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Silent Love

Page 10

by Kenadee Bryant

  As I went back for a water gun, I noticed I was out. Peeking over my shoulder I noticed Luke and Ethan still going at it, leaving me plenty of time to quickly grab the hose and turn the water on. Acting like a spy, I crept over to the hose, turning the knob. I kept my eyes on the two boys, so I wouldn’t be caught. Once I had the knob turned pretty high, I grabbed the hose and started toward them. In that moment I was glad my father decided to buy a huge hose that stretched practically half the length of the backyard.

  Getting closer, I bent the hose so it would build up pressure. Putting it behind my back, I kept my face neutral as I walked toward them. Just as they looked up and saw me and their expressions changed to curiosity, I whipped out the hose and aimed it at Luke first. When I placed my thumb at the tip, the water sprayed out fast toward him. Luke didn’t have time to move away as he got hit with the water. Before Ethan could come at me, I turned the water on him as I ran toward him.

  The hose dragged along behind me as I ran. I hit my mark on Ethan’s surprised face. I was way past my territory, but I didn’t care. The moment I pulled out the hose, the rules vanished.

  “Hey cheater!” Luke yelled over at him, squirting me with his gun.

  “We didn’t say we couldn’t use the hose.” I sent them both a Cheshire grin. Laughing like a maniac, I switched between spraying them. I quickly glanced down to bend the hose again. By the time I was done, which wasn’t long at all, both of them were barreling toward me at high speed. I stared, wide-eyed, my hand losing its grip on bending the hose.

  “Get her!” Luke’s war cry hit me. Knowing what would happen to me if they caught me, I turned and started to run. I ran around the backyard as they chased me. I somehow still had the hose in my hand as I ran. I looked over my shoulder to see Ethan gaining on me. Damn, I should have known I couldn’t outrun the school’s best running back.

  Taking a hard right turn, I headed back the way I came, toward the house. Ethan’s footsteps could be heard behind me, as he was now on my butt.

  “No, leave me alone!” I yelled over my shoulder. I could hear his chuckle, and the next thing I knew, an arm was wrapped around my waist. With the hose at our feet, the water splashed up on us. I lost my footing, as did Ethan. Suddenly, we were falling backwards.

  Ethan’s back hit the wet ground a second before my back hit hard against his chest. I heard his grunt as I groaned. It felt like the air had been knocked right out of me. We both groaned but stayed where we were. I finally realized that I was squishing Ethan. I rolled over onto the ground beside him.

  Turning my head, I looked at him. His brown hair, which was starting to get streaks of blond from the sun, was dark and dripping with water. It stuck to his forehead, and his cheeks were red. Seeing him laying sprawled out on the grass almost made him look like he was posing for a picture. The waistband of his underwear showed above his athletic shorts He looked back at me, his blue-green eyes staring into my plain blue ones. We continued to stare at one another for a minute, completely silent.

  “Hey, you guys okay?” Luke asked as he came to a stop above us. Shielding my eyes, I looked at him. I felt angry that he interrupted my moment with Ethan. Not like anything would have happened, but I felt the tension between us.

  “I’m good,” Ethan said jumping up instantly. The moment was gone. Sighing, I nodded, extending my hand out for Luke to take.

  “Well that was fun,” I commented.

  “Yeah, it was…cheater!” Luke said, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “I am not!” I defended.

  “Yes you are. You aren’t supposed to use to the hose it was a water gun fight, not hose fight.”

  “We didn’t say we couldn’t use it.”

  “It is an unwritten rule!” I rolled my eyes at both boys as they kept talking about how I cheated. While they talked, I pulled my wet white shirt that was sticking to my body. The shirt was now down to my thighs as it grew from the water. From head to toe I was soaked. My long brown hair was slipping out of my ponytail and sticking to my face.

  When I glanced at the other two, I realized they didn’t look as bad as I did. But that was because they didn’t have shirts on, only shorts. Water dripped off their hair and onto their faces.

