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Mao: The Unknown Story

Page 96

by Jung Chang

  12 Days off: Mao CCRM, vol. 13, pp. 138, 180 (E: MacFarquhar et al., pp. 418, 443ff, 449, 455); Chayashan Commune Charter, in ZDJC vol. 22, p. 500. Typhoid: Li Rui, in Han Taihua, p. 583. “labouring every day”: 30 Aug. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 13, p. 151. “easier to control”: 21 Aug. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 13, p. 133. First commune: 19 Aug. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 13, p. 130; Mao 1987–98, vol. 7, pp. 345–7; Chen Han, pp. 158–61; Chayashan Commune Charter, ZDJC vol. 22, pp. 497–501. Rid of names: interview with Wang Guangmei, 27 Sept. 1994. See photo.

  13 1,415 abodes: Liu & Yi, pp. 75–7. “This won’t do”: 26 Sept. 1961, Mao 1993c, p. 552. “people were slaves”: Wang Gengjin et al., p. 199; Becker,p. 144.

  14 –428 “people roaming”: 19 Aug. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 13, p. 130 (E: MacFarquhar et al., p. 407). Orders banning peasants from leaving their villages include those on 2 Mar. & 18 Dec. 1957, 9 Jan. 1958, 25 Feb. 1959, in PRC Encyclopaedia vol. 2; 31 Mar. 1959, in ZDJC vol. 23, pp. 17–18. “four have died”: Wang Gengjin et al., p. 195. Brutality: Wang Gengjin et al., pp. 202–3; Becker, pp. 144–6. “Production first”: Yun & Bai, p. 7. “chimneys”: Mrs. Liang Sicheng, Li Yong et al., p. 271.

  15 –429 Keep seventy-eight: Terzani, pp. 27–8; Kordon, p. 11 (Mao to Kordon, Dec. 1962). “I am delighted”: 28 Jan. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 13, p. 91; also pp. 80–1. “I can’t stand”: Jan. 1958, Li Rui, in Han Taihua, pp. 560–1. Qingdao and Changchun “the best”: Mar. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 11B, p. 46. Hold 10,000 people: interview with a chief architecture manager, 16 Oct. 2002. “biggest square”: Ma Ju, Peng Zhen’s secretary, ZDZ, no. 76, p. 64.

  16 Life in “slow motion”: Rowinski, p. 89. Meat ration: Cong Jin, p. 272. Daily calorie intake: Ashton et al., pp. 622–3; Han 1982, p. 361; Banister, pp. 866–7. Auschwitz ration: museum at Auschwitz. Cannibalism: Wang Gengjin et al., p. 195; Fu Shanglun et al., p. 26; Becker, pp.212–13.

  17 Polish student: Rowinski, p. 89. Liu said 30m dead: Chervonenko interview, 28 Oct. 1998. Grain exports: Yang, D., p. 66.

  18 Yang Zihui et al., pp. 1522, 1610–12; China Statistics Bureau, p. 103; China Today 1988, p. 9; Dong Fu; cf. Yang, D., p. 38.

  19 –431 “in favour of death”: 20 May 1958, Mao 1987–98, vol. 7, p. 201; Mao CCRM, vol. 11B, p. 68. Fengyang county: Wang Gengjin et al., pp. 194–5. “Deaths have benefits”: Mao CCRM, vol. 11B, p. 148; Wang Gengjin et al., p. 194. “prepared to sacrifice”: Sidikhmenov MS, p. 215; cf. Kapitsa 1996, p. 60; Bonsov 1982, p. 72. “Don’t make a fuss”: Mao CCRM, vol. 11B, p. 64; Mao CCRM, vol. 8, p. 44. “half of China”: Mao CCRM, vol. 13, pp. 203–4 (E: MacFarquhar et al., pp. 494–5).

  CHAPTER 41 Defense Minister Peng’s Lonely Battle

  1 Peng against corruption: Peng 1981, p. 5 (E: Peng, p. 27); Li Rui 1989, p. 342; Peng 1998, pp. 561–2, 739. Against personality cult: Li Rui 1989, pp. 253, 342; Zheng Wenhan, p. 135.

  2 –433 Esteem for Khrushchev: Li Rui 1989, p. 253. “must be compatible”: Peng 1962. Admired “Liberty, Equality”: Mao CCRM, vol. 10, p. 347 (E: JPRS, vol. 9, part 1, p. 13); Li Rui 1989, pp. 235–6. Reluctantly made Peng defense minister: Wang Dongxing 1997a, pp. 93–4, 121. Offered to resign: Jin Chongji et al. 1998, p. 438.

