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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 27

by Debbie Behan

  ‘And you and him. You are at war.’

  ‘So are we. Glow, I haven’t got all the answers, but for you, I am willing to try with Axon.’

  She gave him a weak smile. ‘You will.’

  He nodded and shook his head, his expression amused. ‘To have you smile again like that and to me of all people – yes. I give you my word.’

  ‘You know I love your planet, but what about Melita? Won’t she mind us being there? She may side with the rest of your family.’

  ‘No, I told her everything. She knows who you are now and would never disclose your identity. She loves me too much to get me into trouble with my family. I told her you helped me build a new world for her and she’s chuffed you cared so much. You were right. She has come back to me with so much love it blows me away. I have a happy wife now, and I have you to thank for it.’ He laid her back on the bed. ‘Stay here and rest. I’ll go and talk to Melita and Axon. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll see what I can do. It has to be up to our partners now. We both know this is out of our hands if they say no.’

  She felt for his hand. It was big, warm and wrapped gently around hers. ‘You’re a good friend Jett.’ Her voice was tired as she closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  She woke being lifted by Axon’s loving hands and turned her head to see Jett had his arm around her man, ready to transport them all. She smiled, closed her eyes again and knew she had won. Axon and Jett had worked out an agreement, and even though it was because of her, at least they were on talking terms and in time, who knew. She had done her best for Jett to be allowed in her life too. Her job now done as the mediator the universe had instructed her to be, it was time for her to live again. She could feel her body heat up, not with the Cosmic Riders’ magic this time, but sent from higher above. She shone brightly, and when they got her to the cabin, Axon laid her down where they both watched her body as it glowed.

  At last Caitlin understood as the power from the heavens healed her broken body with a message attached. A job well was done, and your reward is time out with a man who with just one kiss, stole your heart.

  The gift of time alone with the man she loved and being here on Pluto with the other man she wanted in her life now, lit her up more.

  ‘Are you sure she’s not an angel?’ Jett turned to Axon.

  Axon, barely able to take his eyes from her, shrugged. ‘If she is, she’s our angel. She’s healing herself for both of us. I can feel her love.’

  ‘Me too! It’s such an incredible sensation.’ Jett touched her face, and Axon could now see the love he had for her. He wasn’t going to be a threat any longer. His love may once have been filled with lust, this Axon would never know, but it was not that sort of passion or hunger now. He could see Jett clearly. Hades was gone and the love in those eyes was not just affection but much more, a soul connection, a friendship that was eternal. How had this happened? He was floored.

  Jett ran his hand over her forehead. ‘Rest sweet angel, for now, it’s time for the teacher to be taught.’

  He turned to Axon. ‘When you’re ready, buzz the intercom, and I’ll have a meal sent up. Maybe tomorrow if she feels up to it you can both join Melita and me for a tour of the grounds? Come and see what Glow helped create?’

  Axon had been so angry and jealous when arriving on Pluto. What was accomplished did not interest him nor did he want to talk about how happy she made Jett. It infuriated him more at the time. ‘On the last visit, neither of us even thought about what she achieved, only what it caused.’

  ‘Yes! Be thankful the Underworld is full.’

  ‘And you – that I held back!’

  ‘For Glow – we shook on it!’ Hades rolled the words off like thunder.

  ‘For Cait.’ Axon cooled his temper as they both eyed her. He gave in. ‘We would love to join you both, and I’m sure Cait will be more than okay by tomorrow.’ Axon shook the calmer extended hand of Hades.

  * * * *

  Caitlin slept a long time and when she woke it was to Axon, and they were alone. He knelt beside her and kissed her. ‘Your lips are so soft and delicate, you taste divine.’

  She had missed him terribly and shuddered with joy as he gathered her tenderly in his arms. His mouth claimed hers again, and in her vulnerable state, she knew if she didn’t stop him, he would take her as his own. His hand moved unthinkingly down her neck and over the hardened nipples, and he moaned. With the same slow gentleness, he let it slide further to a place she had dreamed him to be, but she was not giving in so easily. His impatience pleased her. He wants me finally! She stiffened, her eyes snapped open, and she grabbed his hand. ‘We can’t.’

