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Her Mane Man (Online Shifter Dating Agency Romance)

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by Sasha Winter

  Her Mane Man

  An Online Shifter Dating Agency Romance

  © 2016 Sasha Winter

  **Warning: This novella contains explicit situations with a shifter which may be objectionable to some readers. Not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.**


  Please respect the work of this author. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied without permission. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any similarities to events or situations is also coincidental.

  © 2016 Sasha Winter

  All Rights Reserved

  Chapter 1

  “You’ve brought this on yourself, and I’m not apologizing to you. Never again.”

  Ashley slammed the phone down. As predicted, what she had to say had not been well received, but then again, hearing that your ex-girlfriend has taken out a restraining order must’ve been a real kick in the teeth for her ex-boyfriend…especially seeing as he was yet to accept that the relationship was at an end.

  Of all the things Ashley had done since telling Vince it was over between them, this was the first that made her feel a slight pang of guilt, even though it was necessary. As well as labeling him for what he was—an abusive asshole—the move was part of a pledge Ashley had recently made to be more assertive over her life choices. Being too generous and understanding had been partly to blame for allowing their relationship to descend into disaster. All the anger and intimidation had come from his side, but she knew she should’ve made the decision sooner rather than trying fix the problem with compassion and understanding. An aggressive partner shouldn’t be given any second chances, and she had given him many. She’d practically turned into one of those frustrating soap opera characters that causes everyone to shout at the TV screen yelling, ‘What are you thinking? Dump the bastard and call the cops!’

  Clarity had descended at last, and it was time to put herself first; that was why the restraining order had been filed, irrespective of how cruel it felt. She was finally taking control by acting strong, even though she still felt weak deep down.

  Over several months, the trouble between them had escalated from emotionally-abusive behavior to physical intimidation. When they argued, Vince had begun to slap and push her around, without causing great harm—but that was hardly the point. The point was that he was clearly a violent prick, and Ashley had become afraid the next step would be something more serious. Having decided legal help to maintain the distance between them was necessary, she had stuck to her course more vehemently than she would have anticipated and made the call she hoped would be the last contact between them. In spite of feeling completely vindicated in her actions, she still felt sick afterwards, something her personal assistant—and friend—Veronica, was quick to notice on entering their office.

  “Oh, no,” Veronica said as she placed a much-needed cup of coffee on Ashley’s table. “It’s one of those days again, huh? I thought we were putting all that behind us—I can guess who that was on the phone."

  Veronica had been a pillar of support throughout the whole affair. Despite being subordinate in the workplace, she’d had the nerve to speak up on seeing Ashley with a bruise one day (the slaps had sometimes been hard enough to show up the day after).

  “Yeah. It was him. Why do I suddenly feel like the bad guy?” Ashley replied.

  Veronica furrowed her brows. “What’s that? What do you mean?”

  “I’ve just informed him that I now have a restraining order in place. As you can imagine, the language wasn’t pretty.”

  “Good for you, I say. Brilliant, in fact,” Veronica replied, placing her hands on her hips as if she’d been reading the riot act herself.

  Her assistant certainly didn’t lack assertiveness and had been invaluable in helping her to see she was making the right choice. “The problem is you’re used to fixing people up,” she had told her. “It’s your instinct to help people deal with and get over their pain, but you’re forgetting, you’re a physiotherapist, not a psychologist. What is wrong with that guy is going on in his head, and if being with you isn’t fixing it, then it will only get worse. He needs out as much as you—he just can’t see that in his insecure state of mind.”

  The girl seemed to have wisdom beyond her years, which made her a nice acquaintance to have, although ignoring her advice on other matters was becoming far more difficult as a result of her being proved right. Ashley just knew the conversation was about to take a detour into the subject of online dating sites again; unavoidable because she’d promised to think about it last time.

  “You know, there’s someone out there who’s just perfect for you, and very soon you’ll find him,” Veronica said.

  “Well he’d better be up for picking me,” Ashley replied with a wry smile. “Because I really don’t trust my intuition when it comes to men anymore.”

  “Being put through all this will just make it all the more rewarding once a guy who really deserves you comes around. You’ll see.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Ronnie. I’m just a bit too numb to feel optimistic right now.”

  “But thinking about it anymore isn’t going to help, is it? You need something to occupy your mind—you know what I think?”

  Ashley gave her a hopeful look. “A good book?”

  Veronica shook her head. “No, that dating site I was talking about the other day,” she said with an encouraging grin.

  “Ronnie, I’ve just got myself out of a sticky relationship and you think the answer is to go chasing another one?” Ashley replied. “I really think I need a few weeks embracing being single before I even think about the road ahead.”

  “Thinking about the road doesn’t do anything, unless you can see it,” her assistant threw back. “But you’re getting me all wrong. I’m not suggesting you go looking for someone to take home tomorrow night; this site is ideal just for starting up conversations, getting to know a few guys with an easy get-out if you conclude there’s no interest there.”


