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Unknown Protector

Page 27

by Maggie Mundy

  Ridge was prepared to accept Sara had been right and the plan was risky. The fact was he would have agreed to anything rather than convert Nicole. He realized something else as he saw Sayell drag her through the window. For a split second his eyes had connected with Nicole’s and he knew what he had been denying. He loved her, and if he wanted to see her again he needed to fight as if his world as well as hers depended on it.

  Three Demonic Midworlders had him spread-eagled on the floor as another of them pounded him with his power. Ridge’s heart was going to explode from the force if it didn’t stop soon. He wouldn’t die, but he would be incapacitated for a long time. He concentrated all his strength into one hand and yanked it free so he could punch one of the Midworlders under the chin. The hit floored the man but the others were upon him again. This time he saw something else he had reason to fear.

  “Sayell said we were to give you this present as a gift to remember him by.”

  Ridge stared at the ball on the floor in front of him. The scripsits wriggled inside pressing their faces against the barrier keeping them from their prey. The men hauled the chair from behind the desk and tied him to it. They knew what was to come and within a second they left to join Sayell. The ball exploded at the same moment the door to the room opened and he heard the happiest sound he ever had.

  “Holy shit,” Sara yelled.

  A blast of blue light left her palm and blasted the scripsits. Carrick undid Ridge’s ties and they both joined her in the fight. Snakes were exploding like firecrackers. With the last few left they backed out of the room.

  “Carrick, take someone and search the place. They killed the murderer and two guys have taken the body away. The young woman’s still here somewhere. If you can I want you to try and remove her demonic. It should go straight back to confinement. The rest of you come with me for the fight of your lives. After all no one’s meant to live forever.”

  The sun shone high in the sky as they took flight. For thousands of years they had stayed invisible in their true form but at this moment he didn’t care. Sayell and his group had done the same earlier, so he would take it to mean that soon it wouldn’t matter anymore. Over the past week he had sent out requests to other factions but the response had always been the same. They were not having any problems and didn’t want to change the status quo. Plus they didn’t appreciate someone trying a bonding after so much time. It brought back memories they kept hidden of the pointlessness of such a gesture.

  Heath hadn’t returned to England yet, and said he would come and help and was flying with them. The refined Englishman seemed as ready as the rest of them for a fight. The world of Earth disappeared as they flew through the conduit taking them to the place between their worlds called Pergor.

  They were all in fighting stance as they arrived in the crystal chamber. At least fifty Demonic Midworlders surrounded Sayell and Liliath. There were only ten of them and they would never win, but they could hurt a few before they went down.

  “Who’s up for a fight?” Ridge asked.

  “I’m in, Boss. Been waiting a long time for this one.” Sara laughed.

  “That will not be necessary. Bring him to me.”

  Liliath’s voice mesmerized with its wickedness. He would play along with her so he could get closer to Nicole.

  “Stay here.”

  “We’ve come to fight beside you, my friend,” Heath said.

  “Nicole wouldn’t want any of you to die for her if it can be avoided. Let me see what they have to say, though I’ve a feelin’ I won’t like it.” Ridge marched through the gap as the Demonic Midworlders made a passage for him. Liliath and Sayell were before him on the elevated platform, but they moved aside so he could see Nicole lying on a crystal altar. She wasn’t moving but her hands were fisted as if she was fighting to get back control.

  “That is far enough,” Liliath said as she came down and moved closer so she could touch his cheek. “I do believe I need to thank you. She’s pregnant. I thought I would have to break the bond so Sayell could do the job, but you have broken the sacred law and done it for me. Unfortunately your offspring will not survive, they never do. You should thank me really. I am sparing this female an awful death from the baby killing her, or you converting her.”

  Ridge reached for Liliath’s neck, but his arms were grabbed and yanked behind his back. His people were outnumbered and being held to watch over what was to come. Liliath stroked his temple and Ridge felt a slicing pain through his brain at her clammy touch.

  “I sense you love her. How quaint. I have been informed of this concept. Don’t worry, when the child is gone and I am in her body on Earth you may both be my consorts. I have heard of your exploits and expertise, Ridge. You sound impressive.”

  Sayell stood behind Liliath and the hate in his eyes would have killed if it could. If Ridge couldn’t save Nicole, he would find a way to kill her before he left Pergor. He would not service Liliath in Nicole’s body. His love deserved better. Nicole turned to him and opened her eyes. He thought he could see a smile adorn her lips before her eyes closed again.

  “Hold him. I want him to watch.”

  Ridge strained against the arms that held him. There had to be a way. He wouldn’t give up. He had waited so long for love, and then from out of nowhere and against his own advice he accepted it.

