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Atlantis Vortex

Page 15

by Sheila N. Eskew

  Marcus was not careful of the company he kept. Xerxes’ agents presented him with pictures of Marcus in the company of several known upper-world terrorists from the Middle East the last time he was out of Atlantis. These people worried Xerxes the most. They had no morals or scruples. If Marcus had dealings with these people, Xerxes could only guess what he might have planned. Marcus was desperate, Xerxes knew, but until he committed a crime prosecutable under Atlantian law, he could do little. Xerxes knew he was into something much worse than a few unapproved trips to the surface and spending the evening with Middle Eastern agents wasn’t a crime. Xerxes had to catch him at the worse crime to prove treason and bring him to justice. Unfortunately, Xerxes had not known about these people when he had confronted Marcus on his last upper-world visit. Had he known he would have revoked his Council standing, thereby making leaving Atlantis almost impossible. If he could keep Marcus in Atlantis, he was far less dangerous.

  Xerxes suspected Marcus’ main goal was to obtain control of the archeological artifacts from the dig and to make it appear he had left Atlantis open to exposure. Xerxes would have to be very careful in retrieving the artifacts Jessica unearthed to prevent this. If Marcus could foil his attempt at retrieving the artifacts, Xerxes possibly would appear to have left Atlantis open to exposure. If that happened Marcus might be able to gain control of Atlantis and he would definitely order Bruce and Jessica’s deaths. This brought to mind Jessica was at risk from another more direct and primitive source. Xerxes was thankful Pericles was where he could be to watch after Jessica.

  Pericles hands were full, fortunately his duties as a Marine included securing the dig and Jessica’s security. He also was monitoring a radical group of pagan worshipers of an ancient Aztec god that believed Jessica was their god’s choice as his sacrifice to be reborn as his Princess Priestess. These pagans would attempt to sacrifice her if they could. This complicated the situation even further. Xerxes reviewed all these facts, preparing himself to handle any other possible problems.

  Idly, Xerxes picked up the weather report issued by the United States National Weather Bureau - his scientists were doing their job. Igraine should pass right over Jessica’s dig. He smiled, remembering how lovely she had looked the evening he visited her at the dig site. Jessica’s long dark red hair flowing down her back as she looked up at him, the perplexity of almost remembering him reflected in her warm brown eyes. He wondered if she would ever forgive him after she learned the truth that it he that had ordered the collapse of her dig. He kept thinking how exquisite it would be to face her wrath knowing she was totally in his power. A devilish smile lit his sensuous lips.

  Chapter Ten

  Suddenly, Marcus’ demands to terminate the archaeologists that found the western entrance to Atlantis ceased. Marcus became uncharacteristically quiet in Council meetings. Two meetings went by and Marcus said nothing at all. His sudden silence caused Xerxes suspicions to become even more acute. Watchers assigned to Marcus reported he went to his office and did not leave until late into the night.

  Marcus’ secretary approached Lord Xerxes for a change in assignments. She reported hearing Marcus laughing to himself in a loud manner and moments later shouting in anger. Frantically, the woman explained there was no one in the room but Councilman Marcus. Xerxes granted the distraught woman a vacation, promising a change when she returned from Pacifica.

  Clearly, Marcus had gone over the edge, but he continued to conduct himself normally in public and the watchers could report no committed crimes serious enough to arrest him. Xerxes was in a delicate situation. While under investigation, Xerxes learned Marcus has been out of the City more than the two times he knew about, but again he required proof. The situation made Xerxes yearn for the days when the position of High Lord was almost a despot ruler title and unbound by the Laws of State he was now.

  Unknown to Marcus, the two Vortex Controllers who allowed him to leave without clearance cooperated with Atlantian authorities and turned him in for leaving the City. Both accepted bribes for their part in clearing Marcus through the security of the Vortex Grid and the penalty was a brief period of imprisonment. Xerxes offered them leniency in exchange for their sworn testimony against Marcus when the time came. Both were more than willing to do as asked, relieved they would still be able to call Atlantis home and avoid the brief imprisonment.

