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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 35

by Debbie Behan

  * * * *

  Caitlin slept peacefully, but Axon needed to wake her so lay on the bed beside her. ‘You smell divine,’ he said quietly when she stirred. ‘You know Jett wants to take you to Pluto, don’t you beautiful?’ He smiled when her eyes flickered in response. Her goddess essence was building, and he shook his head in wonder. She would hold Jett at her side now until he made her better.

  With a slow movement, her body rolled gently into his arms, and she sighed, letting him feel how happy she was to be there. He allowed the tingle of love to wash over him, knew it was her unspoken way of letting him know how very much she loved him and his heart sang as she hugged him.

  ‘Cait, as you already have guessed, Jett’s going to take you for a couple of days while Kayden and I address the culprit who did this to you. I don’t want to let you go, but I know Jett’s magic will help you get better much quicker. Also, he seems to be the only one who can break through the block that is stopping any of us healing you. I don’t want you to go, but I’m not sure what else to do. It’s up to you, but I need you safe while you recover and out of harm’s way while we work through this mess.’

  A twitch at the corners of her mouth showed and a faint voice spoke. ‘Pluto’s power heals all.’

  Axon’s eyes widened. Only by using magic was Jett able to make Cait speak and he heard her, it was his Cait that talked to Jett. Yet this was not that voice. He wondered if this was the goddess within and breathed out heavily. His girl was sure a mystery but he’d work her out; he would make this his mission. For now, she had chosen, or it had been selected for her. He was about to ask her what she meant by that when her lids dropped, and she drifted off to sleep. ‘I will miss you terribly gorgeous one. I promise to visit as much as I can.’ He got up and wrapped her in a thick, warm blanket. It always amazed him how someone who could pack such a powerful punch, could be so light and soft. Her body was actually so delicate when she first fell into his arms for that first time on Earth, he really had to adjust his powers for fear he would bruise her. As he transported her to the tower, he admired the person she was, so frail in his arms and yet not one ounce of fear to be going with Hades, the most dangerous of all gods.

  Up in the viewing tower, it was Jett’s arms he placed Caitlin into, and before letting her go kissed her sweet-smelling hand. ‘I love you, honey.’ He put her hand inside the blanket. She looked up at Jett and Axon watched as she snuggled into him and closed her eyes. Jett knew she was happy to be with him and smiled down at her.

  ‘I’ll keep our girl safe, and feel free to contact me every day to find out how she is progressing.’ He watched her intently. He looked up at Axon, with the gentleness back in his eyes and a happy grin, and then they were gone.

  Axon felt like a part of him was just ripped away, so he grabbed the bottle of liquor and took a big swig. At least she was alive and safe. When she was better, he would get her back.

  ‘You okay, boss?’ Rory slapped Axon on the back in a friendly manner. ‘You did the right thing, I even liked the Jett side of the arrogant old tool.’

  Axon rolled his eyes, growled through gritted teeth and took another swig of alcohol.

  Rory smirked. ‘Axon, ease up on the guy. He will never have her love like you have.’ He laughed cynically. ‘Shytzer, I know how that feels.’

  ‘You two were just friends though, right.’ Axon glared at him.

  Rory punched his arm. ‘Though that was just jealousy eating you up… far out, man, Cait and I were always best mates and always will be. Trust me, you have no competition. She took one look at you and all other males became invisible.’

  ‘Well, I’m pleased to hear that!’ He turned to Kayden. ‘One down, one to go! I need a minute.’ Axon faded out of sight, holding the bottle to his lips.

  Kayden nodded and left, knowing the same fate was just in front of him too. He hated not having Cassie by his side. But he knew at least he and Axon could both feel lousy together. There was one significant difference, though; Cassie would be with her dad, not an ancient god who loved her unconditionally. And man did he change when he held her. He didn’t blame Axon at all for hitting the turps.

  With Axon gone too, Woody and Rory sat back in the chairs taking a moment to relax. ‘We immortals can be so insecure.’ Woody lit up a cigar and handed one to Rory.

