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Rebel without a Claus: A M/M Love at first sight romance

Page 6

by Denise Wells

  My orgasm hits me like a freight train and strings and strings of thick cum get all over my stomach and the sheets. Kris follows soon after, pumping into me six, seven, eight times as he rides out his own pleasure. He pulls out gently, dumps the condom in a trash bin by the bed, and collapses next to me. My knees slide out from under me as my stomach hits the mattress very ungracefully.

  “That was literally mind-blowing,” I mumble into the mattress. I don’t even have the strength to turn my head so he can hear me. I don’t even care if I suffocate right here, I’ll die happy and satisfied in sheets of a high thread count.

  “I think you’ve wrecked me,” he says, his chest still heaving as he struggles to catch his breath.

  This time I turn my head, resting it on the back of my hands. “Me? I did nothing. You did everything. That was incredible.”

  “Next time you’ll have to do everything. I don’t think I can move again.”

  I chuckle. My heart soaring at his next time comment. Because fantastic sex aside, I’m totally falling for this guy, and the prospect of that happening so fast is scary as shit.

  His forearm comes over his eyes as his breathing slowly returns to normal. I take in his long, lean, muscular body, marveling at the pure beauty of it.

  “You have the perfect ass,” he says.

  “I do?”

  He turns his head to face me, his body soon following, and he bends one knee bringing it forward so that he’s partially on his side and partially on his stomach. “Your entire body is amazing. I can’t stop looking at it. But your ass… it was made for my cock.”

  I smile at him.

  He smiles back, his eyes drooping. “I’m going to want to go again after a quick nap. Can you spend the night?”

  I sigh, letting my eyes follow suit. “Good thing we carb-loaded.” His chuckle is the last thing I hear before I succumb to sleep.



  Surprisingly, I sleep through the night and wake the next morning with Nick in my arms. We’re spooning, his back to my front. I’m not sure how it happened, since I’m not one for cuddling, but I like that it did. I can’t remember ever sleeping better. Usually I wake in the middle of night and work some before falling back asleep. A habit that started after college and hasn’t really changed since.

  I nuzzle his neck, enjoying the smell of sex on him. If my cock weren’t already hard, that would do it. He begins to stir, pushing his ass back against me, and I wonder if I have time for a morning quickie before I must be at work. My alarm choosing that moment to go off tells me otherwise.

  I groan and roll over to turn it off then move back into position behind Nick, pumping my hips, enjoying the feel of my dick between his ass cheeks, and riding the small of his back.

  He rotates in my embrace until he’s facing me.

  “Good morning.” I place a soft kiss on his lips. He looks up at me shyly from beneath his lashes.

  “Does the alarm mean you have to go?” he asks.

  I nod but still grab his hips and pull him toward me, intertwining my legs with his. “It does.” I kiss him again. “But I think I have time for something quick.”

  “I like quick.”

  I lower my lips to his again, sighing as his mouth opens and his tongue greets mine. He crooks one leg over my hips, pulling us tighter together. I love the feel of his cock against mine. We pump our hips together in a pretty fucking good harmony, each chasing the release that is sure to come. Our kissing grows heated, my breath short, each panting against the others face, groping shoulders and backs trying to gain purchase to provide more friction.

  “God, I love the feel of you against me,” I groan into his mouth.

  “So good,” he breathes.

  “I’m almost there.”

  “Me too.”

  Knowing that he’s right there with me sends me over the edge, and I throw my head back, pumping my hips furiously against him as he quickly follows suit. I look down at the combined come on our stomach and chests, then reach down to rub mine into his skin, laying my claim. He takes my fingers and places them in his mouth, sucking them clean. My dick stirs again.

  “You’re going to be the fucking death of me,” I tell him.

  He smiles slyly, then kisses me one more time before throwing back the sheets and easing himself from my bed. He turns back as he stands. “I’m going to feel you in my ass all day.”


  He heads into the bathroom to clean up and I follow. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Join me?”

  He nods, blushing slightly.

  I decide to miss the gym for a joint shower tug. When we’re through and toweling off, I ask him what he has planned for the day and evening.

  “I’m Santa’s little helper all day, then I have another catering gig tonight that I’m bartending.”

  I feel a slight twinge when he says that. Not jealousy, but, shit, maybe it is. What if he meets someone else like he did me? “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, some holiday party, I think.”

  “Can I see you after?” I hate sounding needy. But I’m feeling needy. This guy has me tied up in knots. I hate that.

  “Do you want to?”

  I sense that he’s just as unsure as I am which makes me happy in an odd sort of way. I nod as I pull my slacks on.

  “Do you ever wear underwear?”

  “Not usually.” I put my shirt on next and begin buttoning it.

  “But you did in the Santa suit, right?” He grimaces as he asks.

  “Oh, god, yes. How disgusting.”

  “Oh good.” The relief on his face is clear. I laugh at that.

  “An undershirt too.”

  “Sorry,” he says looking at his feet. “I don’t know why I thought of that or asked it.”

  I shrug.

  “The catering gig is clear across town. It might take me a while to get here, with the subway and all.”

