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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 4

by Debbie Behan

  Rory nodded. ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Well, did he say it was close to the other team’s farm? I mean if we did have down time it would make sense to hang out and have some fun with others like us. You know, so we don’t get bored way out in the middle of Timbuktu.’

  ‘That’s if we like them,’ Zeke added.

  ‘Of course we will like them, they are super human like us. Imagine the rivalry. And yes sis, Axon said it’s nearby, in outback Western Australia. Not close but near enough in case we need assistance.’

  Caitlin leant towards Lisha. ‘Don’t forget Rory told us the property has a lake for fishing and swimming, provisions for camping, four-wheel driving, trail bike riding and at the back somewhere a canyon with chilled water for those stinking hot days. All right up your alley.’

  ‘So I guess we can get ready for a trip to Australia. What do you say?’ Lisha was suddenly full of smiles. ‘Yes, I think I like the idea of the outback already! Sunsets, swimming and never having to work in an office again.’

  ‘Ditto, me too!’ Bree added, ‘how exciting not going into the office in the morning.’

  ‘Come on guys. This is not a vote on living the good life. Don’t vote yes because you think it’s going to be one big party.’ Rory sounded frustrated with their concentration on the fun and not the duty.

  It was a couple of hours later before they were all in agreement to give it a go. The way they looked at it was if they became Riders it would be dangerous, and they could die protecting the planet. On the other hand, after hearing about the conflicts going on up there, to do nothing meant the Earth would be doomed. In that case, they would all die anyway. In the end, there was only one decision; to go with Axon and see where it took them.

  Chapter Three

  The Best of the Best

  At the shopping centre near the airport, it was a buzz of excitement as they ducked in and out of the speciality shops, each buying a couple of changes of clothing. Axon gave them access to his credit card. Caitlin and the girls may have taken advantage of his kindness and over-indulged just a tad on big name designer clothes. They added a couple of pairs each of chic shoes, luxurious silk lingerie and French Guerlain fragrances and makeup, items they couldn’t ordinarily afford. Giggling like schoolgirls, Caitlin, Bree and Lisha ran up the steps ahead of the men and onto the private jet, still energised from their shopping splurge. The men shook their heads, wondering who these women they thought they knew were. Laughing at the mess they had already made as they buckled up, the girls sifted through their items, already swapping, mixing and matching.

  Caitlin was her usual bubbly chatty self and joked with everyone the whole trip. It made the time go a bit quicker and only towards the end of the journey did she plonk herself down and decide to watch a movie.

  Rory spoke quietly. ‘At last, we’ve worn her out. I thought she’d never give us any peace,’ he said, putting his arm around Bree and resting back against the seat.

  Caitlin heard him and couldn’t resist one more annoying jab. Getting up, she jumped on his lap and gave him a last hug. His patience running out, he growled, sending her into a fit of laughter and back to her seat.

  ‘Little pest.’ He chuckled.

  She knew he loved every minute of her antics. Getting comfortable and pressing in the earplugs, she turned up the sound, happy that even though Rory had a girlfriend, he was still her mate. Relaxing, she felt one of the guys sit beside her and leant into him. It was Zeke, and even though Caitlin adored him, she so wished it were Axon. Her eyes closed dreamily. If it were Axon, she would want to stay wrapped in his arms forever.

  Upon landing, they were bustled into a stretch four-wheel drive. A couple of hours into the trip, Caitlin had never seen such vastness, straight roads, or the red dust that blew up and around the car. It intrigued her.

  ‘How did everything get so red?’ She stuck her nose against the window, squinting to see outside the dirty glass. Tumbleweeds rumbled over red dirt before snagging on a black stump that sprouted soft green fern at the top. Tall mounds of dirt piled high in cone shapes had her curious, but it was the trees that sported gaping holes in them, the low lying branches giving refuge from the sun to a furry animal, that made her smile. With his big long tail that supported an upright body, the light brown furry bush dweller used his small paws to clean his face and ears. It looked adorable. Yes, I’m going to enjoy learning about this new country and this land of mystery. Rory was about to enlighten her on what she saw when her hand went up.

