Book Read Free

Unknown Protector

Page 19

by Maggie Mundy

  “Nicole, it’s Kaylie. Ridge was pissing you off. Like most men he’s as subtle as a rhinoceros. Let him go. He won’t hurt you.”

  Nicole wanted to stop the vent of anger flowing from her but she couldn’t. It was so strong and had been kept down for too long. She moved a hand one way and threw the woman with dreadlocks away. Her other hand threw the man who looked like a mountain away. She wanted to focus all her energy on the man who had slapped her. The one who caused her pain, but he wasn’t there. Nicole surveyed her surroundings and sensed him behind her. She spun around and saw he was about ten feet away. She aimed the power at him and could tell from the way his face contorted he was in pain. She wanted to hurt him the way he had hurt her and her mother.

  “Nicole, you can control this,” he said.

  He kept coming towards her. She had to stop him. When he got closer she could smell something that reminded her of someone. A musky sensual smell. Ridge. The man coming towards her was Ridge, longhaired, unshaven, and suffering because of her. She had been so sure it was her stepfather and she had wanted to kill him. She glanced at her hand and back up to Ridge. She needed to stop this. She closed her eyes and concentrated on pulling the power back within her. When she opened them again the white flame was gone. Her knees gave out as she collapsed to the floor.

  Ridge caught her in his arms.

  “You did it. Not that I ever doubted you, but it was startin’ to get a bit uncomfortable there. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you,” he said, holding her close as he brushed her hair away from her face.

  “In my mind I wasn’t here, and you weren’t you. I wanted to kill you. What about the others? Did I hurt them?” Nicole gazed about the gym and saw Carrick helping Kaylie up off the floor. They rushed over and smiled at her, smiles she didn’t deserve. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll have a bruised butt that’s all, and Carrick has a hide as tough as an old boot. Now we’re sure you two are not going to kill each other we’ll leave you to train.”

  Nicole got to her feet and watched them leave. She wanted to follow them but had a feeling Ridge wasn’t going to let her. She guessed right.

  “Now you practice more. Do you feel up to it?”

  Nicole nodded, but in truth she didn’t have a clue if she could do it again. What if she killed him? He might be maddening, but she was developing a big soft spot for this diamond in the rough. Okay, so he had goaded her to react and she had strong feelings about violence against women, but they didn’t have much time, and she needed to get control of what was happening to her.

  “I want you to bring up the energy again. I’d rather not be your target so I think we’ll use the punchin’ bag. I reckon it’s about twelve foot away so you should be able to manage it. Then we’ll move you closer and see what you can do.”

  Nicole held out her hand and tried to draw on the energy again. A tingling started in her chest and spread down her arm until her hands glowed white. She concentrated on the bag and the response was instantaneous. The punching bag spun around and there was a dent in the side where the beam of energy had hit.

  “Pull it back to you.”

  She kept her eyes open this time and drew the energy back into her body. The force of it bouncing back nearly toppled her off her feet again. Ridge caught her as she moved backwards. She moved a step closer and tried again. By the time she was only two feet away the bag looked ready to explode. She gave it one last burst of power and it ripped open spilling all its contents onto the floor.

  “Excellent. We’ll stop for a drink. Later you can practice more.” Ridge grabbed two bottles from the fridge by the door and brought them back.

  Nicole took a mouthful. “Water, I’m surprised there’s nothing stronger in there.”

  The door opened to the gym and Sara called Ridge over. He was shaking his head. What else could be happening now?

  “I have to go and organize somethin’ over at the club but you keep goin’.”

  Nicole wasn’t sure how long she had been practicing but three more punch bags were ripped open. She couldn’t do anymore even if Ridge insisted. He strode back in and smiled at the sight of her destruction.

  “Can’t wait to see what you do to Sayell close up.”

  “I’d rather not get close up to him if it can be avoided. I’m done. I can’t do anymore.” Nicole ached all over.

  “That’s okay, because I’ve a surprise for you.” He grinned wickedly.

  “I don’t like surprises, and the last few days I’ve had more than my fair share.”

  “Reckon you’ll like this one.”

  As they walked back into the apartment Frieda was unpacking some shopping. She must have heard what happened as she waved her finger at Ridge. “I hear she gave you a licking. It’s about time a woman taught you some manners.”

  “Now that’s one thing you can’t accuse me of. I’m always courteous to the ladies.” Ridge grabbed Frieda’s hand and kissed it making the older woman blush.

  “He’s like every other man, nice to a woman until he gets them to bed. You’re like William, down at the fruit market. He thinks if he gives me extra carrots I will lift my skirt.”

  “While you two have your discussion, I’m off to have a shower.” Nicole needed to clean up before any surprises.

