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Deep in Chaos (CKMC Book 2)

Page 8

by Linny Lawless

  I grabbed her hips, pulling her to me. I captured her mouth, driving my tongue between her lips. Her little moan suddenly got my dick standing to attention. “Yes, you do affect me, sweet-cheeks.” My growl was low, for only her to hear.

  She kept her soft warm body pressed to mine. Both arms were now wrapped around my shoulders. Her smile faded, her eyes were soft. “Are you ok with doing this tonight by yourself?“

  I smirked and my body relaxed, now that she was there with me. “Yes babe. I can do this. Got an earful from Ratchet, Wez and the other brothers. For the first time, I feel good about doing something legit. To watch over you and the Coven? Yeah, I want to do this.”

  The women were packed into the black limo and I followed behind on my bike to an outdoor tiki bar alongside the Potomac River. Burning tiki torches were lit, the air humid and warm. I followed close behind the women as they made their way to the horseshoe bar. The beat of club music pounded through speakers. The place was packed, and the night was still early.

  Madge bought the first round of fruity shooters for the Coven. Tanya handed me a shot glass full of whiskey. “You do a shot with us to get this night started!” I didn’t argue with her. I downed it as they downed their pretty red shooters. They giggled.

  I touched Tanya’s lower back and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Now it’s time for me to do my job. Have fun tonight, sweet-cheeks. I’ll be right here.”

  They huddled close together, next to the bar, giggling and doing another round of shooters. I stood only a few yards away, keeping watch. The bartenders kept the drinks coming. Tanya and Madge started to dance with each other, which caught the attention of male onlookers. Sam was a bit more subdued. I guess that this kind of fun was new to her. She was a brave one. Her friend Kat seemed new to this too. But the more they drank, the more they loosened up, and laughed along with Tanya and Madge.

  Watching Tanya’s little sexy body move and the sound of her giggles was a nice distraction. But I had to focus on watching over out for all of them. I stood, unmoving, zoning in on any man or woman who got too close to them. I couldn’t help but crack a smile a few times, overhearing Madge tell dirty sex jokes, bringing on squeals and giggles from the Coven.

  Two hours later, I paid their tab and followed the limo to another bar a few miles away. This one was indoors, dimly lit with colorful strobe lights swimming over the dance floor and all the dancing bodies. The place was packed with even more people than the tiki bar we just left. I followed close behind them as Madge led the way. We weaved through the crowd of sweaty bodies, some dancing in place. Madge got a bartender’s attention, yelling her order of drinks over the loud music. I took another whiskey shot with them again too. Sam and Kat giggled more, the drinks helping them feel more comfortable.

  We were pressed in more, so I kept my arms folded in front of me, keeping the sweaty bodies out of my personal space.

  Kat had her hand cupped up to Sam’s ear, saying something that made her laugh. That’s when it happened. The act was quick, but to me it was in slow motion. A man’s hand grabbed a handful of Sam’s rear. The was attached to a young white collar type, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

  Within three steps and three seconds, I was behind him. Sam whipped around to see who had just touched her. I reached up, grabbed an earlobe, and twisted. Hard. He let out a high-pitched cry. His knees buckled, but I kept him standing. “Apologize to the lady. Now mother fucker!” I growled into his other ear. His buddy was standing to the other side of him and turned my way. I looked right at him. “Don’t.” He didn’t.

  “I’m sorry!” White-collar boy squeaked out to Sam, her eyes looking up into his.

  I twisted the earlobe a little harder. He squealed again. “Now I just saved your life, dumb-ass. If her ole’ man found out what you just did, he’d cut you up into little pieces and keep a few of your body parts as trophies. Now get the fuck out of my sight.”

  Ass grabber was gone, his buddy followed close behind as they maneuvered through the crowd. I turned back to Sam. She was smiling at me. “Thanks, Skully. You’re not going to tell Ratchet, are you?”

  “Hell no. It’ll be much worse for me than that mother fucker. It’s my job to keep all of you safe tonight. So, no. It’ll just be between us. Is that ok with you?”

  “Yes. And you are keeping us safe tonight. I wouldn’t be able to have fun if we didn’t have Chaos watching over us.”