  ‘We can’t,’ he mimicked her and smiled, before his lips moved to suckle on her neck and earlobe. ‘Are you sure?’ His voice was dreamily seductive as his hand moved again to where it wanted to be.

  She pushed at his chest. ‘Axon, we have spoken about this.’

  ‘I know, I know.’ His voice was still relaxed, soft. ‘So you’ve said, you save yourself, but that was then, you’ve had experience now. Let me show you who the greater lover is.’

  Her hand moved fast and swiped the side of his face. ‘Take a shower Mr.’ She rolled away from him and sat with her arms wrapped around her legs.

  He rubbed his stinging cheek. ‘Caitlin, are you for real? Stop the act. I believed you when you said nothing happened with you and Jett but for you not to want me sexually has me wondering if you were just pulling the wool over my eyes. I mean let’s be real, nobody sleeps within the realms of a god’s lair and walks away with such a friendship as you two have, well without being intimate at some stage.’ He sounded his usual bullying self. His arms went out to her, pleading. ‘Come back here gorgeous, I promise I will respect you in the morning.’

  She threw a pillow at him. ‘Is that what you say to your lovers? Hell, Axon, no wonder you’re still a bachelor. Now it’s my turn, are you for real?’

  His glare was sulky; he was unsure what else he needed to do to have this woman in his bed.

  ‘I love you, isn’t that enough?’

  She chuckled and stood up. ‘You have so much to learn before we consummate our love.’ She started to shed her clothes as she walked into the spa room, and Axon followed, unable to be further than a metre from her. Naked, she stepped into the hot spa that bubbled up when the sensors felt a presence. Axon quickly removed his clothes and climbed in beside her. His bare nearness excited her, but if he really wanted her as much as she did him, she wanted commitment, loyalty and long-lasting love. To let him have his own way so easily meant Axon might discard her as he had many others over his time. No, she would keep him on edge, wanting yet just out of reach until the day he said, I do.

  He moved up beside her. She was a tease, but she was his tormenter, and even though it drove him insane, he intended to wait for her and never give up.

  ‘So you want the whole deal, the ring, and the works.’ His tone was sexy and alluring.

  She took in a deep breath and smiled. ‘Even they won’t seal the deal if you keep accusing me of being promiscuous.’

  ‘So, you still hold those mixed up good values you believed in.’

  She splashed him. ‘You should know me well enough not to even have to ask that.’

  ‘Then marry me and allow me to protect your ethics for eternity.’ He lowered his mouth to hers, taking her in; her sweetness and the gift of her confirmed innocence made her taste all the more delicious. She held him at arm’s length and her face broke into a smile. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Say again?’ He grinned from ear to ear.

  ‘I said Yes! Yes, yes, yes.’ She wrapped her arms around him. ‘You are who I have wanted since our very first kiss. You are who I want to spend my forever with.’

  ‘You will… I am!’ The water parted, spraying droplets everywhere as he punched the air with excitement. When she was b
ack in his arms, his eyes were soft and loving. ‘Come to me, my sweet loving goddess. Let me show you how it really feels to be loved.’ His voice was croaky with lust. His hands moved to her bottom and he pulled her into his hardness. She shuddered, wishing she could let herself be loved, but he still didn’t get it; when it did happen, she wanted everything to be perfect. She gently pulled them back into a more respectable position. ‘Not so fast, stud. You can show me that on our wedding night.’

  He stopped moving, realised by her tone she was not joking. ‘What, you’re really going to make me wait?’

  ‘You bet I am. You have Buckley’s and none of trying to squeeze out a quickie without completing the transaction. I want to have the engagement ring, a traditional wedding, the whole package, sugar. Not just a wham-bam-thank-you ma’am.’ She folded her arms with a pout.

  He had laughter in his voice. ‘You little tease of a fiancée. Okay, I will organise the ring ASAP, but after I do that, I want a date for the big day confirmed from those beautiful lips.’ He moved and held her again. ‘Waiting is not one of my strongest points but I guess I have no choice, have I?’