  The water pounded against her shoulders and relieved the tension. She moved so it massaged her lower back. Her body ached all over from practicing, and not even from a real fight. She dreaded to think what the surprise was going to be. Maybe he would take her to a local whiskey distillery for a tour. She wouldn’t have cared as it would have been away from the club. She was feeling a bit stir crazy.

  She dressed, grabbing a pair of jeans and a cream frilly blouse. It was something she would never have chosen for herself but had to admit Kaylie had been right with the choice. She appeared feminine in it. She tried to remember when she had last worn a skirt and couldn’t. A knock came to the bedroom door.

  “You ready?” Ridge asked.

  “Yes,” she replied, even though she wasn’t sure what for.

  “Let’s go.”

  He put out his hand to take hers and she hesitated at first, but took it anyway as they strolled from the room. She had lain in a bed with him and yet this small gesture of holding her hand seemed so personal. As they made their way down the corridor and out onto the landing above the club she couldn’t take her eyes off their entwined hands. They walked through the club where the cleaners were in and the barman was restocking. Sara was talking to one of the doormen but raised an eyebrow as they strolled passed. Ridge kept going passed the couches to one of the rooms at the back.

  One of the staff stood waiting by one of the side doors. He opened it for them as they approached. Nicole had never thought of herself as romantic but couldn’t keep the smile from her face as she walked in. The decor of the room was the same silver, red and black colors like the rest of the place, but was obviously set up for a private function for two. There was a couch on one side with a coffee table, and a table set for two on the other side of the room. There were candles on the coffee table and around the room. Ridge led her across and pulled the chair out. She shook her head as Jamie, their waiter poured some wine.

  “That’ll be all for now. Is somethin’ wrong?” Ridge asked as soon as Jamie was gone from the room.

  “Ridge, what’s going on?” A few hours ago I nearly killed you and now you’re giving me a romantic lunch date. And what’s with the hand holding, we’re not a couple.” She hadn’t meant it to come out so abruptly and heard Ridge huff. He picked up the bottle of wine.

  “Sara recommended this one. It’s Australian, and I thought you might like it. I prefer whiskey, but a fine Shiraz can come a good second.”

  Nicole took the cue and picked up her glass and
sipped. She wasn’t any good at small talk and today wasn’t going to be any different. She would listen.

  “I believe there’re a few things we need to discuss. It was somethin’ you mentioned earlier. You said we don’t know you. It inferred we’re makin’ assumptions. It’s true. A week ago I didn’t know of your existence, and you didn’t know of mine. I think we’d both agree our lives were simpler back then. So I wanna take this opportunity to talk. To tell you about my life and vice versa, but only if it’s what you want. I feel you’ve had enough of my race and its subtle yet menacing involvement with yours.”

  The explanation didn’t justify the hand holding, but it was a reasonable defense for the lunch.

  “You can start.” Nicole raised her glass to him. She took another sip and stared down at her starter. She would listen and concentrate on her food until he expected her to come forward with information.

  “We’re allowed to stay on Homeworld til we reach puberty. As mix breeds we can read the minds and it ain’t appreciated too much. We’ve two choices. Die, or come down here. When we first came through the portal after our planet died it was discovered the Sym’s were dying. Our race needed an energy source to help keep them alive.”

  Nicole put down her glass. “That’s where humans came in. How is it you can exist here and not the pure guardians? Mira always seemed like she was part here and part somewhere else.”

  “When the Sym’s began to die the Elevated decided to try and send Midworlders. We don’t have Syms, so it didn’t matter if a few of us died until they got it right.”

  Nicole finished her wine and Ridge poured her another. Jamie came in a cleared the dishes away. “Why didn’t you tell them to all go to hell once you came down here?”

  “You forget they’re our families too. I’ve a mother, brothers and sisters back there, but they’re all full blooded. I mess up and it reflects badly on them.”

  “So your father was the one who cheated. Sorry I’ve no right to ask. Then again I didn’t ask to be put in this situation. So did he?”

  Jamie came back and placed their meals down.

  “Yep. He took a Relin servant to his bed and I was the result. Needless to say he was glad to see me go.”

  Ridge stared her in the face as he made the statement. There was still anger and resentment there.

  “I need to tell you why I tried to kill you in the gym.” She took a large gulp of wine, followed by a deep breath. “My stepfather was violent. I grew up used to lying in bed at night listening to the screams of my mother, and the thumps, and the tears. I’d knock on their bedroom door but she always told me to stay away. I’d go back to my room and wait until the noises stopped.”

  Ridges fingers were clutching his glass so tightly it snapped spilling the wine on the table. “I’m sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did.”

