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Taking Chances

Page 20

by Melange Books, LLC

  Shana put on a little black dress that hugged her body, and spiked heel black shoes. Added a necklace, earrings, bracelet, and she was ready. He’d said to wear something nice, so she assumed they were going somewhere fancy.

  Kal knocked at the door and let himself in. He had on a black suit. He looked so handsome it took her breath away.

  “Ready, Beautiful?” he asked.

  “I am,” she said and picked up her purse.

  In the car, Shana asked, “So, where are we going?”

  “Sutter’s Steak House.”

  “I’ve never been there,” she stated.

  “They have a fabulous reputation for great food and service. You’ll like it. They even have great desserts.”

  Kal pulled up to the door of Sutter’s Steak House and had the Vet valet parked. He walked around the car and took Shana’s hand as she got out of the car and they walked in.

  “Mr. Paxton, I have your table ready,” the hostess said.

  “Thank you.” Kal followed her into the dining room to a corner table.

  Shana was in awe of the ambiance of it all. The walls were lined with large oil paintings of the desert. Lights were low, and candlelight glowed from the tables. She felt like a princess in a fairy tale.

  After they shared glasses of wine and dinner, they ordered dessert. The conversation had been light during the meal, only about work and plans for Christmas.

  It was a perfect evening, she thought. The chocolate soufflé had been brought out directly from the oven to the table. It was warm, soft and melted in your mouth. Utterly delicious.

  “The food was unbelievably good, Kal,” Shana said. “It’s been a perfect evening, thank you.”

  “Shana, I want us to have many evenings like this one. And many evenings at home with Kalsha. I want us to watch her grow into a beautiful young woman, like you. We both took a crazy chance that night in Minneapolis almost three years ago. We were both looking for something that was missing in our lives. The way we went about it may not have been the best, but it got us to where we are today. I think we were still looking for some missing piece to our lives, nonetheless when we met again, there was just something about you drawing me in and even though I fought it at first, I knew I wanted you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted you to be my wife and Kalsha’s mother. Please take another chance on us.”

  Kal’s hand was actually shaking as it slid into his pocket to pull out the ring box. He got up, walked over to her side of the table, bent down on one knee, looked up into her sparkling amber eyes and said, “Shana, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, for always?” He opened the box and held it out in front of her.

  “Yes,” Shana said, her voice breaking.

  Kal took the ring out and slid it on her outstretched finger. He then stood pulling her up to stand against him as his lips met her more than willing lips to seal it with a kiss. He heard clapping in the background but continued kissing his future bride.


  New Year’s Eve

  It had been a whirlwind few weeks planning a wedding for New Year’s Eve. Kal wanted to go to Vegas and get married; however she truly wanted the long white dress and a real church wedding. Sadie agreed with Shana and they set out at record speed to get everything put together in time.

  Sadie had finished helping Shana into her dress and veil. A beautiful ivory satin fitted dress with a flared bottom and adorned in sequins. Her hair was pulled up in an up-do with curls draping down in the back with the veil nestled snugly on top of the curls. It was time to take this once in a lifetime chance at happiness. She was going to do everything she could to make sure it was forever, too.

  Kalsha was wearing the little red velvet dress she’d bought for her at the Mall of America back when she was in Minneapolis and she looked like a little doll. Kalsha was excited to carry the basket of roses down the aisle. Of course that was if she actually walked all the way down the aisle and there wasn’t truly any hope she would drop roses along the way, still there was always a chance.

  The music started then Sadie prompted Kalsha to begin her walk, and off she went, smiling and dropping roses along the way as she made her way down the aisle to where her daddy waited.

  The music changed to the wedding march and Shana walked as slow as she could down the aisle to Kal and her daughter. It wasn’t easy to go slow because she was in a hurry to get to them. Sadie took Kalsha from Kal, and Kal took Shana’s hand as they walked over to where the pastor stood waiting.

  The service was short with only a few friends and family joining them. Before she knew it, she was walking back down the aisle on Kal’s arm as Mrs. Kal Paxton.

  They stopped in the doorway to the outside garden for a photo and Kal took this opportunity to kiss his bride again.

  “I love you. Thanks, for taking a chance again,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I love you, Kal,” Shana whispered back. After a few pictures, Kal and Shana walked out to the garden patio where their friends, family and Kalsha were waiting to greet them.

  Shana and Kal’s journey had come full circle. With God’s help, they were able to find each other again and open their hearts to take another chance on each other. They were now taking a chance on forever.


  About the Author

  Rose Marie Meuwissen, a first-generation Norwegian American born and raised in Minnesota, always tries to incorporate her Norwegian heritage into her writing. After receiving a BA in Marketing from Concordia University, a Masters in Creative Writing from Hamline University soon followed. Minnesota is still where she calls home.

  She has been a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) since 1995 and has attended multiple RWA National Conferences and Romantic Times Conventions. In 2012, she became co-founder of Romancing the Lakes of Minnesota, a local RWA Chapter in Minnesota.

  She has traveled around the world, including Scandinavia, but still has many places to see, enjoys attending Scandinavian events, writing conferences and is usually busy writing Contemporary and Viking Time Travel Romances, Motorcycle Rally Screenplays, Nordic Cozy Murder Mysteries, WWII Nazi Occupation of Norway Historical fiction and Norwegian Traditions Children’s Books.

  Visit her online:

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