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Reckoning (Vincent and Eve #2)

Page 11

by Jessica Ruben

  “Vincent!” She gently pushes away from him as if she’s trying to calm him down. “Not here!” I’ve never felt jealousy to this degree in my life as if she just poured salt on a bloody wound.

  She turns toward me again, her smile tight. “Why don’t you and Tom come to the movies tomorrow. I mean, you are seeing each other, right? So why not all go together?” Her words sound calm, but there’s a calculated edge. Is she testing me?

  He chuckles casually. “Sure. I’ll make sure Tom’s free. But, are you free, Eve?” He cocks his head to the side. I have no way out of this right now; I can’t think of an excuse fast enough. Although my mind protests, I shrug my shoulders in agreement.

  “Good.” She opens her bag and checks her phone. “See you later.” She walks away from our table, and I feel totally shell-shocked.

  I won’t look at him; I just can’t do it. Seeing her makes the entire thing clear as day. He has a full-on faux relationship with this girl, and she’s gorgeous…and she’s tall…and she’s rich… and she’s smart. I’ve got to get the hell out of here and away from him. I stand up and from the corner of my eye, can see that he’s putting his jacket back on.

  “Where’s your coat? That scarf isn’t going to be enough.” His voice is concerned, but I’m too upset to give a shit.

  I roll my eyes and finally dare to look up at him. “I didn’t bring one, Dad.” I open the door of the study room and with one step, he’s beside me. I refuse to acknowledge his question, even though the truth is that I left my jacket at my mom’s, and there’s no way in hell I’m going back there again.

  We walk outside into the fresh fall air. “I’ll just walk back to the quad,” I say, still refusing eye contact, taking wider steps so I can get away from him.

  He grabs my arm, spinning me around so we’re staring at each other. Pulling off his own jacket, he puts it over my shoulders. “I’m driving you back to your dorm.” The man doesn’t ask; he orders.

  “I’m not getting into your car again.” I say with as much strength as I can muster, pulling his jacket roughly off my shoulders, handing it back to him.

  He steps closer to me, getting in my space. “Take my damn coat and get in the car. You’re cold.”

  “I don’t want your jacket!” I yell, shivering from the wind. My hurt is turning me into a crazy person.

  “What you just saw wasn’t what you thought. You aren’t listening to me. I have to keep her off your ass. You’re stronger than this, Eve.” He moves closer, lowering his voice. “I’ve got to keep up the façade. If she thinks I have something going on with someone else—if she even smells that I’ve got feelings for anyone else—she’ll go insane. She’s just a lie, Eve. She needs everyone to believe we’re a couple.”

  He stands unwavering, a block of stone. I walk to his car, slamming the door shut and throwing his jacket in the back like it’s poisonous. I buckle my seatbelt and cross my arms in front of me, anger coming off me in waves. As we drive, my emotions simmer.

  We arrive in the quad and he pulls into a parking spot. Leaning forward with one hand resting on the steering wheel, he turns toward me. Why is it that right now, all I want to do is straddle him and kiss him senseless? I want to imprint myself into him so that the entire universe knows he is mine. Not hers, but mine! My mind is fuming, but my body and heart are obsessed.

  “Tom will text you about the movies.” His mouth is in a tight line.

  I let myself out of his car. Even with the tinted windows, I can feel his eyes on me.



  I pull over once I’m off campus and dial Tom. After a few rings, he answers.

  “Yo.” I hear the smile on his face and girls laughing in the background. I raise my head to the roof of the car, annoyed.

  “What the fuck are you doing? It’s five o’clock on a Monday evening.”

  “Yeah, so? Everyone isn’t as serious as you, motherfucker.” The giggling gets louder. “Remember the days you used to actually enjoy pussy?”

  I’d reply, but I don’t have the energy to engage dumb-as-fuck. “Something’s come up. We’re going to the movies tomorrow night.”

  “Cool. Can we see that action flick?”

  “Sure. But you’ve got a date with Eve.”