  “I’m just a prospect.”

  “But you will be a Chaos King someday, Skully. I know you will.”

  A soft hand touched my shoulder. It was Tanya. “What happened?”

  “Some asshole just did a stupid thing and touched Sam. But after tonight, his earlobe is going to need some fuckin stitches. “

  “Oh my god, Sam. Are you ok?”

  “Yeah. I’m ok, Tanya. Skully took care of him.” Sam was still smiling.

  23 Tanya

  Even after what just happened, Sam didn’t want to leave the bar just yet. So, we stayed and Skully kept watch as we finished off a few more drinks and danced. My feet were hurting from the standing and dancing all night long. It was midnight by the time Skully paid our tab and we made our way back to the limo to drive us back to the clubhouse. Despite the incident with Sam, the Coven had a fun time. We giggled, Madge telling us dick jokes on the way back to the clubhouse. I kicked off my sandals and switched on the tiny lights that ran alongside the interior of the limo.

  I was horny as hell all night long just from watching Skully. And knowing he was there to protect all of us. He was always only a few yards away, his arms crossed over his hard chest. Often our eyes met, and the side his mouth lifted in a smirk. We were both thinking naughty thoughts, and how good we made our bodies feel. He wore his cut with the prospect bottom rocker and I was so turned on by it, picturing him wearing the full Chaos King MC patch.

  The limo driver took us back to the clubhouse and gave both Madge and Honey a ride home. I wanted to stay the night with Skully, and I was in no shape to drive.

  We were alone in the room he slept in and I stripped off my clothes as fast as I could. I fell back onto the bed, my arms above my head. I was totally naked. I arched my back and purred to him. “Can you leave your cut on while you fuck me, Owen?”

  His eyes roamed over my body, and began to take off his cut, but stopped and shrugged it back on. “Sure baby. I’ll keep the cut on, as I pound my hard dick deep into that sweet pussy of yours.”

  He undid his jeans and yanked them down revealing that sexy V shape of his hips. His hard cock sprung free and he covered my body with his. I inhaled his male scent as his lips latched onto my neck. His wet tongue darted out to taste my skin. His lips nipped and sucked, bringing goosebumps to rise throughout my body. I gasped as he bit me right at the juncture of my neck and shoulder.

  “My dick has been hard all night for you…” He groaned against my neck, making my nipples so hard, they ached.

  “Well what are you waiting for? Give it to me.”

  He gripped his thick rod and sank it all the way in. I cried out. It was what I was hungry for all night. He raised himself above me, and pinned my wrists to the bed. His hips began to grind, his cock stretching me, filling me. “Here you go baby. Take it all.”

  My hips bucked and writhed, in rhythm with his. He pounded into me. I cried out and his mouth covered mine, silencing me. His hips grinded and rubbed against my swollen nub.

  “Yeah baby. Come on my cock!” He commanded and my climax was intense as I cried out. We looked into each other’s eyes as my orgasm pulsated around him. He groaned, his voice low and thick with emotion. He spasmed inside me as he climaxed, and collapsed on me, releasing my wrists. I wrapped my arms around him, trying to steady my breathing.

  “I want to fall asleep just like this.” He heard my whisper. Then his breathing became even and steady, matching mine.

  “That’s what happens to girls like you.”

  Sharp painful cramping right to me core. It’
s dark. I was freezing. I wrap myself in my own arms. I buckle and lean over.

  Wetness. I raised my hands. Wet, dark blood covered them.

  “Tanya, baby. Wake up.” Owen’s husky voice penetrated through my sleep. My eyes flew open. He was perched on his elbow, looking down at me.

  Another painful cramp. I shut my eyes tight, but the tears came. I sat up suddenly and ripped the blanket that covered us. Dried blood caked my inner thighs. A dark stain underneath me.

  Owen saw it then too. His hand reached up to cup my cheek. “Its ok, baby. Let me get something for you.” He climbed out of bed and went down the hall to the bathrooms. He returned and laid back in the bed next to me with a wet warm wash cloth. He began to wipe the dried blood from my thighs.

