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Too Haught

Page 15

by Leela Lou Dahlin

  Chapter 1

  Gemmi shifted on the bar stool, tipped her wrist and checked her watch. He was twenty-seven minutes late. Three more minutes and he would hit the magic thirty-minute mark and she would officially be stood up.

  Blowing out a sigh, Gemmi swirled the straw in her cola with cherries and glanced around, scanning the patrons of the jazz bar. Her gaze again landed on the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. Standing under a light. It was almost as if he were being showcased. Not that anyone needed any extra prodding that a man of his caliber was in the vicinity. He was leaning on the wall, seemingly unaware of all the attention he was gathering from the women around him. What the hell was she doing here anyway? She loved her boss slash good friend True, but she should have never allowed herself to accept her offer of help.

  It wasn’t the first time she questioned her sanity as it pertained to this matter. That would be when she had lied to her matchmaking mother about having a boyfriend. Now, the yearly family reunion was approaching, and her mom expected her to bring the new man in her life with her. A year ago, at the last get together, her cousin, Rosalyn—and once upon a time best friend—slept with her boyfriend. Gemmi had been devastated by the betrayal of two people she had loved and trusted and hadn’t found a date for herself since. That situation caused a full force family campaign that should have been titled “Somebody Please Date Gemmi”. She’d been set up with plumbers, attorneys, teachers, and more. If her family knew of a human with a penis attached, then he was a qualified candidate for the campaign. When the over fragranced, loud talking, carnival clown had shown up and discussed taking her on the road with him she decided she’d make up a boyfriend and save everyone the burden of trying to replace what she’d lost. But the gig was up, and everyone wanted to meet her “boyfriend”. She either had to produce one or it was back to the phone calls that began with, “I know this guy who would be so perfect for you…” Nope, not going to happen.

  Bringing her attention back to the beautiful specimen of manhood, as he leaned against the wall. She could see from where she sat that he had dark hair, a strong jawline, but what kept her gaze coming back to him was the confidence that was practically an aura around him. He was a man that was hard to look away from, but when she did somehow, she found herself turning back to watch him again. Gemmi thought of the number one lesson her fickle boyfriend and her beautiful cousin taught her. Don’t date anyone too deliciously good looking. Granted, that wasn’t the only reason her last boyfriend had cheated. Some of the reason was her fault. She hadn’t looked past the pretty exterior. There were many inner warning alarms his attitude and demeanor set off, but she ignored them. She should stay in her own lane when it came to overly attractive men. A lesson she thought she learned well, but if the way her gaze kept returning to the most stunningly attractive man she’d ever seen was any indication, the humiliating experience was dissipating.

  The overly polished bar top—in a swanky jazz lounge she’d have never entered if True hadn't set her up with a blind date—had dim lights around the perimeter. It was a beautiful place and she would’ve been able to enjoy it more if she hadn’t been so nervous.

  She’d known relying on True to set her up with a guy who wasn’t too hot or too charming was a lousy idea, but she let herself be talked into it anyway.

  It’ll be great, True had said. What could go wrong?

  Gemmi wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but she thought she’d have gotten farther than this. Maybe he’d already been here, saw her plain face and “you don’t go on dates much” outfit, and booked it the other direction.

  She took another peek at the man who’d entered a few minutes ago. Yes, she’d noticed when he got here, just like almost every other woman in the room. His short black hair had a bit of a wave to it—she’d always been a sucker for a man who wore his hair a bit like Superman. Call it a fetish. His strong, square jaw had just a hint of a five o’clock, or rather seven thirty-one shadow, and it made him look like a bad boy attempting to be good. She wondered what that scruff would feel like brushing the skin between her thighs or below her ear. Wow, this guy turned her thoughts toward foreplay immediately. She’d thought about sex in the abstract during the last year, but there was nothing like someone who embodied the word to bring her desire from abstract to concrete.

  He looked comfortable leaning on the wall. She watched as woman after woman sauntered by or stopped to say something to him. All who approached him had been turned away. He must have been polite about it, because there was no fuss, and although most of them looked disappointed, none of them appeared to feel rejected. For a few moments she’d hoped this guy was the one True sent, but that would be way off the mark and nothing like she requested.

  He had a drink in one hand and an easy smile on his face—confident, beautiful and undeniably sexy. She was at once amused, aroused and intimidated. This is how she’d gotten into trouble before. She so needed to learn to stay in her own lane.

  She knew what most people saw when they looked at her—an average woman, curvy with a few extra pounds, black curly hair, and brown eyes. Someone you could easily meet one moment and later claim you’d never seen before. Background noise, that’s what she felt like. Someone who was there but not actually seen, heard, or thought of again once your eyes passed over them. This guy seemed to notice her and that made her want him even more. She could feel his regard like a warm breeze blowing over her body. She’d never be able to walk over and introduce herself to a guy like that, so she should just stop the daydream in its tracks. She’d love to thank him for the little confidence boost, but she didn’t want to look too closely at this or be wrong. He could be gazing at the sultry singer or some other woman who was sitting in the same area. She needed to find the bathroom, freshen up and get home.

