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Stockwin's Maritime Miscellany

Page 21

by Julian Stockwin

  Greenwich Hospital 105, 106, 143

  Grenville, Sir Richard 3, 11 grog 120

  Gustavus, King of Sweden 34

  Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden 171

  Hall, Capt Basil 108

  Hall, Henry 59

  Hallowell, Capt 48, 187

  Hamilton, Emma 48, 143, 153

  Hamilton, William 48

  hammocks 101–2, 134

  ‘hand over fist’ 183

  hanging, drawing and quartering 13

  Hanway, Jonas 33

  Hardy, Sam 177

  Hardy, First Sea Lord Thomas 10, 32, 87, 95, 153

  Harrison, John 81–2, 82

  Harvey, Capt 142

  Hawke, Admiral Edward 24, 45–6

  Hawkesworth, John 140

  Hawkhurst gang 24

  Hawkins, Sir John 105

  Hawkins, Sir Richard 165

  Hemans, Felicia 186

  Henry the Navigator, Prince 55, 63, 64

  Henry VIII, King of England 118, 168

  Hermione (frigate) 123, 169–70

  Herring Cove 179–80

  ‘high and dry’ 172

  Hill, James (Jack the Painter) 182–3

  Hinde (ship) 89

  Hippocrates 165

  Hoe, the 13–14

  Home, Sir Everard 147

  Hood, Admiral 177–8

  Hood, Commodore Samuel 7, 8

  Hood, Viscount 43

  Hopping, Ann 118

  Hornet (clipper) 177

  Hosier, Vice-Admiral Francis 162

  hovelling 114

  Howe, Admiral Richard ‘Black Dick’, First Earl Howe 3, 30–1, 31, 75, 106

  Hudson, Henry 65, 146

  Hunt, J.S. 172

  Hunter, Capt 164

  Implacable (ship) 92

  Impress Service 131

  ‘in the doldrums’ 21

  ‘in the offing’ 153

  ‘in someone’s black book’ 145

  Indefatigable (frigate) 13

  Infernet, Louis 36

  injured seamen 105–6

  International Code of Signals 61–2

  Investigator (sloop) 52, 68

  Jack Tar 96, 96, 134

  Japan 3, 26–7

  Jenkins, Capt Robert 4–5

  Jenkins’s Ear, War of 5

  Jervis, John, Earl St Vincent 9, 48–9, 49, 109

  Jeune Richard (ship) 15

  John Filmer (ship) 173

  John I, King of Portugal 63

  ‘Johnnies’ 108

  Johnson, Frederick 141

  Johnson, Samuel 22

  ‘Jollies’ 108

  Jones, Capt Christopher 58

  Jones, Davy 134, 139, 144

  Jones, John Paul 25

  jury rigs 11

  Kamehameha II, King 778

  Keats, Capt Richard 112

  keel hauling 94

  keels 74

  Kempenfelt, Rear Admiral Richard 183–4

  knots 73, 73

  ‘know the ropes’ 50

  La Boussole (frigate) 69–70

