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A Fool for You (The Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 7)

Page 9

by Melanie Schuster

  Nina opened her eyes to find John smiling down at her with a goofy look on his face. “You look quite silly up there,” she said sleepily. “Did you bring me something to eat?”

  “Yes, I did. I’ll cook dinner for you later, but I thought you might need some sustenance now. And while we eat we can talk about going away.”

  Even though her underwear had dried, Nina was in no rush to get dressed. She kept on her shirt while they ate the chicken and pasta salads he’d purchased. It was a pleasant meal, like all the ones they shared. They talked the whole time, touching each other occasionally and smiling for no particular reason. Their good mood continued as Nina tidied up the kitchen. John tried to make himself useful, but all he was really doing was ogling Nina’s legs and kissing her on the neck and ear while she was trying to wash the few dishes they’d used. She’d make a feeble protest every so often, but in truth she was enjoying their playful interlude.

  John was standing behind her, licking the sensitive area right under her ear when she finally managed to escape from him, leaving him standing in front of the sink with the water running. She laughed at the look of surprise on his face, and then squeaked as he wet his fingers and flicked the water in her face.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” she warned. “Don’t start that or I’ll be forced to retaliate.”

  John flicked more water at her and she popped him with the dish towel. “Stop that! My brothers used to do that to me and it drove me crazy,” she blurted out. Dead silence filled the room as she realized what she just said.

  “You have brothers, Nina?” John asked gently.

  Nina looked stricken for a moment, then nodded . “Yes, I do. I have two brothers.” She took a deep breath before meeting John’s gaze. Just saying the words was like a weight lifting off her soul.


  The jet cut through the night sky as it headed southward to San Juan, Puerto Rico. Everyone in the first class section was quiet. Most people, like Nina, were sound asleep. John had raised the armrest between their seats and Nina was snuggled into John’s side as naturally as though they’d been a couple for a long time. Every so often she would issue a soft sigh and her lips would curl into a little smile as she moved against the warmth of his body. John kissed the top of her head and held her even closer, making sure she was covered with the cashmere throw he’d insisted on purchasing for her before they left. It was often chilly on long flights and John wanted her to be comfortable.

  Normally her even breathing would have lulled him to sleep too, but he had too much on his mind. Getting to know Nina was the most difficult thing he’d ever done, and that included graduating from med school and completing his internship and residency. There was so much about her he still didn’t know and he knew if he tried to solicit the information from her it would be futile. She’d resent the intrusion, she’d accuse him of trying to analyze her and she wouldn’t be completely wrong. All he knew for sure was there was a lot more to Nina than she revealed. There were secrets in her past and he knew it was well as he knew his own name. Whether she would ever confide in him was another question entirely.

  She’d told him she had brothers, but she’d revealed that information by accident. The words just popped out of her mouth and it was obvious she regretted saying anything. John replayed the incident in his mind. As soon as Nina told him she had two brothers, she turned and left the room, saying she was going to get dressed. John stood there for a few minutes, and then went after her, all his instincts for self-preservation gone in the face of her distress. She might tear him a new one but she needed him and he was going to ask her a few things regardless of her reaction. By the time he reached the bedroom, Nina was already dressed in her jeans and T-shirt, sitting cross-legged on the bed looking pensive.

  Not looking at John, Nina began to speak. “I had two brothers, two older brothers. I loved them very much and they loved me. When my mother died we were split up and I haven’t seen them since. I never talk about them because I still miss them,” she said in a voice so small and quiet John almost couldn’t hear her.

  “And that’s all,” she ended.

  John felt like something was tearing away a piece of his heart. He sat down beside her and wrapped her in his arms. She in turn put her arms around him and they stayed that way for a long time, not speaking but communicating all the same. Nina finally pulled away from John and gave him a shaky smile.

  “Thank you,” she whispered and put a slender hand on either side of his face for a soft little kiss.