  “What is going on?” My mother’s voice suddenly rang out through the backyard. We all snapped up to look, where my mom stood by the door leading inside. She raised her eyebrows at us. The three of us glanced at one another before looking back at her.

  “Ah, nothing,” Luke said.

  “You three are going to be the death of me.” She shook her head at me, but she was smiling. “Just make sure to clean up the hose and the water guns, okay?” With that, she turned and headed back inside. We all turned to each other before we broke apart laughing.

  That was such a great day. When I told Macey about it afterwards she was jealous we had a water fight without her, but let it go a minute later when she brought up shirtless Ethan. Like the weirdo I was to this day, I still get butterflies at the memory.

  Needing to get out and clear my head of Ethan-related thoughts, I headed to my room to change. Plus, the nice weather wasn’t going to stick around for much longer. I changed into a pair of worn out black jeans, an old Mountain Dew shirt, and black Converse. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail before grabbing my bag filled with my art supplies, my purse, and my camera. Locking the door behind me, I headed out of the dorm building.

  I walked around for a little while breathing in the air. Students walked to and from classes. As I walked around, I lifted my camera taking photos of trees, the clouds, even the front of 95 Degrees. I smiled as I watched a couple walk hand in hand toward a building grinning widely at one another.

  Going over to an empty table, I set my stuff down before focusing on my camera. Even the simplest of things could hold beauty. Not one thing was simple or ugly; everything and everyone were unique in their own way. That was the best thing about having a camera: you could always see the light side of the thing you were observing. I continued snapping random photos. I knew I shouldn’t have, but I took one of another cute couple who were walking my way. The girl’s bright red hair swung as she threw her head back, laughing at something her boyfriend said. Freckles dotted her face and her grin was like the sun. The look her boyfriend sent her as she laughed made my heart ache at the sight.

  The photo I snapped of them was perfect and as I stared down at it, I wanted to grab the couple and show them. The lighting was perfect, creating an almost halo-like effect around the girl’s head. Glancing up from the picture I saw the couple had stopped to talk to someone. In a split second I was up and walking toward them. Why I felt the need to show them, I didn’t know. For all I knew, they could get really pissed at me.

  “Excuse me,” I said as I stood behind them. The person they were talking to walked off, so they were not facing me.

  “Yes?” the guy asked.

  “I know this is really random and there is a slight chance you will be mad, but I wanted to show you this,” I explained quickly. When they continued to stare at me blankly, I tilted my camera to face them, their picture on the screen.

  “You took this?” the girl asked, looking back at me.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry for taking it but I couldn’t help it, and I just had to show you,” I said softly. Silently I prayed that they wouldn’t start yelling.

  “It is beautiful.” The girl breathed out. “You are a great photographer.” I blushed at the compliment.

  “Thank you. Sorry for interrupting you.”

  “It’s no problem. Could we actually, I mean, could you maybe send that to me?” she asked, looking at me hopefully. I had never had someone ask me that. Well, I had never really showed anyone the photos I take.

  “I-I…sure. I can email it or send it through text,” I offered, still surprised.

  “That would be great! Here.” The girl fumbled in her bag for a piece of paper and a pen.

  “You should take pictures for people as a side job,” the
girl’s boyfriend said suddenly.


  “Yeah, you definitely should. You could even have people hire you for dates to take pictures.” He laughed. That actually didn’t sound like a bad idea. It would be slightly awkward following around a couple like a third wheel, taking pictures of them, but it’d be worth it if they paid.

  “Here you go. My name is Sarah,” the girl said, handing me a paper with her email and number.

  “I’m Carter.” I smiled at her.

  “We really have to go to class, but thank you for stopping us to show us that picture. It is beautiful.” I stood there like an idiot, smiling as they said their goodbyes quickly before walking off. Wow, that was a first. Seeing their reaction made me glad I decided to show them. Placing the piece of paper in my pocket, I headed back to the table I’d been sitting at previously.