  Liliath moved around the other side of the altar and stood beside Nicole. She raised her arms in front of her and placed them over Nicole’s lower abdomen. Ridge had never considered he would have a child, but he wanted Liliath to die a death in the pits of Homeworld for what she was doing. Her hands glowed as she sucked the energy from Nicole and the baby. As he stared at Liliath’s face it constantly changed as if Nicole features were imprinting upon her. The changes stopped as quickly as they had commenced as Liliath let forth a screech. Her face contorted in pain. She clutched her hands to her chest, but Ridge had already seen that her fingertips were turning black.

  “I will not be thwarted,” she yelled.

  Ridge smiled as she struggled to place her palms down on Nicole. A glow was forming over Nicole’s lower abdomen. Maybe the baby was trying to protect itself while its mother couldn’t.

  “Give me a knife, Sayell. I will cut it out and heal her afterwards.”

  Sayell passed her a dagger. Ridge had fought with Sayell so many times over the years but he would never forgive him for this one act alone. Liliath brought the dagger down but it never reached its target as Nicole sat up and grabbed her hand.

  That was his woman. He knew if there was any way, she would fight to the end. Nicole flicked her wrist sideways sending Liliath across the platform and into the wall as if she was just shooing a fly away. Sayell pounced towards Nicole as Ridge continued his struggle to break free. White light emitted from Nicole’s palm and Sayell flew back to land beside Liliath.

  Ridge glanced to Nicole to find her smiling and wagging her finger at the men holding him. Each one was blasted with a beam of light throwing them back into the Demonic Midworlders who surrounded them. Ridge was free and moved close to her. He might have one second to tell her how he felt before the fight might kill them both.

  “Don’t you ever do that to me again, little lady, or I might just have to stop lovin’ you?”

  “Hadn’t intended on repeating this experience, but will accept your love and return the sentiment. I love you so much. Now let’s hurt some of these bastards,” she said as she took his hand and he helped her to her feet.

  “I’ll be right by your side until the end, my darlin’. I’m hopin’ the end will be later rather than sooner if possible.”

  “I agree, let’s fight.”

  Sara and the others weren’t faring too well as he turned back. They stood their ground and Sara, Heath, and Jake were kicking and punching as were his other people. One by one the onslaught drew them
into the throng of Demonic Midworlders. He wanted to help but had a battle of his own.

  Nicole was at his back and they were being attacked from both sides. Sayell and Liliath were back with vengeance. Liliath opened her palm and the force of her power threw Ridge into the crowd of other Midworlders.

  “You die tonight my friend,” Sayell spat out the words as he came forward.

  “I don’t think so. Looks like my lady’s, bustin’ your lady’s ass.” Ridge bit the arm of the Midworlder holding him. He turned to hit Sayell in the stomach and followed it with a hit to the chin. His opponent was fueled with as much anger at him so this wasn’t going to be an easy fight. Sayell came back with a kick to Ridge’s right knee. Ridge buckled under the onslaught. A hand came down on the back of his neck. The bastard was trying to paralyze him. It wouldn’t be permanent if he could get back to Earth, but Sayell had no intention of allowing that. Ridge couldn’t pull himself up and Sayell leaned close to his ear to speak.

  “You fight for a lost cause. Homeworld is a shadow of what it was. Soon no one will be getting new guardians. This could have been a peaceable change with the loss of one life. A life so small it didn’t know it existed.”

  “Fuck you. That’s my kid you’re talking about.” Ridge lifted his head with as much force as he could and slammed it into Sayell’s face. He hoped the perfect aquiline nose was broken. Ridge tried to stand but his legs gave out beneath him. Before he could do anything, Sayell had him around the neck.

  “Give up. Angelics are not part of the future. You should have taken Liliath’s offer to be her other consort, even if it meant I would kill you.”

  “Look around, Sayell, our people, Midworlders are fighting and will die. More will follow. It has been an uncomfortable truce but death will follow if you and Liliath follow this course.”

  “You forget the easily manipulated emotions of humans.” Sayell brought a knife around and plunged it into Ridge’s chest.

  Ridge tried to breathe. The blade had sliced through his tissues. It hurt like hell but it had missed his heart. He glanced up to see Nicole fighting Liliath with a beam of light, but it stopped as she turned towards him. Liliath threw a beam of energy at Nicole, who collapsed to the ground.

  She cared about him and it had been her undoing. Ridge glanced around to see his Midworlders captured. All bloodied and beaten and yet they hadn’t given up. He was dragged and thrown next to Nicole. He crawled over and wrapped his arms around her not knowing if this was the last time he would feel her next to him.

  Liliath was ranting. He could not make out the words she spewed forth as she stood on the dais administering to her admiring hordes.

  “We’re screwed aren’t we?” Nicole smiled at him as she struggled to get the words out. Her face twisted up in pain as she held her lower abdomen.

  “I don’t think we can stop her. This power is from our old planet mixed with Earth. You were the key and I got in the way. Fate plays some funny tricks sometimes. She’ll be back to try again.”

  For this moment she was still warm in his arms and reached up and touched his face. She leaned close and whispered.