  3 –434 Nuclear submarines: minutes of Mao’s talk with Yudin, 22 July 1958, in DDWX, 1994, no. 1, p. 19 (E: CWB nos. 6–7, pp. 155–9). Peng disappeared: Zheng Wenhan, p. 338. Inspection tour: ibid., p. 366; Jing Xizhen, pp. 69–71. Wuhan Conference: Peng 1981, p. 265 (E: Peng,p. 487).

  4 Peng visits home: Peng 1981, pp. 266, 274–5 (E: Peng, pp. 487, 501); Zheng Wenhan, pp. 389–92; Jing Xizhen, pp. 72–3; Wang Yan et al., p. 580.

  5 –435 18 Dec., Peng — Bo: Peng 1981, p. 266 (E: Peng, p. 488); Zheng Wenhan, p. 390; Bo Yi-bo 1993, p. 857. “A few children die”: 9 Dec. 1958, Mao CCRM, vol. 11B, pp. 147–8.

  6 Invitation to Eastern Europe: Peng 1998, pp. 691, 717–22; Peng 1962. Mao exploded: Zheng Wenhan, pp. 413–14; cf. MacFarquhar 1984, pp. 172ff. Wives: Zheng Wenhan, p. 414; interviews with people close to Peng. Peng — Yudin: Brezhnev, pp. 63–5; Brezhnev letter to authors, 6 Apr. 2000 and phone interview, 22 Apr. 2000.

  7 East Germany: Zhu Kaiyin, p. 20; Zheng Wenhan, pp. 427–8; Wolf, Brie interviews, 18 & 22 Nov. 1999. Ulbricht wants more food: Meissner, p. 272 (Ulbricht letter to Mao, 11 Jan. 1961); Wang Taiping 1998, p. 309. Peng on E. Europe: Peng 1998, p. 736; Wang Taiping 1998, p. 292; Zhu Kaiyin, pp. 19–20.

  8 Visit to Albania: Zheng Wenhan, pp. 441–3; interview with Maqo Çomo, 13 Mar. 1996. “transport grain”: Peng 1981, p. 267 (E: Peng,p. 489).

  9 Mausoleum: Peng 1998, p. 736. Submarines: Hoxha 1980, pp. 435–61. Loans: AQSh, f. 14, 1958, d. 1 (Hoxha to Mao, 7 Oct.; Hoxha to Chinese ambassador, 9 Oct.; Mao to Hoxha, 18 Dec. 1961); AQSh, f. 14, 1961, d. 1 (Chou — Koleka talks, 17 & 30 Jan. 1961).

  10 –438 “invite in Soviet Red Army”: Li Rui 1989, p. 126; cf. Vereshchagin, p. 115. “sniff around”: 1 Aug. 1959, in Li Rui 1989, p. 239; Zheng Wenhan, p. 444. Payments to Russia: Li Xiannian report to Mao, 20 May 1959, in ZDJC vol. 23, pp. 96–9. “peasants united against … Party”: Mao CCRM, vol. 13, pp. 253, 264–75. Provincial bosses: Tao Lujia, pp. 82–4.

  11 Mao to Shaoshan: our visit to Shaoshan, and interviews with Mao’s entourage, relatives, local officials, Oct. 1994; Gong Guzhong et al.; Zhao Zhichao, pp. 495–531 (Li, Z., pp. 301–4).

  12 –440 Mao at Lushan: our visit to Lushan, and interview with a local insider, Apr. 1996; Luo Shixu; Li Rui 1989; Li Zhisui, pp. 296–8 (E: pp. 309ff).

  13 –441 Zhongnanhai lounge: interviews with former girlfriends of Mao’s, 29 Sept. 1994, 30 July 1999; Li Zhisui, pp. 268–9, 342–5 (E: pp. 356–64). Peng arrived: visit to Lushan, Apr. 1996; Wang Chengxian, pp. 238–9. Lushan conference: Teiwes with Sun 1999, pp. 202–12; Yang, D., pp. 51–6; Li Rui 1996, pp. 78–96. Peng views: Peng 1998, pp. 738–40; Peng Dehuai’s speeches at Lushan, 3–10 July 1959, URI, Peng, pp. 393–45; Peng 1962.