  ‘Oh, my poor hard-done-by intended.’

  She finally gave him the smile he wanted more than anything at this moment. He was actually glad she’d knocked him back. He too wanted her first to be anywhere but here on Pluto. He wanted her to be on his own Home World with the memory so good she would always want to come back to him. He drifted on a cloud, and it was after a much-needed petting session that he allowed her to leave his arms, and the spa. He was waterlogged and frustrated, but so very delighted.

  ‘I guess if I’m not getting any hanky-panky, food will have to do,’ he teased her. He wrapped a towel around himself and rang for dinner.

  Dried and dressed, they cuddled up in front of the fire waiting for Jett to arrive. He shimmered into view with waiters that fussed over them with wine and hors d’oeuvres while others set the table.

  Axon made a toast; ‘To my fiancée.’

  ‘What! That was unexpected. You two worked out your issues, then.’

  ‘Sure did.’ Axon beamed. ‘She’s going to make an honest man out of me. If I could organise a traditional wedding in a day, I’d marry her tomorrow.’

  ‘Glow, I didn’t know you were looking at settling down. What about the Riders?’ Jett sounded confused.

  ‘I’m not sure, we haven’t discussed that yet. I do know one thing though. I want kids, lots of them.’ She smiled at them.

  ‘You what!’ Axon’s eyes widened. ‘Honey! That can surely wait a few years though.’

  She shrugged. ‘Maybe – It’s that or stay a Rider.’

  He pulled her into his arms. ‘If I have to have a tribe running around to keep you off that darn horse and by my side, it’s a done deal. Kids it is.’

  Hades replaced Jett. ‘You can’t be serious. Kids. Zoren will not go for this at all and neither will I. If Glow isn’t on the team, don’t expect me to work with any of the other nose wipes. You’d better re-think this Axon, right now!’

  Caitlin pulled from Axon and stood directly in front of Hades with her hands on her hips. Her eyes were glowing, and the glossy hair shone a brilliant red with gold highlights. It was a sight Hades was used to when she got cross, but Axon was not, and his stunned look showed it. ‘Don’t start with me. I’m going to have kids, and you are going to be the first godparent and better be a damned good uncle or else.’

  He melted. ‘Godfather.’ It was Jett that smiled and held her hands. ‘Me?’

  ‘I have no other real family, only you and Melita.’

  ‘Then if it is the wish of the gods and a child is born to immortal parents, I would be honoured.’



  ‘I will always be your Glow Girl and help you when you need me.’

  ‘Then I welcome the news of your engagement.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘Congratulations to you both.’ He shook Axon’s hand. ‘Sorry to be a buzzkill. But I need her too.’

  ‘I know, Hades – I don’t like it, but for Cait, I will honour these wishes to have you in her life. I hope we can put aside our differences out there long enough to both keep that promise.’

  Jett stared down at Caitlin. ‘You have me wrapped around your finger. Let’s hope my family is just as understanding as your man.’

  She stretched up and kissed his cheek. ‘The two men in my life are trying. I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you.’

  ‘A toast!’ Jett opened the champagne, and they drank with him. The meal was put off as they sat around the fire and chatted. Jett was interested how their romance came about and listened to Axon’s side. He could see Axon was more than thrilled to finally talk about Cait’s and his time together. Jett laughed with Axon, as he could clearly imagine Caitlin throwing him out after their first kiss and giving him a hard time after finding him in bed with another woman. After hearing Caitlin share how Axon had cared for her after she got lost in the bush, he understood their deep connection. Until then Jett was a worried mess as he had waited for the call for dinner. He hoped he hadn’t left her in the hands of a monster. Jett had already seen Axon’s other side as well, and it wasn’t pretty. But how Axon was with his Glow, made Jett contented to finally leave Caitlin in the hands of the man she was in love with, and who he now saw as the right fit for her. ‘Sure you don’t want to come and spend the night in the castle?’ he asked again, before leaving.

  Caitlin shook her head. ‘Here is perfect,’ she said and leant against Axon as she watched her best friend transport out. This moment is just that, perfect.