  La Fortuna (ship) 9

  Lady Lovibond (ship) 138

  Lady Nelson (ship) 75, 75

  L’Aigle (ship) 26, 51

  Lapenotiere, Lt John 41–2

  L’Astrolabe 69–70

  latitude 81

  Lawrence, Capt James 20–1, 100

  Leander (ship) 111–12

  Lee, St Ezra 76

  letters 110–11, 115–16

  Levasseur, Olivier (La Buse) 152–3

  Leven (ship) 94

  Liefde (ship) 26

  lifelines 120

  lightening strikes 160–1

  ‘limey’ 166

  Lind, James 166, 166

  Lloyd’s of London 106, 145, 178

  loblolly boys 100–1

  log-ship 70

  ‘loggerheads’ 13

  longitude 81–2, 159

  ‘loose cannons’ 108

  L’Orient (flagship) 157, 186–7, 187

  coffin 48, 143

  Louis XIV, King of France 58

  Louis XVI, King of France 68, 69

  Loyal Toasts 92–3

  Lucas, Jean 3–4, 36

  Lutine (frigate) 177–8, 179

  Mackenzie, Capt Alexander 170

  Macnamara, James 43

  Magellan, Ferdinand 60, 140, 165

  ‘mainstay’ 35

  ‘making headway’ 130

  Man, Edward 149

  ‘man overboard’ 114, 163–4

  man-of-war 87, 92, 96

  Manby, George 71–2

  Marine Society 33, 33

  Markant, Ellis 12

  Marryat, Frederick 61

  Mars (ship) 115–16

  Marsden, William 42

  Martinique 7

  Mary II, Queen of England 58

  Mary (frigate) 138, 176

  Mary Celeste (ship) 174–5

  Mary Rose (ship) 142, 168, 168

  Massey, Edward 70

  Massey’s log 70, 71

  mastheading 94, 94

  Maurice, Capt James 7–8

  Mauritius 67

  Mayflower (ship) 58

  McClintock, Capt Leopold 66

  McClure, Robert 66

  McKenzie, Mrs Daniel 118

  Melville, Herman 137, 167

  Mercator, Geradus 64, 65

  merchant navy 142

  merfolk 146–7, 146

  messes 119

  meteorology 80–1

  Miller, Andrew 131

  Miller, Ralph 95

  Minorca 40

  Mitchell, William 94

  Moby Dick (Melville) 166–7

  Mohawk (ship) 74

  Moluccas 60

  Monarch (flagship) 40

  ‘money for old rope’ 174

  Montgomery, Colonel Robert 43

  Morgan, Henry 159

  mortars 72

  Mortlock, Capt Lewis 89

  M’Quhae, Peter 151–2

  Muir, Admiral 97

  murder 119

  Mutine (ship) 34

  mutiny 3, 4, 30–1, 65, 169–70

  Napoleonic wars 8, 14, 16, 48, 91, 99, 116, 122, 166

  National Maritime Museum 38–9

  Nautilus (ship) 41–2

  navigation 81–2, 159

  Nelson, Fanny 118

  Nelson, Horatio 14, 16, 17, 28, 32–4, 39, 41–3, 48, 62, 87, 95, 102, 112, 115, 123, 127, 129, 143, 147, 153

