boyfriend, sir.”

  Scott nodded without a word, and then stood. “Are you coming?” He turned to me.

  “No.” I shook my head, irritation building in my chest.

  “Yeah, you are!” Jenna pulled me up and followed Siena and Scott to the dance floor.

  Siena was making sure she brushed all parts of her body up against Scott. She was pulling her hair up constantly, wriggling her hips and swaying exaggeratedly.

  I was stuck with Jenna, while she eyed them jealously. To make it worse, Wendy had to come and join her.

  “I don’t need this,” I murmured as I went back to my seat, watching all four of them have fun.

  Scott was enjoying the attention! He had three women wobbling their worlds about him and willingly giving him what they thought he wanted. He could take them all home, if he pleased.

  Now, this is what you mean by not creating a scandal, Scott? So mature.

  By eight, I already met half of the company employees and had drunk four margaritas. I had been sitting alone for half an hour since they all decided they wanted to go back dancing.

  “Come on, Kelsey!” Siena came over and pulled me up. “Dance!”

  Fine. I guess I was drunk enough to have fun, anyway. Scott couldn’t be a burden while he was having fun on his own. I started dancing, completely avoiding him each time he casually moved near me.

  A pair of hands gently dropped on my shoulders as I held my hands up, swaying to the beat of the inviting music. The hands slowly glided down to hold my waist, trailing down the side of my breasts, and I shivered.

  “Enjoying?” That wasn’t Scott’s voice!

  I jumped and turned to face the man behind the deep, flirting voice. It was Ethan, smiling at me. “Oh. Hi, Ethan.”

  “Hey.” He continued to move, stepping towards me as I stepped cautiously back, masking my disinterest with some dancing. “Where’s Siena?”

  “Ethan!” Siena was drunk. She clashed herself against Ethan and asked him to fetch us some more drinks. That was such a relief!

  I helped her get back to the table and she slumped immediately. How would she be able to drive in her condition?

  “Maybe we should go,” I urged her. “I could drive your car for you.”

  “Don’t be silly! It’s still early.” She waved her hand in my face, hitting my nose lightly. “Besides, that new guy is going to drive me home.” She giggled, pointing at a tall handsome guy from the bar, looking our way as he drank his beer.

  “I thought Mister Grimaldi…” I started. I didn’t think Scott would not grab this opportunity. Unless he would rather go out with Jenna or Wendy…

  “He’s out there, speaking with other people. I don’t know. He’s…he’s not…”

  “Here you go.” Ethan set two glasses on the table. “Margaritas for you both.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Siena took one. I tried to take it from her, but she yanked it away and spilled it all over her mouth and dress.

  This was a mess! And I was supposed to be working with professionals?

  “Siena, damn it!” Wendy stomped her foot and pulled her out of the chair. “Come on. Let’s go wash off.”

  As I watched them go, I drank my margarita and decided that it was the last for the night. Ugh! That was one strong mix.

  “Damn, she’s definitely not a drinker. I really don’t know why we put up with her.” Ethan chuckled, as he slid beside me. He sat extremely close—too close, actually, for a first night out. I had to scoot a little to allow me some space to breathe.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” My breathing hoarsened. I didn’t know if it was just the drink or if I was really seeing Scott rushing through the pulsating crowd towards our table. “I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

  I pushed my way up and ignored Scott calling my name. I rushed to the ladies’ room, stumbling around and passing by Siena and Wendy as they giggled about the new guy.

  After I peed, I realized I was shaking so I held the edge of the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I was feeling dizzier than I thought I would be and was beginning to wonder if something was in that last drink. It was my fifth margarita. I shouldn’t be this drunk, especially if I was used to drinking a few.

  I washed my face and tried to catch my breath. I was feeling really hot all over– cold and hot at the same time. It was great. I felt like I could just go out and make friends with everyone…and kiss everyone.

  What is this?

  “We’ll wait for you at the table, Kelsey,” Wendy said, as they went ahead.

  There was an undeniable tingling sensation in my tummy and in my privates. I resisted the urge to touch myself, but I brushed my inner thighs, giggling, letting out breaths of ecstasy as I did. I pulled my hands away, realizing I must have drunk something to make me feel like this.

  I want…to touch someone.