  Xerxes kept the proceedings quiet. He didn’t want Marcus to know his plans were suspect, to the point of allowing the two guilty Controllers to stay at their posts when Marcus was around so he would not suspect anything. Atlantis’ Security Councilors monitored both at their posts. Xerxes knew Marcus was up to a greater crime and wanted to trap him at that crime and remove him from the picture permanently.


  Marcus was determined to become the ruler of Atlantis and he sat contemplating his dilemma on his terrace at home. He was ambitious and always had been. He knew he would be a better High Lord than the young love-struck Xerxes. Marcus felt he would have been a better ruler than Xerxes father Andros was too. Andros wasn’t an Atlantian, only the consort of Astraea, the daughter of the old High Lord. Marcus never had understood why a Prince from another City married the High Lord’s daughter and ruled, over an aristocrat from Atlantis. Secretly, Marcus tried to start an insurrection after Astraea’s death while Andros was in Pacifica. Marcus sulked for months after that failure. He remembered Andros bringing home his second wife, the mother of the current ruler of Pacifica, Ainu. Marcus still nursed a silent rage because no one of Atlantian heritage ruled Pacifica. It angered him further that half of the Atlantian inheritance, Pacifica, now called Lord Ainu their High Lord, he who did not have one drop of Atlantian blood. Lord Ainu wasn’t in any way an Atlantian, it didn’t matter to Marcus that Ainu was part Royal Hawaiian and in an ironic manner deserved to rule Pacifica more than an Atlantian.

  Originally, Marcus’ plan was to discredit Xerxes by making him appear to expose Atlantis to the United States Government for his own gain. A simple plan, or so he thought, to turn over certain items to his upper-world contact and make it appear Xerxes was the perpetrator. Marcus didn’t realize it would not have worked. Now a new opportunity presented what he thought was a better plan, but he needed control of the dig, or at least the artifacts.

  Jessica Carter, an archaeologist, recognized the ancient Pyramid and begun to excavate the site. This presented Marcus with an excellent opportunity to discredit Xerxes. Xerxes was acting like a love-struck pup and it maddened Marcus that the rest of the Atlantian Council refused to see it. They all stood firmly behind their young High Lord. He was incensed that he could not gain support for his cause forcing him to use his upper-world contact, Anthony Sutherland, and he hoped to acquire control of the artifacts that she had unearthed. This way he could expose the existence of the City and blame the exposure on Xerxes failure to eliminate her before she could unearth the artifacts, instead of marrying her to secure the City.

  He would sway the Council to his way of thinking and he would gain control. Marcus did not realize how difficult this would be, his logic had become so flawed. The Council of Atlantis fully supported Xerxes, they liked and respected their young ruler who had made life in Atlantis more modern and contemporary to that of the upper-world. It would take more than his hysterical claims of poor security to sway them from supporting Xerxes.

  Now it looked as if that plan might not work, since the upper-world Military had taken over Marcus’ information and his source had dried up. Anthony Sutherland, Marcus’ source, who believed him to be a South American College professor, no longer was privy to what was going on at the dig. Now Marcus must use some of the wealth he had amassed by selling off selected artifacts from Atlantis’ extensive collection to develop new contacts and a new plan.

  On his last secret trip to the upper-world, Marcus formed new contacts with a couple of men from the Middle East. They were men who hated the United States and when Marcus told them he could get information on a secret underwater
Navy Base, they were eagerly interested. Of course, he didn’t have that information and presented them with fake documents confirming he worked for the United States Government to prove he was authentic. With Atlantian resources, Marcus could easily fake documents. However, when he gave these men the information he did have and they discovered Atlantis, they would be just as happy. These men would also discredit Xerxes, because the High Lord would be linked with terrorists, and that would put him even a worse situation than his association with his lady archaeologist. What a valuable piece of information the location of Atlantis would be to use for their type of business and Marcus would have one more item his new plan encompassed. Marcus failed to realize the Atlantian Military would easily defeat any force the terrorists would bring against them nor did he care - he would be gone. He planned to steal the Vortex Stones. Only two of them, with the two stones gone, Atlantis’ cover grid destroyed, Atlantis would be detectable. When these men exposed Atlantis, he would sell the stones and live in the upper-world as a very rich and comfortable man.