  The phone muffles for a second. “Hang on,” he says, a question in his voice. I hear some girls complaining in the background and a door slamming shut. “Sorry, dude. Came into the bathroom to hear you better. These girls are seriously insane. Not that I don’t enjoy the crazy, if you know what I mean. Anyway, what are you talking about? Why am I going on a date with Eve? I thought she’s behind us.”

  “I was sorting out shit with her in the library. Fifth floor study rooms. Somehow Daniela found her way up there and caught us talking. I lied and told her I was doing you a favor, helping Eve study for Ancient Philosophy.”

  “Wait.” He pauses. “Study. For ancient fucking philosophy? You’ve got to be kidding me,” he scoffs.

  “Yeah, study. Because the two of you are hooking up and she needed help. It’s actually a pretty hard course.” He’s silent on the other end, but I can only imagine his red face.

  “Fuck no,” he spits. “Feed Eve to the wolves for all I fuckin’ care. Tell Daniela you fucked her and she’s out of your life. The end.”

  “You will come to this goddamn movie and you will act like you’re into her!” I seethe, slamming my hand against the wheel. There’s no way I’m letting Daniela hurt Eve…or spread a rumor that she’s a whore…or blackball her from a sorority. I know the shit that bitch is capable of, and there’s no fuckin’ way I’m allowing it. The only way to save Eve from Daniela’s wrath is to convince her that nothing has—or ever will—happen between Eve and me.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it. Don’t get your panties in a goddamn twist. We’ll all go out together. Make it look like she and I are hooking up. And then we’re all moving on.”

  I stay silent, fuming.

  “I’ve got two girls begging to suck my dick right now. I’m not going to sit here on the phone arguing with you. You’re a smart man. Use your head. Money is flying into our shit right now faster than a wildfire out in California. We’ve got the Feds up our asses at the ports. Now isn’t the time to ruin this connection with Daniela, brother. I’ve said it once. I’m saying it again. We’re going to the movies and I will make sure Daniela believes that the two of you are nothing. And you wanna know why?” I can hear his hard breaths over the phone. “Because there IS no Vincent and Eve! And then you will delete that girl from your mind so all of us can live in goddamn peace.” He hangs up.

  I slam my hand against the steering wheel again, cursing.



  Vincent texted me earlier with Tom’s number, letting me know Tom will be picking me up for the movies at seven. It’s six-thirty and I’m already dressed in a jean skirt and a simple black T-shirt. I was worried I’d be late, and so I overshot my timing. I’d pick up a book, but my nerves are too frayed. And every time I look in the mirror, I find something else about my face that I’ve recently decided I can’t stand. After spending all of my life trying to cover up what I look like, it’s weird to all of a sudden give a shit. I know all I have to do is get through this movie, make Daniela believe the truth—that is, there is nothing going on between Vincent and me—and then, move on.

  The fact that I’m going against my sister’s better judgment has me feeling incredibly guilty. Still, what choice do I have? If I can just get through tonight…

  I pull up my phone and see Daniela’s newest post on Instagram. She took a selfie of herself in a long mirror, showing off her outfit. Pointy blood-red pumps, light denim that’s perfectly distressed with a hole at each knee, a plain white T-shirt tucked in at the front, a long camel sweater, and of course—a gorgeous red-quilted Chanel bag. Twenty-five thousand likes.

  Out to the movies with bae tonight. Not sure I’ll be able to watch the movie, though… #luck
iestgirlalive #hotterthanhollywood #datenight

  I stare, unable to take my eyes off the picture. I know he told me this entire thing is for show but it all looks so… perfect! He told me he can’t turn from me, now he knows I’m here, but I don’t have the type of personality to decipher between social media lies and truth. I can’t understand the difference between what my eyes see and what my ears hear from Vincent. I Just can’t.

  My phone pings.

  Tom: I’m in the front of the quad.

  Me: K

  I walk out of the building, breathing in and out. In front of me is a gorgeous white Range Rover, windows darkly tinted.

  I open the door, sitting in the passenger seat and buckling up. He’s silent next to me. I finally turn to stare at him. He’s wearing a black shirt and jeans. Holy crap, he looks scarier than I’ve ever seen him. Gone is the smiling playboy.