  “I meant it, baby. I’m here for you always Nina, don’t ever doubt that.” Her answer was a poignantly sweet smile that was sadder than anything he’d ever seen.

  John was still haunted by that smile, even now with Nina safely in his arms. There was much more to the story than Nina was telling him and the only way he could find out what really happened was if she confided in him voluntarily because he couldn’t ask. He wanted to laugh at the irony of it; he was probably the best person in the world for Nina to bring her problems to but their relationship made that impossible. Even if they weren’t involved, he’d be the last person on earth she’d bring into her confidence. John frowned, wondering if there was anyone in Nina’s life for her to turn to. No wonder she’s always so reserved and standoffish. She probably feels like it’s the only way she can survive.

  Nina stirred in his arms and he placed his lips against her hair again, making a vow that come what may, he would be with her until every single mystery was revealed and she was free from her past, whatever it was. I take care of what’s mine and like it or not, you belong to me.

  Chapter 9

  Nina’s eyes opened slowly. She wasn’t sure where she was at first but once she felt the warmth and protection of John’s body spooned next to hers, she remembered. She was in Puerto Rico, in the beautiful hotel John had picked out. They arrived in San Juan very late the night before and thanks to John’s efficiency, a rental car was waiting for them. It only took about fifteen minutes to drive to the Wyndham Condado Plaza Hotel and Casino, in which time Nina tried to orient herself to her new environment, but failed because it was dark outside. She’d settled back in her seat and smiled. It didn’t matter what the countryside looked like, she was with John and she’d have been happy to be with him anywhere.

  Nina and John checked into the hotel and were taken to a lovely suite of rooms with its own balcony. While John tipped the bellman, Nina had wandered around the room in awe at its luxurious appointments. She opened the doors to the balcony and walked out to see the view. She was transfixed by the beauty she could only glimpse, already fascinated by the sound of the ocean splashing far below. The balmy night air was enthralling; she shivered a little as she grew more excited about the next few days. John stepped out behind her, wrapping his arms around her to keep her warm. “Are you cold, baby?”

  Nina turned so she could see his face before resting on his broad chest. “I’m thrilled, I’m not cold. This place is beautiful, John, it’s just wonderful. Thank you so much,” she said with a soft sigh.

  She gasped in surprise when John suddenly picked her up and looked her right in the eye. “Stop thanking me. This is for me just as much as it is for you. I don’t want thanks, I want love,” he growled.

  Nina showed all of her perfectly straight, dazzling white teeth in a smile of delight. Wrapping her legs around John’s waist she took his earlobe in her mouth and sucked on it gently, ending in a mock nibble. She continued to lick his ear and whispered, “Mmm, if you want love I know where you can get some, right now.”

  John tightened his arms around her and returned to the bedroom at once. “Now you’re talking, baby.” He placed her on the bed and sprawled next to her. “So what’s your choice, this great big bed or that great big Jacuzzi?”

  In the broad light of day, Nina smiled to herself as she recalled how they’d made use of both before they finally went to sleep in each other’s arms . The smile faded as she made herself remember that this relation
ship was only temporary. As much as she wished it could be otherwise, she and John had no chance whatsoever for a future. She had to bite her lower lip very hard to keep the gathering tears from falling, but with a resolve forged in the flames of her hellish past, she made it. She started to get out of the bed when John’s long arm tightened around her.

  “Where are you going, woman? I know you’re not thinking about leaving me all alone, are you? You couldn’t be that cruel,” he drawled.

  Despite her anguish of a moment before, Nina giggled madly. She put her hand up to stroke John’s face, loving the slightly rough feel of his unshaven chin. “I have some things to attend to, some first-thing-in-the-morning necessities, if you get my drift. Keep holding me down and you’ll find out what they are,” she threatened. “And if you don’t let me go now you’ll meet the beast that lives in my mouth first thing in the morning. I need to brush my teeth and get ready for my run.”