  ‘No, no! Please, let me experience it like this. When we have time to stop and touch and feel, tell me then. I so love this experience.’ She squirmed in her seat, other animals catching her attention.

  Rory shrugged. ‘Little Miss independent that doesn’t need me anymore.’

  She ignored him, knowing he understood. In her time with Rory, she had to learn much and quickly. He was aware of her need to experience some things alone and would be her mentor when questions emerged.

  * * * *

  The sounds of tyres sliding on gravel as they pulled up stopped the chatter as they peered out the window.

  ‘We’re here!’ Axon switched off the engine and turned to them. ‘Time to meet some real-life heroes.’ He gestured towards the other group they were about to meet. ‘The two arm-in-arm are Kayden and Cassie. To the left, the tall one with the red hair is Woody, Kayden’s right-hand man. The two on the right with the blond hair are brothers; Jason is the tall one, and the other is Ethan. The one coming towards us with the shaved head and tattoos is Conor.’

  ‘He is so cute,’ Bree whispered, getting a sharp look from Rory.

  ‘He is to die for,’ Lisha gushed and actually blushed.

  Caitlin slapped them playfully. ‘Shush! We have to act tough and mysterious. No gooing and aring like gushy girls or these boys are going to eat us up for breakfast.’

  Conor opened the door for them.

  After the introductions, the new boss and Rory disappeared into the stables with Kayden. The others remained out in the dusty, scorching midday sun, with a threatening-looking Woody, Jason, Conor, and Ethan looming over them. They didn’t look friendly, maybe not happy they had to share their secrets. It was a welcoming gesture when Cassie came from behind and threw her arm around Caitlin.

  ‘How about us four girls head inside and leave the boys to get to know each other. Too much testosterone going on here for my liking.’ She sounded pleasant and they happily followed.

  Caitlin looked back once on the porch. To break the tension, the men were doing what all men do, testing each other. Conor led them to the horse enclosure. It looked as if Zeke and Nate were going on a ride, bareback, and most likely end up in a race. There had to be a winner, always. Men! Her lips parted in a smile as she watched them for a few seconds.

  Cassie saw her lag behind, watching the men. ‘They’ll be just fine.’ She grabbed Caitlin’s hand, dragging her inside. ‘Come! Let me introduce you to Woody and Jason’s wives.

  ‘Caitlin, Bree and Lisha, this is Sonia, Jason’s wife.’ She smiled at a honey-haired woman. ‘And, this is Ella, Woody’s wife.’ She nudged a tall, well-dressed stunner that reminded Cassie immediately of Lisha.

  Caitlin was amazed to find that Sonia and Ella were not like them, they were mortal women. The love they shared with their husbands must have been something special to be entrusted with the Cloud Rider secrets. So mere mortals could be trusted. Up until now, she was sure they were destined never to find real love because they were abnormal, born freaks of nature, but meeting others like them changed everything. Here in this outback, far from where they once lived, they had found a group just like them who had bent the rules. Caitlin felt she was floating; all the recent events were so surreal. Blinking, she pulled it together to tune into the conversation, still unsure how being married to mortals would work. They grow old. She checked out both wom
en. The age lines were already appearing, the grey becoming apparent with the regrowth of Sonia’s hair.

  ‘How are you finding the heat?’ Ella eyed her curiously, looking as interested in her as she was in them.

  Caitlin lifted her hand, and fanned her face, her usually pale complexion flushed. ‘I don’t know how you survive in this heat. I can hardly breathe.’ She flopped down at the table where Cassie had poured out iced tea for them. ‘Thanks.’ She lifted the cup and gulped down half.

  Ella laughed. ‘This is only a moderately warm day, sugar.’ She sat beside her and placed a gentle hand on hers and pulled it away with surprise. Her gaze focused on Caitlin’s hand. ‘Okay, this may sound, Little-Red-Riding-Hood here, but, what soft skin you have.’ With that, Cassie and Sonia had to feel her skin too.

  Bree chuckled at the response she always received. ‘I’m sure she uses some strange herb to keep it that way to get attention. Actually searched her apartment once but found nothing. Won’t tell me her secret but with luck, you ladies can get her to spill the beans.’

