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Reckoning (Vincent and Eve #2)

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by Jessica Ruben

  I nod my head, relieved that my age won’t cause a problem. “Yeah. My sister called the DMV over the summer and told them she lost her driver’s license, so they sent her a new one and I got to keep her old.”

  “Oh my God, that’s so lucky! Mine is just one of the older girls in Phi Alpha, and she looks nothing like me!” We laugh.

  Even though we didn’t drive, Janelle thought it was important for us to have driver’s licenses. Somehow, she got Vania’s brother to lend us his old Volvo once a week so we could practice.

  Claire and I finally get off campus. Everywhere I turn, college students are ignoring traffic signals, or running drunkenly from one corner to the next. A group of girls, all in short skirts, walk ahead of us.

  Finally, we enter a small but obviously expensive-looking building. The uniformed doorman nods to us as we walk into the elevator. Claire pushes the button for the penthouse level and we smile at each other excitedly. The door opens directly into a huge loft. Claire immediately steps out, but it takes me a second to realize this is the party.

  Hard-core rap music blares on the speakers. I step inside, doing my best to give off a casual vibe as if this social scene doesn’t scare me. But the truth is everything around me serves as a reminder that I’m out of place. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows and an open floor plan give the apartment an airy feel. The walls are filled with beautiful black-and-white photography, framed in silver and gold. This place screams money.

  I turn my head to see a green ping-pong table along the wall by the kitchen. Some people are playing a drinking game on it, throwing balls into cups on the opposite side of the table. There’s a beautiful brown leather sectional couch in the center of the room. A coffee table is littered with ashtrays, red cups, and empty water bottles. Random pockets of students grind their bodies together to the music.

  Before saying hello to anyone, Claire walks us into a large chrome and silver kitchen. Bottles of alcohol are spread out chaotically across a white marble island. She checks them out and finally picks up a magnum of vodka that’s already half empty. She pours some into two large plastic cups, adding some Diet Pepsi to each. After handing one to me, and taking the other for herself, we walk to the side of the living room. Clinking our drinks together, we take our first sips. The swallow burns, but I do my best not to flinch.

  “To new friends,” she says.

  “New friends.” My heart actually warms in my chest.

  Claire checks her phone while I look around the party. I put my lips back onto the cup’s rim when I lock eyes across the room with a familiar guy. He’s big and built, but also really preppy looking. It only takes a moment for me to realize that we’re both staring at each other questioningly, trying to place the other. Wait. Is this who I think it is? Oh. My. God. Does he remember meeting me? Vincent introduced me to him the night of the underground fight in the Meatpacking District. Did Vincent ever tell him about us? Does he know anything? Is he also Borignone mafia?

  He starts to move through the crowd, seemingly toward me.

  My heart thumps.

  Some girl stops him to say hello and he barely gives her a second glance. He’s on his way.

  He reaches his destination—me. Standing tall and naturally imposing, I’d peg him at over six feet tall, and in this moment, I’m wishing I wore a pair of higher heels. I feel like a kid in front of this man.

  “Holy shit,” he says, not unkindly. “You’re Eve.” His lips quirk up into a smile, but I can tell there are nerves behind his relaxed demeanor.

  “Do you know Claire?” I point to her, deflecting. His eyes smile as he takes her in.

  “Of course, I do.”

  Claire rolls her eyes as if she’s been there and done that. “Yeah,” she says. “I know Tom.” She cocks her head to the side and crosses her arms over her chest, full of attitude. He doesn’t look daunted.

  “Oh, come on, Claire,” he laughs. “We had some fun together, didn’t we?”

  “Huh,” she says skeptically. “I vaguely remember sitting in the dining hall with the rest of my pledge class when we all got a text on our phone at the same time.” Claire’s face is reddening, but Tom looks like he’s trying not to laugh.

  “And you wouldn’t believe it, Eve, but, it was the same exact message. From the same guy. And do you know what this text said to each and every one of us?”

  I let my gaze bounce between the two of them.

  “It said”—she lifts her hands to make air quotes—“Netflix and chill?”

