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Tuesday (Timeless Series #2)

Page 6

by E. L. Todd

“How are you not fat?” He finished it then sucked the stickiness from his fingers.

  It reminded me of something I shouldn’t think about. “I learned self-control a long time ago.”

  “Impressive.” He wiped his hands on his running shorts. “Now that you showed me around your place, you want to see mine?”

  “Your office?” I hadn’t thought about it. I didn’t even know where it was.

  “I meant my apartment. It’s just a few blocks over.”

  “Oh…” Being alone with him in his apartment made my hair stand on end but I wasn’t sure why. It was clear he was over me and never wanted to be together again. The thought shouldn’t have crossed my mind at all. “Sure. I guess.”

  “Unless you have another creation to make?”

  I was just messing around in the kitchen. “No. I’m free.”

  “Cool.” He pulled his headphones off and shoved them into his pocket. “It has a view of the park. It’s pretty cool during the daytime. But it’s really cool in the evenings.”

  “I’m sure it is.”


  We entered his building and approached the lobby. The sun was finally rising over the city and everyone was getting ready for work. Some people popped out of the elevator and speed-walked to their destination. Others filed down the stairs with a purpose.

  “You have a nice building.”

  “Thanks.” He got into the elevator then held the door open for me. Then he hit the button to the top floor.

  The steel doors closed, and our reflections were visible in the pristine walls. The elevator rose slowly, and light music played overhead. Being alone with him in a confined space was a little uncomfortable. Seeing him in a t-shirt and shorts reminded me how nice his body was. I missed the way his chest felt against mine. When it was covered in sweat and warm, it chased the cold away.

  The door opened, and we headed down the hallway. “It’s nice being able to leave work whenever you want, huh?”

  “It’s definitely better than The Grind.”

  He chuckled. “I can imagine.”

  We rounded the corner and saw a woman leaning against the wall. She wore a black dress and heels. Her hair was a little messy and her make up was smeared. She looked exhausted like she had a long night.

  Hawke suddenly slowed down his pace like her presence caught him off guard. His shoulders noticeably stiffened like he was uncomfortable.

  Within a split second, I put the pieces together.

  And I felt sick.

  “There you are.” The girl approached his door with a flustered look. “I’ve been calling you all morning.” She crossed her arms over her chest then shot me a glare.

  “What do you want?” Hawke asked coldly.

  “I left my wallet.”

  Oh my god, kill me now.

  Hawke didn’t look at me. “Oh…I’ll get it for you.”

  “It’s on the night stand.”

  My heart shattered into a million pieces. I wanted to run away and hide. I didn’t want to be there.

  “Right…” Hawke got the door unlocked and stepped inside.

  The woman stared at me like I was a piece of gum on the bottom of her shoe.

  I kept my arms across my chest and hid the devastation on my face. Two years had come and gone, but seeing him with another woman hurt me as much as it would have the day he walked out. I knew he was with other people but to see it right in front of my face was…heartbreaking.

  Hawke appeared with the wallet. “Here.” He shoved it into her arms. It was clear he was just as uncomfortable as I was.

  “Call me later.” She turned on her heel and walked away.

  Hawke didn’t make eye contact with me. He remained rigid like he didn’t know what to do. Silence stretched between us, and neither one of us knew what to say. He finally stepped into his apartment. “This is it…”

  I entered behind him and immediately walked to the center of the room with my back turned to him so he wouldn’t see my face. I tried to seem indifferent but I knew I was failing. No matter how much time had passed, seeing him with someone else was agonizing. “It’s nice.” I kept my voice steady.

  His apartment contained floor-to-ceiling windows and had a breathtaking view of the park. Leather sofas were in the living room along with a fancy rug. A large TV took up the wall, and his kitchen was designed with granite countertops and stainless steel. “I’m jealous.”

  Hawke placed his headphones on the counter then walked further into the room. “I got a good deal on it. I knew the seller.”

  And I had a feeling I knew how.

  “You want to see my office?”

  I didn’t mind seeing anything except his bedroom. All I would think about was all the girls who hit his sheets. There must have been hundreds by this point in time. I wanted to keep hiding my face but I was running out of time. “Sure.”

  He showed me the large room with an expansive desk. He had white bookshelves with textbooks as his primary décor. A large window was behind the desk and had another view of the park. “The view is distracting so I don’t get much work done.”

  “I can imagine.”

  He showed me his bathroom next and the spare bedroom. But he never took me in his bedroom.

  Thank god.

  The sheets were probably still in disarray from the woman who spent the night with him. Strands of her hair were probably on the pillow. And it probably smelled of sex. “Well, I should get back to work.” I headed back to the door and tried not to run.

  “Yeah, I need to shower.”

  Had he not showered since that woman? Gross. “Well, I’ll see you around.” I didn’t turn around and look at him. I wanted to haul ass and get the hell away from him as quickly as possible. That woman shouldn’t bother me but she did. I needed to save face but I couldn’t do that if he was looking at me.

  “Francesca.” His voice took a different tone, apologetic.

