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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 37

by Debbie Behan

  Both turned and spoke to her at the same time. ‘NO!’

  Jett knew she wouldn’t give up but decided to try and take her mind off it. Without a word, he put his arm around Aurek and Caitlin and transported them to what he had been transforming into a winter wonderland. In the cabin, he ignited the fire with just a snap of his fingers and smiled when Cait called him a show-off, before flicking a switch that lit up the mountain. While the men stood on the veranda in sub-zero temperatures, Caitlin kept warm by the fire and watched through the balcony doors. Still recovering, it weakened her powers to keep warm enough to join them.

  The massively powered floodlights recently installed enabled Jett to show off not only the power generators but the ski lift he had installed before Caitlin’s first visit. That told Caitlin it had been some time since Aurek’s last visit or he would have known those changes at least. It left her to ponder why he had picked this day to visit, a time when Caitlin’s unfortunate accident had her here too. A coincidence perhaps, as they happened a lot to her lately, and she hoped Aurek was not to become a pain in her side, sometime in their future.

  Aurek was more than impressed, yet the cold had got to him. Inside he still shivered until Jett’s tour ended in the next room, with the heated hot tub, another surprise addition that Aurek had only just discovered. ‘Geez Uncle, no wonder no one has seen you.’ He discarded heavy boots and clothes.

  Caitlin turned to leave.

  ‘Don’t let my nakedness scare you off, sugar. I’ve seen yours; only fair you get to check me out.’

  ‘No thanks, I prefer my men hairless.’ She laughed out loud and left him to get into the tub alone.

  ‘Join me, Uncle. Let the cute one wait on you for a change.’ He called out to Caitlin, ‘Uncle and I will have a couple of Moonjuices thanks, Glow Girl.’

  ‘Like that’s ever going to happen,’ she called to him.

  It was much later in the night that Aurek began talking of his most recent hunting trip that Jett had been invited to go on. ‘At least I know why you didn’t come last week, Uncle, you were stuck here babysitting.’

  Caitlin ignored his dig, too interested in his hunting story, and after exhausted all reasons for him to take her on his next trip with Jett, gave up and lay quietly listening.

  Jett refused to discuss it later when she brought it up again. To stop her nagging both of them, he said they could have a practice run. A sleepover out in the log cabin to see if she liked roughing it on the floor. He hoped her being uncomfortable would put an end to it. Instead, she wanted to stay awake until dawn, believing that this must happen on hunting trips with the boys. Luckily, the waiting eventually bored her, and with a little help from Jett’s magic, she fell asleep early.

  ‘Her fiancé would throw a fit if he found out I’d promised to take her hunting,’ Jett told Aurek once she drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  It was just before dawn when Caitlin woke Jett and Aurek. She had fallen asleep on the floor with them while they chatted into the night. However, when they dozed off, they kept moving towards her and rather than get squashed by their pure size alone, Caitlin wiggled free and got up on the couch pulling a fur around her for warmth. It astounded her they didn’t even stir particularly after all the grunting, growling and puffing she did while pushing them off her.

  ‘Wake up sleepyheads.’ Caitlin sat up, suddenly remembering where they were.

  ‘Glow.’ Jett checked the time, his voice hoarse from the Moonjuice and late night.

  Aurek didn’t murmur a word; his routine before anything was coffee. No servants were around, so he dragged himself off the floor and turned on the coffee machine. Coffee made for three, he handed them around, his drink already half gulped down.

  ‘What’s all the excitement?’ he finally asked, watching Caitlin as she pulled back the curtain.

  Jett chastised her as he ambled over to see what was so interesting to have her looking intently out through the window. ‘What’s got you so damn excited at this time of the morning? That hit you took has sent you loopy.’

  ‘I just wanted to show you how spectacular your planet is at daybreak.’

  Aurek loomed over her as he squinted to see out into the darkness. ‘What are we looking at?’