  Marcus failed to understand how ruthless these men were, or how efficient the security forces of the U.S. government had become. They already knew about Marcus from his first contact with the terrorists. The security agencies had his picture but as of yet no name to go with it. He would probably be in jail, not living a comfortable life as he planned.

  “Marcus!â€� His wife interrupted his thoughts.

  “What is it, Helena?â€� He snapped at her.

  “Where is your mind, I’ve called you twice to the table?â€� Marcus looked at her distastefully, failing to see the frantic concern on her face for him because of his sullen behavior.

  “Leave me be woman! I have other more important matters on my mind than your cooking.â€� He rose from his reverie.

  “Anke, Nuba,â€� he addressed his nephews who had joined them for dinner. “So you have come to serve in the Atlantian Military?â€� he was glad to see his two nephews, he could use them in his plans.

  “Yes Uncle, we are to report in two weeks to serve Lord Xerxes.â€�

  “What an honor,â€� Marcus said sarcastically.

  “We feel it is.â€� They both ignored his tone, exchanging glances with each other. They were from Pacifica, the sons of Marcus’ younger brother Nicholas, who everyone called Nick. They joined Atlantis’ Military because Pacifica’s military was full. It really didn’t matter which one they served. Pacifica and Atlantis’ Military units served together. Anke had, when he was younger, attended classes with Xerxes and skipped school with the young Prince once. Both were equally punished for their truancy.

  “Perhaps by then Atlantis will be ruled by another more fitting ruler,â€� Marcus commented.

  “Uncle! Who could possibly be more suitable than Lord Xerxes could? He is an honorable and fair Lord. He was born to be our sovereign.â€�

  “Being born to do a job does not mean you are fit to do it,â€� Marcus informed them.

  “Uncle, this talk seems close to treason. Please, let’s discuss something else.â€� The two looked embarrassed. Dinner was finished in silence.

  While they ate, Marcus’ plan began to formulate in his mind. Xerxes’ sister, Alena, would soon wed one of Xerxes’ Commanders, a man named Pericles. Currently Pericles was the agent serving in the upper-world in the Military on the archaeological dig where the entrance to Atlantis was. While the guests from the celebration were leaving, the security grid for Atlantis would open periodically, at scheduled intervals to allow the guests to leave. If he could not make his first plan work, Marcus would make his move when the last of these guests left. With these thoughts in mind, his mood suddenly changed and he became very jovial.

  “You boys come and visit again in a day or two.â€� Marcus told them before they left for their assigned quarters near the Military Training Facility. “I may have a little job you can help me with for the Archaeological Department before you start your service in the Military.â€�

  “Of course, Uncle, if we can help we would be happy too,â€� Anke said, looking to his brother.

  “Certainly, Uncle Marcus, as long as your job will not interfere with our Military training duties for Atlantis, we will be available.â€� Nuba agreed.

  “Oh this little project should be well completed before that,â€� Marcus said with a sly smile. “You might get to see the upper-world State of Florida.â€�

  “You could get permission for us to go to the upper-world?â€� Anke asked, a bit excited.

  “Of course,â€� Marcus smiled with the confidence of overblown arrogance.

  “Great!â€� His two nephews left, talking excitedly between themselves.

  “Marcus, why are you lying to the boys?â€� Helena asked after they had gone.

  “Leave me alone, Helena, I have a big project working.â€� Marcus went to bed, mumbling to himself, his voice too low for her to hear what he was saying.