  With an arm around her, Axon moved them over to the table, and as they ate dinner, they talked honestly. Axon was over the moon their relationship hadn’t been affected by past events, and in fact, was more confident now Cait had promised to marry him. It was because of this he felt comfortable about discussing what was on his mind. ‘You now know Hades well, yet I am at a loss as to why you both continue to call each other by your pet names from the island.’

  ‘It’s how I got through to him, and he is Jett when he is with me. He’s Hades when he is not.’ She shrugged. ‘For him, he has happy memories of Glow Girl and hasn’t shown any interest in calling me, Cait. Even Zeus brightened up when I called him Calyx. The change was quite noticeable.’

  ‘That may be so, but you are a Cosmic Rider, Cait, and all the names in the universe will not change that fact. Be careful of the fantasy you create because when his family finds out who you are, the dream of friendship will almost certainly crash down around you both. That is unless he’s got a plan, but still, it is an awful risk he takes to bring us back here to Pluto.’ Axon played devil’s advocate. ‘I’m sorry to be blunt, but you seem unable to see the problems attached to this arrangement.

  ‘Maybe!’ she admitted. ‘But today I asked Jett to find a way so we can stay friends, or leave me and walk away. He knows if he wants me in his life, it is up to him to find it.’

  ‘That’s why he said it’s time for the teacher to be taught.’

  She put out her hand and held Axon’s across the table. ‘Jett has never allowed his heart to feel. As you know, Venus and Cupid fooled around one day, and Cupid’s arrow accidentally pierced his heart. Persephone, or, Melita as we call her, was the first maiden he laid eyes on, but I believed that love to be mostly magic. My mission was to stop the war. I had to open his heart to me, have him call me friend, and do a good deed to prove his loyalty. This he has done, and the action will change his life.’ With her free hand, she patted the back of the hand she held apologetically. ‘I’m sorry Axon, but you were part of it, and so was Melita. You and Jett had to be on talking terms, and that’s happened. With the improvements to the Castle, Melita is content to live here all year round. Jett has now opened his heart fully to Melita too and has told me how wonderful his life is now with her. My work is done, and I h
ave been released.’

  Axon looked troubled. ‘I wish you could have shared some of this burden with me, love. You have put yourself through so much for this final outcome. Are you sure it’s over? There are so many loose ends— his brothers, the family—’

  ‘For now maybe, but later…’ She sighed.

  He squeezed her hand tenderly. ‘It’s all right sweetheart.’ He felt her pain for the secrecy. ‘I know from doing this job for so long that there are many things you cannot share, as there will be times the team or I will be unable to share things with you. Just know that next time I’ll remember your integrity under no circumstance wavers, and because of this, you and I will be okay. I promise my jealousy will not ruin your homecoming ever again.’

  ‘Remember always Axon, the universe can take what they need from me, but they will never take the love I carry for you. Have patience with me, because as you have seen, I have evolved yet again and with these new powers, I guess there will be a future circumstance where they will be warranted.’

  He knelt before her. ‘I trust you completely. You don’t ever need to worry about us again. This experience has changed me too, and I promise, next time the universe calls on your services, I will back you one hundred percent. This will come easier for me now I know you only leave in spirit, that your heart you leave with me.’

  She nodded. ‘And now you have given me yours I can take it with me.’ She wrapped her arms around him and slid off the chair and into his arms.

  He ran a hand down her long red hair and closed his eyes while he inhaled. ‘In the meantime, until you are needed, I’m going to enjoy every minute with you,’ he said in a husky voice. He lifted her easily and took her back over to the fire. Wrapped up in the warm furs they talked until they fell asleep.

  A noise woke them, and Caitlin stretched and smiled. Jett had arrived and handed them each a freshly brewed mug of coffee.

  ‘Do you two wish to sleep the day away or can I tempt you with an outdoor walk and maybe some time on the slopes afterwards?’

  Caitlin sipped the hot beverage and nodded at the same time, her fingers working to straighten out a bad case of bed hair. Suddenly remembering both men had seen her look worse, she gave up and tossed it over her shoulder and out of her own view.


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