  My hand shot out to stop him. “Don’t.”

  “It’s ok. I know some guys freak out about it. But not me. It’s one of those magical things about women.”

  I let go of his hand and he continued to rub the warm cloth on my thighs. It was comforting and brought me back from the bad dream. I wiped tears away with the palms of my hands. “Sometimes, when I get the really bad cramps, they haunt me in my dreams. A reminder of the pain. The abortion… The miscarriage.”

  He leaned in and pecked my temple with soft kisses. It soothed me.

  I then remembered I had a morning shift to work at the salon. “Shit! I’m going to be late. And I just got this promotion!”

  “You’re going to call in sick today. I’ll drive you back to your place. I don’t want you on your feet all day, dealing with those cramps.” I didn’t argue with him. I really wanted to be in my bed, and him in it with me.

  I called Honey and told her I was having one of those days. She was a bit hungover from the night before, but she said that she’d work the salon for the day with the other stylists. I gave Owen my car keys and he drove me back to my apartment. He said he’d take care of the sheets and would take the day off too, to stay with me all day.

  24 Scully

  Two months had passed. I was proving myself to the Chaos Kings as a prospect. Showing up for rides with the club at least thirty minutes early. Club members came to me when they needed help with their bikes. Me and Sam kept it on the DL over what happened at the bar that night. She got home late. She was drunk but safe. And she put a good word in for me to Ratchet.

  I was on time with my clubhouse dues and rent to the treasurer, Shrek. He was a big hulk of a man, as big as Ratchet. But was more easy-going. He liked to joke around, but when things got serious, he did too.

  It was another Friday night and I was stocking the beer frig and the liquor shelves. I knew what each member liked to drink and made sure the clubhouse was fully stocked. The sun lowered behind the trees in the parking lot as members started pulling in.

  Shrek arrived first. He stood at the jukebox, pushing buttons on the screen with his thick fingers, scrolling through the alphabetized song list. His mouth clamped down on half a cigar, the end in his mouth all wet. “What the fuck, prospect? What happened to ‘Say Fuck It’ by Buckcherry?”

  I was wiping down the bar with a wet rag, emptying out ashtrays. “I don’t know, man. The music dude was here last week. He sometimes changes up the song lists on that thing.”

  Shrek turned from the jukebox. “Well god damit, man! Tell that dude to put it back on here!” He acted strange. I’d never seen him get uptight over something as simple as a song on a jukebox. “Fuck it…” He pushed the button to a song and headed over to the bar, grabbing a stool in front of me.

  “I’ll call him today to get that song back on there for you.”

  “Pour me some tequila prospect.” He grumbled. I turned to grab a bottle of his favorite and heard the thunder of several bikes pulling into the lot. Some were noisier than usual, revving their engines, as they walked their bikes, and parking them close together, side by side. Chaos was ready to throw down a few that night.

  I came from around the bar as Chaos walked in together, Rocky in the lead. They all looked pretty pissed too. At what? At me? I didn’t know, but it sure as hell felt like it.

  Wez reached me first. “Just keep your mouth shut prospect.”

  “You fucked up prospect!” Rocky barked, stepping up to me, in my space, an inch from my nose. His eyes hard, not blinking.

  I wasn’t sure what I fucked up, but I didn’t want to piss the Prez off more than he already was. So, I did as Wez told me. I kept my mouth shut. But my jaw clenched. We stood still for only a few seconds starring into each other’s eyes. It felt like thirty minutes. Rocky blinked first. His eyes crinkled at the edges. He started to chuckle. “Just fuckin with you, prospect. You looked like you were gonna shit your pants!” His head flew back, chuckling even louder.

  I exhaled, not realizing I was holding my breath. “Could have, I guess.”

  “Did you have a hearty nutritional breakfast, lunch and dinner today, prospect?”

  Rocky and everyone else were acting so fucking strange. He reached and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Cuz as of this moment, you’re not a prospect anymore, brother. You’re now a full patched in member of the Chaos Kings. “

  Wez held out the two pieces that made up the Chaos Kings Motorcycle Club patch. The top patch “Chaos Kings” and the center patch: a grinning skull wearing a Viking helmet, above two crossed battle axes.