  ‘Axon shouldn’t be.’ Rory lit it up and puffed out some rings. ‘With all that powers we felt today from Hades, that man could have controlled her for a lifetime, maybe stolen her heart the first day he kidnapped her. But she fought when it may have been easier to give up and choose him. She was gone for months but came back here, to us; her loyalty did not waver.’

  ‘That may be so, Rory, but the question is, will he wear her down this time? You saw it, Axon stands between their friendship, and Hades is a man used to getting his own way. Caitlin, he wants badly.’ Woody rubbed his chin in thought.

  ‘Over – my – dead – body!’ Rory exploded.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Healing Dwarf Planet Pluto

  A few days passed before Caitlin woke and felt better. Hungry yet comfortable, she found herself in front of a pleasant warm glow of a fire that burned bright.

  ‘How come I’m here again? I remember the barn, getting a horse out…’

  ‘There was an explosion. We thought you were dead,’ said Jett.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Caitlin pulled the blankets down and saw some bruising on her arms. Pulling up the nightwear to the thigh, she saw more, but worst was peeking down her top to view a black and blue chest. ‘Shytzer, what a mess. I can remember being thrown from a horse… but why haven’t my team tried to heal me?’

  He nodded. ‘They light you up, but it isn’t holding. There’s something inside you deflecting it.’

  ‘I’ve got no idea why. Has Axon come to visit? Maybe he knows what’s going on.’

  ‘He has come every afternoon, and I expect he will come again today sometime. We’ve both been worried sick. Welcome back to the land of the living, Glow.’

  * * * *

  After something to eat Caitlin drifted off to sleep, watching the fire crackle. A familiar voice woke her. Axon had come for a visit. Jett was full of enthusiasm as he made coffee. ‘She actually ate breakfast herself today.’

  She sat up to let Axon sit with her and as he did she cuddled into him. Just his nearness was enough to tear her up and send her emotions in turmoil.

  ‘Are you here for a while, Axon? Looks like someone has missed you,’ Jett said, putting their mugs in front of them on the coffee table.

  ‘I should be able to stay a couple of hours. Kayden is holding down the fort for both teams while I’m here but sure he won’t mind if I return the favour later.’ He caught her sniff and wiped her eyes. ‘Sorry honey.’ He felt terrible not being able to stay when she looked so vulnerable. This was a sign of still how unwell she was, or she’d be pushing him out the door to spend more time with Jett and his family.

  ‘It’s okay, just need a cuddle.’ She smiled and cheered up slightly.

  There was a war going on out there that she was best not to know about as her fighting instincts would be to offer help. No way was that an option. He had seen first-hand how much Jett did to get her to this point and here he wanted her to stay until she could at least ride a horse again. It warmed him to see her; even though she was a bit miserable, he was over the moon she was on the mend. Between Orion and Cronus, he and Kayden were left with only short moments to visit with their girls. Axon glanced up at Jett with dark shadows under his eyes, showing a total lack of sleep. ‘You’ve done wonders, Jett; when do you think she will be back on her feet?’

  ‘Not for a few days at least. Whatever it was upsetting Glow, and not allowing her to heal has apparently lifted so let’s just play it by ear. How’s Cassie doing at her father’s? Is she feeling better?’

What’s happened to Cassie?’ Caitlin sat up to listen.

  ‘She was a bit poorly while you were. She was still okay to ride and help out, but Kayden wanted her safe. While Orion had them targeted, Kayden didn’t trust him anywhere near her.’

  ‘I could help.’ Her eyes widened as she tried to look well.

  ‘It’s nothing we can’t handle, and when you can get back on a horse, you are more than welcome to come lend a hand. So get better, okay!’ Axon touched her nose affectionately and put his arm around her and went to move her closer.

  She grimaced. ‘Ouch.’

  ‘Sorry, sweetheart, but see? You can barely move just yet. So don’t even think about what’s going on out there.’ He stared at Jett. ‘How come you can shift her, and she is fine?’

  ‘I am a god.’ He grinned. ‘There is nothing a god cannot do.’

  ‘Except heal her,’ Axon teased, seeing his pompous pose.

  ‘Well, anyone else… this little redhead just likes to mock me.’ He grinned.

  Caitlin gave him a warm glowing smile. ‘How else would someone as important as you ever make time for little ol’ me? I have to almost be blown to pieces to get any attention around here.’