  14 –442 Some feelers: Peng 1998, pp. 740–1. Mao 23 July: Li Rui 1989, pp. 165–76; Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, et al., p. 504; Schram 1974, pp. 131–46; URI, Peng, pp. 405–12.

  15 “We felt”: Wang Yi, in Han Taihua, p. 667. False concessions: Liu 1993, p. 573; ZDJC vol. 23, pp. 117–18, 132; Cong Jin, pp. 236–8. “anti-Party clique”: interviews with Li Rui, 1993–8; with the widows of two of the four-man “anti-Party clique,” Lo Fu (7 Sept. 1998) and Zhou Xiaozhou (16 Oct. 1993); Song Xiaomeng; Huang Kecheng; Zhou Xiaozhou Biography team.

  16 Lin “has invented”: CWB, no. 11, p. 159 (28 Nov. 1968). Deng “estimated 10 million”: Cong Jin, pp. 393–4. “No. 2 Illness”: Becker, p. 200. Flagellating doctors: interview with a doctor for the leaders, 22 Sept. 1994.

  17 Mao’s ex-wife: interviews with her friends (Zeng Zhi, 24 Sept. 1994; Liu Ying, 7 Sept. 1998) and Mao’s messenger, Apr. 1996; Shui Jing, pp. 211–28; Wang Xingjuan 1993, pp. 67–85; 155–6; 209–13, 221.

  CHAPTER 42 The Tibetans Rebel

  1 Mao — Stalin 1950: CWB, nos. 6–7, p. 9. Stalin: “ethnic Chinese”: FEA, no. 4, 1996, p. 69 (to Liu, 28 June 1949). Policy in early 1950s: Mao cables, Mao 1987–98, vol. 1, pp. 475–7 (23 Aug. 1950), 488–9 (two on 29 Aug. 1950); vol. 2, pp. 451–2 (13 Sept. 1951); vol. 3, pp. 493 (11 July & 18 Aug. 1952), 583–4 (8 Oct. 1952). Le Yuhong, in Han Taihua, pp. 246–82; CCP Tibet Committee; Tsering Shakya, pp. 33ff.

  2 Mao — Dalai Lama talks: interview with the Dalai Lama, 11 Feb. 1999; Dalai Lama, pp. 88–9, 91, 97–100.

  3 Dalai Lama applies to join CCP: Dalai Lama, p. 90; Dalai Lama interview. Mao — Dalai Lama correspondence: Mao letter of 24 Nov. 1955, Mao 1987–98, vol. 5, pp. 451–2. Kham: Mao 1987–98, vol. 6, pp. 113–14, 265–6; CCP Tibet Committee; Su Yu Biography team, pp. 923–8; interview with eyewitnesses, Sept. 1997.

  4 –447 24 June 1958: Mao 1987–98, vol. 7, pp. 286–7, cf. p. 176. 22 Jan. 1959: Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, pp. 10–11. “The bigger the upheaval”: Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, pp. 46–7 (18 Feb. 1959: E: in Wolff 2000, p. 59). Let Dalai Lama escape: CCP Tibet Committee, p. 87. “wipe them out”
: CCP Tibet Committee, pp. 90–1. Mao inquiries: Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, pp. 198–9. Media campaign: Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, p. 234; RR, 30 Apr. 1959.

  5 Chou acknowledged: Cong Jin, p. 452.

  6 –448 All quotes and descriptions: Panchen Lama (page numbers in order of quotes), pp. 26, 96, III, 20–1, 93, 86, 109, 33, 107, 56, 87, 44, 45, 50, 97 (E: 29, 30, 112, 24, 102, 85, 189–90, 90, 102, 51, 52, 105, 113).

