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New Blood (The Blood Saga Book 2)

Page 10

by Unknown

  My gaze settled on Damien. The true concern was not how dangerous he was to himself. “What would happen if he really could find me here?”

  “He won’t be able to. Phoenix is taking care of it now. It would take him a couple days to figure it out anyway, I’m sure. We do take some precautions afterall.”

  “Right.” We both let it drop. We both knew it would be very bad if Paul showed up here. That’s all there was to it. We just had to hope he was not as smart as I knew he was.

  The days passed like hours for me. I only knew due to the sunrise and sunsets that days were really cycling at all. Phoenix was my only companion and that was only on occasion. Once again in my life or second life as it were, I was the social recluse. Damien of course was keeping his distance now more than ever since the call. Perhaps he really was going to give up.

  So it was quite to my surprise when Jezabell hopped up onto the rail of the balcony where I was sitting in lotus, reading one day. “Hello, dear!” She giggled while dangling precariously over the edge.

  “Um, hey Jez.” Certainly surprised, all I could do was wonder why the sudden visit. We’d mended fences so to speak. But her sudden burst of good cheer was still unexpected, and suspect.

  Before long, after some idle chit chat, she had found her way behind me, her fingers weaving through my hair. She had taken it upon herself to braid my hair into a million tiny braids, simply because she could.

  “Jezie, where do the voices come from?” It was an unexpected question, but she seemed like just the person to ask. Old as the ages themselves as she was.

  “What voices?” I could feel her pause. Even her fingers stopped moving through my hair.

  “When I turned, and after the incident with the hikers I heard whispers.” I meant when she had used her mental whammy against me, making me black out. Or whatever it was.

  “Ahh… That’s rare. Not very many of us hear anything like that. Especially more than once.”

  “You do know what it is then. Who are they?”

  “Some people say they are the voices of pure magic. The basis of how our kind was all created. We call them the Ancients. The oldest of the Faye. The Shifters. The Descendants, and of course the Vampire. They say that Ancients are linked to every one of us. Like a spider web we are all connected. It would explain a lot really if it’s true. For example, those that have a stronger connection can read minds as well as Damien.”

  So why is it I had heard them twice, but my connection didn’t seem very strong at all? “But all Vampires read minds, don’t they? Or are like you. What is it called, what you do? Have you met ever met an Ancient?” My body tensed even if in slight as I remembered what Jezabell was capable of.

  “So many, many questions.” She sighed. “Damien can do much more than read your thoughts as they are created. Ask him sometime. But, as you know, not every Vampire is telepathic in any form though most are. Yes, like me as well. Hmmm, what I do. What I do is one of the many forms of sense manipulation. Excruciation is something you’ve seen a bit of. I should apologize for that also.” Was that the apology?

  “Excruciation basically induces pain in different levels causing different effects. I can use almost every form of sense manipulation, but it’s far too complicated to explain it all in a day. And as for Ancients, well let me think. When I was young I met three sisters... They’re the oldest that I have met. They claimed they were of the true Ancients, but that is debatable. Arrogance is not power.”

  She seemed to ponder. “Our history isn’t very clear to be honest. They say that there were those of our kind that were not bitten to be made. That it was something more than that. No one knows for certain.”

  “Is that why some Vampires are stronger than others?”

  “Some believe so. That’s difficult to say. Some believe your strength is dependent on how strong you were as a human. Some believe you only get stronger with age. This is true to an extent. But it has to stem from somewhere originally. It’s impossible to say where the truth lies with all of this. But isn’t that the case with all history? All anything amounts to in this world is theory.”

  “What about my strengths?” Or my lack thereof.

  “That’s something you’ll have to learn in your own time. You must be patient, Anna, these things emerge with time, great amounts of tolerance, and focus. Not all gifts come naturally.”

  “Tell me something, Jezabell. Where is it you come from originally? Where were you born when you were human?” There wasn’t any explicit reason for my curiosity. Other than to say I lived with four perfect strangers, and one man who I was afraid to know any better for fear of my broken heart.