  Wez grinned as I took the patches from him. My throat got tight and I choked back a lump. I was now a member. A brother. A Chaos King. “Good you ate something today. Cuz tonight is your patch in party brother. Don’t disappoint.” He called me brother.

  It was going to be a long night celebrating with my brothers. Shots were passed around at the clubhouse, then I got several lap dances, thanks to my brothers, at the Cheetah Club. I knew it would get back to Tanya but I hoped the she was ok with it.

  25 Tanya

  I hurried home from work, took a quick shower, primped and got dressed to get to the clubhouse by eleven o’clock. Sam had texted me earlier that day. Ratchet told her to get the word out to the Coven that we all were to celebrate Skully becoming a Chaos King. I was handling a customer at the register and squealed as they handed me a tip. I jumped up and down a few times, my client joining along with me.

  Skully was the perfect example of a good prospect. He put the Chaos brothers first every day. He put me first too. He had even helped as road captain on some of the rides. I was so proud sitting on the back of his bike. He looked at me sometimes like a teenage boy, all fiery eyes. He always made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. Matthew made me feel like I was just biker trash. Skully was proud of me.

  I picked up Sam on the way to the clubhouse. She had never been to a patch in party, and she was just as excited as I was. I’d been to a few, and knew Skully would have to pull through his first night as a Chaos King. His brothers would take him to one of the local strip clubs, and yes, I knew he would get plenty of lap dances. I felt a little sting of jealousy, picturing beautiful naked women rubbing all over him. But it was was just part of the celebration. Owen was Chaos now. And I had a permanent smile on my face driving to the clubhouse.

  The Coven arrived first. Magnet’s two friends with benefits, Brandy and Becky put some more money into the jukebox. They were two cute, curvy blond BFF’s that liked to cling to Magnet on the weekends. I’d only spoken to them a few times, and they seemed ok. Me and Sam went behind the bar, handing out beers and filling up shot glasses for the Coven. We heard the loud roar of pipes as Chaos pulled in a few minutes later.

  I took a shot of Patron before Skully walked in. His limp was a bit more noticeable, only because he had already had several drinks by then. The red lipstick on his cheek was the next thing I noticed as he stood in front of me, a wide grin on his face. “You’re going to have to rub that lipstick off your cheek before I congratulate you, Skully.”

  He raked both his hands through his short messy dark hair, looking down at his boots. “Ah… Yeah… Sorry about that, sweet-che

  I couldn’t keep the serious look on my face any longer and snorted. “Its ok. I know what happens at patch in parties.” I grabbed two fistfuls of his t-shirt and pulled him to me, claiming his mouth. “Congratulations, Owen… You’re a Chaos King now…”

  He wrapped his arms around me. He wobbled a little bit too. “Thanks, Tanya… I belong here with Chaos. I belong with you.” And at that moment I realized that was true. He did belong to me.

  I leaned away. “Let me go mess with some of them.” I grabbed his hand and he led me over to the pull tables where Wez and Gunner were setting up a game.

  “Hey my pretty girl.” Wez pulled me into his hard chest, giving me a warm bear hug.

  “Did you all have fun tonight getting your new brother sloppy shit-faced? How many tits were smashed in his face tonight at the Cheetah Club?” I sounded as serious as I could, but my eyes couldn’t hide my smile.

  “Plenty of tits. Tits galore.” Wez looked over at Gunner. He looked deep in thought, chalking his cue stick.

  Wez reached over out and sucker punched Gunner in the shoulder. He stumbled a little. “What the fuck man?”

  Wez pointed his two fingers at Gunner’s eyes, then back to his own. “Where the fuck you at man? Still thinking about that delicious red-haired siren?”

  Gunner raked a hand through his dark hair. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. We playing a game here, Wez, or are you playing with your dick?”

  Wez chuckled and leaned down to mumble in my ear. “Gunner was mesmerized by a red-haired beauty dancing there tonight. He’s probably still sportin a chubby…” He planted a sloppy kiss on my forehead, grabbed his pool stick and broke the first game.


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