  7 Palden Gyatso: interview, 10 Feb. 1999; Palden Gyatso, p. 78.

  8 Mao “greatly displeased”: Panchen Lama press conference, RR, 5 Apr. 1988; CCP Tibet Committee, pp. 141, 153, 167.

  CHAPTER 43 Maoism Goes Global

  1 Sidewinder: Khrushchev, S. 2000, pp. 269, 271–2; Khrushchev, N. 1990, p. 151; id. 1977, vol. 2, pp. 319–20.

  2 –451 “rule the world”: Khrushchev, N. 1977, vol. 1, p. 504. Aid for Bomb stops: Khrushchev, S., pp. 270–1; Kapitsa 1996, p. 63; interview with Kapitsa, who drafted 20 June letter; Gobarev, pp. 25ff; Negin & Smirnov, pp. 3–13; Goncharenko, pp. 157–9; Zazerskaya 1997, pp. 177–8. Not fatal blow: Arkhipov, Kapitsa interviews; Gobarev, pp. 30–1; Song Renqiong, p. 355. “avoid … ‘rut’ ”: Wolff, p. 69 (Suslov, 24 Dec. 1959); cf. Taubman 1996–7, pp. 244, 248. “but believe in us”: Dec. 1959, Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, p. 601 (E: in Wolff, p. 74); Qiu Shi, vol. 2, p. 551. 1,010 blueprints: Filatov, pp. 114–15.

  3 –452 Formulated a policy: Dec. 1959, Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, pp. 600–1 (E: Wolff, p. 73); Wu Lengxi 1999, pp. 234–5, 254–5. CIA: FRUS 1958–1960 vol. 19, p. 521 (Feb. 1959 National Intelligence Estimate). de Beauvoir: Chen Xuezhao, p. 43; de Beauvoir, pp. 427, 429, 518, 119.

  4 –453 “you won’t be able to flee”: Zhu Lin, p. 10; Foreign Ministry 1990ff, vol. 4, p. 5; Geng Biao, vol. 2, p. 24; Li, X., p. 22. Mitterrand: Mitterrand 1961, p. 30; cf. id., “Entretien avec Mao,” L’Express, 23 Feb. 1961, pp. 13–14. Trudeau: Hébert & Trudeau. Boyd-Orr: Facts on File, 14–20 May 1959, p. 162 (statement, 13 May 1959). Montgomery: Montgomery, p. 64. BBC TV: Greene, p. 365. Aid figures: Copper 1976, pp. 125, 3.

  5 Loans are gifts: CCP Archive Study Office 1991, p. 261; Babu interview, 11 July 1994. Indochina: Hoan, p. 286. Algeria: Wang Taiping 1998, p. 115. Guevara: ibid., p. 492; Zhou 1997, p. 373; Anderson, pp. 489–90; cf. Copper 1976, pp. 33–4. Albania: AQSh, f. 14, 1958, d. 1; f. 14, 1961, d. 1, p. 7; Shyti interview, 14 Mar. 1996.

  6 Venezuelans: AQSh, f.14, 1966, d.3 (9 Nov.). Dutch intelligence: Andrew Higgins, “In From the Cold,” Wall Street Journal, 3 Dec. 2004. Lilley: interview, 1 May 1995.

  7 Liu Guangren et al., pp. 247–57.

  8 –455 Founding Maoist camp: Xiong Xianghui, pp. 361–80; PRC Encyclopaedia vol. 3, p. 2570. “no better than you Africans”: 7 May 1960, Mao 1998, p. 311. Trade Union meeting: interview with Foa, 8 Aug. 2000, the first participant to go public about the split (“Dichiarazioni di Foa…,” l’Avanti!, 14 June 1960); Prozumenshchikov 1999, pp. 80–2, 85, 95, n. 7 (from Russian archives); Grishin, pp. 179–82; Vereshchagin, pp. 159–60; Zubok, pp. 156–7. AQSh, f. 14, 1960, d. 1, 3, 4.

  9 Belishova interview, 13 Mar. 1996; AQSh, f. 14, 1960, d. 1, 3, 4; Yan Mingfu, in Remembering Peng Zhen, p. 178.

  10 –456 Cabell: FRUS 1958–1960, vol. 19, pp. 690–1 (22 June 1960); cf. ibid., p. 719 (Allen Dulles). Bucharest: interviews with three participants, two Russians and one Icelander. “No world war”: CQ 3 (1960), p. 120; Floyd, pp. 278–80; Zagoria, pp. 325ff. “We were isolated”: Kojima, p. 206 (Mao, 28 Mar. 1966);

  11 –457 Mao backs down: Wu Xiuquan 1995, pp. 337–42; Wu Lengxi 1999, pp. 294–5. Russia withdraws experts: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SSSR-KNR vol. 1, pp. 265ff. (letter 16 July 1960); Chervonenko interview, 28 Oct. 1998; Zazerskaya 2000, pp. 133–70; Prozumenshchikov 1999, p. 91; Vereshchagin, pp. 159–61; Brezhnev, pp. 59ff; Chen 1996–97, pp. 246, 249–50. Dig things out of Russians: Dong Sheng, pp. 401, 406–11. Missiles: Baturov. 66 of 155: Wang Taiping 1998, p. 242; Zazerskaya 1997, p. 174.