  Her smile brightened as her mood perked at a fond memory. “I was born in Ireland upon the island of Roe. I lived there until my family died of disease and starvation. A ship of merchants came every month, and on their next visit I went with them. But something else had stowed on the ship as well. None of the crew survived. But when she came upon me she saw in me the child she had lost in her humanity. Vidana turned me so that she would no longer be alone.” She sighed heavily. The air thickened with emotion. “And here we are today.”

  Our day went on. By the end, I had a head full of braids each so tiny and without a single strand out of place. Some of them only had three strands of hair per braid. It was impossible to get out. Everyone else seemed to delight in my frustration though.

  Three days later Lara came to save me and spent the day unbraiding it. This was after I had miserably failed at the challenge ,and was ready to pull my hair out. All that stopped me was the fact that I hadn’t been sure what would happen if I did.

  Lara and I sat on the balcony off of her and Jezabell’s bedroom. She was armed with a fine tooth comb, a hair brush, and detangler. “In all my days I have never once needed detangler for a Vampire!” She laughed as she went to work on my hair.

  “It’s not surprising to me. I went through gallons of that stuff before I turned.”

  She giggled again. Sprits- separate- tug. Sprits- separate- tug. Over and over again. Her fingers were very careful. The tension in the air was as tangled as my hair. “So, what is it you wished to speak to me about, Anna?”

  My nose wrinkled which made her laugh again. “Am I that transparent?”

  “I saw it coming.” She tugged a braid playfully.

  “Oh right. Of course you did. You know between you and Damien... anyway. Well I’m just trying to figure things out better I guess.” She laughed when I commented on her and Damien.

  If I could compare it to anything really it would be like that dream you have when you’re in a big public place and you’re completely naked, but everyone else has their clothes on. Exposed. Yes that’s the best word for it. Never a move you can make that Lara could not see coming, and never a thought that Damien could not hear. Not to mention Phoenix.

  “So how does it work then? Your being able to see things that is.”

  “Well it’s complicated. I don’t see everything.”

  “You didn’t see what happened when I turned.”

  “No. I had never met you. I didn’t see you were a Vampire until I saw Damien driving with you to New York.”

  “Do you feel responsible for the things that you see? Is that why you don’t like talking about it?”

  “Of course. If I tell a single person it could change absolutely everything. That could cause things to take a horrible turn. Or if I tell no one then my gift goes wasted. I have it for a reason. If I keep everything to myself alone then I cannot change anything. Let alone, I think it may drive me insane.” She giggled at the thought. “You know what the Chaos Theory is, don’t you, Anna?”

  “Cause and effect.” Her words had me thinking a great deal.

  “Absolutely. What I am shown is only a glimpse. A possibility at best. But if I were to share every possibility, even one small detail changes everything. What if I change something for the wrong reason or in the wrong way? Can you imagine what problems that could bri
ng? If I had seen you, who knows what would have happened?”

  “I suppose that makes sense. Well I guess I am just wondering how whatever it is decided to show you what it shows you. You know like... You didn’t see me at the waterfall either. I know that much. But what kept you from seeing that when you see other things? I guess that’s what I am asking.”

  “It’s all right. I understand. I have met people that without their control or mine I could not see even if I tried to. I have met people that could actually keep me from being able to see them, like Phoenix. I rarely see anything at all involving him. He keeps people out, very well,” her tone darkened at that mention. More food for thought. Why did Phoenix keep everyone out so strictly? “The only time someone gets into Phoenix’s head is if he lets them. But skill like that comes mostly from focus and time.” Unless it was a part of his gift. “You may not be actively keeping me out, but you are difficult to see. To be honest my dear, I don’t know why.”

  So the question that brought me to was, is there a limit? Is it just like a person? They can grow and grow and grow, but eventually they stop. I mean physically I can see limitations for certain. But this, mentally... Maybe there weren’t so many limits.