  After spending some time taking pictures, I set my camera down before taking out my sketch pad. When I flipped it open, it landed on the half sketch that I started yesterday of a guy. Not even caring about the time anymore, I got everything out that I needed before settling in to draw. I was so in the zone that all the noise around me faded into the background. My hand seemed to move on its own as I finished the outline and started filling it in with colors.

  Focusing so hard on my drawing I didn’t realize someone had sat down beside me until a hand landed on my shoulder. Letting out a small shriek, I gripped my pencil whirling around to face whoever it was. My pencil tip was facing the person, almost like a weapon.

  “Woah, sorry, Carter. I didn’t mean to scare you,” a familiar voice said. Sitting next to me was a wide-eyed Dylan, with his hands out in front of him. I let out a breath and placed my hand over my heart.

  “You scared the shit out of me, Dylan,” I muttered setting my pencil down.

  “Sorry, I thought you heard me. I wasn’t exactly quiet.” He put his hands down on the table and flashed a grin.

  “Sorry, I was just focused on drawing.” I looked at my paper and saw it was almost finished; the last thing that needed to be done was the face, but I knew who I had drawn. The jacket gave it away. It was Gage. Why had I drawn him?

  “That’s okay. What are you…” Dylan trailed off as he looked at my drawing. “Woah, that is incredible. It looks almost real.” I caught a hint of awe in his tone.

  “Thanks. I mean, it isn’t finished yet.” I rubbed my arm, sending him a small smile.

  “Well, it’s great. You’ll have to draw me sometime.” He looked at me, his hazel eyes flashing in excitement. He almost looked like a little puppy.

  “That would be cool to do.” Dylan opened his mouth to answer when his phone rang.

  “Sorry, one second.” He held his finger up to me. “Hey man. I’m over by 95 Degrees. I have someone I want you to meet,” he said to whoever he was talking to on the phone.

  “No, it is not. She is my friend.” I hid my grin at that. I barely met him yesterday.

  “Just come over here, dumbass,” he said into the phone. Whoever he was talking to must have said something to him, but all he did was roll his eyes. Without saying anything else, he hung up.

  “Sorry, that was my friend. He will be here in a minute. Warning, though: he can be an ass at first, but he is a good guy.” He must be because I couldn’t see Dylan hanging out with someone who wasn’t. “I think you guys will like each other.”

  As he talked I turned back to my drawing and stared at it. Even without the face, I had captured Gage’s outfit from when we first met. I was itching to finish the face, to see if it looked as good as his in person.

  “Anyways.” I tuned back in to Dylan. “What are you doing here alone?”

  “Just getting some air. Don’t have class today.” I shrugged.

  “Me neither! We are definitely going to be hanging out together. We can, like, paint each other’s nails, do our hair, and talk about boys!” he said in a high-pitched girly voice, flipping his nonexistent long hair. I laughed at him.

  “Totally, and we can, like, wear slutty clothes too!”

  “As long as it is pink. I don’t do anything else but that, oh, and high heels.” I tried to keep a straight face at his girly voice, but I lost it. Something about Dylan made everything he said funny. I was glad he was maybe going to be someone I could hang out with besides Macey. He seemed like he would be a good friend.

  “We are going to have fun.” Dylan smiled at me.

  “Well then I can’t wait.” I smiled back.

  “Already flirting with her, Dylan? Could you at least wait a few minutes?” a new voice said. I had my back turned to the whoever spoke, but I instantly froze knowing that voice. It couldn’t be. Dylan couldn’t be friends with him. They were complete opposites. Dylan was nice and funny while he was a jerk and conceited. Taking a deep breath, I turned on the bench to face him.

  “You!” we both said at the same time.

  Chapter Eight

  I narrowed my eyes at Gage, who in turned glared back at me. He was the friend Dylan had talked about and had run off to yesterday.

  “Wait, you two know each other?” Dylan asked beside me.

  “Unfortunately,” Gage said, keeping his eyes on me. At his words I glared harder at him.

  “I wasn’t the one being an ass,” I bit out.

  “You came onto me.”

  “I did not! I was thanking you, not trying to sleep with you.” I curled my lip at him.