  She took a moment and thought about what it would be like if she took this man home to her family and presented him as her boyfriend. No, he was stunning. Nobody would believe she’d kept this man a secret for the last six months and when it was time to break up with him on her terms…well it would be a harder sell. A nice normal man. That’s all she wanted. The man against the wall could turn the world on with or without a smile. Perfection. Nothing about that man was average, so he was out of the question. Ha…like he was an option. Was there alcohol in this drink? The way her thoughts were going someone may have added a splash without her knowledge.

  She found herself looking again. His lean body told her he worked hard, but not necessarily worked out. His shirt stretched over his well-formed chest and his thick sculpted arms completed the look of healthy, fit male. All of that was topped with a smile that made her feel at ease and aroused simultaneously.

  She missed having a good time, being spontaneous, and just doing something for the sake of fun. Try as she might, Gemmi was having trouble forgiving Rosalyn and the ex-boyfriend for a lot of things but making her too self-conscious to put herself out there and for making her doubt she has what it takes to keep a man interested was the hardest to get over.

  She looked at the hottie again. His smile got bigger and he raised his glass slightly. What the hell did that mean? If he was interested why didn’t he come over? She wasn’t dumb enough to walk over there and be rejected in front of all these people like the other women had. She was done. Her drink was finished, and her elusive date’s time was up. She’d continue her hunt for a fictional boyfriend tomorrow. Sitting here pretending that something was going to happen with this man was ridiculous. That didn’t stop her from feeling reckless—and more than a little aroused—she kept her eyes on him as she took the cherry out of the glass, slid it between her lips and then used her tongue to bring it the rest of the way into her mouth.

  He had been about to sip his drink when she’d started her antics, but the glass never made it to his mouth. It came up half way and halted as he watched her throughout her performance. When his gaze snapped back to hers, his eyes were filled with hunger and the comforting smile he wore all nigh
t turned wickedly sexy. She knew how to flirt and silently patted herself on the back before getting up in search of the bathroom. It would have been nice to invite the beautiful eye candy with her. That would make this night not so much of a bust, but she wasn’t that bold.

  The bathroom was classy; it looked like something out of an elegant home. There was no stall just a clean, well decorated bathroom for one. After she finished she almost didn’t want to leave, it was so cozy. She opened the door wondering if she should call True to let her know the guy she tried to set her up with didn’t show, but then decided to do it when she got home.

  One step out of the bathroom, she saw the composition of the outer hallway had changed. What was once a quiet and near empty with a few people milling about was now filled with people. Sir Hot A Lot was now leaning against the wall opposite the door she was exiting. She could now tell his eyes were a light color and he was flashing that beautiful smile. Although Gemmi thought it looked amazing from her spot at the bar it was more devastating up close. She stood still for a second not knowing what to do, but then decided to take a step closer. His smile got brighter with each step she took. Nearer and nearer she drew to the sexy stranger, and that smile drew her right into his web.

  “Are you following me?” she asked, then cursed her flippant tongue. He could be waiting to use the bathroom, or maybe he was waiting for someone in the other bathroom.

  The way he looked at her made her want to preen and flutter her eyes—it was official; she had learned nothing about staying away from beautiful men. She stood in front of him now noticing the line of admirers that were littering the wall on both sides. Hot men made her stupid. She needed a T-shirt or at the very least a button stating the fact. He bent his head and leaned closer to her and she took that last step.

  “Yes.” His voice was deep and sexy, like audible chocolate, and her mouth watered for a taste. A shiver of awareness snaked down her spine. She looked up at him almost forgetting what she had asked him.

  “Why? Did you want something?” She knew it sounded like she was flirting and there was a good reason for that—she was.

  He looked surprised…intrigued, maybe. “I do want something,” he said making her wish the something he wanted was her.

  “Wait. Did all these women follow you back here?” Gemmi watched him look around and shadowed his line of vision. She took in all the women, like he did, and watched them smile and wave. When he looked back at her he had the decency to look chagrined. She bit back a groan, because she was not going to like this guy. No. Not going to happen.

  “I’m not sure. I was trying to track you down,” he said. He looked earnest, but he could just be good at duping people. She wanted to figure out what was going on but then his quick smile broke out, and her stupid little heart started pounding hard.

  “You’re like the Pied Piper of women.”

  “It seems as though you’re right, but maybe you want to do a good deed for the day and save me?” This rugged man didn’t look like he needed saving. He looked like he could save them all with his eyes closed.

  “That’s not how the story goes.”

  “You can always change the story,” he said.

  Gemmi was blown away by this whole situation. She’d wanted spontaneous good times and fun, and here it was wrapped up in one super sexy package. She had the sudden irresistible urge to do something totally out of character. She'd wanted this man since she saw him, although she couldn't believe he had actually followed and waited for her. Could she save him from these women in the hall? Unlikely. Did she want to? Hell yes.

  She wanted this man…not forever—the typical plan that never seemed to work for her—but for right now. She deserved it. She deserved him. He wanted help, and she knew what that was like. How could she turn this down? She couldn’t.

  She reached up and put her hand on the back of his head and felt like she should say something. “Thank you for waiting for me,” she said, but doubted she was heard by anybody in the hall but him.