  ‘Wait.’ She turned her head up and smiled at the huge man she had befriended. He wasn’t such a bad boy as she thought. He was so not used to smiling, and his parted lips stretched awkwardly. The endearing efforts made her chuckle as she nudged him. ‘Now! Impatient one.’ She stood on tippy toes as the sun that only licked this planet brought it to life.

  The light was faint, but at sunrise, the soft glow from the sun clashed with the two moons above which created a magical reaction as it hit the icy snow. The impact lit up the surface, making the ground shine as if diamond sprinkles covered it. These shining particles shot up into the sky, and as the sun and moons moved in unison, the laser show above them was quite magnificent. It only happened for a few minutes, and then it was gone, but it was one impressive sight and being an early riser, Caitlin had discovered another of Pluto’s secrets and felt sure it had gone unnoticed until now.

  ‘Worth it, Glow!’ admitted Aurek.

  ‘This place never ceases to amaze me. A phenomenon, right here on my own Home World and I never knew it.’ Once again, Jett felt humbled by Caitlin’s astuteness to discover a regular occurrence that neither he nor Persephone had ever noticed.

  Your planet has so many wonders, Jett. How you’re ever going to leave is beyond me, she thought to him, for his ears only.

  He put his arm around her and whispered, ‘Stay here with Melita and me. Don’t ever go home.’

  ‘Hello, I’m still here guys. Geez! Will you two stop with the secrets?’

  Jett grinned. ‘Go find your own friend to have fun with. Glow’s mine and I told you, I’m not sharing.’

  It had become a game with them both so before they could get into another argument on whose girl she was, Caitlin had a gripe.

  ‘By the way, you both almost squashed me this morning. If you want to sleep together, you should have moved me out the way.’ She poked at them. ‘Had to crawl up on the couch to get away from you.’

  ‘Don’t go blaming us, girlfriend. You brought that totally on yourself.’ Aurek put up his hands in a submissive gesture. ‘You’re the one that smells like cookies and cream. I just kept gravitating towards the delicious treat.’ He nudged Jett. ‘After last night I understand why you want her around all the time, lucky mongrel.’

  Caitlin grinned. ‘Well, I guess it’s my fault after all.’

  ‘Damn right it is.’ Jett put an arm around her. He felt happy; not only for the friend she had become but for the way she made him view his planet. To show it off to his nephew tugged at a noble sentiment, an emotion he’d never felt before. He wasn’t sure whether to hug her or toss her around, excitedly. Due to her injuries, he chose to loosely embrace her.

  Caitlin realised she had hit a sensitive chord in Jett as he struggled with the ever increasing love for his life here on this newly created home. It was a planet shunned by many, and yet he felt proud of the Dwarf Planet he had named so long ago as Pluto.

  With a skip of joy in her step, Caitlin knew just what he needed, so she leant over the bar, snatched up a half bottle of Starstarter and topped up their coffee with it.

  She held up her cup to theirs. ‘To Pluto and all its glory.’

  They gulped theirs down.

  ‘Glow Girl!’ Aurek’s stunned expression made her smile. ‘A female that will toast with the treasured elixir of the stars and first thing in the morning! I think you have just become my new best friend.’ He took the bottle from her and topped up his own drink. ‘I guess we could make an exception next time we go camping after all. She’s not so bad to hang out with, but no nagging us.’ He had argued with Caitlin most the night. They debated h
is rule that women were never allowed on their boys’ weekends away, specifically their hunting trips. For him to relent now, it meant she had finally won.

  ‘For real!’ Caitlin jumped about doing a winning jig.

  Aurek had a frown and wished he could take it back. In frustration, he turned her around and moved her towards the kitchen. ‘Quit it and get in that kitchen and cook me some breakfast. If you do a good job, I’ll think about taking you – one day.’

  She laughed so much she collapsed onto the chair. ‘Jett. Tell your nephew he has Buckley’s and none.’

  ‘She can’t cook – seriously.’

  ‘I thought you were kidding me, not even some eggs and bacon? Are you for real?’

  Caitlin put her hand up. ‘Okay, Okay, it’s been a while, so maybe things have changed.’