  “I’ll send a car.”

  “No!” He looks appalled. “Don’t send a car. Jesus. No, I’m just letting you know it may take me a while. And I’ll stop to shower and change. My place is halfway between.”

  “Oh, then I’ll come to you.”


  “Yeah, why not?” I ask as I straighten my tie in the mirror and tug at my sleeves to get them right before pulling on my jacket.

  Nick motions to me as I straighten my lapels.

  “What?” I mirror the same motion back to him.

  “Do you know where I live?”

  “No, but I’m hoping you’ll tell me.”

  “I live in the far end of Queens. In a shitty rent-controlled apartment with a roommate.”

  I know where he’s going with this, but I play dumb anyway. Because I don’t care that he doesn’t have money or that he lives in a shitty apartment. I’ve always had money, I don’t know what it’s like not to, and I’m not going to apologize for that. But I’m also not some snob who sees areas or dwellings as beneath my station in life. It’s not the way I was raised.

  Yes, my parents had multiple nannies, but it didn’t take away from the love they gave or the time they spent with us. If anything, it allowed them to be more generous with themselves because they were able to divide their time without interruption. Work time was just that as was personal time. Because they didn’t have to bother with waking up to a crying baby every hour at night, like Kelly just experienced, they were able to be more efficient at work, giving them more awake time with us at home.

  To me, it was perfect. But not everyone sees it that way. Like Kelly, who refuses the help of a live-in babysitter. Regardless, I don’t put on airs, I don’t think I’m better than another person for any reason. And I’m not unwilling to spend the night in a shitty rent-controlled apartment in Queens. Which is what I tell him.

  He looks perplexed.

  I move to take his hand in mine. “I think we have something special here. Would you agree?”

  He nods.

know it’s fast. Way too fucking fast. But I don’t care. I’ve never felt this comfortable with someone this soon. Did you know that my parent’s fell in love at first sight? They were married two months after they met.”

  He opens his mouth to say something, but I hold up my finger to stop him.

  “I’m not saying we’re in love, but I am saying this is different. And I think that’s the case for us both. I hate to keep using the word ‘special,’ but I don’t have another one. So, I knew you were special the first time I saw you behind the bar at the holiday party. I ordered a bourbon, neat. You repeated my words back to me as you slid the glass across the bar top, your fingers graced mine as I took the glass from you, our eyes met, and I couldn’t look away. That right there, Nick? That shit is special. I’m not going to let anything ruin that while we explore what this is and whether it can be more.” I stop for a breath. His gaze finally reaches mine after having looked away the entire time I was talking.

  I’ll be honest, I took myself by surprise with that little speech, but it doesn’t mean I’m any less sincere.

  He squeezes my hand. “Okay.”


  “Okay. I’m sorry I judged you.”

  I pull him in for a quick kiss. “Do you want my driver to drop you after me?”

  “That would be great.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Kelly is in the office today, I’m not sure why, but I’m not complaining. I pull her into my office mid-morning to make her have a cup of coffee with me.

  “What’s got you all riled up?” she asks.

  “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  “I don’t know,” she says after a moment. “You’re more like mom and dad in that respect. You know, romantic and all. I think that love takes time to grow.”

  “How was it with Damian?”

  “That’s not fair. I had a crush on him long before we officially met.”

  “Not everyone gets the benefit of seeing the man they want every night on tv before actually meeting him.”


  “So, it could be said that it was love at first sight when you did meet him.”

  She sighs. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

  “What about him for you?”

  She scoffs. “I’m fifteen years younger than him. And I’m hot. It was definitely lust at first sight, for sure.”

  I laugh at that.

  “Who is he?” she asks.

  “The elf at Santa’s Village.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit.”

  “How did that happen?”

  I tell her about him at the holiday party and how he thought I was with Jeanette. Then how he thought I was a married cheater when he saw me with her. She laughs at that. And finally, how I volunteered to be Santa so I could get to know him, the run in at the gym, the groping in the bathroom, dinner, and finally last night and this morning.

  “Wow, you don’t mess around, do you?” She sips at her coffee.

  “I seem to remember Damian whisking you off to Bermuda for your second date.”

  “Again, fifteen years younger and hot.”

  “Well, he’s not much younger than me. Maybe a few years at most. But he’s definitely hot.”

  “So are you.”

  I love how she jumps to my defense even though it’s not necessary. “I know.” I pretend to flip my hair and primp.

  “What do you plan to do next?” she asks.

  “Want to meet him?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  “Okay, I’ll see if he can join us for lunch.”

  Kelly heads back to her office, and I head down to the first floor and Santa’s Village.

  I see Nick long before he sees me. He’s laughing with some of the kids in line. He’s great with them. I noticed during my time as a customer and as Santa. If I do decide I want kids, he’s exactly the kind of guy I’d want them with.

  I sneak up behind him, holding my finger to my lips so the kids facing me don’t say anything. He’s chattering away, telling them a joke about snowmen only eating Frosted Flakes. I place my hands over his eyes from behind.

  “Guess who?”

  He stiffens. “Kris?”