  Tom breaks out into laughter. “Come on—I was throwing out an option and figured someone would respond! How was I supposed to know you were all together?”

  “We were all pledging Phi Alpha! We were together for the entire semester, you moron.”

  “All right, so I got busted. Doesn’t mean you and I didn’t have fun while it lasted though, right?”

  I want to ask if Vincent is here, but I don’t have the nerve. Tom glances toward the couch. I turn my eyes and—there he is, facing away from me while Daniela straddles his lap. The back of his head rests against the cushion while she grinds up against him to the music.

  I turn away, trying not to stare. Tom looks at me with pity in his eyes and all at once, I feel like crying. He must know everything. I wish I could care less about this right now. Against all odds, I made it to one of the best schools in the country. I have everything paid for and taken care of. My sister is safe. I’m safe. I have a nice clean bedroom to sleep in every night. I’m on a path to success. I can’t let this bother me.

  Still, seeing them in front of my face feels like I’m receiving punishment for a crime I never committed. I need to get out of here before Vincent sees me. The last thing on earth I want right now is to bump into him while he’s with his girlfriend.

  Tom seems to notice my distress. He shrugs his shoulders as if to say that what I’m witnessing is just the normal course of things.

  “You girls want another drink? Eve, you look like you could use one.”

  “We just got,” Claire replies, lifting her full cup. “But I could use a bottle of water.”

  Tom nods. “No problem. Let me grab one for you.” He turns, walking toward the kitchen.

  Claire’s eyes follow Tom as he saunters off. “Ugh, he is such a man-whore. Then again, we did have a lot of fun together.”

  “Yeah,” I reply, taking another huge gulp of my drink. If she’s still talking, I wouldn’t know. I need an exit strategy, stat.

  Claire turns her head toward Vincent and Daniela. “He’s best friends with Vincent. That guy, over there.” She points to his back. “I know Vincent’s gorgeous, but he’s so intense. I don’t know what it is about him, but he always looks so aggressive…so, dominant. I obviously get the appeal, but sometimes he just like, scares the shit out of me.”

  “Tom looks pretty intense, too,” I add.

  “Yeah, but not in the same way. Tom is sort of free-spirited; he messes around and makes a lot of jokes. He’s definitely got that aggressive side too, but not like Vincent. Vincent is like, brilliant. And huge. And rough.” She laughs, taking another sip of her drink. “They say he got a full scholarship, even though he’s a gazillionaire!”

  “Oh.” I shrug and take a deep breath, my gaze falling back on the asshole who cared for me—during my lowest moments—like no one else. I need to hold myself together, at least until I find somewhere private to cry.

  A girl I’ve never met before walks over to Claire. “Do you see the bag Daniela has?” She’s huffing, annoyance written all over her pale face. “How the hell did she even find it? I looked everywhere for that bag and it was sold out! Barneys, Bergdorf, Net-a-Porter, everywhere!”

  I’ve recently come to understand that in this rich people’s world—where everyone has the money, the looks, and the intellect—connections and access are what reign supreme. Because when everyone can afford the newest “it” bag, it’s no longer exciting or special to have it. The goal becomes about having a bag that
others can’t get their hands on.

  “Who cares? I think it’s ugly anyway,” Claire looks at me and winks. “By the way Alexa, this is Eve. Eve, this is Alexa. She’s a junior in Phi Alpha.”

  Alexa turns to me, giving a genuine smile. “Nice to meet you. Are you planning to rush?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe?” I lift a shoulder in question.

  “You totally should. We have a lot of fun and it’s great to have a smaller community within the college scene. Especially since the city is so huge, you know? It’s good to have that close-knit family feeling.”

  She turns her body again to face Claire. “A few of us are heading over to another party in the building next door. Come with?”

  “We just got here. I think we’ll stay for a bit.” The girls air-kiss goodbye and Alexa waves to me as she walks away.

  Claire plunges a hand into her huge purse, searching for something. “I almost forgot!” She pulls out two small bags of pretzels and hands one to me. “I brought these for us so we won’t get too drunk tonight. Carbs to soak up the alcohol!”