  Jett had never seen her even try so sat back on the sofa to enjoy the show.

  The pan came out the cupboard and, with a crash, landed on the floor as she clumsily placed it on the stove. ‘Oops.’ She held it up while she tried to light the burner and burnt her hand. The pan landed back on the floor. ‘I got this, seriously.’ She picked it up, not holding it correctly and dropped it on the stove with a crash. The flame went out, and they heard her swear under her breath. Both men were in hysterics by the time she got to the eggs that didn’t get into the pan but instead dribbled down the side of the bench. Not seeing it, she slid along the floor, and Jett caught her before she hit it.

  With a kiss on her forehead for effort, he dumped her on the stool near them. ‘You are an utterly hopeless sweetie, sit before you kill yourself or we die laughing.’

  It was a few hours later before Aurek got up to leave.

  ‘We will have to do this again.’ Caitlin hugged him.

  ‘The gods would surely not put me through such torture.’ He gave her his funny distorted grin that gave her the giggles.

  ‘Then behave, or I will be sent to your door,’ she warned.

  An incline of his head and he was gone. He was a ruler, she now guessed, as they were the only ones permitted the luxury of instant transportation.

  Jett took her home the next day. She felt safe here on Pluto and just for a minute had reservations.

  ‘Is it safe to be back here? What if Axon and Kayden haven’t formed a treaty with that ruler they have been having trouble with? The one that did this to me. I mean isn’t that the reason Cassie was sent to her father’s, because they feared for her safety? He sounds a lot to deal with, and if Cassie can’t handle him, in my poor shape, I’ve got buckley and none of stopping a full-scale attack by him.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think that’s going to happen; in fact, I’m sure you’ll always be safe from him from this day forward. Trust me.’ He smiled.

  Caitlin didn’t really understand what he meant but trusted him implicitly that he had fixed it for her.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Orion’s Surprise Visitor

  Back home, Axon showered Caitlin with gifts, flowers and even took time off work for a couple of days to be with her. He had enjoyed every minute with her, but now it was time for him to go back to work. He knew she wanted to as well, but he wasn’t ready to give her back to the universe just yet.

  ‘I’m completely healed,’ she pouted when he tried to evade her request.

  ‘Soon.’ He kissed a sulky Caitlin goodbye.

  Jett rang her most days to check up on how she was and today was coming to see her. Maybe this will cheer her up. ‘Anyway, your boyfriend is coming to visit today. He won’t be happy if you stand him up.’

  ‘Jett’s coming?’ She perked up immediately.

  * * * *

  Caitlin was thrilled to see Jett and, taking his hand, walked with him around the outer grounds of the estate so they could talk in private. The wolves followed from a distance, watching every move the visitor made. The guardian wolf, Russo, showed no trust in him, not one little bit. Caitlin was used to Russo looking out for her and ignored the fuss they were making because she walked with someone other than Axon.

  ‘Come and sit with me Jett.’ She saw him hesitate and worry for her when Russo moved close to the opposite side of her. ‘They are just curious who you are and mean us no harm.’

  He eyed Russo. ‘Not so close, pal, she’s my friend, not yours.’

  Russo understood and moved a couple of steps from them and lay down, his eyes not leaving Jett. It made him laugh. ‘Even the blatzing animals try to move in on you when they get a chance. The only time I get to talk to you alone is at my place. Want to change venues?’ He gave her a wink as he sat on a boulder beside her overlooking a stream so clear they could see the bottom.

  Russo got up again, and moved another body length away before dropping down on his belly sounding like he huffed.

  Jett was amused but only for a minute. It was Cait he had come to visit and he wasn’t interested in the over-protective leader of the pack. He had something to share but didn’t want to make plans if she was still feeling poorly.

  Suddenly, while beside the running water, her power took a shift, and he could feel it stronger than ever.

  ‘You have your energy back. I can feel your magic spiking. Somehow you have recharged by coming outside.’

  ‘I think it’s the water. I felt it too.’

  There must be a need for you out there again. When are you allowed to go back to work?’