  “It was the only way you were going to get me to attack you. When I was sixteen I came home stoned one night. Mom wasn’t there and he was mad. He’d never hit me before but that night he didn’t stop. I remember being taken to hospital, and Mom telling them I’d fallen down the stairs. That didn’t explain how I had the word bitch carved into me. She didn’t realize he’d done it. I think even for her he’d finally gone too far. He did a runner but then came back. When I eventually went home from the hospital weeks later he’d killed Mom, and blown his brains out.”

  Nicole couldn’t touch the food anymore and took another gulp of wine. She hadn’t even told Ben some of this. He loved her regardless, but this wasn’t about love. Ridge needed to know her in case the Demonics were going to use her past to gain some influence over them.

  “I lived with friends after that, then I joined the police force. Being a policewoman was one of the best times of my life. I dealt with domestic violence mostly, not much of a surprise there. It’s why I love my work at the refuge here so much. I have a self-defense class I teach tomorrow and I still want to go.” She had to hold on to something.

  “I’ll come with you and before you say anythin’, it’s not up for discussion.”

  “There’s something else I need to tell you, Mom said she could see her angel. I never believed it until the day I buried Ben and saw Mira. I put it down to us both being a bit loopy.”

  Ridge didn’t try and touch her hand or offer condolence and she was glad.

  “This tells me two things about you. You come from a unique family and that you truly loved him didn’t you? It must have been so hard to trust a man again after what you’d been through. Ben must’ve been special.”

  Nicole grabbed her serviette and blew her nose. She wouldn’t let Ridge see the tears. She missed her mother and Ben so much sometimes the pain felt too much to bear. All she had now was Ridge to help her hold herself together, and she didn’t really know him, even if she felt drawn to him.

  “The night after Ben’s funeral I tried to kill myself. I had the booze and the tablets sitting there. I knew it would be tough on Peter, but I couldn’t take anymore. Then Mira arrived. She pleaded with me to hold on and I did. She never said anything to me again until the night she went, when she said you were coming.”

  Ridge went over to the table in the corner and picked up another wine glass and came and sat down.

  “I loved someone once. I used to live in Louisiana two hundred years ago. Her name was Jade. Wild, wonderful Jade, who wanted me as much as I wanted her. It’s a drug to be needed that much.” He refilled both of their glasses. “I made her my mate and she died. Most of the others who’ve done the same have gone back to Homeworld to die. I couldn’t. I had to believe someday Midworlders would be able to love and live with our chosen ones for as long as we want. Otherwise it would have made her death pointless.”

  This was more than she wanted to hear. “You believe I’ve changed things here in some way. I don’t believe you love me, and I don’t know what it is I feel for you beyond confusion.”

  Damn him, he smiled and such a smile. Her heart sped up and her breath caught in her throat at the thought he might touch her. Why was she reacting like this? Were her body and her mind under her control still? It wasn’t confusion she was feeling but lust.

  “What the hell’s going on? I don’t live my life like this so explain to me why I want you. You annoy the hell out of me half of the time.” There, she had said it.

  “Trust me, when you wanted to kill me the feelin’ was mutual. I bonded with you when you accepted me as your mate. It’s not like when you humans give each other a ring. Our bodies are connected physically and the longer we’re together the stronger it’ll become.”

  “That’s funny, so you mean eventually I’ll find you irresistible? Let’s add this up. Number one, you drink a lot. Number two, you have the reputation you screw anything in sight. I might not be smart when it comes to emotions but I’m failing to see the attraction apart from one you forced on me.” Nicole wanted to be angry with him, but he hadn’t asked for this either.

  “If your body hadn’t wanted it, you would’ve rejected me the moment my hand touched you. I didn’t expect your acceptance, but for some reason you did and I’m still here. I have to admit the longer I know you I’ve decided some things about you become more attractive, and others are still driving me insane.”

  It was obvious they were both struggling with the same problem. Ridge came and stood in front of her and held out his hand.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked, keeping her hands in her lap.

  “I’d like to dance with you.”

  That caught her off guard as a chuckle escaped her throat.

  “You’re kidding, right? We don’t even have any music, and if we’re being open and honest I should tell you I can’t dance. Not only that but I’ve never wanted to either. The only time I’ve ever shown any sense of coordination is doing combat sport

  Ridge moved away and pressed a button on the wall and music started. He resumed his position in front of her holding out his hand and bowing. Nicole shook her head, but took his hand anyway.

  “I warned you. Don’t complain when you have black toes.”

  “It’s okay, I heal quickly.”

  Ridge stood before her and placed one hand on her waist and the other took her right hand. The mere simple action of his hands touching her made her body heat up. Ridge’s pupils dilated so the feeling was mutual. They were moving around the room and she couldn’t understand how he was making her feel like Ginger, to his Fred Astaire. His body flowed with the movement and she wanted to flow with it. She didn’t know the music but it sounded like an old-fashioned waltz. For a moment she shut her eyes and imagined they were in a large ballroom.


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