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Heat of the Moment

Page 27

by Diana Duncan


  One week later

  8:00 p.m.

  Kate waited for Liam in front of the Bellagio fountains. They’d planned to meet for dinner after he’d visited Murphy at the vet’s and she’d visited Aubrey in the hospital. The fountains played in a breathtaking ballet of water, music and pure white lights, and she hummed along.

  So much had happened in a week. Using Zoe’s information, Interpol had unearthed Daniel’s real history. At his grandfather’s urging, he’d firebombed his parents’ car at age twelve. But instead of being sent to live with Marché, he was placed in a foster home. So he’d killed his foster parents in a house fire. Marché had raised such a committed, cold-blooded terrorist, Daniel had eventually killed him, too. Daniel had been using her father’s company as a resource lab and reason to travel in furthering his development of a new explosive—hoping to make millions from his terrorist pals.

  When Janine had discovered Daniel’s duplicity, she’d dissolved into a self-pitying fit. Kate had realized they weren’t doing Janine any favors by enabling her. She’d gently but firmly confronted her with the fact that her selfishness had nearly cost her everything—including her child. She’d pointed out that Janine was Aubrey’s only parent, and her fragile daughter needed her more than ever.

  Nobody was more surprised than Kate when a startled Janine had snapped out of her funk the next day and agreed. She’d started seeing a counselor, and the sisters had made tentative steps toward reconciliation. Rebuilding their relationship would take years of hard work, but it was progress. Kate smiled. Aubrey’s surgery had gone perfectly, and her niece would live a long, healthy life. When she was stronger, counseling would help her deal with the death of the man she’d believed was her father. Janine intended to tell her the truth about her parentage when she was old enough to understand. Perhaps someday, she’d want to find her biological father. They’d take one step at a time.

  Etienne was thrilled to be taking over her Paris studio, after he oversaw the rebuilding. He’d more than proven himself capable of handling the responsibility.

  Awareness prickled over Kate’s skin, and she pivoted. Liam strode down the sidewalk toward her with his easy, confident lope. He smiled, and her pulse kicked into double time. For as long as she lived, her heart would leap at the sight of her Irish charmer. Her best friend. Her lover. Her soul mate.

  He reached her and tugged her close for a kiss. “I missed you.”

  “We’ve only been apart three hours.”

  “Feels like longer.” He grinned. “Hungry?”

  “Starving.” She chuckled. “Can we have dessert first?”

  “As long as it’s chocolate.” His green gaze sparkled with joy, and he laughed. “I have a surprise for you.” He whistled, and Murphy trotted around the corner. His eyes were bright, his head high, his tail up and wagging.

  She clapped. “You bailed him out of the hospital!”

  Liam nodded, his face going oddly somber. “Because we have our most important mission to complete.”

  The dog ambled up to her, carrying something in his mouth. It was a small velvet box. Liam knelt at her feet. Her breath hitched, and tenderness swelled in her chest.

  Still bearing the box, Murphy went down on all fours beside Liam. Liam gathered her hands in his…and anticipation swooped on fluttering wings.

  “Kate.” Two earnest gazes implored her, one brilliant green, one deep brown. “As bomb techs, Murph and I have always relied on Lady Luck. But now we want a sure thing.” He gently squeezed her fingers. “Your hands saved Murphy’s life. Saved my life. I want only your hands to make love to me. I want only your hands to dry my tears and comfort me through the years.”

  She was shaking from head to toe. His thumbs caressed her palms. “I want your hands to hold and rock our children…and our grandchildren.” Poignant tears blurred her vision and spilled down her cheeks. Liam inhaled unsteadily. “And when I depart this world, an old, old man, I want your hands to be the last to touch me.” His lips trembled. “Kate, will you marry me?”

  Rapture. Jubilation. Exaltation. There were no words to describe the effervescent joy soaring through every cell of her being. Crying, she flung her arms around him. “Oh, yes!”

  Grinning broadly, he took the box from Murphy and rose to his feet in front of her. He slid a glittering marquise cut diamond onto her ring finger. At that moment, the fountain lights burst into spectacular rainbow colors. They jetted toward the heavens and began to swoop and sway in time to Phil Collins’s “Dance into the Light.”

  She stared at the waltzing water, then at Liam. “How—?”

  He laughed, and Murphy barked and cavorted in happy circles around them. Liam opened his arms. “Dance with me, Just Kate.”

  Her spirit soaring with the music, she nestled into his embrace. Kate looked up at the man who held her future so tenderly in his hands, and smiled. “For the rest of our lives, Ace.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5970-0


  Copyright © 2006 by Diana Ball

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