  “Another thought, what if whatever it is that shows you your visions, is showing you only what they want you to see? What if it’s the Ancients? Perhaps they show you the things they intend for you to have control to change?”

  “Hmm.” She seemed to ponder that, but her silence continued on. She wasn’t going to respond. Perhaps she couldn’t.

  After some time in my own thoughts while Lara skillfully released thousands of little braids, I began on my second round of questioning. “Lara, where do you come from?”

  “Ahh, I was wondering when you would ask that. I was born in Greece actually.”

  “Oh wow, I have always wanted to see Greece. Tell me what it was like. How old were you when you changed? I don’t mean to be rude. Is that where you met Damien?”

  Her soft laugh was more blissful than that of a child or an angel. Maybe a cherub could contend. But somehow I doubted even that. “No. Jezabell found Damien there when he was a very young Vampire. I was little more than a child when I turned. I think I was around thirteen or so. We kept track differently then, but still, in those times I was a woman by that age. I was a slave for one of the wealthiest families in all of Greece, Anastasius. His wife was my mistress, and I her closest companion. She was what you would call my second cousin you see. I helped her keep order over the other girls, making life easier for her and her husband. I still remember their love. It was beautiful. I had been with them since I was quite young. Five or so I believe.

  “One day a visitor came. It was late at night, far past normal calling hours. But our master was a thoughtful man and dared not turn away a traveler for any reason. We of course as women and slaves no less, were not in the position to argue.

  “I heard Anastasius and his wife fight more that night than ever before. I was scared. The other servants were, too. But this traveler was charming to say the very least. He had a rich voice, soothing. It rang with harmony. His eyes were like liquid amber. His hair was black, and long down his back. Curled like a cherub. But his skin, his skin was placid and hinted olive green like death. It was cold and clammy. So unnatural for our lands. It frightened us. He seemed to take a liking to me the moment he’d laid eyes on me.”

  Her fingers moved slowly through my hair as she thought back, ruminating over her past, and no doubt reliving every moment. “We knew the legends. The legends of the Empousa. This was what they called us then. Demon that feeds off humans.” She was quiet a moment as she considered her human death. “I am sure you can use your imagination to fill in the blanks from there.”

  My spine twitched as she finished her story. Despite the missing details, they were easy to fill in. I felt my lips whisper the words so soft of course only a Vampire sitting as close as Lara could here. “You were alone. None of the others...sur... Continued.” Survived didn’t seem the appropriate wording. Sighing softly, she leaned over my shoulder to softly kiss my cheek.

  “Dear Anna, do not be depressed by my story. Most stories are just like that. Few of us have stayed with our makers.” More thoughts to accompany this. Why not? Was I doomed away from Damien because he turned me? Could there be no hope?

  “So why do you think he chose you?”

  “I don’t know really. I never saw him again so I could never ask. So now, I have a question for you.” My eye brow perked curiously as I turned my body to twist and meet her gaze. Her lips curled into that soft smile, so tender and sweet. Would I ever not be overwhelmed by her beauty?

  “Anything, Lara.”

  “Since your day at the falls, things indeed seem different with you now. We’ve all noticed. You feel it, too, don’t you? But you’re not even talking to Damien about it. It has him worried you should know. If you choose not to confide in the rest of us I understand, but do not hide anything from him. Not ever. Even if you two part ways. He is much more than your maker, Lianna. Your body and soul are bound to him for the rest of your eternity by the blood you have shared. Besides, a maker’s bond should not be wasted as mine and others before me have.”

  Where was the question exactly?

  My lips twisted and puckered to a frown. “Yes, I know.” The human blood had changed me. It brought on changes in me, and made me realize some things about myself as well. Things I had not yet discussed with anyone here. I just felt different.

  She sighed at my short answer. “There now. All done.”

  Turning me to her, Lara smoothed over my hair which was still wavy and crimped. It likely would be until I took a shower. Perfection in the eyes of immortality. With her angelic soft smile, Lara’s hands stroked down my cheeks. And just like that she was gone.