  12 –458 Ahead of schedule: Wu Lengxi 1999, p. 337; Wang Taiping 1998, p. 241. Russia “did not ask for the debt”: interview with an insider, 8 Sept. 1998; Chervonenko interview. Russia’s ambassador: Chervonenko interview. Revaluing: Vladimirov, Y., pp. 22ff. Grain, sugar offer: Wang Taiping 1998, p. 242; CCP Archive Study Office, pp. 211–12; Russian Foreign Ministry, SSSR-KNR vol. 1, pp. 297–8 (Khrushchev letter to Mao, 27 Feb. 1961). Berlin Wall: Brie interview, 22 Nov. 1999.

  13 May — June 1962: Sino-Indian Border Self-defence War History, pp. 465–6; Lin Biao report to Politburo 6 June 1962 about war preparation, Liu 1996, p. 557. Nehru “cocky”: Chou to Kissinger, 13 Nov. 1973 (Burr 1999b), p. 11. U-2, Charbatia: Pocock, pp. 96–100; Weng & Pocock, pp. 165–9; interview with I Fu-en, 6 Oct. 1996. Preparation for Chiang invasion: Huang & Zhang, pp. 370–2. Mao hunkered in Western Hills: interview with his entourage, Sept. 1994.

  14 –459 Sound out Washington: Wang Bingnan, pp. 86–90; FRUS 1961–1963, vol. 22, doc. 131 (Cabot — Wang, 23 June 1962); Cabot, p. 128; Hilsman, p. 319; Fetzer, pp. 189–90. Feeler to Russian ambassador: Wu Lengxi 1999, p. 497. Khrushchev told Chinese about Cuba: Zhang Dequn, pp. 7–8; Liu Xiao, pp. 146–9. Cuba/India crises: Fursenko, pp. 596, 616, 1106–9; Childs Papers, Box 2, Folder 3 (Khrushchev speech, 14 Oct. 1962), Hoover Institution; conversations with Galbraith, 22 Feb. 1995 & 24 Feb. 1997.

  15 May & Zelikow, p. 254.

  16 “untrustworthy ally”: May & Zelikow, pp. 637–8 (CIA chief McCone, 29 Oct. 1962); Radványi 1972, pp. 136, 173n: Mikoyan briefing to Communist embassies in Washington after Cuba visit; Anderson, p. 545; cf. CWB no. 5, pp. 109, 159 (Mikoyan to Guevara, 5 Nov. 1962). “Only one man”: to Mexican President Echeverria, 20 Apr. 1973 (Anguiano interview, 23 Nov. 1992). Castro played them off: Lewis & Xue 1994, p. 172; Prozumenshchikov 1996–7, pp. 254–6.

  17 denounce Khrushchev by name: Wu Lengxi 1999, pp. 633, 638–9. “philosophy of survival”: URI, Liu, vol. 3, p. 244 (Liu Shao-chi, speech in Pyongyang, 18 Sept. 1963).

  18 FRUS 1961–1963, vol. 22, Doc. 180 (Kennedy to Harriman, 15 July 1963); Harriman Papers, Boxes 539, 540, 542, 518, NARA.

  CHAPTER 44 Ambushed by the President

  1 –462 Liu to home area 1961: quotes and descriptions from Liu & Yi; Liu Zhende, p. 132; interview with Liu’s widow, Wang Guangmei, 27 Sept. 1994. Liu, SW vol. 2, pp. 306–12 (talk with peasants, 7 May 1961).

  2 “We cannot go on”: Liu 1993, p. 444 (E: Liu, SW vol. 2, p. 316). Teenage son observed: interview with the man, 12 Apr. 1996.

  3 –463 Chou: “no grain left”: Jin Chongji et al. 1998, p. 633. “What’s all the fuss?”: Cong Jin, pp. 482–3. 34 percent: ibid., p. 399. “How wonderful”: 9 Aug. 1962, Mao Miscellany vol. 2, pp. 22–7.

  4 –464 “We have retreated”: Mao 1987–98, vol. 9, p. 555. Managers were told: by Chou, end of 1961, Jin Chongji et al. 1998, p. 656. Mao told Montgomery: Xiong Xianghui, p. 388. Bitter sentiments: Wang Dongxing report, Jan. 1961, in Ding Wang, vol. 3, pp. 457–9. “biggest worry”: PRC Encyclopaedia vol. 2, p. 2438. “so be it”: Apr. 1959, Mao 1987–98, vol. 8, pp. 196–7.