  John kissed the back of her neck and released her at once. She dashed off to the bathroom and took care of all her needs, including brushing her teeth twice, flossing in between brushings. She looked longingly at the shower, but decided to wait until she’d had a good run on the beach. There was something wonderful about a pounding run with the water lapping alongside; it was energizing and soothing at the same time. Dressed in her running gear, she left the bathroom and felt her mouth fall open as she saw John, fully dressed for a run right down to his Nikes.

  “Before you ask, I’m going with you. If you think you’re going out in that skimpy outfit without me you’re crazy. It’s bad enough that you do it at home, but down here it’s out of the question. So I run with you or there’s no running at all, at least not in that little getup.” John crossed his arms as if to dare her to say something.

  Nina finished twisting her hair up and secured it with a couple of pins. She went to the drawer where she’d stored her accessories and took out a scarf with which to cover her hair. She gave John a cheeky grin and said, “I just hope you can keep up, Papi.” She laughed at John’s scowl and then ran out the door as he gave chase.


  That day was one of the most wonderful Nina could ever remember. They weren’t leaving until Monday night so they had four whole days to enjoy the delights San Juan had to offer. Starting with the invigorating run on the beach, where John proved he was more than able to keep up with her, their first day on the island was more idyllic than Nina could have dreamed. They returned to the hotel and bathed each other in a long, sensual shower, after which they ate a delicious breakfast provided by room service. Once Nina was energize, squeaky-clean and well fed, she would have been perfectly content to stay in bed all day with John but he was too excited about showing her San Juan.

  Okay, the seduction will have to wait. But just you wait until tonight, John… you won’t know what hit you, she vowed to herself with a tiny smirk. In the meantime, she got dressed in an outfit she knew would gain John’s approval. It was a simple circle skirt in red with tiny white pindots all over it. With it she wore a red tank top and a crisp white shirt tied at the waist. She had on red canvas espadrilles with long grosgrain ribbon ties around the ankles and she’d pulled her hair up into a chic knot with a couple of cherry red hair picks stuck through it. She looked sexy and sophisticated, like a young Lena Horne and she knew John would love it.

  He didn’t disappoint her either. His eyes lit up when she came into the living room of the suite. He went to her and took both her hands in his. “Miss Parker, you look adorable. I can’t wait to show you off to my island,” he said giving her a brief kiss.

  John took her on a tour of San Juan and Old San Juan, which was once a military installation. He was as full of facts as a guidebook and Nina absorbed them as she drank in everything about the city which was teeming with tourists as well as local citizens going about their daily work. They saw museums, churches, and the shopping districts for which San Juan was noted. They went in several shops where Nina looked with great fascination, but didn’t buy anything.

  “Chica, don’t you want something as a souvenir?” John asked curiously.

  “I don’t need anything to hold in my hand to remember this, John. I’ll have it in here always,” she said, indicating her heart. Even when her cheeks reddened and she tried to cover up her sentiments by saying something about tacky dust catchers, she didn’t fool him for a minute. He didn’t say anything, he just put his arm around her shoulders and they continued to stroll the avenue of shops. He led her into one called The Butterfly People and just watched as her eyes grew huge like a child entering FAO Schwarz for the very first time. Everything in the store had a butterfly theme from the sculptures to the jewelry to the exquisite items of clothing. He saw her look with great longing at a tray full of beautiful hair ornaments, then at some expensive silk lingerie covered with colorful butterflies. She was so enthralled by the fascinating array of goods that he had a bit of difficulty pulling her out of the store, but she maintained her hard line that she didn’t need to buy anything.

  They returned to the hotel after an enjoyable day of sightseeing and a fabulous lunch at a seafood restaurant. They took a long nap in each other’s arms and awakened relaxed and refreshed. John loved waking up with Nina in his arms. It just felt right; there was no other word for it. He kissed her softy and smiled lazily when she kissed him back.

  “Are you having a good time?” he asked as he kissed her ear.