  I went back to the cubicle and sat on the closed toilet seat, arguing with myself. Should I release myself of this now? I must have unknowingly taken a drug, and if so, it would be a disaster if I went out like this. I had worked in a bar for too long to not know things like this—men putting drugs on women’s drinks—happened. I had been stupid to think I could trust everyone here.

  This was unlike any drug I had heard of before. This was something different. This was making me feel so…so sexy and so vibrantly wanting to be touched.

  “Shit! What is this?” I yelled, as I touched myself.

  “Kelsey!” It was Scott. I heard doors bang open as he yelled my name. Just when I realized I hadn’t locked my door, he found me, panic apparent in his eyes. “Geez, Kelsey!”

  “Don’t touch me.” I pointed a finger at him. This wasn’t just any drug. It was strong, and I was completely turned on. “Don’t you touch me, Scott!”

  “Let’s go home.” He pulled me by the hand, and his warm skin on mine sent me gasping for air. I allowed him to drag me out of the restroom while everyone watched, asking if I was okay.

  “She’s all right. She just needs to get home,” I heard him say beyond the ringing in my ears and my blurry vision of the crowd.

  I was fidgety inside the car. I couldn’t help myself, raggedly breathing and gritting my teeth, as I forced my eyes shut. I pressed my thighs together to deny my own hands an admission. I couldn’t pleasure myself beside him…and not when I was as drunk as this.

  “Did Ethan give you a margarita?” he asked.

  I didn’t answer. I groaned as I threw my head back, arching my body up against my seat belt, as the tingling sensations in my privates heightened. I got wetter and wetter each move I made to brush against his leather car seat. The feeling was pure delight. I could come in no time, but I couldn’t do it in his car.

  He repeated asking me, louder and rougher. “Did he give you a margarita?”

  “Yes!” I snapped at him, mood controlled by my building need, my building desire…almost near to exploding, but too far from being over, so long as I kept stalling its release. “Damn it!” I hissed with gritted teeth. “I can’t…help…”

  “Don’t control it,” he said calmly, as if he knew exactly what was going on. “Don’t try to control it or it will wear you out and make you sick.”

  “What is this?”

  “It’s a sex-inducing pill. Ethan must have gotten a few samplers from the company and kept them for occasions like this. The pill failed. The company never sold it. It’s not safe, but it can serve its purpose. It can drive any person wild, wanting sex for hours.”

  “Hours?” Shit! I can’t…

Just relax and release it.” He said it with so much nonchalance. I couldn’t do this!


  “Release it, damn it!” He yelled at me as he eased the car into the mansion’s driveway. Getting out, he yelled at Leo from the car behind us. “Get some herbal tea ready, but don’t bring it up until I tell you to.”

  He opened my door with force and snatched me right out of my seat.

  “Let go!” I could feel it. I was beginning to want him to touch me, and I couldn’t have that.

  “Stop with the act, Kelsey.” He lifted me over his shoulders and carried me up the stairs. His hands were holding my legs by his chest and I felt my privates rejoicing.

  I didn’t even notice him take me to his room and put me on his bed. I groaned again, wanting to burst to tiny pieces. But no. I didn’t want it here.

  “I need to go to my room.” I struggled up, swaying with each step I took. I could have sworn I had my shoes on just a few minutes ago.

  “No. I need to see the effects.”

  “Like hell you do!” I yelled at him, trying to get out of his room. This was his territory and I was not safe here.

  “I won’t take you like this, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he snapped at me as I leaned against his bedroom wall, hoarsely catching my breath as I pressed my lips together.

  “Please.” I begged him. I couldn’t take this anymore. I need to go. “Leave me.”

  “Hey, hey.” He held both my arms. “Relax. Just relax. I won’t touch you. I won’t, if you don’t want me to.” His voice softened with each word he said, calming me.

  I looked at him as he watched me breathe deeply, standing straight against the wall behind me, the same position we had been in the first time he kissed me. I was lost to everything around but him and the release I had been trying to reach.

  “There. Just calm down.” Slowly, he took a step towards me and propped his hands on either side of my head. His eyes never stopped gazing at me until his forehead leaned against mine. I closed my eyes, anticipating what joy it would be to feel him as I reached my climax. His breathing was as ragged as mine and he pressed himself towards me.


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