  Neptune 130, 130, 141–2

  Neptune (merchant vessel) 149

  Neptune (warship) 23

  Neva (convict ship) 185

  Newbolt, Henry 129

  Nicholas, Jemima 17

  Nicholas, John 118

  Nile, battle of the 16, 48, 95, 118, 157, 186–7, 187

  Northumberland (frigate) 29, 123, 138

  Northwest Passage 65–6

  Nossa Senhora do Cabo (ship) 152

  Odell, Petty Officer Roger 49

  Olivey, Robert 88

  Omai 22

  O’Malley, Grace 117

  ‘on the fiddle’ 63

  Onyx (brig) 89

  Orion (ship) 118

  Owen, Sir Richard 152

  P&O 88

  Pallas (ship) 9, 123

  Parker, Hyde 123

  Parker, Richard 170, 170

  Pascoe, John 88, 107

  Patagonian giants 140

  Paulet, Harry 23–4

  Pearson, Capt 25

  Pellew, Admiral Edward 13–14, 123, 174

  Pellew, Capt Israel 163

  Penn, Vice-Admiral William 120

  pensions 105–6

  Perceval, Spencer 30

  Peter the Great 43–5

  pets 9, 43, 88, 88–90, 90, 147

  Pickle (schooner) 41, 42

  Pigafetta, Antonio 140, 140

  Pigot, Hugh 169

  Pique (frigate) 50

  pirates 117, 152–3, 159–60, 173–4, 174

  see also buccaneers

  Pirates of the C
aribbean films 137

  ‘plenty of scope’ 97

  Polgrain, Sarah 127, 139

  Pollard, Capt George 166–7

  Polly (brig) 172

  pollywogs 130

  ‘pooped’ 161

  Popham, Sir Home 61

  Port Royal, Jamaica 157, 159–60, 160

  Porter’s Lodge, Portsmouth Docks 12

  Porto Bello 5, 5, 110, 162

  Portsmouth Docks 12, 99–100, 182–3

  Portuguese, the 60, 63, 152

  press gangs 127, 131, 132

  ‘press on’ 67

  prisons 102

  prize money 105, 121–2

  prostitutes 119, 159

  quarterdeck, saluting 150

  Quebec 45

  Queen Charlotte (ship) 31

  Quiberon Bay, battle of 24

  Quilliam, John 88, 107

  Rainer, Peter 123

  Ram, Lt William 18

  Ranger (ship) 25

  Rebecca (ship) 4

  Redoutable (ship) 4, 18, 36

  Reed, Capt 137–8

  reef nuts 97

  Regent, Prince (later George IV) 132

  Restoration (frigate) 138

  Revenge (galleon) 11, 12, 142

  Reynolds, Joshua 22

  Rivers, John 138

  rockets 72

  Rogers, Capt William 15

  Romney (ship) 158

  Rous, Capt Henry 50, 51

  Royal Charter (clipper) 80

  Royal Dockyards 99–100

  see also Portsmouth Docks

  Royal George (flagship) 30–1, 183–4

  Royal Marines 108–9, 117–18

  Royal Navy 3, 23–4, 32, 34, 73–4, 141, 178

  admirals 103

  alcohol 111, 120–1, 143

  boys 115–16, 116

  Channel Fleet 49, 119

  and Cochrane 8

  coloured squadrons 103

  and Cook 77

  and Dampier 83

  death rate 157

  devotion to duty 112–13

  and Diamond Rock 7–8

  disasters 158–9

  discipline 93–4

  and Drake 78

  figureheads 142

  and foreigners 91–2

  gender of ships 145

  and the Great Storm 1703 175–6

  and lightening strikes 161

  loblolly boys 100–1

  and the Loyal Toast 92–3

  Mediterranean Fleet 158

  and Pellew 14

  press gangs 131

  and prize money 123

  seasickness 102–3

  silent service 123, 148–9

  and slavery 18–19

  and social mobility 87–8, 107

  and the War of 1812 20–1

  West Africa Squadron 18–19

  Royal Transport (yacht) 44

  Rudyerd, John 58

  rum 120–1, 143

  Rumford, Count 104

  ‘run the gauntlet’ 95

  Russel, Edward 14–15

  Russell, Thomas 133

  Russian Navy 43–5

  sailor recruitment 111–12

  St Elmo’s fire 148, 149

  St Vincent, battle of 16, 39, 118

  St Vincent, Earl see Jervis, John, Earl St Vincent

  Salisbury (ship) 88–9

  San Josef (ship) 39

  San Nicolas (ship) 39

  Sandwich, Lord 22, 142

  Santissima Trinidad (flagship) 22–3, 90

  Saumarez, Capt 118

  Saunders, Admiral 45

  Sayes Court 44

  Schank, John 74–5

  Scott, Revd Alexander 161

  scurvy 158, 165–6

  sea clocks 82

  sea monsters 128, 150–2, 152

  seasickness 102–3

  Second World War 137