  “Let’s talk a second.”

  I exhale loudly, mentally gearing up for what I know won’t be a pleasant conversation.

  “I know Vincent told you the truth about his relationship with Daniela and the family. And I know you guys had a thing going on last year.” I stare at him, trying not to show any emotion.

  “Tonight is about you and me pretending to be more than friendly. We’ll do what we need to do to clean up Vincent’s fuck-up yesterday.” He stares at me expectantly, waiting for a reply.

  “Yes, I know.” My voice is full of attitude. I’m furious, and for whatever reason, not afraid to show it.

  “Do you also know that I’m going to have to touch you so that she understands you are not a threat to her? I don’t want you freaking out—”

  “How do you know about that?” I ask accusingly. What has Vincent told him? Internally, I boil.

  “I know a lot.” The asshole actually smiles, perfect white teeth shining.

  “Part of my job description is to have Vincent’s back.” I blink a few times, understanding that Tom isn’t just a typical best friend. He’s Borignone mafia—here to support the prince.

  “For what it’s worth,” he continues. “He had no choice but to explain it to me. I mean, shit, after all that went down with Carlos, someone had to clean up that mess, right, Eve?” He says my name with disdain.

  “Listen to me.” I stare up at the roof of the car, gathering my strength. “I’m not sure what Vincent said or didn’t say to you, but it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?”

  “That’s right,” he smirks, looking somewhat relieved. “So, I guess you really do understand that whatever you had with Vincent is finished. I was worried you had some hope in that pretty little head of yours. But you’re too smart. And you’d never want to be the cause of Vincent going to prison, right?” I bristle from his condescending tone.

  He pulls out a piece of gum, unwrapping it slowly and sliding it into his mouth.

  I blink. “Prison?”

  “Daniela’s father launders our illegal cash. We can’t bury that shit in the fields Pablo Escobar style, can we? Ending things with Daniela means ending business with her daddy. And ending things with her daddy, means the family having dirty cash. The cops will be on our asses in seconds.” He chews his gum casually.

  “And you’ve got plans for your own future, don’t you? To be the cause of an important man like Vincent Borignone being put away in prison would make a lot of people very. Fucking. Angry.” He blows a huge bubble with his gum before it explodes back into his mouth.

  I swallow, understanding making my mouth dry up. This is a threat.

  “Vincent is family, understand? Nothing comes before that. Not now, and not ever. Especially a piece of ass like yourself.”

  I clench my teeth. “I heard you, asshole.” I stare at him, hard. I may be trying to run from my shitty upbringing, but I also refuse to be a scared little girl, threatened by the big bad mafia boy.

  “Look, I’m not trying to hurt you,” he says, shrugging a shoulder. “I’ll make sure Daniela knows you aren’t a threat. I know you’ve been through a lot—and that for whatever reason—you and Vincent seem to be connected in some really intense way. I’ll play along tonight, and then we can all move on.” He snaps his gum again and I pull the seat belt down, buckling it over my body. It closes with a click.

  I raise my head high and with dignity. “Yeah, okay. I get it. No more Vincent or risk putting him in jail. Lie to Daniela. The end,” my voice snaps.

  “Quick learner.” He smirks, facing the wheel. “I see why Vincent is so enthralled. Behind that shy demeanor, you’re a damn shark.”

  We drive for ten minutes down the West Side Highway and finally exit into the city streets. Pulling his car into a private parking lot, the sign reads: $75 per hour. Holy shit! The movie is two plus hours long. I can’t believe what he’s about to drop in parking costs.

  He throws his keys to one of the guys who works there. We finally get to the AMC Theater and through the doors. The place is huge, but I immediately spot him.

  Vincent stands by the closest ticket booth to the door, with Daniela by his side. She’s staring down at her phone in the same gorgeous outfit that I already saw…thanks to social media. Vincent and I lock eyes for a moment, and then I let my gaze take him in—from his dark jeans to his black hoodie. He’s wearing a red and black baseball hat, showcasing his straight roman nose and chiseled jaw. He’s scary and huge and sexy as all hell. My legs freeze up, but Tom grabs my hand, ushering me forward.

