The Stories of Slang: Language at its most human
Page 30
Greene, Robert 11, 17
Greenwood, James 249–50
Grimaldi, Joseph 141–2
grime music 290–3
Grose, Francis: Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue 10, 11, 22, 34–5, 40, 42, 55, 66, 83–4, 87, 96, 139–40, 156, 160, 161, 162, 166, 172, 177, 195, 219, 223, 253, 265, 266, 268, 269, 285
Gunn, Jeannie: We of the Never-Never 80
Hammett, Dashiell 235, 236, 242
Handley, Tommy 275
Hansberry, Loraine: A Raisin in the Sun 199
Hare, William 68
Harman: Thomas: Caveat or Warening for Common Cursetours Vulgarely Called Vagabones 123, 141
Harte, Beth: ‘My Friend the Tramp’ 124
Hauptmann, Bruno 240
Hayes, Catherine (1690–1725) 213
Hayes, Catherine (1818–1861) 213
Hebdige, Dick: Cut ‘n’ Mix: Culture, Identity and Caribbean Music 289
Helper, H.R.: Land of Gold 105
Henry, O. 105
Hertford, Lord 184
Hidalgo, Juan: Vocabulario de Germania 121
Hobbes, Thomas 3
Hogarth, William 31, 114, 285
Gin Lane 221, 222
Industry & Idleness 107
Hollywood Detective 234, 235
Hoover, J. Edgar 240
Hotten, John Camden 29–30, 36, 76, 90, 219, 250, 251, 279
Irving, Washington:
Tales of a Traveller 25–6
‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ 105
Irwin, Godfrey: American Tramp and Underworld Slang 125, 131
Islam 180
ITMA (‘It’s That Man Again’) 275
Jackson, John 29
Johnson, Linton Kwesi 287–8
Johnson, Samuel 78, 114, 174, 180, 261, 265–6, 285
job titles 51–3, 116–17 see also under individual area of work
Joyce, James:
Finnegans Wake 214
Ulysees 8
‘Kathleen Mavourneen’ (song) 254
Keats, John 24
‘Ode to Nightingale’ 226
Kelly, Ned 137
Kelsey Wheel Company 270–1
Kerouac, Jack 132, 217
Kerswill, Professor Paul 284
Lane, Harriet 46
Lardner, Ring 240
Lawson, Henry 198
Lee, Charles: Memoirs 251
Letts, Don 288
Levi, Primo 79
Lexicon Balatronicum 34, 245–6
Liber Vagatorum (‘Book of the Beggars’) 117–18, 119, 124
Liberman, Anatoly 154, 260
Liebling, A.J. 21, 30–1
Life and Character of Moll King, The 22
Life in London (journal) 29–30, 31–2, 33, 285
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) 189
Livingston, Leon Ray (A-No I, The Famous Tramp) 129–30, 131
Lloyd, Arthur: ‘The American Drinks’ 215–16
Lloyd, David 246
London, Jack 47, 125–7, 128, 129
People of the Abyss 125–7
The Road 125
love/romance 69–77
being ‘in love’ 71
drugs and 70
promiscuous woman 75–7
sex and 70
slang has no words for 69–70
terms of endearment 71–2
womaniser 73–5
Luther, Martin 117–18, 124
Lynn, Ethel: Adventures of a Woman Hobo 132
Lytton, Lord 7
Paul Clifford 266
MacInnes, Colin 289
Absolute Beginners 287
City of Spades 286–7
Mackay, Charles: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions 277–82
maritime/sea slang 36–50
alcohol 38–40
food 44–50
ocean 38–9
sailor 37
sea 37–8
sex/whores 40–4
Marley, Bob 287, 293
Marryat, Captain 47
Marshall, Matt: Travels of a Tramp-Royal/Tramp-Royal on the Toby 132
Marx Brothers 237, 262, 274
Marx, Groucho 87
Matsell, George Washington 101
Maurier, George du 146
McGhee, Stick: ‘Drinkin’ Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee’ (song) 217
Meades, Jonathan 49
medical slang 51–68
abortionist 61–2
ambulance 62–3
dentist 61
doctor 53–61
drugs 56–7, 59–61
hospital 63–4
nurse 58
patient 52–3
pills 56–7
psychiatric institution/psychiatrists 64–7