  “I’m having the best time I’ve ever had in my life,” she sighed, and took his long braid in her hand. She toyed with it absentmindedly and cuddled even closer to John.

  “We should be getting up. We have reservations at a place I think you’ll really like,” he told her.

  “Dressy or casual?”

  “Kinda dressy, I guess, but not really fancy.”

  “Good, because I have the perfect outfit to wear,” Nina said confidently.

  After a long, sexy shower she and John parted to get dressed, Nina using the master bath and John the smaller one. John was almost ready, attired in a beautifully made blue raw silk shirt and a pair of double-pleated slacks with a braided leather belt. He was sitting on the side of the bed putting on his shoes when Nina emerged from the bathroom with her hair in a tousled updo with a few strands artfully escaping around her face and the nape of her neck. She was wearing one gold hoop earring and a little more make up than usual. Her lips were a honeyed shade of toffee that made John want to remove every article of clothing he’d just put on. She gave John a dimpled smile as she put on her other earring. “I’m ready” she said in a sultry voice.

  She held her arms out to the side and executed a pivot turn that rivaled something right off a Paris runway. She was wearing a wicked pair of cobalt blue shoes with a thin braided strap across the toe and a heel strap that topped a sexy little French heel. John’s eyes caressed her feet, which as always drove him crazy. There was something extremely sexy about Nina’s long slender feet that never failed to arouse him. As for the rest of her ensemble, she might as well have been naked. Nina had on a black satin dress that barely covered her butt. Nor did it cover her bust, for that matter. Her breasts, damn it, his breasts, he thought furiously, were on tantalizing display. The dress dipped low enough in front to allow a provocative glimpse of his personal paradise. It had black spaghetti straps and it was trimmed top and bottom with ice blue lace. It was provocative to the point of being erotic; John couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  She looked like something out of a Victoria’s Secret catalog and John was damned if she was leaving the room looking like that.

  “You can’t be serious, Nina. That looks like…underwear,” he growled.

  Nina gave him a familiar look; the one where one eyebrow lifted and she dared him to say another word. She turned again, this time showing him the confection from the back. She even gave a satisfied little wiggle of her hips. Looking back over her shoulder she winked, slowly and audaciously.

  “It is underwear, Papi. T
his is my slip.” Bursting into merry laughter she ran back into the bathroom while John burst into rapid Spanish that even the untutored ear could deduce was no doubt quite profane.

  Nina was still laughing when she returned wearing a sexy but much more decorous cobalt blue silk dress. It was a vintage Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress with long sleeves that Nina had snagged at a yard sale in a posh San Francisco neighborhood and it was one of her favorite outfits. John’s bracelet was the only jewelry she wore, other than the earrings.

  John’s aggravation was completely forgotten when he looked at Nina. “You need to be spanked,” he mumbled as he crossed the room and put his hands around her waist.

  “Are you offering?” Nina asked sweetly.

  John squeezed her waist and pulled her closer to him. “Don’t tease me, baby, I’m barely controlling myself as it is. Come on and let’s get out of here before I lose what’s left of my mind.” He abruptly released her, took a step back and stared at her intently for a long breathless moment. He muttered something in Spanish and, taking her by the hand, he all but dragged her out of the suite.

  Nina couldn’t stop smiling all night. John had taken her to a fabulous restaurant, one of the best-known ones in San Juan. The atmosphere was elegant, the food was delicious and her companion was beyond compare. John was a wonderful date. He did everything he could think of to make her evening memorable. Their table was secluded and there was a beautiful arrangement of flowers just for her in the middle of it. The menu had been personally selected by John and prepared to order just for them. The restaurant staff couldn’t do enough for them; they treated them like visiting royalty. Nina loved every minute of it and she really did feel like a queen.

  They were seated in a circular booth with a high back and without realizing what she was doing Nina moved closer to John on the richly upholstered seat. He put his arm around her shoulders and leaned in for a kiss. “Are you enjoying yourself?” he wanted to know.


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