  “Just breathe,” he tells me as we walk farther inside. I take his advice and try to relax as I move toward him.

  “Yo,” Tom starts, pounding his fist with Vincent. Daniela puts up a manicured finger, the universal sign for give me a minute. “I just have to reply to this …” she says to no one in particular as she stares at her phone, furiously typing.

  “Eve, I brought your jacket. You forgot it in the library the other day.”

  My eyes widen as he holds up a coat. What. The. Hell? I’m staring at a beautiful silvery gray puffer jacket, that until this moment, I’ve never seen before in my life.

  “That’s not mine,” I say under my breath, staring at him in confusion.

  “Yes. It’s yours. You left it in the library, remember?” His eyes flit over to Daniela, who is still totally oblivious to us; her entire focus is on her phone.

  I swallow hard, taking it from his hands. It’s exactly what I’d buy if I could afford it. Tears prick my eyes, but I swallow them back.

  I squeeze the jacket in my hands before trying it on. It’s so soft and light. I zip it closed, tying the belt in a knot around my waist. It’s a perfect fit. I touch the hood and my jaw drops to the floor when I feel it, realizing that it’s lined in what feels like real fur. I look at Vincent, whose eyes have so much warmth in them that I die a little inside.

  I turn to Tom, who looks like he’s about to rail. He’s squinting at Vincent with a what-the-fuck look on his face.

  When Tom sees I’m watching, he looks me up and down, almost resigned. “Look at you. You look like a beautiful little Eskimo.” He smiles not unkindly, throwing the hood over my head playfully so I’m practically drowning in warmth and softness.

  I pull the hood back down and watch as he looks at Vincent. “Good thing you brought her jacket, man. It’s supposed to be a freezing winter.” The sarcasm drips off his voice.

  “Yeah, it is.” Vincent’s standing tall with an almost dead-eyed stare when Daniela pops her head up, breaking the tension.

  “Hey guys,” she says happily, completely having missed the exchange.

  “Daniela, you remember Eve?” Tom asks, throwing a heavy arm around my shoulders.

  I stare up at her, probably looking as scared and nervous as I feel. She is so tall, staring down at me with a wry grin as if she’s trying not to laugh. Insecurity blazes through me.

  “Yeah, of course.” She raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “We met at a party and then the library. While Vincent was tutoring her. Right, baby?” She holds onto Vincent’s arm possessivel
y, pursing her lips that somehow look bigger today than the other night.

  All of a sudden, her face morphs—as she looks me up and down—with something like shock. “Wait. Where did you get that jacket?”

  “Uh, a friend bought it for me.” I dart my eyes to the side nervously.

  “How is that fucking possible?” she quickly replies. “I’ve been looking everywhere for that coat in that color, and it’s impossible to find! Is it Moncler?” She’s fuming. I’m ready to rip it off my back and hand it to her if she’ll just calm down and leave me alone.

  She puts her hands on the belt of my coat, and I guess it confirms her suspicions. “It doesn’t make sense that you have it.”

  “You’re hilarious, Daniela. It’s just a fuckin’ coat. Go to Bergdorf or whatever and pick one up if you like it so goddamn much.”

  “You’re funny, Vincent,” she says mockingly. “I can’t just pick it up because that color is not available.” She moves her hands to her hips, waiting for me to speak.

  “Well,” I say, my voice quivering. “A friend of mine works at Bergdorf, so I’m sure that’s how she managed to get it.” I shrug, trying to act as if one of the biggest socialites in New York City isn’t about to rip my head off.

  “What department?” Daniela counters.

  “She’s, um, at the hair salon,” I say with my head high. The lie twists in my gut, but I do my best to act like the words out of my mouth are truth. And since Janelle does actually work at the salon, I’m sure I could back up my story if need be.

  “Whatever.” She pulls the phone back from her purse and furiously types, probably ripping her assistant a new one for not getting her this jacket before I did.


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