  ‘I hope it will be tomorrow. I’m so sick of this sitting around.’ A kick sent her shoe flying, and she stretched out her leg, dipping her toe in the cold water and wiggling it around. ‘Let’s not talk about me anymore, what about you; is Melita back yet?’

  ‘My wife comes home today.’ He grinned.

  ‘Where has she been? You were very secretive as to where she was so didn’t push to find out but I’ve missed her.’ Caitlin frowned.

  I’m sorry I didn’t want you to worry. Melita’s mother took ill just after you came to stay with us and she went to care for her.’ He shared.

  ‘Is her mother alright?’ Caitlin worried for her. Knew how much Melita cherished her.

  ‘Yes she is well now and Melita is packing. I intend to go via her mum’s house after I leave here and pick her up.’ Jett tossed a flat rock, skimming it across the water, and watched it skip along the surface.

  ‘And – I believe it’s a marked occasion for your both. Happy anniversary. What have you got planned for her?’ Caitlin asked.

  He smiled. ‘Actually, I intend to take a few days off. I was thinking about charming Melita by going on a second honeymoon.’

  ‘Aw, that is so sweet.’ She leant into him. ‘Never picked you as a romantic man.’

  ‘Stop it Glow. I can be just as loving as the next bloke.’

  ‘Okay, then tell me, how many centuries would you say it’s been since you took her somewhere special other than to family holidays with everyone around?’

  ‘Point taken, but that’s the thing, I want to romance her now. Since the changes to the Castle, she is different, since you, I’m different. We feel like a regular couple, as we don’t let the Underworld define us anymore.’

  ‘Then I think it’s a fantastic idea and don’t believe that you should keep her waiting another minute.’

  ‘You’re the best, Glow. You don’t mind if I walk you back and take off? I would never have told you if you were still not well, but you sound like you again.’ He grinned. ‘And I know you’d rather be practising your craft getting ready for the next call out, rather than hanging out here all day with me.’

  She chuckled. ‘Seriously, you have been reading my mind again, haven’t you?’ she teased. ‘Up until you mentioned Melita, I hadn’t thought about anything but our conversation. But it does my heart good to hear you two love birds are going off for a few days’ break. I just want to go and have some fun too, and you know how much I love a go
od training session, especially considering Woody is still here. That guy is a hoot. I may get to go a few rounds with a horse even… but don’t share that with Axon.’ She held her hand across her mouth. ‘Oops.’

  With a grin, he stood up. ‘Friends don’t dob. Your horse still not back from Pegasus?’

  Caitlin shook her head and gripped his outstretched hand as he hoisted her up, and steadied her while she slipped on her shoe she sent flying earlier.

  ‘Hope your mare comes home soon. You make a good team,’ he said as they walked back arm in arm.

  * * * *

  While eating breakfast in the dining room, Axon told Caitlin how Orion had not given up his quest to hunt back on Taurus.

  ‘Why would he do that?’ She put her fork down to listen.

  ‘Not once but twice now. Orion and his dogs were caught trespassing again last night.’

  ‘What, after all that has happened? He dares defy the Cloud Riders and goes there without permission?’ Caitlin was surprised at how brazen was this man.

  ‘Aurus, the ruler of Taurus, is furious with the arrogance of the hunter and has approached Aldebaran for assistance. Aldebaran, as you can imagine, is livid about the broken treaty and threatened that if the Cloud Riders don’t sort it out soon, he will.

  ‘And that is why Kayden brought Cassie home last night. He was worried she would be seen as fraternising with the enemy and not get anywhere with Orion.’

  ‘Well, maybe the damage is already done if he has found out she was staying on the Home World of Taurus, in the city of Aldebaran. I guess it will make a difference. We’ll see, as the full team was sent out late last night to speak to Orion over the broken treaty. They should be back any minute.’

  Axon had no sooner said that, when the Kayden and his team arrived. Axon stood up to find out how it went. Kayden had been hopeful before they left and had laid his bets on Cassie being able to turn it around.

  ‘How did it go?’ Axon asked as the team stomped past.


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