  Helena was more worried than before, Marcus was brewing another scheme, and the last one came close to getting him thrown off the Council. She fretted this one would get them both removed from Atlantis. She worried, how would they ever survive in the upper-world? She too went to bed, in her own room, an anxiety-ridden frown on her face. Helena had few friends in Atlantis, as most of her family lived in Pacifica. She tossed and turned most of the night, and considered going to the High Lord with her fears, but that would make her an untrusting wife.

  Helena had known Xerxes’ stepmother, LaLoni. LaLoni had loved Alena and Xerxes as her own son, Ainu, the High Lord of Pacifica. Xerxes would see her, Helena knew if she asked for an appointment. She couldn’t do it. Had Marcus been a more observant man, he would have known his wife was not sleeping well from the deep circles under her eyes, but he cared only for his own schemes. Helena spent another day of worry about her husband.

  As was her habit, she went for a midday swim and happened to pass Xerxes on her way. He stopped her, much to her chagrin, and spoke to her in a friendly manner as he would to any of the spouses of his Council members.

  Hello Helena, how are you?â€� Xerxes asked with a polite smile.

  “Ah, fine, Lord Xerxes,â€� she stammered, uneasy in his presence knowing her husband’s feelings about their ruler.

  “Helena, you seem tired, perhaps you should see a physician.â€� Xerxes’ concern was genuine. “I know,â€� he paused, not wanting to pry too deeply into her private life, “things have been difficult for you recently.â€�

  “I, ah,â€� Helena found she could not look away from Xerxes’ eyes, “have not been sleeping well.â€� He knows, she thought, that Marcus is up to something.

  “Helena, you were one of my mother’s best friends, I hope you know you can come to me if you have any problems. I would keep them in the strictest confidence.” Xerxes contained an urge to touch her shoulder gently in a supportive gesture; she looked so fragile. “I hope your family in Pacifica is well. Should you need to visit with any of them, I would be glad to make any type of arrangement you would need.â€�

  “Thank you, Lord Xerxes for your concern, they are all fine. However my mother is getting older and I do worry about her,â€� Helena said with a grateful smile. “I may take you up on that offer.â€� Was he being polite, or was he sincere, she wondered. I could go to Pacifica and leave Marcus for a time at least.

  “I will tell my aid Geb to arrange anything you need. You only need to contact him.â€� Xerxes gave in to the urge, gave her a little hug, and watched her walk toward the beach.

  Xerxes remembered her fondly from his childhood. She had always given him, Alena and Ainu little presents whenever she had visited. He felt sorry for her. Marcus was a difficult man to live with, he wondered why they never had children of their own.

  His watchers found no evidence of Helena bei
ng involved in Marcus’ schemes. It might be a good idea to get her away from him before he could involve her. Xerxes hoped she would go to Pacifica before matters became more difficult.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jessica rose early. When she reached the dig area, the Marines and construction crews were already fortifying the dykes around the dig, trying to save what was left of the collapsed Pyramid from the approaching Hurricane. Gingerly, Jessica walked to the edge of the pit where the Pyramid was and stared down in to the abyss of muck. She felt a firm hand on her arm.

  “Pardon me, Ms. Carter,â€� it was Lieutenant Merk, one of Captain Curtis’ Marines, “Ma’am, this isn’t a safe place, please come away from the edge.â€�

  “Of course, Lieutenant, sorry.â€� She knew it wasn’t safe, but it had been her first big effort and she hated to see it gone. Guilty, she turned away and saw Captain Curtis staring at her with a relieved look on his face.

  “Ms. Carter, you look like you didn’t sleep too well last night,â€� Captain Curtis commented.

  “You got that right, Captain,â€� she sighed. “I don’t think I am cut out to drink.â€�

  “You only drank two beers, ma’am,â€� Captain Curtis laughed.

  “I know. Does that make me a wimp?â€� Jessica questioned the tough Marine, feeling like a novice recruit.


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