  I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I turned around. “Hmm?” I made eye contact with him but just for a brief second. His face looked torn, like he didn’t want to say whatever he was about to say.

  “I…” He struggled to find the words.

  I knew he was trying to make an excuse for that girl. Her presence wasn’t malicious, and he had no idea she was going to be there. He wanted to apologize for something he shouldn’t apologize for. “It’s okay, Hawke.” I turned away because I was going to get teary-eyed if I stayed any longer.

  He lowered his gaze and looked at the ground. “I’m sorry…”

  I kept walking. My heart ached and my feet carried me as quickly as possible. Old wounds were ripped apart. I had done the same thing to him the other night when I said I wasn’t going home. He looked just as upset as I did now. But he didn’t have to see Kyle in the flesh. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”


  When I walked into the weight room at the gym, Kyle was sitting on the bench. His dumbbells rested on his thighs and he stared at himself in the mirror.

  “Yo.” I walked up behind him wearing my work out gear.

  He grinned when he saw me. “Look who it is.” He whistled as he stared at me in my spandex. “You look like catwoman when you wear those.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a sleazy way.

  I ignored his cheesy line. “You wanna go on a date with me?”

  He stilled like he wasn’t sure if he heard me right. “You’re asking me out?”

  “Don’t make a big deal out of it. My best friend wants to go on a double date. You down or what?” I leaned against the bench and put one hand on my hip.

  “You’re one smooth talker.” His voice was full of sarcasm. “But since you’re cute, I’ll go out with you.”

  “Thanks. Saturday is good?”

  “Any day is good.” He winked at me.

  “Would you stop doing that?”

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “All the winking and eye-wiggling. You’re hot without the bullshit.”
/>   “I think it turns you on but you don’t want to admit it.” He gave me a dramatic wink.

  “I can call off the date, you know?”

  “I’ll pick you up anyway.” He picked up one dumbbell and started doing curls. He stared at me the entire time he did it. “In the mood?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ve never met someone so full of himself.”

  “Because a lot of people want to be full of me.” He winked again.

  I growled then stormed off.

  “Hey, get back here.” He put down the weights. “I was kidding.”

  I came back but I was on my guard.

  He turned serious. “Why do you want to go on a date all of a sudden? You made it clear you were looking for some meaningless fling.”

  “Marie keeps pestering me about it, and…” I didn’t want to go into details.

  “Does this have something to do with Hawke?” He didn’t seem irritated, not like he usually was.

  “I saw him yesterday and some bimbo forgot her wallet at his apartment…it was awkward.”

  “What did you expect him to do?” Kyle asked. “He’s single, right?”

  “He can do whatever he wants.” That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

  “Because you’ve been fucking around with me for months.”

  I grew irritated. “I’m not mad at him, and he doesn’t owe me a damn thing. But it still hurts to see him with someone else, whether it’s meaningless or not.” I shook my head. “Why did I expect you to understand?”

  “Whoa…hold on.” He raised both hands in surrender. “I’m not judging you. I’m just curious.”

  “Have you ever been in love, Kyle?”

  He stared at me for a long time before he answered. “No.”

  “Then you wouldn’t understand.”

  “You’re wrong about that…but whatever.” He racked his weights then approached me. “If you don’t want to have a relationship with me, why are you asking me out?”

  “Because Marie ordered me to, and seeing Hawke…just reminded me that I need to move on with my life. How will I find someone if I never give anyone a chance?”

  He nodded. “I like Marie.”

  “She’s bossy and pushy.”

  “I like bossy and pushy.”

  “She’s marrying my brother,” I snapped. “She’s off limits.”

  He chuckled. “Not what I meant, sweetheart. I like that she tells you the shit you don’t want to hear—that’s all.”

  “So, you’ll do the double date thing with me?”

  “It doesn’t sound like you even want to do it.”

  “Because I don’t.” I was always honest with the men in my life. I never wanted to lead them on or give them the wrong idea.

  He shook his head. “So much for giving someone a chance.”

  “You already know how I am. We both know this isn’t going to go anywhere. But maybe this can be a baby step for me.”

  “So it works out for everyone…” His voice was full of sarcasm but he was slightly amused.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “You don’t have to go. I know you aren’t looking for something serious either.”

  “I wouldn’t mind doing something outside of sex,” he said. “You’re really cool. I thought so the moment you walked into the locker room and stared at my junk like it was the biggest piece of candy you’ve ever seen.”

  I rolled my eyes and blushed at the same time. “Not my finest hour…”

  “I thought it was sexy.” He leaned toward me. “Can I wink now?”

  I rolled my eyes again. “Fine. Just don’t do it at dinner.”


  Kyle was at my door right on time. He wore a collared shirt and slacks, much fancier than his usual attire. He took in my dress, and his eyes appreciated the sight. “I like that.”

  “Thanks. You look nice too.”

  “I know.” He had a smug grin on his face.

  I walked out and shut the door behind me before he could wink or wiggle his eyebrows. “Marie and Axel are cool. You’ll like them.”

  “I like everyone.” He put his arm around my waist.

  He didn’t usually touch me outside the apartment, but I let the affection linger. “How was your day?”