  Finding her had been the easiest thing I had done that week, though it had not been a good week. She had been a stronger beacon than a light house in the pitch of night. Eight days hadn’t been long enough, and at the same time had been far too long.

  “Hey, Sticks.” Sticks was a nickname I’d given her, because stealth was far from her best skill. She still sounded completely human as she ran through the woods crunching through leaves and twigs. Or given her speed, more like a tiny tornado. Of course I also called her cupcake, too, sometimes. There was no real reason for that one.

  “Phoenix.” Her eyes closed upon seeing me. Her dry cracked lips turned up just the faintest bit, but it was not be enough to call it a smile.

  “Anna, you look like hell. How long have you been up here?” Quite out of her ordinary, Lianna looked like a weathered gargoyle. Her hair once knotted wild yet skillfully on the top of her head was fallen in windblown shambles. Her skin was translucent with hunger.

  Her thoughts were so clear and crisp it was as if she had spoken aloud. Lianna had sat in this same spot completely unmoving for the past six days. “Six days? Mind if I ask why?”

  Six days for a New Blood, especially her, was too long. Was she pushing herself to go longer between feeding?

  Breathing in to speak seemed to cause her duress. “It’s safe up here.” Again, I heard her thoughts clear and un-muddled. The roof is safe. The roof is quiet. I had to make myself stop thinking so I came up here. I can’t let them hear me thinking. It’s not safe. The others are up to something. Damien’s losing his mind. I’m tearing them a part. You’re back. She was more than pleased with my return. With such a simple thought the feeling of her relief was immense. She sighed in that humble reprieve as I sat down beside her. Almost as if my proximity had eased a physical burden. What a strange thought. There wasn’t time for that now though.

  “Yes well, you look like you’re starving. Why is it safe up here exactly?” Lianna shrugged the answer. “I thought they were warming up to you?” I’d not have left had I believed they’d be cruel to her.

  It’s so much worse. The way they look at me… Accusing. Sadness. Hatred. Pity. Fear. And som
ething more. She looked away from me. I could feel humiliation in her thoughts. After some thought on how to say what she intended, she spoke in a whisper, “I think they had an ulterior motive behind it. They need something from me. I think they believe I could be the key to his past. Damien might be going insane. He’s desperate for what he believes is the truth to be real. Yesterday he tore apart the study because he couldn’t find a book. And I do mean shelves and all.” Her eyes cast in my direction.

  Her chin kept tucked low, but her eyes looked up to me. Even in her hunger they gleamed an intense, beautiful silver. “I am very afraid I’m going to have to leave soon. You’re the only one here that gives me back a piece of sanity. I’m tearing their world apart. It’s only a matter of time before I rip yours apart, too. I did not want to be anyone’s burden, Phoenix. Least of all yours after all you’ve done for me. I just…” Her lips tightened as she looked away from me. “Where can I go?” Her fingers trembled from physical strain of hunger and the ache of her guilt. Why hadn’t she fed?

  She had indeed flipped my world around, but ripped? Certainly not. A low growl rumbled through my chest, faint as the wind. Anger stirred inside of me for what they’d done to her. Now wasn’t the time to deal with it though. “First, you’re not going anywhere. Not yet. We’ll deal with that later. Second-You could never tear things that are already torn to pieces, cupcake.” Hesitantly my hand rose to brush back the wild tendrils from her eyes, back behind her multiple piercings decorating her ear. She was a unique little pire for certain. “Don’t worry about the others. I’ll check into it. And I promise I won’t take off on you again. Let’s go hunt. You’ll feel better.”

  “You must think I’m pathetic.” She laughed one hard cold laugh. Her eyes remained on the trees of the forest. “I just couldn’t go into the woods. I felt…” I felt like something was out there, watching me.

  “Did you tell anyone?”

  “Damien knew. But he said there was nothing out there, that him and Hendrick checked and there was nothing. They think I’m crazy. Now you must, too.” Her eyes closed as she looked down.


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