  “An online presence can’t guilt you into anything like Vince used to. It’s the perfect place for figuring out what you want from a guy for when the time comes to be on the lookout again—and you won’t be pressured into getting your clothes off in the process.”

  “Unless I get drunk and start Skyping.”

  “Ha! Well, that can happen for sure, but seriously…most of the people who sign up to this site are just innocent people who have been let down by their partners and don’t know where to look for love. I know some people get groomed, but clever women like you would see that coming from a mile away.”

  “I’m not sure why you of all people have such faith in me on this.”

  “Seriously, it’s easier online as long as you use your brains. Something like fifty percent of relationships start that way these days!”

  “Where’d you get that?”

  “I read it somewhere.”

  “Probably in an ad for one of these sites.”

  “That’s exactly what you need, girl—a hard to get attitude. You’ll do fine. Come on, tell me you’ll at least set up a profile on there.”

  “What’s it called again?” Ashley asked, realizing as she did so that she was giving in.

  “It’s called—with two Rs like a pussy cat in heat.”

  “I see why it suits you then.”

  “Just let me know if there’s any you like so I don’t steal them,” said Veronica, winking at her before heading back to her desk with a smug gr

  Ashley would’ve given anything to feel like she was as content with life as her assistant managed to appear. Veronica couldn’t be in the right about everything, though. Ashley still didn’t think the online dating thing was for her but, because her colleague’s advice was so heartfelt, she decided to visit PurrfectMatch after all. It was worth at least looking into, right?

  Taking advantage of an hour-long break from having to see clients, Ashley concluded that overlooking her paperwork after the end of a traumatic relationship was hardly the biggest crime a workplace had ever seen. The next visitor deserved a physio who was on the ball anyway, so the break was arguably justified. And so, as per Veronica’s advice, a search was made on Google, and up came the site.

  What wouldn’t have been obvious to anyone overhearing their conversation was that PurrfectMatch had a particular clientele; it was specifically for people who wanted to date a big cat shifter. Knowing each other as they did, Veronica knew that Ashley loved the idea of her future partner having the lion shifter gene. There was just something majestic about the idea, like being chosen by royalty. Male lion shifters were natural warriors, if the stories were true—formidable, but also noble and decent guys. Their way was not to brag or complain, even about those elements of society which were yet to embrace shifters, and so they had become the most widely respected of people with the shifter gene.

  Ashley would’ve loved to get to know one of them better, especially if it involved running her fingers through one of those glorious manes—lion shifters were known for their luxuriant hair, even when in their regular human form.

  Shifter relations could still be a touchy subject, however, even among those who carried no prejudice. The challenge was for non-shifter people to get to understand them better and to be inclusive in their habits, but without resorting to stupid questions that made the shifters feel like they were being put on show. They were not freaks to be pointed at like in a circus, but a genuine miracle of evolution that should be respected and made the most of. Who knew what contribution shifters would make to society in the future? Like a repressed culture, their songs and poetry hadn’t been heard yet, and as far as Ashley was concerned, human life would be richer when creativity and freedom are allowed to flourish.

  Also, lion shifters were almost always sexy...

  Her profile was easy enough to set up and, although the aim was just to take a casual look, if anything just so she could tell Veronica she had, the usability of the site proved inviting. It was easy to see how PurrfectMatch could become addictive, especially after she had filled in the opening questionnaire, which was focused on ascertaining what features and characteristics her ideal man might have. As a result, Ashley was shown a list of all the profiles that came closest to her fantasy; the web designers had really done a terrific job of making users feel like a chat with their ‘purrfect match’ was only a click of the button away. In response, Ashley felt like someone who had sworn off alcohol for a month only to go and spend their first evening watching people drink in a bar. She didn’t feel ready to be dating men again, but the first profile sent her way just seemed…well, purrfect!

  An athletic build, six foot two, brown eyes and a dog lover. The shifter behind the account named ‘Marc81’ could not be more ideal for her tastes—especially the dog lover part, which she really hadn’t expected in a lion shifter—and also chose to describe himself as ‘a gentle soul’. After the aggressive atmosphere she’d been subjected to with her ex-boyfriend over the last several months, Ashley didn’t have to think long and hard on the choice to know that this was just the type of man she needed—if the stats turned out to be genuine, that is, and Marc wasn’t referring to hunting and devouring dogs (but that was probably just the sort of joke shifters needed less of).

  Flagging the profile as ‘one to watch’, Ashley then thought to leave the website until a day when the idea of being involved with another man felt appealing…but as with many a previous visitor, the thought of an available partner drew her on. It wasn’t that she had changed her mind about not being ready, but that it was easy to envision the account she was following disappearing or being taken up by someone else before she could even get a look in. She might not have met Marc, but he’d suddenly become like the last dress on the rack, silently warning that someone else would come along and claim it if she did not make the purchase herself.