surgeons 52, 59
undertakers 67–8
Melba, Nellis 213
Mencken, H. L. 3, 5, 127–8, 235
Milburn, George: The Hobo’s Hornbook 132
Minehan, Thomas: Boy and Girl Tramps of America 132
MLE (Multicultural London English) 2, 283–302
aggression/violence and 293–4
Ali G. and 290
birth of 283–8, 300
clothes and 298–9
DJ Smiley Culture ‘Cockney Translation’ and 288
drugs and 297–8
friends and 298
grime and 290–2
immigrant narratives and 286–7
insults 293–4
Jafaikan and 283–5
London immigration history and 285–6
police and 298
reggae and 287–8
sex and 295–7
value judgements 299
white middle class adoption of 300
Moncrieff, W.T.: Tom and Jerry, or, Life in London 22, 32
Monroe, Peaches 296
Monty Python 275
Moore, Tom 29
‘Tom Crib’s Memorial to Congress’ 24, 31
Morecambe and Wise 274
Multicultural London English see MLE
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (movie) 102
navy slang (alturnal) 36–7
Nobili, Giacinto de’: Il vagabondo, ovvero sferza de’ bianti e vagabondi (‘or the scourge of bandits and vagabons’) 121
Norris, Thomas 222
O mihi Britomartis (‘O bring help to me, Britomartis’) (Latin prayer) 251
O’Brian, Patrick 262
O’Brien, James 256–7
O’Dea, Jimmy 88
One Foot in the Grave (TV programme) 275
Only Fools and Horses (TV programme) 275
Ora pro mihi, beate Martine (‘Pray for me blessed Martin’) (Latin prayer) 250–1
Orwell, George 47
Down and Out in Paris and London 132
Other Side of the Wall, The (prisoner’s dictionary) 220–1
Paolino, Padre 190
Parker, George: Life’s Painter of Variegated Characters in Public and Private Life 22, 225
Parliament of Women, The 262–3
Partridge, Eric 109, 115, 124, 187–8, 250, 251, 258, 259, 260
Dictionary of Catch Phrases 272–3, 277
patriotism 179, 180, 253
Perelman, S.J. 237–8
cities and 90–1, 95, 96, 101, 104
maritime slang and 44
medical slang and 62, 63
MLE and 287, 292, 298
number of terms for 4
pulp fiction and 230, 240
Popik, Barry 93, 254
pox (syphilis) 164–78
gonorrhea 171, 172–3
infection 175–7
name of disease 171–2, 173–5
nations and 166–8
source of 177
symptoms 170–1, 172–3
treatment 177–8
Prohibition 220, 229
proper names 244–60
All my eye and Betty Martin 250–1
animals as similes for drunk humans 255–7
booze 244–5
Buckley 251–2
Chloe 247–8
Cooter 246–7
Davy’s/David’s sow 245
drunk, drink and drunkards 244–51, 255–6, 257–8
Gone for a Burton 258–60
Jack Adams 250
Jimmy Woodser 248–9
Johnny Wet-bread 252–3
Morgan Rattler 255
shout/round 248
six o’clock swill 248
slang proper names with no clue as to their origin 257–8
soul comme un Polonnais (drunk as a Pole) 248
Tell it to the Marines (the sailors won’t believe it)!/tell it to (or save it for, or that’ll do for) Sweeney! 254–5
women 253–4
cities and 94–5, 113
Dickens and 7
drink and 223
food and 190
love slang 71, 75, 76, 77
maritime slang and 41
medical slang 51
number of terms for 4
pox and 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 177
pulp fiction and 241
pun and 263, 266, 267
Shakespeare and 7, 12, 14–15, 16
pulp fiction 230–43
Archibald and 235–6
Bellem and 234–5, 237–8, 242–3
drugs and 238
early days of 232–4
fighting and 239
guns and 238–9
hard-boiled dick 236–7
money and 238
Runyon and 239–43
sex and 237–8
wood pulp and 231–2
pun, the 261–71
drinking 265
executions 268–9