  I lower my hands, and he spins to face me. “What are you doing here?” he hisses.

  Not the reaction I was hoping for.

  “I was coming to see if you wanted to have lunch,” I say slowly.

  His eyes dart around, finally coming back to meeting mine. “I’m at work.”

  “Me too.” I raise my arms and look around to show the same.

  “I can’t lose this job,” he says as he darts up to the stage to escort a little boy off and then back to the line to help a little girl on.

  “And you won’t,” I say when he returns.

  He grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side. “I can’t not lose the job just because we’re fucking.”

  “You okay?” I ask, moving to place my palm on his forehead as a joke.

  He slaps my hand down. “I’m fine.”

  “So, no on lunch?” I clip, angered by his actions.

  He runs his hands over his face. “I don’t know. . . shit . . . can you just go?”

  “Go? Yes sure, no problem,” I say flatly. “Just don’t expect me to come back.” He obviously doesn’t want to be seen with me, for whatever reason. Which is fine, I don’t need to be seen with him either. I stalk back to my office and stew at my desk. Mad at myself for obviously pushing him. But madder at him for being so weird.

  It’s just fucking lunch.



  I know Kris is angry with me, and I don’t know what to do. I also don’t really know what my problem is. I should have been happy that he came to invite me to lunch. I love spending time with him. I think back to this morning and how happy I was at the sentiments he shared. How I agree that what we have is special. Then I laugh at the word special, because he’d called attention to it but kept using it.

  But then we dropped him off at work in his hired town car that is always at his disposal. After which we headed toward the seedier side of town, otherwise known as, where I live. And I watched as the neighborhoods got dingier, the buildings in poorer shape, the streets dirtier, and the graffiti and law enforcement in abundance. I realized that I can’t have him come to my house. I don’t care how down to earth he thinks he is.

  I sleep on a futon on the floor. Our bathroom faucet drips non-stop. The carpet in our place is so old and so dingy that we never go barefoot. Not ever. It takes five minutes to get hot water that only lasts for three. We would never have time to get each other off in my shower before the water turned freezing cold. Especially not in the winter. My sheets are scratchy because I don’t splurge on the detergent with fabric softener. Things like fabric softener are indulgences. I have two jobs, and I barely scrape by.

  I could never afford to buy him dinner like he ordered for takeout. Even if I could, it would never include wine. How can he think this would ever work? I have to leave it at a great fuck and nothing more. Our worlds don’t mesh, and they never will. He had his walk on the wild side and I got to experience how the other half lives. Now it’s time to go our separate ways. Everyone knows money can create an imbalance, and I don’t want to be in an unbalanced relationship.

  A snapping noise brings me out of my reverie.

  Santa wants my attention.

  “You working today? Or just chasing tail?”

  “Working,” I mumble, my face heating at the accusation. I quickly do my kid rotation and focus my brain on the task at hand. Pushing all thoughts of Kris from my mind.

  It’s better this way.

  And that’s what I’ll keep telling myself until I believe it.

  I don’t see Kris for the rest of the day. I don’t know if he’s still angry or if he got busy. Regardless, I ignore the pain in my heart and focus on the fact that this is how I want it. I head home after Santa’s Village to shower and change,
just barely making the subway across town. Hopefully, tonight’s gig will keep me on all night, and I won’t get shafted on the tips. But, when I arrive at the party and get set up behind the bar, all I can think about is Kris and the first time I saw him and what he said this morning about the first time he saw me.

  As a result, the look on my face is dour most of the night, which means the tips are shitty anyway. I laugh at the irony, since my manager kept me here until the end of the night. I help with the cleanup and walk with a few other people to the subway station. The hours might not be so bad if it weren’t for being on my feet all day with both. That’s the part that’s exhausting.

  At least Santa’s Village isn’t open tomorrow. I can’t believe I’ve been working there less than a week. All this has happened with Kris in just a few days. Emotionally, it feels like it’s been years. I check my phone to see if I missed any calls or texts from Kris but there’s nothing. And again, I remind myself it’s for the best.

  Even if we did get together and it worked out, people would always think I was after him for his money. Even if I wasn’t flat broke, I come from a poor family. It’s what I’m used to and comfortable with it. It makes sense to me. A lot more sense than hired town cars with drivers, one thousand thread-count sheets, and showers with seven different heads.

  I’m going to miss that shower.

  I sigh and lean my head back against the seat, the lights flickering in the subway as we pass through tunnels and dimly lit areas. I’ll bet Kris has never even been on the subway. I’m sure he’s never had to be.

  I stand to ready for my stop, which is next. Most of the others from the catering company have already gotten off, so I nod to the girl that’s left and tell her to have a good night. She wishes me the same. I slowly trudge my way up the stairs and over a few blocks to my apartment.

  Part of me hopes Sarah is home, and part of me hopes she isn’t. I haven’t seen her in two days, our schedules don’t usually sync up. But when I texted last night to tell her I wouldn’t be home; she was excited about it. Now she’s going to have all sorts of questions for me, and when I answer them, I can only hope she understands my rationale.


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