  I take the pretzels from her hand, feeling like crying even harder now. The fact that she thought of me enough to bring this little snack is beyond thoughtful. I’ve never really had anyone in my life other than Janelle who I could call a friend. And in this moment, Claire is seriously coming close to that mark.

  Tom walks back over with a bottle of Poland Spring and within seconds, they’re shamelessly flirting. I drop the pretzels into my bag and hold my drink in a death grip as my eyes move back to Vincent and Daniela. I just can’t stop myself; watching him with her is like staring at an awful car crash. It’s sickening to see, but impossible to turn from.

  Apparently, I’m not the only one with a staring problem because Daniela’s stripper dance is beginning to garner interest. Katy Perry and Rihanna’s “Black Horse” booms on the speakers as a few preppy-looking guys move closer together, hooting and hollering as she grinds on Vincent. It’s obvious she’s loving all of the attention she’s getting; her seductive dancing only increases with their cheers. Her narrow hips slowly circle as her long auburn hair sways down her back. The look in her eyes is seduction.

  She spins around in an expert-looking move. While the front of her top was relatively modest, the back is entirely open and strung together with nothing other than a few delicate gold chains. The shirt showcases her milky-white skin. I wish I could see Vincent’s face, but he’s still sitting looking away from me.

  Daniela finally moves off him when the music changes. I know it’s not rational, but I feel instantly relieved. Some of the guys who were watching start to boo, begging her to keep dancing. She demurely shrugs as if she didn’t even realize anyone was watching her. “Oh, please,” I say under my breath.

  Meanwhile, Vincent leans forward on the couch, seemingly ignoring everyone and focusing on a muted UFC match on the big-screen TV in front of him. I step closer to Tom and Claire. Strangely, it feels like Tom keeps darting his eyes toward me. He’s not giving off any sexual interest, but he is for sure watching me.

  I glance back to see Daniela walking toward her friends. Pulling out a phone from her bag, she leans into the group with her arm extended forward, posing for selfies.

  I subconsciously lift my tank top higher, making sure I’m not showing too much skin. I let out a groan of irritation. I’m sick and tired of the same old issues that I’ve always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties that have been gnawing at me for years. Every girl here is dressed sexy and I can, too. I’m in college, a place for reinvention within relative safety. I have nothing to fear anymore. I pull my tank down just a bit so that the top of my breasts show. There!

  All of a sudden, Daniela and her friends turn to me together. Oh, shit. They totally caught me staring. I do a quick about-face and try to act like I’m part of the conversation between Claire and Tom.

  I feel a soft hand on my back and I immediately flinched, turning around.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you,” Daniela says with a saccharine smile. “Having fun?” Her perfectly plucked auburn eyebrows are raised in question.

  I want to look happy, but my face won’t move. Luckily, Claire turns to us then, her presence immediately breaking the potential for awkwardness. Tom casually drapes an arm around Daniela’s thin shoulder and pulls her in for a hug. Of course, they’re friends. This is his best friend’s girlfriend.

  “How was your summer, Claire?” she asks as she relaxes comfortably into Tom’s side. She sounds just as a rich girl would: confident and perfectly measured. Claire, who I could swear was slouching just a moment ago, is now standing ramrod straight with her stomach pulled in and shoulders back.

  “It was great. I was working in Malawi actually.” She glances down for a moment before resuming eye contact.

  “I always knew you were one of those do-gooder types. You’re pre-med, right?”

  “Yeah,” Claire says proudly. “Did you declare your major?”

  “Yeah. I’m business.” Her voice is upbeat. “I plan to work with my father’s bank after graduation; so this works for me.”

  I hate that she has a brain. If she were stupid, I’d feel a whole lot better about this entire conversation right now. I stand silently, hoping that everyone just forgets I exist.

  Unfortunately, I have no such luck. Daniela turns her face toward mine, placing a hand on her chest. “I’m Daniela by the way.” Pointing to a group of girls who are now standing behind her, she introduces them next. “This is Allie, Jenna, and Julie.” She turns to another girl standing slightly behind them. “Oh, and that’s Quinn.”