  “We don’t go down like this. Stuff them. Junior here is struggling from the pain I’m getting and trying to hold on. I’ll fight to the end, you know that. She peered at his chest. “You’re bleeding.”

  He couldn’t stop her before she placed her hand on his chest. He felt the warmth of her healing power surge through him.

  “Help me up.”

  He held Nicole with his hands around her waist. She threw a beam of power at Liliath’s back. As Sayell and others turned on them he prepared for the end. If this was where his life had led him then so be it. Liliath didn’t return the fire. She disappeared. It didn’t make sense. Nicole didn’t have the power to kill Liliath, and yet she had gone to leave Sayell to finish the fight.

  The answer became apparent as Angelic Midworlders arrived in the chamber. There had to be at least a hundred surrounding the walls. Some Ridge knew, like Kyle from other nearby chapters. Others were total strangers.

  Ridge turned to Sayell. “Looks like your lady’s run out on you. I say we have a truce, but if you want to continue this fight I’m more than willin’ to kick your ass once more.” Ridge even managed a smile though it hurt his jaw.

  “This isn’t finished, Ridge. In fact it’s only the beginning.”

  With that statement Sayell disappeared as did all the other Demonic Midworlders. Ridge couldn’t celebrate the victory. Nicole collapsed in his arms, pale and hardly breathing. He refused to believe they could go through all of this only to lose each other.

  “Hold on, Nicole. We’re goin’ home.”

  Chapter 26


  They landed on the roof of the club. Ridge glanced around to see some of the others arrive behind him. They appeared beaten. Carrick and others who had stayed behind were coming onto the roof to help them. Sara’s face was swollen and her left arm was bent at an unusual angle. The others had cuts and bruises and broken limbs, but would mend.

  In the apartment Frieda moved around checking on people. At least they would start to heal now they were back on Earth. Kaylie was putting on a brave face as she cleaned up Sara, but he noticed she wiped tears away more than once. Ridge carried Nicole to her room and laid her on the bed.

  Peter followed him. “Can you do anything? Don’t let her die.”

  The desperation in Peter’s voice was matched by the feeling in Ridge’s heart. He sat next to her holding her hand. He’d never felt so helpless in his life. Maybe he should take her to a human doctor but he had a feeling what ailed her couldn’t be fixed up at a hospital. Jake came in and stood beside him.

  “Kyle’s men have set up guard around the club, not that Sayell would dare to attack at the moment. I’m sorry, Boss. We all liked her. A couple of the guys aren’t doing too well. We believe there was some kind of poison on the knives they were stabbed with. I’ll keep an eye on them.”

  Ridge stood up and slammed his fist into the wall.

  “She could have saved them, but she gave everythin’ she had to save me. I was dyin’ up there. I swear if they die I’ll even the score and take Demonic Midworlder lives in exchange.”

  Jake took his hand as they shook on the oath.

  Ridge went to the main room and spoke to his group. If his two men died he wouldn’t even be able to take them back to Homeworld for a burial. The risk of burying them here on Earth where they might be exhumed wouldn’t be acceptable and he would not dishonor them by cremating their bodies.

  As he turned back towards the bedroom someone touched his arm. It was Kaylie. Before she could say anything he took her hands in his and looked her in the eyes.

  “I’m sorry. Fuck it; I’m sorry for all of them, Kaylie. I should’ve done more.”

  “Sara can’t say this at the moment, but she has always looked up to you, and so has this entire group. The life you lead isn’t normal, and this past week or so has tested us. You and Nicole came through. So stuff everything and just do the best you can.”

  “I’m losin' her, and I fear what I’ll become if that happens. Humans and Demonics will fear me. I even fear myself at the moment with the thoughts goin’ through my head. I want to kill. I can’t cope with that kind of grief again.”

  “Well then, we are going to go back in there and pull her back.”

  “It can’t be done.”

  “That’s enough, Ridge,” Kaylie said, with her hands on hips. “When you saved her that day in the car you were a mess. She had the biggest case of the guilts and thought you would die and she would be the cause. She didn’t give up. She didn’t even know you, and what she did know she didn’t like. She went into your mind and hauled you back. Are you telling me you’re going to let her slip away and not even try? I would fight to
oth and nail for Sara. You have to try and convert her. If she becomes like one of you then she’ll heal.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like to watch when it all goes wrong. I can’t do it again.” Memories of Jade’s death replayed in his mind.

  “Then go say your goodbyes, but I never thought you were a quitter.”

  He followed Kaylie into the bedroom where she sat on the bed next to Nicole. He went to the window and leant against the pane and peered at the world outside. It was raining. It didn’t rain much in San Francisco. For a moment he imagined Nicole running around on the roof laughing. That was all he wanted, her happy. An ambulance sped past to save someone. They were human, they were fragile and they weren’t what he was. What would he do? Would he kill her or make her his forever? It was a great vision if you hadn’t seen it go wrong before.


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