  Evoking a response, her companions sat riveted waiting to hear Caitlin’s story, but she merely shrugged her shoulders. ‘Nothing to tell. Maybe it’s because I don’t do dishes. I love take-out too much.’ She changed the subject.

  * * * *

  Some time later, Woody interrupted them. His frame filled the entire doorway and the top of his head just cleared the opening height. ‘Kayden wants both teams assembled immediately.’ He turned to leave and then reconsidered. ‘Oh! And for the newbies, get a wriggle on, trust me when I say, K does not like to be kept waiting.’

  A shuffle of chairs had four of the women on their feet. Ella and Sonia stayed seated and glanced at each other with a look of here-we-go-again.

  ‘Ladies!’ Cassie gestured for Caitlin, Bree and Lisha to follow her.

  Out in the barn, Caitlin grabbed at Bree’s hand as the platform they stood on began to descend, causing her to lose balance. ‘Shyte.’ She leant against her friend, and the two of them chuckled, not expecting the movement. ‘Cassie!’ Caitlin cheekily slapped her lightly for not telling them.

  Caitlin noted Lisha showed no emotion, as she had nerves of steel. The movement of the lift wouldn’t have worried her. She also saw how well Lisha mingled with Cassie and the other two women inside. It was as if she had been here before and loved it, and fitted in perfectly. Hadn’t put a foot wrong. Caitlin had never remembered a time when Lisha had just ‘fitted in’! She generally took time to settle into new surroundings before making friends.

  The platform stopped with a thud. The girls gave another loud squeal and giggled together before they turned to a seriously cool room of wall to floor screens. The excitement of all this oddness was short-lived as they realised all eyes were on them and they looked into unimpressed, stern faces. They stood quietly taking in the hi-tech paraphernalia and possibilities of what it would show them.

  ‘What the …!’ Caitlin’s eyes finally rested on the table the men sat around. It was lit up with some kind of sky mapping chart. Astrologers’ dream table.

  ‘Welcome ladies.’ Kayden’s hand moved in a circle, his tone very official. ‘This is our headquarters – come, join us.’

  In awe, Caitlin followed Cassie. They headed to the table where the men sat, and she collapsed into the chair Axon had pulled out for her. Kayden waited for them to be seated before he continued. ‘As you are all aware, I am the leader of this elite group and have been given the task, along with my men, to firstly evaluate each of your powers and secondly to decide if you are worthy of becoming Axon’s new team. I command respect at all times, as Axon will when he takes you from here. There will be no more girlie behaviour, and nor will I tolerate insubordinate behaviour in the Satellite room. Cassie, I will rely on you to keep your new friends in line and poor behaviour such as that just displayed is to cease. Understood?’

  ‘Bully!’ Caitlin coughed the words.

  Axon looked up from what he was doing, his urge to discipline her obvious.

  Immediately upon seeing Axon’s annoyed expression, Rory responded, jumping to her defence and looking after his team member. ‘Excuse Caitlin, she has been sick and has a terrible cough.’ Rory eyed Caitlin, giving a look that only he could give, which told her she was pushing it. A wink from her made him smile. They never did talk much with words as they both knew each other so well. It was her way of telling him she would behave, for him.

  Her attention turned back on Kayden who looked like a hard nut to crack. She was unsure if she liked him as he seemed to have some major command issues. If Rory acted like him, I’d be putting a stop to that grumpy arse attitude.

  Rory rolled his eyes at her concentration. If Kayden didn’t turn from her soon she would surely say something smart and get into more trouble, he could see it clearly. He directed the commander’s attention back to him to disrupt the eye contact between the two. ‘So what’s going on here now, Kayden?’

  The commander’s eyes swept to the location and he started talking Rory through the sequences to pinpoint the blinking problem. Caitlin suddenly felt suitably impressed with Kayden’s teaching skills. Rory was picking up the technical side of it quickly. Maybe Kayden isn’t so bad after all.

  Once the images of the star systems they needed to view were up on the screens, Kayden focused back on the group.

  ‘Before I start, I must clear something up. For the team that has just arrived, I have linked you to me. This means I can hear all. I have also connected you magically to the members of my team by whom you will be monitored after exchanging powers.’ He glared at Caitlin and watched her colour redden as she realised he had heard all her insults.