  Could she really do this? Kiss a stranger in front of all these salivating women? She licked her lips, looking at his mouth, and felt excited anticipation run throughout her body. She looked up. The dare in his light gray eyes, and grin on his lips helped her glide past her nervousness. She pulled him down and placed a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth then retreated. She opened to kiss him again. This time she wanted to kiss the closed mouth smile off those firm supple lips. She tasted his bottom lip taking it between hers to see if she could elicit a response. He tasted like bourbon and something minty and she became insatiably hungry for him. She touched her tongue to the seam of his lips and he opened and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She fisted her hand in his hair not wanting this hot kiss to end or this sexy man to move.

  A loud feminine cough reminded her they weren’t alone, and she was surprised at how fast she forgot this was something she was doing for him. It brought her out of the lust-induced stupor she was swimming in, and she released the uber sexy man and looked around. The women were still there, and her self-consciousness came back in a rush. All she could see was the shocked scrutinizing gazes directed at her. She was transported back to a year ago when her whole family had witnessed the shame and humiliation of her inability to keep the attention of the man who she’d finally brought with her. She could feel her anxiety like a ball low in her belly trying to replace the thrum of excitement that was just growing in the same area. The feeling of being pulled backwards overwhelmed her and she closed her eyes for a few seconds to clear her vision. When she opened them, she was back in the beautiful bathroom. Did I dream that?

  “No, you didn’t dream that. That hot kiss happened.” That voice was just like the one she remembered a few minutes ago. She lifted her head and found the sexy Pied Piper was holding her in his arms and had pulled her back inside the bathroom. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thanks.”

  “Hey,” he said pushing her back a bit and looking into her face, then walking off to get a napkin and wet it, “thanks for saving me out there. It looked like you were about to faint, so I brought you in here. Let me walk you out and get you a drink. You still look a little pale.”

  There it was. That look of pity. That poor Gemmi expression. The only thing he didn’t do was shake his head. She was not taking this. Not from him. Not today. She walked over to him, ignoring the concerned look on his face and continued the kiss, she was enjoying in the hallway. It had to be done quickly, before she’d remembered the reasons why she shouldn’t be kissing a man like this, whom she didn’t know, alone, in a secluded bathroom. His firm lips were supple, but he was gentling her as she was trying to rev him up. He grabbed her shoulders and held her back. Her only consolation was that his breathing was a little harsher than it had been before they started, and the easy-going grin was definitely gone, but now she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

  “Hold on,” he said looking into her eyes as if he was trying to see if she was off her rocker. “First, I want to tell you…”

  “No,” she murmured as she pulled him back down to her mouth, because she didn't want to hear what he had to say. Take. That’s what she wanted to do, and she would make sure he got something too, but talking wasn't a part of it. She didn't want to hear anything, except the sounds of pleasure coming from his mouth.

  Good at listening, he must have decided to let her do what she wanted and joined in a bit. He was taking over this sexual situation, and she was so glad. He was good with his hands—rubbing, touching and making her feel secure. He kissed his way down her neck and pulled her plunging neckline down a little more. The sucking kisses he placed on the top of her breasts felt so good. She didn't remember foreplay ever being this exciting and electric. Maybe being illicit and carefree was just what the doctor ordered.

  He undid her blouse and unsnapped her bra. She silently thanked whatever made her choose this bra tonight. The snap front made it easy for him to get at her br
easts and she didn’t have to let him go. She drove her fingers in his soft hair, subtly directing him to where she wanted him to go. He may be an apparition. Maybe she came in the bathroom and was having a deep fantasy. Whatever it was she didn't want it to end. He latched on to her hard nipple and she could feel the moan start from deep within her...she fisted a hand in the thick black waves of his hair not wanting him to move from that spot.

  Then he looked up at her and she was blown away that those light gray eyes with the dilated pupils were filled with desire. He was as excited as she was. She wanted to touch his cock, she wanted to squeeze him, and she wanted to fuck him. Right now.

  She pushed him slightly away so she could get his butter soft, navy blue T-shirt off. He relinquished his shirt easily, and unbelievably he looked better underneath his clothes than he did with the clothes on. His broad chest was lightly sprinkled with hair that became more concentrated under his belly button and the thicker treasure trail lead into his pants. Running her fingers over the flat brown disks of his nipples, she pinched lightly, watched his well-toned stomach jump slightly and heard the hiss of air he released. Damn, she should try getting to the gym if she could see guys like this. Where did that thought come from, she wasn’t going to be meeting guys like this. She pulled him down and started to kiss him again when he backed up.

  “Before we go any further—” he said, looking more adorable than before. His hair was mussed, he had her gloss on his face and the only thing wrong was the concerned look that had come back.

  “Shh, no talking. You'll ruin it.” She didn’t want to talk. She wanted action.

  “Ruin what?” He looked at her and brushed the hair away from her face.

  “Everything.” She couldn’t look at him as he tried to figure her out so she opted to look at his chest. She didn’t want tender, she wanted hot and sexy and she didn’t want to explain why. She chanced a look into his face, and saw his narrowed eyes assessing her.


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