  Not wanting to live with regret drew her right back in. Perhaps I can flirt harmlessly for a while until I’m ready, she thought, then proceeded to send out her connect request.

  “You’ve done it now, Veronica,” she said out loud. “I’ll hold you responsible.”

  Her assistant couldn’t hear from out in the reception area, but just then Ashley realized she did actually need information from her. She dialed her extension number.

  Rather than picking up the phone, Veronica appeared at the door, probably still in comforting mode.

  “No need to get up, Ronnie,” Ashley said. “I’ve just forgotten who my next patient is.”

  “That would be Blake,” her assistant replied. “I just saw him approaching the building; he won’t be long.”

  “Great! It’s his last session, by the way. Guess we’ll miss him.”

  Veronica paused to take in this slice of information but, unusually, she didn’t respond, returning to her desk in silence instead.

  Blake soon entered reception and Ashley could hear every word of the short exchange the two of them had.

  “Hey, Veronica!”

  “Back for more, Mr. Sanders?”

  “Absolutely; this place has been a real help. And please, call me Blake.”

  Ashley couldn’t see, but she could practically hear Blake winking at Veronica as he said that last part.

  “Well, I’m glad to hear how much it’s helped…Blake.”

  “Only thing is, this is my last session. Guess I won’t be back unless I do something silly.”

  “Yes, well, I hope you don’t do anything silly, but we will miss you around here,” Veronica replied. “Certain people especially.”

  Ashley smiled, certain that Veronica was batting her eyelashes at the man as she spoke.

  “Well…” came Blake’s response. “I’m free this evening, if you fancy meeting up?”

  “Damn. I’m actually busy this evening.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “But, if you want to arrange for some other time, you could give me a call,” Veronica said.

  “I’d love that.”

  Ashley knew that Veronica must’ve been handing him her cell number. So that was why her assistant was being furtive; she had a thing for Blake and had been repressing it all this time. Knowing her as she did, Ashley knew this must’ve been agony, but company policy was to never get involved with clients. Upfront as Veronica was, she did take her professional duties seriously, but if they were coming to an end now, there was no reason to hold back, and she could date Blake Sanders all she wanted.

  Suppressing a smirk, Ashley then had to keep her fingers crossed that she could maintain a professional manner herself just as Blake was poised to enter the office. She had known Veronica thought Blake was cute, but that was hardly out of the ordinary whenever a young male client visited their premises. Although, her assistant had kept the true extent of her crush private until now, and it would be something to tease her about for a change.

  Doing her best to ignore the revelation, Ashley welcomed Blake into her office for their last session, some of which involved going over old ground but was largely for the purpose of establishing how well his injuries had healed.

  Blake was an ex-military ranger whose days in the army had left him with a number of posture and joint problems. He was lucky enough not to have been disabled by any of the action he had seen in Iraq, but being in close proximity to a number of explosions had rattled his frame a great deal. Even though he could still complete everyday activities, like walking and running, he had experienced a fair amount of pain, which his
time with Ashley had enabled him to reduce and feel more like his old self. Her job as a physio was to establish a set of daily exercises that, over time, would help clients to feel more mobile and comfortable in their own skin.

  Blake was very grateful for her help, insisting it was the best money he’d ever spent—but, more than that, he thought he might even have a new client for her as a result. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about a friend,” he said as the end of the session drew near.

  “Ask away.”

  “He’s a little proud, which isn’t unusual for ex-military men.”

  “He’s an army friend of yours then?”

  “That’s right, I mentioned way back I was seeing a physio and advised him to do the same. He was unsure about what it could do for him.”

  “Similar injuries to yours?”

  “No, it’s just his knee that needs looking at. That’s largely why I’ve been able to talk him into it—my injuries were worse than his and look at me now. He’s got no excuse whatsoever for not taking my advice anymore.”

  So Blake was an assertive friend, not unlike Veronica, Ashley thought. Seeing the two of them attempt to form a relationship would be interesting indeed. Either they would clash horrendously or become twice as powerful—it was hard to know which would occur.

  “I’d have no problem helping him with that,” she replied. “Ronnie can give you some appointment options and he can pick one if he’s keen.”

  “That’s great, I’ll let him know,” Blake replied, but then he pulled a face that Ashley thought was a bit odd. He’d always struck her as a very open and down-to-earth person; so why was he nodding as if contemplating something devilish?

  Maybe it was the thought of his joining forces with her assistant that made her suspicious, but she usually got to know her clients’ subtle reactions quite well, and there was something different about how he concluded their conversation on this occasion. Some people were awful at keeping secrets, but it didn’t stop them from being awful schemers. Either that, or there was something weird about this new client that Blake wasn’t telling her about.


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