  ‘See what I put up with, Axon?’ He shook his head in jest.

  ‘Yes, I agree I have spoilt her just a tad, but you are the real culprit, Jett.’ Axon had to laugh. The man did not stop fussing. Even now Jett had bent down and was making sure the covers were over her legs, so she kept warm.

  He stood and put his nose in the air playfully. ‘On that note, I’ll give you two some privacy and will tend to some duties I have neglected of late.’

  Caitlin slipped her small hand into his. ‘I know you deserve a break after babysitting me for so long, but don’t go for long, Jett. I need you too.’

  ‘See, and your man wonders why I spoil you so.’ Jett winked as he shimmered from sight.

  After he was gone, Caitlin turned back to Axon. ‘Now, back to Cassie and me. It’s very noble of you both to try and prevent us girls coming to any harm, but just remember, it’s also our jobs to protect, and we’re very good at it. The charms of a woman can sometimes melt the meanest of hearts. If you’re getting nowhere with Orion, then maybe one of us girls should be talking to him. We’re both tougher than you think and can sometimes end a war just by being there with you.’

  Axon grinned at her and shook his head. ‘You can barely move, and you’re trying to persuade me to let you come with me. You’re unbelievable, girl. You’re not going anywhere until Jett tells me you’re all right, so don’t even think about playing the hero for some time yet.’

  ‘Well then, talk to Cassie; she’ll agree with me and is most likely saying exactly the same thing.’

  ‘You make me feel better just talking to you. I don’t know why I even worry about you. You’re a tough little one. I think you would take on the devil himself if he didn’t give you what you wanted, and even in this poorly condition, you’d still win.’

  Wearily, she leant back into his arms. ‘Maybe, but not today; not the devil anyway.’

  ‘You’re still not well, honey, so save your energy. Let me give you that cuddle. I’ve missed you too.’

  They talked until Jett returned; it was a nice visit, but Caitlin was drained and sat quiet, listening to the men chat. She was overjoyed that Axon and Jett spoke as friends.

  ‘Glow is feeling better!’ Jett said after a while.

  Axon stared at her. ’Wish I could read your mind, honey.’

  Jett grinned, pleased he had something of Glow that Axon never would. ‘You don’t have to, Axon, you can see how happy she is in her eyes.’

  ‘Yes, they are intriguing and exquisite. But still.’ Axon ran his hand over her head, feeling her silky hair.

  Jett stared into the fire. ‘Believe me, it’s not a power you would want. I disconnected from reading minds and haven’t used it for a very long time. That is, until I met Glow.’ He turned to them. ‘She overpowers my off switch and makes me hear her every thought.’

  ‘In my line of work, it’s a talent I’d appreciate. Why stop using it? It would help sort out the liars in your Underworld,’ said Axon.

  ‘It used to come in handy, but I’ve had it so many centuries now I just know when someone’s having a lend of me.’ He grinned. ‘I was so surprised the first time I heard Glow Girl’s voice. It was smooth like golden sweet syrup and as much as I tried to block it out, I couldn’t, so I just listened. I’ve been able to tune her out, but she’s very powerful and when she wants me to do something for her, no tuning out in the world stops her coming through to me. It’s the strangest thing.’

  ‘At the house when I handed her to you, what was she thinking? You smiled as if she had spoken yet I knew she hadn’t.’ Axon raised his brow.

  Jett laughed. ‘You caught that, did you?’ He sat back. ‘She said, and I quote, “you must be crazy wanting to play nursemaid to a spoilt annoying redhead.” It made me smile. She can be so funny sometimes.’

  They both laughed, and Axon agreed. ‘Sounds exactly like her, only being so unwell I would have thought her sense of humour gone.’

  ‘Trust me, Axon, she’s stronger than we give her credit for. She’d be out there now if she could defy me and get up on a horse.’

  Axon nodded. ‘Yes, I got that impression earlier when we spoke of Orion. But here, she is improving better than she could at home, so Cait goes nowhere until you say she’s well enough to do so.’

  ‘Thanks, Axon, your anxious Rider is far from ready.’