  Serapis (ship) 25

  Seven Years’ War 45–6

  Shakespeare, William 95, 137

  Shannon (ship) 20–1, 21

  ship christenings 132–3

  ship-to-shore rescue 71–2, 72

  ship’s biscuits 97–8

  Shovell, Admiral Sir Cloudesley 81, 158– 9, 176

  Shuldham, Capt Molyneaux 74

  Skynner, Capt Lancelot 178

  ‘skyscrapers’ 167

  slavery 18–19, 20, 173–4

  ‘slush fund’ 43

  Small, Elisha 170

  Smeaton, John 59

  Smeaton lighthouse 59

  Smith, Capt John 146

  Smith, Sir William Sidney 34–5, 35

  smuggling 23–4, 24, 60

  Smyth, Admiral 144

  Snell, Hannah 117–18

  Snipe (ship) 71

  social mobility 87–8, 107

  Solander, Dr Carl 22

  Somers (brig) 170

  Sovereign of the Sea (ship) 142

  Spanish Armada 78, 128, 149

  Spanish, the 3–5, 9, 11, 19, 22–3, 78–9, 110, 138, 162, 169, 173

  speed, measurement 70, 71

  Speedy (ship) 9

  Spencer, Phil 170

  ‘spin a yarn’ 101

  Spratt, Jack 4, 51

  Spratt, Revd Devereux 173

  ‘square meals’ 63

  Squirrel (ship) 65

  Stirling Castle (frigate) 138, 176

  Stockholm tar 96

  storms 138, 160–1, 172, 175–6, 181

  submersibles 75–6

  Suckling, Capt 115

  Superb (ship) 112

  superstition 127, 135–42, 144, 146–53

  Swaffield, Capt 163

  Swedish navy 181

  Swiftsure (ship) 186–7

  ‘swinging the lead’ 30

  Sykes, John 42

  Symonds, Sir William 50

  Syndey Cove (ship) 184–5

  Taeping (clipper) 6, 6

  ‘taken aback’ 73

  Tasmania 67

  Tate, Colonel William 17

  tea 5–6

  Temeraire (ship) 36

  Tennyson, Alfred 11, 150

  Terrible (ship) 58

  Terror (ship) 66

  Thompson, Hugh 184

  ‘three sheets to the wind’ 114

  Tiger (ship) 110

  timber supplies 116–17

  ‘to the bitter end’ 116

  ‘toe the line’ 140

  toilet arrangements 109–10

  ‘topping his boom’ 133–4

  ‘touch and go’ 104

  trade winds 83

  Trafalgar, battle of 3–4, 11, 16, 18, 22, 26, 32–3, 36, 41, 46, 51, 62, 88, 92, 115–16, 118, 142–3, 143

  traitors 13

  treasure 9, 123, 152–3, 162, 178

  Tremendous (ship) 118

  Trengrouse, Henry 71–2

  Tribune (frigate) 179–80

  Tribune Head 180

  Truidson, Vice-Admiral Jens 181

  Turkish forces 34–5

  ‘turning a blind eye’ 144

  Turtle (submersible) 75–6, 76

  Twain, Mark 177

  Tyrie, David 13

  umbrellas 33

  ‘under the weather’ 39

  US Navy 20–1, 25, 100–1, 121, 170

  Vanderdecken, Capt 136

  Vasa (ship) 171–2

  Venerable (ship) 164, 164

  Vergruggen family 104

  Vernon, Admiral Edward 5, 120, 121

  Victoria, Queen of England 99

  Victoria (ship) 60, 61

  Victory (ship) 10, 18, 22, 32, 32, 36, 41, 46, 87–8, 92, 108–10, 113, 116, 142–3, 147

  Vikings 132

  Villeneuve, Admiral 8

  vinegar 90–1

  Visby 181

  Voltaire 40

  Waghorn, Capt Martin 183

  Walker, Matthew 73

  Wallis, Provo 107

  War of 1812 20–1

  water supplies 90

  waterspouts 147

  weather 138, 147–9, 160–1, 172, 175–6, 181

bsp; ‘weather eye’ 18

  Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington 35

  Westcott, Capt George 95

  whaling 166–7, 167

  Whipple, Thomas 10

  Whist Hunt 128

  whistling 148–9

  widows 105

  William III, King of England 43–4, 58

  William IV, King of England 92, 115

  ‘wind of ball’ 10

  ‘windfall’ 75

  Windsor Castle (ship) 15

  Winstanley, Henry 55–6, 58, 176

  witchcraft 149, 149

  Wolfe, General 45, 77

  Wolverine (ship) 89

  ‘women on board’ 102, 117–18, 138, 142, 174–5

  world maps 56

  yellow admirals 103

  yellow fever 162

  Yorkshire Jack 139

  Young Teazer (ghost ship) 141

  Zheng He ‘Admiral of the Western Seas’ 55, 56–7

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  Copyright © Julian Stockwin 2009

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