  “It didn’t seem like that,” Gage said, taking a step toward me. I had to crane my neck up to look at his face. His face looked a lot better, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had some kind of salve for his cuts and bruises. Not replying, I took that moment to look at him fully.

  Gone was his hoodie, and a black t-shirt hugged his upper body in its place. Muscular arms that I didn’t know were under his hoodie were now stretching the armholes of his shirt. Although he was fit and probably had abs under his shirt, you could practically see them through the fabric. Other than that, he wasn’t over muscular. He didn’t look like some of those guys who work out every day and take steroids just to look cool. I noticed what looked like a tattoo peeking out from under his t-shirt. My gaze traveled lower to his low-hung blue jeans. My eyes widened a fraction when I saw he had black Converse on as well. I looked up at his face taking in his bruises. His brown hair was styled in a messy but sexy look.

  “Are you done checking me out yet?” I blinked stupidly. “Dylan, get your ‘friend’ to stop staring at me like a freak.” He put emphasis on the word friend, almost as if the term disgusted him.

  “My name is Carter.”

  “I don’t care,” he shot back at me. “Dylan, let’s go.”

  “No, you can’t take my friend away.” I emphasized the word friend the same way Gage had.

  “He isn’t your friend.”

  “Yes, he is. He is hanging out with me,” I stated, folding my arms over my chest.

  “He doesn’t even know you, princess.” We argued back and forth like a couple of three-year-olds. After everything Gage said he took a step closer to me, until we were almost toe to toe. “Unless you want to sleep with him as well.” At that I felt my blood boil. Who does he think he is?

  “Woah, guys! I’m not just a piece of meat you can just toss around,” Dylan said, interrupting us. “I know I am very sexy and likeable, but you have to at least take me out on a date first.” I turned to him, biting back a smile, cooling off a little bit.

  Dylan was looking at both of us shaking his head. There was a small smirk on his face, and his hazel eyes were sparkling in amusement.

  “Gage, remember I like to be taken out first before you give me those fuck-me eyes.” I choked back on laughter that was trying to burst free. Gage’s glare and frown deepened even more as he stared at his best friend. Dylan didn’t even look fazed at Gage’s look, but if it were anybody else they would be shitting themselves.

  Dylan’s smirk widened while I grinned at him. He clearly wasn’t frighten
ed of Gage. I could tell these two had been friends for a while. Even at that comment I knew Gage wasn’t as pissed off as he seemed. As they continued to stare at one another, I felt like I was intruding on a private moment between the two. It was like they were talking in each other’s minds.

  “Um, do you guys want me to leave you alone so you can continue with your private stares? I’m not a huge fan at being a third wheel,” I said. It seemed they didn’t hear me, or were ignoring me. “Hey love birds!” I snapped my fingers between their faces. “Do you want me to leave you alone so you can continue with your secretive looks?”

  That did it. Dylan grinned over at me while Gage threw me a scowl. I grinned trying to wiggle my eyebrows, but by the look of Dylan’s laughter and Gage’s unimpressed expression, I wasn’t doing a good job.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” Gage said.

  “Why? I think I can do it perfectly, see?” I did it again.

  “Dylan, come on. We have to go.”

  “Oh, tired of me intruding on your ‘private time’? I can just turn around if you’d like.” I acted nonchalant.

  “Stop insinuating that Dylan and I are together,” Gage gritted out.

  “What? Am I not good enough for you?” Dylan exclaimed, sending his friend a hurt look. He put a hand to his heart dramatically.

  “We are not going through this again.”

  I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. I clenched the side of the table.

  “Y-You’ve been through this before?” I wheezed out. “Dylan, I love you.”

  “Of course you do,” Gage muttered. It took me a minute to stop laughing and when I did, I had to wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “Sorry. I’m okay now.” I smiled over at Dylan who was grinning back at me. Yeah, this was going to be a start of a good friendship.

  “Whatever. Dylan, let’s go.” He adjusted the strap of his backpack, which I didn’t even notice before.

  “Where are you guys going?” I asked before I could stop myself.


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