  ‘Caitlin, I am glad you have decided to tone down your view of me. I don’t need you to like me, but if I am to train you, I do need your undivided attention and loyalty to the mission.’

  ‘Kayden, um I mean Commander, aw hell! You got me right and proper. I had no idea you could hear! Hope you can accept my apology, no more mucking up.’ She held her hand up in a submissive gesture. ‘Promise!’

  ‘I doubt you can keep that promise Caitlin, but thank you for giving me your word to try.’

  How does he know me so well? She concentrated on her hands, before looking back up, this time to a different Kayden, his smile amused. The rest of his team cracked up laughing.

  ‘There’s always one in every group, boss. Damn if it isn’t the redhead. And I put my money on the blonde.’ Woody gestured towards Lisha.

  The meeting now underway, Kayden toned down the tough guy act. When he did, he noticed, Caitlin became a keen student. Her excitement grew when realising they were going on a real mission with the Cloud Riders.

  ‘You mean we’re going up tonight, visiting the Teapot?’ She slapped hands with Bree and Lisha. ‘Man, you got to be kidding us! Wahoo!’ She didn’t care if her outburst was disciplined. ‘This is one party I’m not missing.’

  ‘Cait!’ Rory’s tone was firm enough to settle her down. ‘We’re all excited, but let Kayden finish, or we’ll never get there.’

  Caitlin gave him the happiest grin as she sat down quietly again. Kayden saw how well Rory handled Cait and, pleased, gave Axon a nod of approval.

  ‘Now, while I have quiet I’ll enlighten you on why we have been sent to this particular part of the sky.’ He pointed at two flanking constellations each side of the Teapot. ‘Who wants to tell our new members the story of Altar and Lyra?’ He eyed his group.

  ‘I love this story,’ Cassie put her hand up and when she got the okay, kept her attention on the girls. ‘Prince Riatla lives in the Home World, Altair. His bride, Princess Aryl lives on the other side of the Milky Way in the Home World, Lyra.’

  ‘Seriously!’ Caitlin had eyes wide. ‘Why don’t they live together?’

  Cassie grinned. ‘Here’s the thing. Their love was forbidden so without parental permi
ssion, they eloped. When the bride’s father found out, he was furious and banished them to their own Home Worlds, separated by the Milky Way. After much negotiation, the King gave in but had a stipulation. They were only permitted to meet on the seventh day of the seventh moon and here’s the sticking point, he had their transporting powers revoked.’

  ‘So they can never see each other?’ Bree looked devastated for them.

  ‘Up until now, their saviours were birds, flocks of magpies have faithfully flown to their rescue and on that day, link together to form a bridge for the pair to walk across so they can unite.’

  ‘Awww, that’s so lovely.’ Bree grinned and high fived Caitlin who had enjoyed the story too.

  Kayden intervened, ‘but that has now changed.’

  Cassie leant forward. ‘Really, what’s going on?’

  ‘Over centuries, the feathers have worn off the birds’ heads. They have rebelled, refusing to help the lovers in their quest to be together. With a heavy heart, Prince Riatla has persuaded the Ruler of Altair and the Ruler of Lyra to help them be together by making a gap in the Milky Way. The opening will cause an electromagnetic force that will pull them close so they can be together forever.’

  Kayden stopped, and changed the settings to show the supernova heading towards the constellations. ‘Their weapon of choice, a deployed white dwarf supernova, will explode right in the middle of the Milky Way. The blast will not only clear a path through the Milky Way, but will hit the constellation Sagittarius; in particular, the Home World of the Teapot that resides within this constellation. The damage is unpredictable for any Home Worlds in the vicinity; with the worst case scenario being the total annihilation of one or more stars in these constellations.’

  Woody squinted as he studied the schematic. ‘The Prince could take out his own Home World as well as his bride’s, the fool. Check this out, K.’ Woody touched a couple of keys on the board and shook his head. ‘That white dwarf looks unpredictable; the flares are shooting from it way too erratically. If the thing goes ballistic and detonates at this angle, K, they’re all goners.’


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