  ‘Don’t I get any say?’ Caitlin asked.

  Axon smiled at her. ‘No!’ He glanced at the time. ‘And that’s it for me.’ He kissed her lips. ‘Have to get back to it.’ He stood, turned and shook Jett’s hand and only for a split second did he reveal sadness to leave her.

  The softie. Caitlin grinned. He misses his girl… aw…

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chance Meeting

  Upon waking a few mornings later, Caitlin stretched lazily and, with a smile, remembered Axon’s visits. He missed her more each day; she could see it in those darkened eyes and sad smile. The more she improved, the more she missed him too. Jett was becoming busy from his sudden workload in the Underworld, and although Caitlin loved it here on Pluto, she didn’t want to be a burden so had decided she would go home with Axon next time he visited. Her lip dropped. Jett was such a good friend, and she would miss him. Can you clone a god? She chuckled at the idea.

  In the shower, she felt better when the water didn’t sting her wounds any longer.

  ‘Ahhh!’ Caitlin welcomed the warm spray of water down her back as she wet her hair to give it a good wash. Having lathered and washed off the shampoo, she was pleased to actually shower now without help. Dried and with her hair brushed, she dashed naked to the fireplace in her room, and cheerfully did a victory jig by the warmth of the fire before getting dressed. “I did it, yes I did it, by myself, by myself” She hummed the tune again, smiling at her silliness, making an effort to ignore how tender she still felt. Being well enough to do things for herself put her on a high, but with a shiver from dancing around, she hurriedly put on her underwear. It was then that the door squeaked as it opened wide. Her instinct was to cover her privates with whatever was in her hands, and she squealed as she saw a man who stood with mouth gaping, just as stunned. His apology came fast as he put his hand over his eyes, swore and ducked out. The image burned into her mind and yet she had caught sight of him for only a couple of seconds. Still, it was enough. The mountain of a man filled the entire door frame. His lean masculine body bulged under the tight t-shirt he wore, and his hair was so unusual! Strands of rope-like hair were pulled back and tied in a knot. But it was his steel grey eyes that she still felt pierce her skin as, even in that split second, they took in every mark on her tiny frame.

  ‘Excuse me,
’ he called out from the other side of the door. ‘I was on my way to the gents and heard a noise.’

  ‘As you can see I am no intruder.’ Christ what a giant of a man. She hustled to dress.

  ‘My apology ma’am,’ he said, and she heard him stomp off like a baby elephant.

  The intrusion on her privacy should have made Caitlin annoyed, but all she could think about was that hair. She wondered if he ever cut it as the rope-like strands of hair, even though tied up, reached the waist of his pants. It fascinated her and, immersed in thought, Caitlin tugged a warm jumper over her head, pulled on leggings and laced up the fur boots before realising this was also the first time she had dressed on her own as well. Chuffed and smiling at her image, a tap at the door had her spin around, hoped he was not back to try and apologise more. No, he would have barged in.

  ‘Is that you, Jett?’ Caitlin called out. She threw the towel in the hamper as the door opened.

  ‘Well, don’t you sound chipper?’

  ‘Showered and dressed, all by myself, I might add.’

  ‘Just came to get you for breakfast. I’ve had the dining room set as we have a guest.’

  ‘We met already, well sort of. He heard a noise and thought I was a burglar.’ Caitlin gave a shake of her head. ‘He sprung me in the nude. I would almost bet he thinks we had a rip-roaring time last night with all my bruises.’

  ‘The sneaky shit, coming up here to use the bathroom. Does this every time Melita is away. Has never believed in love and is most likely down there delighted he has finally caught me out being unfaithful.’

  ‘So, he is a regular visitor here?’

  ‘It’s just one of my nephews. I only wish he had the decency to call first. It would have made things easier if I knew he was coming; at least I could have warned you. I’m sorry he gave you a fright, and although a blatzing fool, and arrogant, as you will find if you join us, he is a guest and won’t hurt you. If he has embarrassed you, I can get breakfast sent up, so you don’t have to feel uncomfortable facing him. He never stays long. I’ll come and get you once he’s gone, then maybe we can go to the cabin where it’s warm and give you a change of scenery if you feel up to it.’


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