homosexuality 265
madness/eccentricity 264
oldest recording of 262
sexual 261–4, 265–8, 270, 271
Quinion, Michael 284
racism 2, 97–100, 174, 179, 180–1, 186, 214, 246–7, 280–1, 288
Ramson, W.S. 198
Reitman, Ben: Boxcar Bertha 132
Reynolds, John Hamilton: The Fancy 24
rhyming slang 1, 33, 37–8, 41, 73, 94, 110, 133, 134, 137, 142, 145, 148, 151, 152, 154–5, 161, 165, 171, 184, 195, 217, 257, 259
Rice, Thomas Dartmouth 280–1
Ross, Harold 87
Roth, Philip: Portnoy’s Complaint 192
Round the Horne (radio programme) 274
Rowlands, Samuel 120–1
Royal Navy 39, 65, 213
Runyon, Damon 33, 111, 239–43
Russell, William Clark: Sailors’ Language 48
Schultz, Dutch 182, 240
Scolartis Press 124–5
Scrub, Timothy: ‘Desolation, or, The Fall of Gin’ 226
sea slang see maritime slang
Selvon, Samuel: The Lonely Londoners 286
Shakespeare, William 6–20, 77, 151, 249, 261–2, 263
audience reception of slang terms 18
Carry On and 8–9, 18, 19–20
double-entendres 9–10
expurgations 18–19
first recorded use of slang terms 6
fool in 16
Hamlet 8, 10, 18, 20, 77
Henry IV Pt 2 10, 19
Henry V 9, 10
King Lear 19
Love’s Labour’s Lost 11
Measure for Measure 19
number of slang terms used 6
Othello 19
Richard II 118
Romeo and Juliet 10, 19
sexual slang 9–16
sources for slang words and phrases 17
The Merry Wives of Windsor 13–14
The Tempest 18
Twelfth Night 20
whores/brothels in 14–16
women in 13–16
Shovel, Sir Cloudesley 213
Sidis, Boris 251–2
Silverman, Sime 239
Simpsons, The (TV programme) 275
Sinatra, Frank 87
Slang Dictionary (1859) 72
Smith, Bessie 74
Smollett, Tobias:
Humphrey Clinker 78
Roderick Random 42–3
Song of Solomon 72
Songs and Slang of the British Soldier (Brophy and Partridge) 177
Southey, Robert 23
South Park (TV programme) 275
Spicy Detective 234, 235, 240
St Bartholomew’s Hospital 178
St Martin of Tours 250–1
STDs 4, 41, 57, 59, 63–4, 164–78
Steele, Tommy 289
Steptoe and Son (TV programme) 275
Surtees, Robert: Mr Sponge’s Sporting Tour 32–3
Tate, Catherine 274
Taylor, John: Travels in Bohemia 177–8
Thomond, Lord 256
Till Death Us Do Part (TV programme) 275
tramps & hobos 116–35
beggar books 117–24 see also under individual book title
beggar’s tricks 119
cant and 117, 121–4, 128, 132, 135
first appearance of 117–19
hobo 124–32, 135
‘The King of the Beggars’ 120–4
Twain, Mark 88
US Civil War 46, 124, 246
Vaux, James Hardy:
Memoirs 22–3
Vocabulary of the Flash Language 276
Victoria, Queen 63, 224, 297
Waddell, Dr L.A. 251
Walpole, Horace 185
Walpole, Sir Robert 114
Walters, Catherine ‘Skittles’ 296
Ward, John 249
Ward, Ned 47, 79
Ware, James Redding 149
Weir, Arabella 273–4
West, Kayne 290
White, Edward W.: Chocolate Drops from the South 200–1
Whitehouse, Paul 275–6
Wilder, Thornton: Our Town 87
Winchell, Walter 100, 240, 241
Wodehouse, PG. 7, 66, 67, 243
body and 155
catch phrases and 282
drinks and 226
love and 75–7
maritime slang and 42
MLE and 286, 293, 295–7
number of terms for 4
pox and 164, 165, 172, 177
proper names 249, 253–4
pulp fiction and 230, 237
puns and 262–3
Shakespeare and 13–14
tramps/hobos and 117, 123
Wood, Victoria 274
Woods, James 249
World War I 90, 130, 152, 176–7, 192, 203, 227, 258, 259
World War II 124, 141, 197, 206–7, 227, 230, 258, 259, 286, 289
World Wide Words (website) 284
Young, Lester 91