  5 Designating scapegoats: 15 Nov. 1960, 23–24 Jan. 1961, Mao 1987–98, vol. 9, pp. 349–50, 425. Meteorological records: Becker, p. 283. Eat fish instead: interviews with Mao’s personal staff, Oct. 2000. European menus: SMMM, pp. 95–7. Daughter Li Na: conversation with Li Na, 25 Mar. 1993; Li Xiangwen, pp. 556, 558–60; Li Yinqiao, pp. 165–6.

  6 To his staff: interviews with Mao’s personal staff, Oct. 1994, Apr. 1999, Oct. & Nov. 2000. Forgoing soap: Gong Guzhong et al., p. 152; SMMM, p. 161. Official snapped: JC father to mother, and with colleagues. “resign long ago”: Li Rui 1989, p. 60. Cursing Mao: Quan Yanchi 1991, p. 144. Peng visit home: Peng 1998, pp. 764–8; Wang Yan et al., pp. 668–76. “If the old Party charter”: Ding Shu 1991, pp. 271–2. Mao vetoed congress: Pang & Jin, pp. 1184–5.

  7 “need a spur”: ibid., p. 1185. 7,00 °Conference: MacFarquhar 1997, pp. 137–81. Text of keynote speech: Liu 1993, pp. 458–67 (E: Liu, SW vol. 2, pp. 328–96); “kill time”: Dong Fu.

  8 –467 Different speech: interviews with Liu’s widow Wang Guangmei, 27 Sept. 1994, 8 Nov. 1995; interview with Wang Li, 16 Oct. 1995; Liu 1993, pp. 482–96; (E: Liu, SW vol. 2, pp. 397–422). Response: Qiu Shi, vol. 1, p. 492; Li Jian et al., pp. 457–60.

  9 –468 “Get their anger off”: Bo Yibo 1993, pp. 1017–19. “farts off”: Li Zhisui, p. 373 (E: p. 386). Lin Biao speech: JYZW vol. 15, pp. 105–8. Praised Lin: Pang & Jin, p. 1197. Loathing for Liu: ibid.; Liao Gailong 1993, pp. 402–3. Liu murmured: interview with Wang Guangmei, 24 Sept. 1994. Liu had hoped: Jin & Huang, p. 898. Mao “self-criticism”: JYZW vol. 15, p. 121 (E: Schram 1974, pp. 158–87).

  10 –469 Aid virtually zero: Copper 1976, p. 125; Kovner, p. 612. “Every time”: Zhu Kaiyin, p. 17. “catches mice”: 7 July 1962, Deng 1989, p. 305 (E: Deng, SW vol. 1, p. 293). To Hong Kong: interview with a then CCP official in Hong Kong, 8 Oct. 2002; letter from a refugee.

  11 “choked back”: Liao Gailong 1983, p. 140. Foreboding for Liu: Chang, J., p. 235; Li Jian et al., p. 459. Liu knew: interview with Wang Guangmei, 24 Sept. 1994. Liu unusually passionate: Wang Guangmei et al., p. 31; Jin & Huang, pp. 896–8.

  CHAPTER 45 The Bomb

  1 “Light of Death”: 16 Dec. 1963, Chen Xiaodong, pp. 202–3. Half of China’s lines: Qian Xuesen, in CCP Archive Study Office 1991, pp. 289–91.

  2 –471 Kennedy and Mao’s Bomb: FRUS 1961–1963 vol. 22, Doc. 180 (Kennedy to Harriman, 15 July 1963); Harriman Papers, Boxes 539, 540, 542, 518; Troyanovsky interviews; Seaborg, p. 245; Burr, 1999b; Kennedy press conference, 1 Aug. 1963 Public Papers (Web/Kennedy Library, p. 4).

  3 Lanzhou/Baotou: Alsop, S., p. 9. “oil king”: AQSh, f. 14, 1964, d. 38 (to Balluku). Johnson: FRUS 1964–1968 vol. 30, Doc. 2 (15 Jan. 1964, to Sen. Russell); cf. Garson; Burr, 1999b. 70th birthday cable: Wu Lengxi 1999, pp. 745–53; English text in SCMP, no. 3203 (1964), pp. 29–30.


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