  “I woke up and played video games all day.”

  “At least you relaxed.”

  “Relaxed?” he asked with a laugh. “I was shooting people’s heads off and throwing grenades. I wouldn’t classify it as relaxing.”

  “Then how would you classify it?”


  We headed down the sidewalk then reached the restaurant.

  “So, Axel is your brother, right?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” I walked inside and searched the tables.

  “So…what do I do?”

  “What do you mean?” I spotted them at a table in the corner but I turned to Kyle before we walked over.

  “He’s your brother, so does that make this date serious? You’re introducing me to your family.”

  “Oh.” Now I understood. “No, it’s not like that. Axel and I are friends as well as siblings. He won’t read too much into it.”

  “You’re sure?” he asked. “He’s not a psychotic overprotective brother?”

  “Nope. Now let’s go because I’m starving.”

  We approached the table, and Marie immediately stared Kyle up and down. Then she gave me a quick smile that said everything her lips couldn’t speak.

  I ignored her meaning. “Hey. This is Kyle.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shook hands with Axel first.

  “Likewise,” Axel said politely. He sized him up with his eyes, looking at his clothes and his shiny watch.

  “I’m so excited to meet you.” Instead of shaking his hand, Marie hugged him like they were long lost friends. “I’ve been looking forward to this all night.”

  “Oh…” Kyle’s lips stretched into a grin. “I’m glad someone’s excited. Whenever Frankie sees me, she just seems bored.”

  “She’s just rough around the edges.” Marie laughed it off but she shot me a glare.

  Kyle pulled out the chair for me before he sat down.

  When I froze at his gesture, I realized it’d been a really long time since I went on a date. I almost didn’t know how to act. It was like I forgot how to date. “Thanks…” I lowered myself into the chair.

  Axel stared at Kyle without bothering to be discreet about it.

  Marie picked up her menu then turned it so the guys couldn’t see us leaning over the table and talking. “Damn, he’s really cute.”

  “I know.” There wasn’t any doubt about that. When I saw him at the gym, I was immediately smitten.

  “You did a great job finding him. He has really pretty eyes.”

  Axel cleared his throat. “I have really pretty eyes too.”

  Marie’s face reddened in embarrassment then she lowered her menu like nothing happened.

  Kyle kept grinning like an idiot.

  I looked at my menu and tried to act like this wasn’t incredibly awkward. “What are you getting?”

  Kyle moved his hand to my thigh. “Not sure. What about you?”

  I tensed when he showed me affection in public. It rubbed me the wrong way, and I couldn’t explain why. We were on a date so that’s what should happen but…something was off.

  Axel glanced at Kyle’s hand then sipped his water.

  “Probably the spaghetti.” I set the menu down.

  “Maybe we can share a strand of pasta like that Disney movie.” He squeezed my thigh under the table.

  “Maybe…” I needed wine.

  “So, Kyle.” Axel set his water aside. “What do you do for a living?”

  Kyle answered the question in stride. “I run a—”

  “Do not interrogate him.” I shot Axel a deadly look. “We’re here to have fun, not examine his resume.”

  Axel glared at me. “I’m getting to know your boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” I didn’t mean to sound so harsh but it just came out.

  “Ouch.” Kyle squeezed my thigh again like he was teasing me.

  The waitress came and took our order, thankfully. It was nice to have something to do instead of just stare awkwardly at each other. But once she was gone, the gloom returned.

  “As you were saying,” Axel said. “Before my bratty sister interrupted you.”

  “She is a brat,” Kyle said with a laugh.

  “I’ll second that,” Marie said with a raised hand.

  I rolled my eyes in irritation.

  “I own a law firm in Manhattan. It’s on Sixth and Broadway.” Kyle took a drink of his wine.

  Axel obviously didn’t expect that judging the surprised look on his face. “You own a firm?”

  “Yes.” Kyle remained humble about it.

  “How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Axel asked.

  I narrowed my eyes on him. “Interrogation…”

  “Baby, it’s fine,” Kyle said.

  I didn’t like to be called that outside of the bedroom but I didn’t correct him.

  “I’m thirty,” Kyle said. “My father was a lawyer, and he passed away a few years ago. His firm went to me and now I run it.”

  “Oh…” Axel nodded in understanding. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “He and I were really close so it was hard,” Kyle said. “But working in his office makes it feel like he’s still there sometimes…” His voice trailed away.

  My heart ached for him so I rested my hand on his.

  When he felt the affection, he smiled and squeezed my fingers.

  Marie grinned as she watched our interaction. “So, this has been going on for a long time.” She leaned forward on the edge of her seat.

  Kyle turned to me. “You talk about me, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I knew you were into me.”

  “I tell her everything,” I said. “She’s my best friend.”

  “How long?” Axel asked, his protective side coming out.

  “About six months or so,” Kyle answered.

  I wish he hadn’t said that.

  “Six months?” Axel asked. “That’s a long time…” He turned to me with a disapproving look. “Why am I only meeting him now?”

  “Because we aren’t serious,” I said. “Can we stop talking about Kyle and I now and just have fun?”


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