  “Hi!” they all reply in unison. I eye each one of them, their hair all long and highlighted in the same honey-blonde shade. The girls stand around Daniela as if they’re her secretaries, ready to do her bidding at a moment’s notice.

  Daniela’s smile is back on me. “You should take a look at Omega Chi during rush next semester.” She looks me up and down, assessing me. “You’re so pretty. I feel like you would really fit in with us.” I blink a few times nervously, feeling confused. I know she’s speaking English, but it’s as if there’s an undercurrent to her words that I can’t catch onto.

  “So, what’s your name?” she asks expectantly.

  I clear my throat, hoping that I can get a word out. “Eve.” I rub my sweaty palms on my thighs, wishing she’d leave me alone.

  She nods her head slightly as if my name is suitable to her. “Well, we’re all about to head out. This party totally sucks. But I’m so glad we met. See you soon, Eve.” She struts off in her black stiletto heels, her posse walking behind her.

  The moment they’re gone, I lean back against the wall, looking for support. Claire is about to say something when I interrupt her. “Do you know where the bathroom is?”

  “It’s in the back, second door to the left,” Tom replies with a piercing gaze. Does he think I’m going to steal something? Jeez.

  Before I walk away, Claire gives me a face like holy shit I can’t believe Daniela was here just now, but then looks back at Tom to continue chatting. I walk away from them, moving as quickly as I can. For a moment, I wonder if I should turn around and leave the party. But Daniela may be in the lobby, waiting for a ride or something. I don’t want to bump into her.

  Luckily, I find the bathroom quickly and walk right inside, locking the door behind me. It’s small, white, and thankfully still clean. I put my hands on either side of the sink and bow my head, my breathing labored. How long should I stay in here?

  I finally lift my face and look at my reflection. My hair, which I painstakingly straightened a few hours ago, now has a wave to it and my face is flushed, lips puffy. I look down at my wrist and find a skinny black hair tie. Pulling my hair back in a tight bun, I immediately feel better. Turning on the faucet, I put my wrists under the ice-cold water, trying to cool my body down. I feel completely depleted from seeing Vincent and meeting Daniela. All I want to do is run back to my dorm room and
cry myself to sleep.

  What I need to do is leave this party. I let out a whimper and stare at myself hard, willing the tears not to leave my eyes. Everything with Vincent was blown up in my childish mind. He has his own life, and I was nothing more than his little sideshow. What a joke I must have been. A pathetic joke. I’m going to walk back into the party and tell Claire that I have a terrible headache. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find her quickly and without incident.

  I hear a knock on the bathroom door. “Just a s-second.” I try to stop my voice from stammering. I take a few deep breaths when I hear another hard bang.

  “Just a minute!” I yell again, my voice stronger. I stare at myself, trying to muster the strength to go back outside.

  “Whoever is fuckin’ in there, better get out.” It’s a man on the other side, his voice deep and angry. I turn around, swinging the door open with annoyance. What a jerk!

  A huge body looms in front of me. We lock eyes, both rooted to our respective spots. The plot of my life just doesn’t make sense anymore.

  “Eve?” The tone of his voice registers that he’s completely stunned. He puts his hands on either side of the doorframe, seemingly to steady himself.

  “Uh…” My entire brain goes on mute as I drop my head and stare at dark denim hugging muscular thighs, my eyes track upward to a tight black T-shirt that stretches across a wide chest, and finally, my eyes lock with a dark and penetrating gaze that belongs to only one man.

  “Eve?” he repeats. While I didn’t think it would be possible, his stare deepens. All I can process is how vulnerable I feel in this moment. When Vincent looks at me, it’s as if he can see within me. It’s exposure I both yearn for and despise.

  In a blink, he steps inside and locks the door behind him. He bends down and lifts me onto the counter, dropping his head in my neck and breathing me in. My legs immediately spread apart to make room for him to get closer. He wraps his huge hands on either side of my head, keeping me in place while he lowers his head to look straight at me again as if to confirm that I’m real.

  “You’re here? But, how—” his voice breaks off. I listen to his shallow breaths mixed with mine.


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